Rant: I'm ending this fic.. Because I'm finally tired of Fuji angst.. Especially without new episodes to help me.. ::Cries:: I think I'll rewrite this when I get the inspiration.. But, be warned.. Waff coming up, enough to rot your teeth!! ::Grins:: Be afraid, be very afraid. Oh, of course, Band recommendation!! Duel Jewel!! "Tsuki no Tawamure"!!! Waiii~~~!! Instant love~!!

Of, if you all are asking why this chapter took so long, it was because of tests. projects, finals, and breaking up with my boyfriend. ::Weeps:: Why can't men be more like the seigaku team members???

::Shrugs:: Oh well. I'm shamelessly promoting "Duel Jewel" Please enjoy the last chapter.

Chapter six

Saturday passed, though every minute of it felt like knives thrusting into his body.

But nevertheless, it was over. From the morning when he saw his sister off from the top of the stairs, hiding behind the bathroom door, to the greeting her back in the afternoon with a smile while cooking dinner; Fuji's heart sank deeper and deeper. He could still remember clearly the glassy look in Yumiko's eyes when she complemented Tezuka, talking of his charisma and politeness.

Fuji set the cake batter in the sink and opened the oven, feeling the heat wave greet him as his escaping strands of hair slightly curled. Somehow through the past three days, he gained his sister's habit of baking while depressed. It did relief stress with all the hitting and smashing.

Placing the vanilla cake mix in the oven and closing it with one hand, Fuji found that he gained the liking for cake in the past three days also; maybe it was because the cakes reminded him of himself and perhaps something better left unexplained.

Fuji shook him head with a sad chuckle. Who's ever heard of someone comparing himself to cake?

He pulled the oven glove off his hand, tossing it to the side and paced into the living room, then sunk into the chair with a sigh. He closed his eyes and replayed the image of his sister walking through the front door Saturday afternoon with a smile and a bunch of lilies in her arms. White one, tied with a red ribbon. She looked so. relieved.

Fuji knotted his eyebrows and shifted into a more comfortable position on the sofa.


A voice interrupted as Fuji opened his eyes and flashed a smile at his sister, looking down toward him. "Hai. Yumiko ne-san." He sat up straight and tilted his head slightly.

"Syusuke." She repeated his name with a sigh, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. "What's wrong?"

"Eh?" Fuji blinked.

"No excuses." Yumiko leaned closer, shaking her head. "Why are you so upset? You've been like this ever since Friday, and don't tell me you haven't. There are twelve cakes in the fridge right now and five on the table. What's upsetting you?"

Fuji opened his mouth in an attempt to reply, though words refused to come. He covered his mouth with a hand and coughed, tearing his eyes away from the burning gaze. He took a deep breath and composed himself, perhaps it was better if his sister knew. "Listen, Ne-san. I."

The doorbell rung.

Involuntary eyes shifted to the clocking hanging off the snow-white walls. Two o'clock on the dot.


Pushing himself off the sofa, Fuji rushed to the door. Taking the hold of the door knob, he opened the front door and was blinded by the sunlight. Fuji covered his eyes with one hand, blinked out the sun and squinted to see the blurred form of the person standing in the door frame. When his eyes finally adjusted to the sudden change, Tezuka greeted him with a nod.

Fuji found himself smiling, as if those three days in torment never existed as he stepped aside to make room. "Tezuka." He grinned. "Welcome to my humble home."

The taller man nodded once more, walked in, took off his shoes and stepped on the wooden floor. "Thank you for having me over." He spoke with a solemn face, bending his back slightly.

Fuji took in the image of the man before him and found his eyes on Tezuka's hand, lightly clutching on the strap of his guitar case that slumped over his shoulders. Tezuka had very nice hands; he decided unconsciously, the hands of an artist. "Acoustic guitar?" He questioned with a smile as he led his guest into the living room.

"Too much noise for the electric." Tezuka blinked. "This suits me better."

Fuji nodded as the two boys paced into the dining room, where Yumiko sat in one of the chairs surrounding the table. She was arranging the roses she got from Tezuka two days before. Well, maybe he didn't forget everything.

She looked up from their footsteps and threw Tezuka a smile, placing a flower in seemingly random position which he was sure it would turn out to look perfect in the very end. Perfect. Yes, that described Yumiko. After all, she was pretty and could be easily compared to the rose in her hand, considerate enough that no one in any schools he knew of even disliked her, so caring that everyone seemed to be her younger siblings, and compassionate that there were about five stray cats that came everyday just to pick up some food from their backyard.

She would never do anything wrong.

Fuji suddenly felt. less.

"Tezuka." Yumiko breathed, carefully turning the bud of a flower so not to prick her hands. "Welcome. Please make yourself at home."

Tezuka bowed deeply, his hands at his sides. "Of course, arigatou gozaimashita. I will be in Fuji's room. I am very sorry to disturb your day."

