Chapter 16

The Dark Castle

"You shouldn't be in here, Henry," Rumplestilskin's voice was certainly threatening, but without the bite that the younger man remembered.

He didn't bother turning to face his grandfather, "Neither should she," he said pointedly.

Henry heard Rumple scoff, "Let's go downstairs, we have much to discuss. Especially how you happened to find this castle."

"You don't have to go anywhere with him, Henry," Elizabeth said quietly. A surge of pride ran through him at her words. How even through all the torture and poor care his sister had not lost her strength.

He gave Elizabeth a wink and knelt down to hold her close for one last embrace, whispering in her ear.

As he pulled away, Henry searched her face to see if she understood. And the determination in her eyes, which never ceased to remind him of Killian, told him she heard him and understood.

Henry stood up and faced his grandfather for the first time. Rumplestilskin looked the same as he had when the Dark One had shown up in his mother's bedchamber the night Elizabeth had been kidnapped. He was in full Dark One mode, with sparkling crocodile skin and yellow eyes. His clothes were battered and worn.

"After you," Henry said quietly, meeting the amber gaze, and followed the Dark One out of the room, reluctantly closing the door behind him with one last wink to his sister.

The pair walked silently down the spiral stairs until they were in a room familiar to Henry only through drawings. It was exactly as his storybook had shown through the tales of Belle and Rumplestilskin, the beauty and her beast. However, without Belle's tedious care (which Henry decided to himself likely was out of boredom more than anything else), the castle was disheveled at best. The long burgundy curtains were dusty and drawn while the long table held centuries' worth of scratches and damage from the Dark One's rampages. The only item in the room that didn't hold an inch of dust was a spinning wheel in the center, a pile of plain straw on one side and golden string on another.

"I see you're back to your old hobby," Henry commented, pointing at the pile of gold, "That alone could feed an entire village for a few months."

"A small one perhaps," Rumple commented, "but you know what they say about teaching a man to fish…" He pulled out a chair next to the head of the grand table and motioned for his grandson to take a seat, which Henry did, gingerly.

The younger man looked around, "Where's Gideon gone off to, he knew I was here."

"I sent him off on an errand," Rumple said casually, as if they were just having a normal conversation, "I thought you and I could talk one on one.

Henry rolled his eyes, of course Gideon would obey his father's wishes. He was certainly Rumple's son in that regard, always knowing how to keep himself out of harms way or trouble. Despite his misgivings, he finally sat in the offered chair. Rumple slunk into the one next to him, eyes searching.

The Dark One felt different this time, Henry noticed, than before. He had known Mr. Gold his entire life, but his mom (Regina) had warned him against talking to the old pawnshop owner more than necessary. Gold had always seemed diabolical with or without magic. Even on the fateful day when Henry and Emma went to New York, and found out Gold was in fact his grandfather, their relationship never really changed much. There were instances where Rumple had claimed to be acting in Henry's best interest, but all those times seemed to fall short of being truly selfless acts. Gold was never warm, never felt like a grandfather in the way that Charming always had. Gramps was a confidante, a support, and the father figure Henry had never had before.

But this man in front of him had now crossed a line.

Henry could hardly look Rumple in the eye, "You know," he said quietly, "since the day I discovered you were my grandfather, I always strove to forgive you for all the things you had done."

He looked up and saw… something in Rumple's eyes. It wasn't regret, not quite, but perhaps understanding. When his grandfather didn't seem to have a response, he continued.

"My mom kept from me the whole incident with the sorcerer's hat," Henry could feel his voice quavering with anger as he recalled it, "But I heard Hook talking to my grandparents about it in the loft, they thought I was asleep. He told Mary Margaret about how you took his heart and made him suck the fairies in the hat so that you could crush his heart into it. I heard that hardened pirate, who I up to that point had not trusted with my mom, talk about how his heart broke because you had frozen my mom in front of him. All he could think was that Mom was going to have to watch him die, just as he watched his first love die right in front of him the exact same way. But even then, after a time, I forgave you, because I thought you had changed. I looked away after my mom became the Dark One for you. After you made my mother's sacrifice of running through her true love meaningless for the sake of your power. After you took the Dark Fairy's side in the final battle and only turned it around when Gideon's life was in danger. After all of that… I had this faith in my heart that one day you would redeem yourself, that one day a selfless act of love would show itself, and you would eventually make the right choice."

Rumplestilskin's eyes were hard as they stared at Henry, as though he was trying to fortify himself against the truth of the younger man's words.

Finally, the Dark One spoke, "What changed?"

