(A/N) I decided to bring this story back, but this time, it's a bit different. As I've made lots of versions of this story, only one getting published, I decided to combine some versions of this story together. Planning has actually gotten into this version, and from my plans, and this chapter, it's much better.

Now, to clarify, it may say that it's a Resident Evil and Silent Hill crossover, but other series' will also be starring in it. As it's a combination of versions I've done in the past, it has Final Fantasy IX and Metal Gear Solid in it as well (don't ask about the odd combination). Just it's characters though, it's set in the RE and SH universe, hence why they were placed as the main series'. So, elements from those series', mostly Resident Evil will be getting used. For example, if you've played FFIX, you don't have to worry about life itself becoming the main plot point, or if you've played Metal Gear Solid, you don't have to worry about Metal Gears and nanomacines becoming the main plot point.

Just to warn, this chapter has 3 OCs in it. I really HATE them, but they were just used to add life to the universe, I guess. They're not crucial to the plot, so don't worry.

I think this author's note has gone on long enough. So...

No flames please, if you hate it, keep it to yourself. However, if you think it could be better, recommend improvements, as well as what was good and what was bad.

Disclaimer: I do not own these franchises, or their characters. Resident Evil belongs to CAPCOM, Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid belong to KONAMI and Final Fantasy belongs to SQUARE ENIX.

Man, it feel weird to put this again.


Chapter 1: The Mall

It was a rather pleasant day; the sky was a clear blue, not a single cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining bright. The weather was warm, and there was a lovely summer breeze.

Unfortunately for Leon, he had to take Ashley, the President's daughter, to the mall to meet with her friends. They were going clothes shopping, while, probably, talking about boys and checking them out. That kind of trip wasn't the agent's cup of tea, but, as her body-guard, he had to go with her.

Since the incident in Spain, involving the Los Illuminados and parasites, Leon had to look after the President and his family, Ashley mostly. He even had to live in the White House. It was great, for the most part; he got the pleasure of living in the White House, a comfortable bed to sleep in, and the meals were delectable. However, there were also downsides to him living with the President's family, such as the fact that his room was next door to Ashley's, so he had to hear her giggling on the phone all evening, getting little sleep as a result; he also had to eat whenever Ashley ate, which wasn't too bad, and go wherever she wanted to go, which was rather unfavourable, hence why he was on this fabulous trip with her.

So far on their journey, no words were exchanged, it was silent; only the sound of the radio was preventing the drive being awkward. Leon wasn't as fond of the music as Ashley was, so he turned it off.

"Leon! I was listening to that!" Ashley shrieked, reaching for the radio's 'on' button.

"I wasn't," the agent said, flatly, gently swatting the girl's hand away from the radio.

"Oh, come on, Leon!"

"We're close to the mall now, so we don't even need it."


Huffing, Ashley sat back in her seat and folded her arms, looking ahead as she could see the mall slowly coming into view.

"Stop being childish," Leon sighed. "How long are we going to be there anyway? 15 to 30 minutes, or -"

"2 hours, 3 at most," the girl replied, unbuckling her seat-belt, as the car came to a halt in the mall's car park.

Knitting his brows together, Leon turned the key and took it out. Before he could even remove his own seat-belt, Ashley was already out of the car, standing outside as she waited for the blonde male to get out. Once he was out, they headed towards the mall entrance.

Upon reaching the automatic double-doors, the pair heard screeching behind them, followed by, "Ashley!"

Knowing what was to come next, Leon covered his ears. As if on cue, he heard another screech, followed by, "Girls!"

'This is going to be a long day.'

"Leon, get over here!"

Looking behind him, he saw Ashley and her group of friends, as to be expected. Who did he think it was? The President coming to save him? Nah...

He could still dream.

As he headed towards the group of girls, he heard one of them ask: "Who is he?" followed by two different voices, saying, "He's cute," and "Is he your boyfriend?"


"No, he's not my boyfriend," Ashley replied, with a slight blush. "He's my body-guard," she added, as if she was showing off the latest new toy that everyone wanted on the playground at school.

"You have a body-guard?!" One of her friends asked in awe, as she flipped her curly black hair over her shoulder.

"Who's good looking no less," added another one of her friends, as she placed a pink phone in her red handbag.

"I'm soo jelly, I want one," stated the third friend, as she started to clean her glasses.

Leon shuddered; this was starting to make him feel uncomfortable.

