Chapter 1


In the outskirts of Konoha, within the Land of Fire, was a grand but empty estate. On the outside, it was painted a plain white and brown, made of finely crafted wood with a stone base. Creaky wood directed in all directions outside the house to shape an extended porch, with a large base at the front door which overlooked a portion of Konoha. Several pots with withered plants stood at the corners of the porch. Bits and pieces of the wooden rails surrounding the porch had begun to rot and discolor the entire structure. The porch directed several paths without rails to several smaller homes the average man would be proud to own. Inside the main home, the residence was clean but not cared for. Not a speck of man-made dirt existed outside of the smallest bedroom in the southwest corner. Besides the tiny bedroom, only the adjacent bathroom and kitchen showed any signs of life. The other rooms and houses were covered in dust and cobwebs.

Yet a single life still lived and protected the land. During the early morning of winter's end, the lone boy laid in bed referred to as Hiro Okada. The boy, with shaggy white hair, reddish brown eyes, and three pinkish red birthmarks- one under each eye and one on his chin- was incapable of sleeping flawlessly the night before. Today were the graduation exams of Konoha's shinobi academy to become a fully fledged ninja. Four years have come to pass since school had started. Nearly four years have passed since the worst day of his life, leaving his every action filled with the mixed emotion of purpose driven and forceful indecision.

The house wasn't always empty. Four years prior Hiro lived among the last of the Senju clan. The last evening was a common one. All the houses of the estate were bustling. In the main household lived the last descendants of the main branch family, eating dinner and talking. At the head of the table was Hiro's father, Toshio Okada. He sat proudly with his Hidden Leaf headband, clothed in a classic chunin vest, with white shaggy hair like Hiro's. Beside Toshio was a mother, Ima Okada, a woman of no blood relation to any known Leaf ninja. Opposite from Hiro and his mother were his two brothers, Daichi and Ichiro. Daichi was studying to become a priest for a local temple. Ichiro, who graduated from the academy and immediately gave up all shinobi pursuits, existed to craft and discover science for the betterment of mankind. Outside of Hiro's immediate family, the last descendant was Tsunade Senju, granddaughter of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju, who regularly joined dinner with the little free time as director of Konoha's hospital. With an armada of servants and members of the branch family, although no longer a shinobi centric clean the Senju existed as the largest clan in Konoha. Truly, Hiro's life was the easiest anyone could ask for.

"Hiro, your sensei told us you were having trouble making friends", Ima spoke up.

Save for one thing, Hiro's family had standards for their children. Hiro had no need of friends. Reading books such as Tales of a Gutsy Shinobi or playing games such as shogi and chess provided entertainment for hours at a time. When he needed physical contact, he would pick a fight with his brothers.

"Why do I need to make friends?" Hiro asked. His mother sighed, placing her hand on her head, praying to all the gods in heaven and earth where she went wrong. Daichi and Ichiro both laughed.

"He's eight going on eighty", Tsunade said, buzzed from the tables sake. "Always serious, never understanding empathic. You are the second coming of Tobirama." Tsunade typically spoke freely after only two drinks. She rarely apologizes for her words, because she doesn't intend for them to hurt. Bluntness, even if only bestowed with a magical potion, is a quality worthy of respect.

"Still, ever since we were brought to the village you've struggled to make a single friend", Ima said. If only silence was a virtue of Ima, then Hiro would have a perfect life: quiet and simple on the quest to become a shinobi like his dad. Besides, he can't remember from before he lived in the Hidden Leaf, nor did his parents talk about it often. Was he outgoing as a toddler?

"Hiro has friends, mom", Ichiro said. "Daichi and I are his friends, at least when we get to kick his ass." Ichiro liked to provoke fights. Despite being an adult already, he received a certain joy from picking on Hiro.

"He certainly lacks the physical strength of the Senju", Daichi said. Hiro snorted. Daichi wasn't wrong. According to the whispers around the estate, both of his older brothers were far more talented at his age.

"Why didn't you become ninja then?" Hiro asked.

"I didn't feel like it", Ichiro said. "It was boring."

"I'm a pacifist", Daichi said. "You know that, Hiro." Pummeling your little brother, even if he provokes the fight, never qualifies one to be a pacifist. Still, Daichi had a point. He was the gentlest and most idealistic. Ichiro was closer to Tsunade, a thrill seeker addicted to gambling with a masterful level of skill with his profession despite being far younger than everyone else.