Yumiko smiled and tiled her head.

The silence that followed seemed deafening as Fuji swallowed down his uncertainty, he faked a smile to his sister as he tugged Tezuka's sleeve lightly, instructing him to follow once more.

The stairs creaked slightly under their weight as the two boys made their way to the second floor. Opening the door with one hand, Fuji stepped into his sanctuary, his room.

For the first time in his life, the prodigy found his room threatening as Tezuka closed the door with one hand and eyed the space before him. There was a lack of seats in his room. Fuji cursed under his breathe of forgetting to bring up a seat, then noticed his captain's face from the corner of his eyes.

"Ah. I'll go get a chair." Fuji beamed as he paced to the door.

"No need." Tezuka's voice interrupted his movements as Fuji's fingers touched the door knob. "I can just stand."

The shorter boy turned about, pressing his back against the door as a hand gripped the door knob, releasing some stress and embarrassment. He felt like hitting his head on something, preferably, hard. "No, please take the rocking chair." He gestured to the only chair in the room on the center of the rug that half covered his floor. "I'll." He looked about slowly, then bit his lips. "Take the bed."

"Sou." Tezuka answered and swung the guitar bag over his shoulders, placing it gently on the floor space before the rocking chair. Opening up the bag, he fished out the guitar and held it with both hands before sitting down. "Any requests?"

Fuji's eyes widened, the suddenness of the question caught him completely off guard; he at least expected some sort of conversation. "Anything's fine." Regaining his composure, he made his way to the bed and plopped himself onto the thick layers of sheets. He grinned. "You pick, Tezuka."

"Sure." Tezuka leaned forward in his seat as to get into a better position, resting the tip of his guitar on his legs, he begun to pick the strings.

The music was soothing, though it was filled with a sense of sadness. "Tsuki to Tawamure", Fuji recognized it immediately, it was a love song written by a new Indies group named "Duel Jewel".

Fuji studied the man before him.

Tezuka's eyes were closed as his head dropped that inch to face his guitar, his hair covering half of his face and his lips parted with each word as if he was memorizing the lyrics. Then that deep rich voice mesmerized the shorter boy as he sung, even if barely audible, the refrain.

Fuji closed his eyes and let himself drown in the deep richness that was Tezuka's voice, following the notes through the falsettos and the trails.

It was a song of hopelessness in love. It was a perfect song for him.

It ended too fast as Tezuka sung the last note of 'itsudemo', then slowly let his music fade. "Fuji." He said calmly as the last note disappeared from the air. "Is it a sin to fall in love with the same sex?"

Fuji's eyes snapped open as he spun his visage to face Tezuka, who already placed the guitar on the floor before him and rested his chin on crossed fingers, studying him behind his glasses.

A sin? Fuji choked as he tried to blink the shock out of his mind, twisted his gaze away from Tezuka and to his pillow. Was his love really a sin?

He was speechless.

Tezuka continued, standing up from his seat. "I talked to your sister yesterday, she was very nice."

Fuji's fingers found a nice place in between the folds of the sheets as he clutched the material tightly. "She is."

"And she took a liking of me." Tezuka stepped over his guitar and stood before Fuji with his arms by his side. "She said I was. very charming."

Fuji released his fists from the sheets and placed them in his lap, crossing the fingers to keep them from shaking.

"She completely agreed." Tezuka carried on with his conversation. "Fuji, she gave us her best wishes."

Fuji blinked.

A hand touched his left cheek, gently tilting his face and the next he knew was the tenderness Tezuka's lips against his.

A brief kiss.

Tezuka pulled away quickly, sliding his hand to Fuji's shoulder. His brows wrinkled as he spoke softly. "I'm so bad and undeserving that it makes you cry?"

Cry? Fuji lifted a hand to his face, feeling the dampness on his cheek as his visions blurred. The unbearable burden in his chest released, giving him the ability to breathe once more. He wanted to laugh, he wanted to wrap his arms about Tezuka's neck and hold him close, he wanted to tell him everything that he experienced and the stupidity of self-doubt. But he couldn't. All he could do was sitting there, with one hand on his face as the tears flowed freely, sobbing and chocking on air.

"Am I that bad?" Tezuka questioned, leaning closer.

The shorter man chocked, he could feel the temperate breathing of his captain against his cheek, but he couldn't find a way to say anything as he shook his head frantically.

Tezuka chuckled. "Then shouldn't you be smiling, baka?"

Fuji sobbed even harder as strong arms pulled him close, cradled him like a child. He could hear the heart beat, feel the warmth through thin clothing as Tezuka whispered. "There there, it's okay."


It was raining kisses as Tezuka bent to his eye level.

It was raining kisses until those soft lips found his once more.

He tasted of sweetness.

He tasted of sugar and cream.

He tasted like.


~FIN (Finally)