"Captain, one of the prisoners is asking for you"


Dammit what did they want anyway, it was there fault. If they fought they could try to get away with this they were wrong… They just will rot away in the brig where they belong, he was the captain after all.

Looking around he saw doc hanging from a chair deep a sleep. He had fallen asleep reading it seems from the book that was falling for his hands.

Grabbing his hat, he went to open the door. Gibbs was looking nervously down, he knew that the Captain never was to wake up at this hour, but this was important.

"What on the sea do they want from me at this hour?"

"They wane talk to you captain."

"Fine ye stay with Doc here and call me if something changes."

Gibbs nodded letting Barbossa pass him before entering the cabin and closing the door behind him.

Slowly walking down, the stairs to the brig. His mind was left behind with Elizabeth. He just hoped she would wake up soon. He took a deep breath before continuing his way to the brig. There they were still alive it seems, soaked to the skin and trembling.

"What do ye want?" he barked standing before the three men who looked like they had been attacked by animals.

One of them looked up and slowly stood up. He looked like end thirty, he was tall and broad but the most what caught Barbossa was his eyes they were light green.

His hands slowly grabbed the bars still trembling as he stood before him.

"You are the captain, right? We want to discuss things."

"I have nothing to see to ye basters"

"I believe you do pirate, mine name is Peter and I am an officer of the second rank and I demand you to let us go. We have done nothing wrong. She attacked us, we did nothing wrong to deserve this."

If he had been a volcano he would have exploded the whole area, he was furious. Grabbing his belt with shaking hands, a few meters to the right and he would have a hold of his pistol.

How dare this Peter person to say that it had been her fault like she had asked for this. Maybe he should just have shot him and be done with it. No, he needed them alive.

"Do you have any idea what you have done… She is our King…If I had told the other pirate lords you be dead already so I advise you to keep that muzzle close... or I will kill you me self-right here.

You started a war against us already. She is pirate lord of the Java sea and has more guts than you three together. So, I really advise you to think twice before saying anything stupid again."

Peter had taken a few steps back when Barbossa had exploded before him. He looked more scared now.

"I…. really did not meant to hurt her. We just had orders to find pirates… the Colonies has fallen and now we were to take pirates to prison. I did not know that she was a female."

If it was true what he was saying they were in danger. The Colonies had pay pirates to help them against the other colonies out there. Pirates had run the seas for more years so they had the advantage of knowing things that the colonies didn't. And a pirate will do most things for money.

He needed to talk to Elizabeth now.

Quickly turning around and running up the stairs he almost bumping Gibbs who was about to go down.

"She's awake" Gibbs told him before he could aks.