Okay in case if anyone was wondering I am NOT dropping Dragonborn returns Team SVGD. This is just an idea that has been going around my head after I read a crossover of Naruto and Skyrim where the Dragonborn was Minato's long lost Twin brother. This takes a couple elements from that. I do hope everyone likes this fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Skyrim or RWBY, they belong to Bethesda and Roosterteeth respectively.

Chapter 1: Journey to Akavir

Safiria Branwen was sitting in her hut in the middle of Skyrim with her husband Volgar. Volgar was a Nord with blue eyes, blonde hair that goes to his shoulders, and wearing his old imperial armor, for the Great War had just ended.

Safiria was a pure blood vampire, and a daughter of Coldharbour, wearing royal vampire armor, with long black hair and red eyes.

In her arms, were three newborn children, Qrow, Raven, and Hawke.

And she was deciding what to do, for she knew of Harkon and his obsession with the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy, and he would no doubt be coming for her.

Normally she wouldn't fear Harkon as she was formidable herself, but she was weaker after giving birth to triplets, and she would have to make sure they and her husband wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

And now that Skyrim along with the rest of the empire was licking their wounds from the Great War it would be the most opportune period of time for Harkon to strike.

So there was only one thing for Safiria to do.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Volgar.

"I am," said Safiria, "Ulfric has talked to a captain he trusted, I will take Qrow and Raven with me, that leaves Hawke for you," she then kissed Volgar goodbye, "I love you."

Safiria left Hawke in Volgar's hands cause she sensed that he would grow to be a powerful warrior someday.

She didn't tell her husband where she was going to better protect him, and Harkon would never think to look for her… in Akavir.

Safiria didn't know what to do, on the trip to Akavir, the ship was attacked by mysterious black creatures with bone like masks and Bone armor.

The ship then somehow ended up in the middle of a desert.

Her clothes were torn and she was burning from the sunlight.

At this rate it would take a miracle for her children to survive.

And miracle did come, ironically in the form of a tribe of bandits.

They saw ship land in the middle of the desert, and decided to loot it for valuables.

What they didn't expect to find was a pale demonic looking woman literally on fire.

"Please take care of my children," she said.

"What's in it for us?" asked the bandit who approached her.

"This ship is from a far off continent, it's bound to be full of rare items and artifacts, I don't know if anyone else survived, but I only care about the lives of my children, for am I not gonna live much longer anyway."

The bandit noticed this demonic looking woman was indeed turning to literal ashes, so he decided to ask one more thing, "What are their names?"

The woman just pulled photo out of her pocket and handed it to him right before she turned to ashes.

The bandit found the children and picked them up, perhaps they could be of use to the tribe he saw the photo the woman gave him and realized the children were named Qrow and Raven Branwen, although he would constantly wonder, what ever happened to the third child in the picture, Hawke.

*30 years later*

Hawke Branwen went through a lot. He lost his father to Harkon when he was 5 and just got his vengeance a few years ago, with the help of Serana and the Dawnguard.

He was currently wearing Nordic carved armor, only it was black and it had the Stormcloak emblem on it. He of course was more than willing to help his Godfather become High King of Skyrim.

He had long black hair and red eyes. He also had a black goatee.

He chose not to wear a helmet.

His weapons included his custom made Dwemer Gunblade, his enhanced Dwemer Crossbrow, and Auriel's bow. As well as all his special bolts and arrows. And of course there was the legenderay Weapon Hjalti's Hammer.

He had joined the Dark brotherhood and Thieves guild as well as the Companions and College of Winterhold.

He had defeated Alduin the World Eater, and Miraak, the first Dragonborn.

And now Skyrim was at war with the Aldmeri Dominion.

Hawke was reporting to Ulfric about the most recent clash with the Thamlor, while his friend M'rissi was following him like a lost puppy, or rather Kitty in this case.

M'rissi was Khajit who had been experimented on by a crazy Thalmor Justicar named Isael to look more human.

She still retained her cat ears, tail, fur, claws, and as a side effect she acted a lot more cat like.

She doesn't remember much of the experimentation, but she remembers enough emotion to hate the Thalmor.

Her not remembering the events is for the best, considering what happened when she did remember.

Anyway Hawke had just finished delivering his report to Ulfric which was concerning.

The Thalmor had used some kind of Tech from Akaviri, tech that was more advanced than even the Dwemer.

"I need you to lead an expedition to Akavir post haste, you can bring an army of you choosing," Ulfric declared.

Hawke obviously brought M'rissi with him, she'd be sad if he left without her.

He also decided to bring S'ahara as a chef, he brought Ralof to lead the military branch of the army he was bringing, an Argonian named Hides-In-Shadows to lead spy and assassin branch, and his old friend J'Zargo to lead the diplomat branch.

They got on the ship to Akavir where they came across the same mysterious creature that that attacked Safiria's ship 30 years ago. Hawke and M'rissi made short work of it.

M'rissi then proceeded to purr afterwards.

What was weird was that there was suddenly only one moon, and it was shattered.

The then arrived on an island, when Hawke stepped foot on the island he felt something he never expected.

They say twins are able to tell when the other is drawing near, the same can be said for triplets.

"Is something wrong mrow?" asked M'rissi.

Hawke had been told about his siblings before his father passed.

"All my years of searching, and I never once thought they'd be in Akavir," said Hawke.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Ralof.

"My siblings, Qrow and Raven are in this continent," declared Hawke.

Nobody had time to be shocked as more mysterious creatures appeared, only to be cut down by a mysterious woman in a white hood wielding a spear.

"Greetings travelers," she said like taking down these creatures was just a regular occurrence.

"My name is Summer Rose, welcome to Patch? Now what business do you have here?" the woman asked.

Hawke decided he really needed a drink, luckily he always carried a bottle of mead with him, which he took a drink of.

A gesture that caused the woman called summer Rose widen her eyes in a form of familiarity.

And this feels like a good stopping point. So I went and did actual research on the Skyrim timeline to develop a good timeline for my fic.

So if you want more info on M'rissi, watch Zero Period Productions playthrough of the Skyrim Mod, M'rissi's Tails of Troubles.

Also Hjalti's hammer is a weapon from the mod Blood of the Nord.

And yeah in this fic Hawke is the brother of Qrow and Raven, and they are all half vampire and half nord. Actually explains a lot if you think about it lol.

Also if any of you worried about feeling blue balled by hearing about Hawke having such a deep personal vendetta towards Harkon yet not getting to see anything related to it, don't worry I'm not gonna do that to you.

I was planning to show that via flashbacks as well potentially other Skyrim related stuff.

Also I will have you vote on who you want Hawke to be paired with.

Hawke x M'rissi

Hawke x Serana

Hawke x Goodwitch

Hawke x Winter

Anyway this is the first chapter and a bit of a prologue, let me know what you think.