Sudden anger enveloped Henry's face, "The day you threatened our entire family for the sake of your own. Your plan that you put together with Zelena was cruel. And that you were so set on the plan, that you were willing to kill for it."

Rumple rolled his eyes, "As if the puppet was so innocent…"

Henry grew more incensed, "August may not have been perfect, but he was a person. And you killed him. And why? Because you blamed my family for Belle's death? Belle died in an accident, it was no one's fault…"

"They did nothing!" Rumple slammed his fist on the table forcefully, making Henry jump. Everything in the room shook and even just outside he heard the crash of something likely falling off a table.

Rumple stood and walked over to Henry who also stood, using his height to his advantage. But height hardly mattered to the immortal Dark One with hundreds of years of experience in intimidation.

"There were plenty of opportunities for your family to heal Belle," Rumple growled, "and after only one go, they gave up."

Henry shook his head in sympathy, replying softly "There was nothing else they could do, she was brain dead…"

"Oh but the moment the dear savior was just as close to death, they somehow discovered the one thing that would have helped her."

Henry's heart stopped. He stood, shocked, for a moment. "So...that's what this is about?" he whispered.

Rumple stared at him, triumphant, "I have waited for years for that girl's magic to finally mature so that one day, I can go back and restore my happy ending."

His grandson tried to process what he was saying. "You think the Solcura flower… you think that would have prevented Belle from…"

"Its power is to cure any ailment that has brought someone to the brink of certain death," Rumple argued, "I am certain it will bring back Belle. I just have to go back to when the last flower was used and find it before you can take it."

"So that my mother can die?" Henry demanded, "So my sister can…" he stopped and looked up, heartbroken, "You're going to use Elizabeth's power to take you back in time, so that she can die before she is born?"

"The girl's blood is that of two people who have previously gone back in time," Rumple reasoned, "I've spent my time in this solitary studying blood magic. She will be able to use the Godmother wand to replicate the magic, without the mess of using any newborns."

"Does Gideon know this plan?" Henry asked quietly, "Does he know what will happen to Elizabeth?"

Rumple shrugged, "He knows… most of it. He thinks he can convince the girl to follow along with the plan. Although," he feigned concern, "I may have left out the part about preventing the girl's birth, and changing history so she will never exist, in the rundown of the plan. Ah well, details."

He stood triumphant as he thoroughly enjoyed Henry's ire and disbelief.

"You know I can't let you do this, Grandpa," Henry warned.

Rumple laughed, "Oh Henry, what makes you think you could stop me?"

Charming Castle

As terrifying as everything was, as empty as Emma felt knowing both her children were somewhere she could not protect them, Emma had to admit to herself she felt much more at ease now Killian was home.

They spent the day together just walking the grounds, avoiding the rose garden, talking, reminiscing.

Both she and Killian had been furious to learn that Henry had gone on his own to confront his grandfather. But there was nothing they could do, as Killian frustratingly reminded her so frequently.

It had been over a week since Astrid and Lucy had arrived at the castle, and they were becoming restless from the lack of news. Emma spent all her time researching the Dark One and trying to find ways to defeat him, without becoming one again, when she wasn't handling her royal duties. Thankfully, now that her father was cleared by his physicians, her parents had resumed their daily routine as sovereigns, to Emma's great relief.

But having Killian at her side again eased her pain, eased her worries. His crooked smile and expressive facial features made her heart flutter as it reminded her of their daughter. She began to hope, maybe Henry would be successful, maybe there was a way out of this.

Elizabeth was the subject of their conversation as they walked back to their room from one of their regular afternoon strolls.

"Remember when she was a little girl, younger than Lucy, and she decided she wanted to be a mermaid?" Emma laughed at the memory, "It was after she met Ariel at a ball and told you it was the best way to be connected to the sea."

Killian grinned, "Aye, I wanted to tell her all about the beasts mermaids are and you told me to hold my tongue. Quite forcefully if I remember correct." He put his arm around her and gave a quick kiss to the top of her head. It was so comforting, so peaceful.

A scream down the hall woke them both from their pleasant moment.

"Mommy!" a terrified young voice echoed through the hallway, "Somebody help, please!"

The pair looked at each other in shock and concern, recognizing the voice, "Lucy!"

They ran to the quarters that had been designated for Henry's family when they stayed at the castle. It was a cozy three bedroom suite next to the larger apartments occupied by Emma, Killian, and Elizabeth when they were in residence. As they got closer, they saw the door was ajar and took in the scene as they entered the small living room.

Their granddaughter was on her knees in the center of the room next to her mother who was prone on the ground, clutching her chest. Astrid was gasping in pain, but Emma could see she was trying to hold it in to keep from scaring her little girl any more.

