
Kip aka Dad was more than okay, through he had a few scrapes and cuts during his rage of instinct survival against Scroop. Amelia saw it all, but it'd rather be watered down since it was gruesome in the true account. Scroop was rather broken when he returned back to jail, this time, with stronger bars and smooth walls, while the other pirates was either taken back to jail or hanged after trials. Kip was glad and overwhelmed with his grandkids, Raksha and Adam, and he loved them from the first moment they laid eyes upon their grandpa. Sure enough, Jim asked Annie to marry him merely minutes after Kip came back inside, which was great for Annie's relief and happiness. Annie, of course, accepted the proposal quite emotionally.

Amelia and Kip was happy for them, and with a conversation that night, Kip got the courage to ask Amelia to marry him, so it was Jim and Annie's turn to be happy for them. They made it to Montressor quite smoothly in two months since the birth, and Sarah, Silver was angry yet so happy that they didn't care to yell at Jim or Amelia, as they were quite captured in awe by their new grand-kids, as Jim saw Silver as a father more than Leland Hawkins ever did.

A month after their arrival, it was finally time for Amelia and Kip to get married as Jim and Annie decided to wait until they're of older age, with the intention of having the kids a bit older to help along, plus Annie took a course from the Academy, which is for the mystic creatures that live in the whole galaxy of the Etherium, so she's remaining a trainee of Conservation Biology.

Amelia's gown was magnificent, and Kip was handsome in his suit. The gown is a feminine version of Amelia's uniform. From the straps to the hem is Navy blue, with the skirt being designed of very tiny gold buttons, and her beloved knee-high black boots below the gown. Kip's suit may not be royal, but it shows quality. A dark blue jacket over a silver vest, showing a light gold shirt under, and sharp white pants, and dark brown boots. Oh, the ceremony was wonderful, not too stuffy nor too casual.

A year later, the Etherium has welcomed a litter of triplets; one girl and two boys from Amelia and Kip. Their daughter, she is practically a clone to her mother, through she has Kip's grass green eyes. Taking a page from Annie, the parents named the girl, 'Ariel Penelope Stapley-Smollet'. Their first son is mixed from his folks' looks. He has his mother's teal green eyes, with his fur being a dark cream tan, and his father's light brown hair, along with his tail tuft the same color as well. His name is 'Josh Romeo Stapley-Smollet'. And for their final son, he looks more like his father in features and looks, but the slight difference is that he's almost albino white, luckily, his eyes are light brown. Amelia figures that it was a ancestor of her father's side that caused this gene to pop up in their son. Their son's name is 'Edmund Daniel Stapley-Smollet'.

They now live in a Tudor-style house that Kip had built with help from Benbow town villagers and some men from the Academy by courtesy of Amelia. By then Jim and Annie was older and able to get married, with a quickly growing Raksha who prefers to be called 'Sara' for short, and Adam to be able to help as ringer boy and flower girl.

Jim wore his Academy Graduation uniform from the movie, which in his older self was much handsome than ever. For Annie, she wore a silver cream gown, with accents of purple flowers around the skirt, and tan flats as she despised heels. The ceremony was more casual yet bigger thanks to the family's growing circles of friends and more.

It was no more than a year and a half later when the family grew just a bit bigger, with a new baby sibling for Sara and Adam to adore and protect. It was a daughter, and she took after her father in almost everything, except for that her hair which is black, received from her mother, and that she has feline-style sky blue eyes which is a shade paler than her father's eyes. Her name is 'Nora Raven Hawkins-Stapley'.

And for the real world back in the past of 2013, after the vanishing of the quartet's sightings, they were presumed dead after the jeep was bombed from the gun upon the Black Vipers' truck, and the bodies was thrown into the river, gone into the ocean far off, never seen again as the police or their African friends couldn't find them. They only hoped that the quartet found peace, and if they ever knew, they would have been right as in another universe, the quartet is actually having peace with their families and friends. And the story will become a myth in time, but for now, the quartet is living their lives quite happily ever after.