Noticing the agent stood beside her, with an expression that showed discomfort, she decided to introduce them.

"Leon," she started. "This is Bridget," she said, as she pointed to the girl with the curly black hair. "Alex," she pointed to the girl with the red handbag. "And Sasha," she pointed to the girl with glasses.

"OK, so now that the introductions are out of the way," started Bridget. "Can we start shopping now?"

"Totally! C'mon, Ash!" said Sasha, as the girls went through the door, with Leon, unwillingly, following.

The mall was busy, most likely due to the warm weather. It was filled with life, of course, why wouldn't it be? The place was a hot-spot, so it was busy most of the time, especially on Christmas time.

There were a wide variety of items there, such as clothes, jewellery, perfume, toys, video games, board games, and even more; heck, there was even a café, an ear-piercing studio and a tattoo shop.

The place was known as heaven to all ages.

Although there were all these nice places to look at, the girls were just going to shop for clothes, and clothes, and maybe shoes, too.

Firstly, they looked at some tops, which didn't appeal much to Leon. Ashley took a liking to a top that showed off her midriff and cleavage. The agent wasn't going to bother explaining to the President why his daughter chose that out of the plentiful amount of appropriate ones for sale. He'll let her explain. Then, they looked at some pants and skirts, which also didn't appeal much to Leon. Ashley took a liking to a pair of pants that came with a red belt.

Luckily, for Leon, the day was coming to a close and they were going to leave. His arms were starting to ache with all the bags he was carrying, so he was looking forward to putting the belongings in the boot of the car, then make his way home.

"Oh my god!" Alex screeched, causing Leon to promptly cover his ears, and drop the bags. "Look at those cute dresses!"

The other girls looked to where Alex was pointing in excitement. There were, in fact, dresses there, in a variety of different lengths, colours, sizes, and designs.

More screeching.

"They're on sale!" Ashley stated. "Leon, can we take a look?"

The agent didn't know what to say. The President said they had to be home by 4 o' clock, no later than that, and the time was 15:23. With the time it would take to put the shopping in the boot, drop Ashley's friends off home, and get themselves home, they would be back a little past 4 o' clock, which was a little late, but, maybe the President would let it slide. If checking out dresses was added to the list of things to do, they would be back way past 4, which would result in Leon's head being on a stick; President Graham's words exactly.

With those thoughts in mind, Leon told them, "I'm sorry, but we can't waste time looking at dresses. Your dad wants you home by 4. Maybe, we can look at them next time."

With pouts on their faces, the girls went anyway, with Ashley saying, "there won't be a next time, Leon, it's a sale."

'Why bother asking?' he thought, as he picked up the bags, and followed while glancing at his watch. 15:25

They were trying dresses on, and messing about, which was starting to get on the blonde's nerves. After what felt like forever, the agent glanced at his watch. 15:43

"OK, we have to go now. Buy whatever dress you like and let's go," Leon instructed.

As the other girls did as they were told, Ashley just stood there. Her arms were folded, and she looked annoyed.

"What?" Leon asked.

Just after he asked, the power went off in the whole mall, causing people to gasp. Ashley whimpered, as she started to inch behind a big, puffy wedding dress.

Removing his gun from its holster, Leon glanced around to see if there was anything out of place; such as suspicious people, or something dangerous that doesn't belong. He saw nothing, only the faces of worried people.

Maybe, he's just being paranoid. Maybe, it's just a power outage.

Suddenly, the smashing of glass was heard, followed by purple smoke engulfing the top floor. Civilians started to scream, as footsteps and gunshots rang out.

Running up the escalator, which now wasn't on, the agent saw innocent people collapsing on the floor, either due to the smoke, or having a bullet in their head. These horrific acts were being performed by men in black tactical gear and gas masks, and a lot of them.

'What the-! Why were they doing this? What do they have to gain from this?!'

Behind him, he heard a crash and more screams. Turning around, he saw that his question had been answered. One of the men had pulled Ashley from her hiding place, while she screamed and tried to punch her captor. Before Leon could act, he felt a barrel make contact with the back of his head, followed by darkness.


So, I hope you think the start is better than the first version I published, if you have read that version. If you hated the OCs, good, you're not meant to like them. The next chapter is where things kick off, so stay tuned. Improvements are appreciated, please tell me what I did right, wrong and how I can improve. If you would like, you could also favourite and follow this fic, as well as suggest ideas for future chapters. R&R and thanks for reading!