"Gramma, Granddad, help!" Lucy cried when she saw them, tears streaming down her little face.

The couple immediately sprung into action. Killian grabbed Lucy as quick as he could and held on tight as she sobbed. He cradled her head as he held her close, whispering in her ear "Look away darling, it's going to be alright, don't look."

Emma went straight to Astrid's side and asked, "What happened, what can I do?"

Astrid took a deep breath, grimacing, and tried up, "It's nothing," she sounded like she was still fighting the pain. But she kept glancing where Killian was standing, holding her daughter. She turned to look Emma in the eye, "It's not me."

Both got her meaning immediately, and Emma's heart sunk with the realization of what Astrid meant. It was her heart, a heart connected to the pain of her true love. Henry was in trouble.

In a second, she could feel old habits taking over. Without a word, Emma ran.

"Emma!" She could hear Killian calling for her as she fled, but she knew with Lucy in his arms he could not follow.

Her mind was racing as quick as her heart. She didn't know where her legs were taking her until she reached her destination. A beautiful and, as of the last few weeks, untouched room. A grand four poster bed graced the center of the room, covers still well made. The room was littered with clothes on the floor, was she not constantly telling her to clean up after herself? A hairbrush and selection of ribbons still lay at the vanity as if their owner had just picked them up. Tears silently crawling down her face, Emma delicately sat near the head and grabbed the toy cat that, despite her age, Elizabeth kept on her bed at all times.

She had been kidding herself the past few weeks, acting like she was so strong. But now she feared that strength was gone. Both her children were now in danger. Emma herself knew the pain that comes with a true love connection, both she and Killian had each experienced it a few times. Her parents had it worst because they shared a heart.

For what felt like hours passed Emma sat there, staring at the stuffed cat. Marie is what two year old Elizabeth named it. It was no longer soft and adorable as it was the day Henry brought it for his little sister from an expedition abroad, but now worn and rather ugly looking. But it meant so much to her little girl, comforting her through her many bouts of nightmares throughout her childhood and attending many adventures at her side.

"Emma?" Killian's voice was soft, as if he didn't want to frighten her.

She didn't look up, "I can't believe my sixteen year old still sleeps with this thing…" she stopped, looking up at her husband and he saw her eyes were red and full of tears.

"How," she whimpered. "how is she supposed to get through her nightmares without this stupid stuffed cat?"

As she let her body give into the sobs, Killian took her into his arms and held on.

"Both of them," she whispered, "he has both of my babies."

"Henry can take care of himself, love," he murmured in her ear, "he's been in worse scrapes than this."

"Enough for Astrid's heart to react?" Emma countered. "Do you remember what's caused that for you?"

He did. Both times. And both times had resulted in him grasping with the reality that he could very well lose her. They were equally the worst days of his life. Charming told him once that he had felt it when Snow had bitten the apple that put her under the original sleeping curse.

Killian sighed, "What does your mother always say?"

Emma closed her eyes, refusing, but he persisted, "What does your mother say in these times when all you can think is what is going wrong."

She took a deep breath, "We have to have hope."

He lightly caressed her face, leaning his forehead to hers so that they supported each other.

"You nearly died in my arms, and took her with you," he whispered, "your father survived being run through. We've both been Dark Ones and are here, breathing. Good always wins."

She took a deep breath, taking in his familiar scent of leather and rum. He hardly drank anymore, but the smell of spices had never left seemed to leave him.

"I just wish there was a way we could…" she suddenly stopped as her mind raced. What she had meant to say was she wished there was a way to find them and it was as if someone had unlocked her memory. An arduous journey she had taken so many years before flooded back to her.

"Emma?" Killian stared, sounding worried, "Say something."

To his surprise, she broke out in a smile, "I remember…"

He raised his eyebrow in that very Killian fashion, "Remember…?"

Despite everything, she found herself almost laughing, "Do you remember when we went back in time, and went through that debacle with my parents? Where was the first place we went for help?"

She watched carefully as he rolled his eyes, "We went to the Crocodile's nest to…" then he stopped as well and her smile returned.

"The castle…" he said slowly, "I…"

"Me too," she said, "somehow his cloaking spell must have been disrupted."

"But that means…" Killian said.

"Yeah," Emma said taking him in a passionate kiss. She could feel the true love between them fueling the new found hope that had now taken residence in her soul. The Savior could feel her light magic beginning to hum beneath her skin.

He was right, good always wins. She triumphantly declared, "Let's go get them back!"

Yes! They remember the path to the Dark Castle! But why? And what will happen when they reach the Crocodile's lair?

Thank you again for reading! DMs and reviews are much appreciated!