"Stop arguing", Toshio said. "You both know Hiro is a genius with great potential." He always said that which both relented the older brothers for a moment but deepened their desire to stir trouble over a longer period of time. "You all chose your own paths. Hiro has chosen the life of a shinobi."

"Unless he gives up like I did", Ichiro said.

"I won't give up", Hiro said. "I want to become strong for our clan."

"Besides", Toshio said smiling, "The clan isn't too far off in calling him the second coming of Tobirama."

"With his weak body, Hiro's destined for failure", Ichiro said. A fight started between them. Blows were exchanged, even dragging in Daichi, only ending when Tsunade forcibly separated them.

That was Hiro's last supper with his family. Ichiro's and Daichi's last words to him, apart from the normal goodnights, ringed inside his head every day.

Hiro finally had gotten up from the bed. The sun was shining through the light clouds, melting the last remnants of the winter season away. Cereal was for breakfast, and after it was immediately cleaned and put away. Getting dressed, Hiro wore his typical attire of navy pants, a plain black tee, and a sage colored jacket. Today was the day he would graduate from the academy possibly.



The class was mostly empty.

"Good morning, Hiro", Rin Nohara, his Academy teacher, said.

"Good morning, Rin-sensei", Hiro acknowledged and took his seat. The few others sitting in class early where those to be expected, although only Sakura Haruno was noticeable. She was the smartest girl in class with a tenacious work ethic and a superb memory, passionately sitting in the front whenever the Fourth Hokage's son wasn't paying attention to her. Sakura was cute too, carrying herself with a gentle humility. It's only too bad when she's around the fourth's son, she begins to not act like herself.

Sakura met his gaze.

Hiro exhaled. The brief excitement of awkward eye contact didn't matter. Sakura was focused on studying.

Sakura stood in front of him, forcing nonreversible eye contact. Hiro calmed himself once more. No point in feeling anxious over something that doesn't matter.

"Can I see your notes?" Sakura said.

What? Who takes notes?

"You always seem confident going into tests", Sakura said. "I was hoping to compare notes to ease my nerves."

"I don't take notes", Hiro said. Sakura's eyes widened before furrowing her brow.

"You're an idiot after all", Sakura said. Hiro sunk his head in defeat. For the first time, Sakura initiates a conversation with him and she ends with calling him an idiot, entertaining Ichiro's last words once more. Even if they were playful, repetition changes the meaning over time. Hiro continued to sit down and not study, occasionally glimpsing Sakura's indignant face.

"Would you like notes I prepared, Hiro?" Rin asked. That seems unfair. Sakura looked at Hiro with deep fury, screaming with her eyes how dare he, the slacker, be given the opportunity over her.

"No, thank you, sensei", Hiro said. When Hiro was potentially in help, Rin could never leave him alone.

The written exam finally came its way and prostrated itself before Hiro. It was a small packet thick with a two-hour time limit. Sakura's words of discouragement repeated themselves in Hiro's mind. She was different than how she presented herself. Perhaps there isn't even a point in taking the test.

No. Self-doubt is different from inaction. Hiro no longer had reason to become a shinobi, but he wasn't incapable. If destiny had a different plan, Hiro would fight at least once to overcome it before giving up entirely. To Hiro's joy, after the first two pages that are filled with terms and memorization related questions, the test was entirely critical thinking. Short answer questions about proper formations with squadmates with particular skills of measurable levels facing off another squad and the execution to take down other squads, finding the angles of proper kunai throwing at running speeds, and the tells of an enemy combatant in a given scenario were among those asked. The final question was a short essay with a prompt of child's play, "Why do you want to become a ninja?" Still, it was more thought provoking than anything else on the test. Hiro knew the answer. He had no reason. His family was gone.

Hiro was the first to finish the exam and hand it into Rin-sensei and heading outside, leaving the entire last question blank. Even without more awkward eye-contact, he could feel Sakura's glares of contempt. He didn't understand why; Sakura was the smartest person in a class by far. It's not like he finished the test before handing it in. When the time came for the practical exam, at least three illusionary clones were required to pass the exam. Clones came naturally to Hiro, and he passed the practical exam with ease.

At the end of the day, names for those who passed the exam were called forward. Everyone in the class had passed and would enter into genin squads the following Monday. Rin bestowed to Hiro his new headband, the Leaf's symbol carved into metal on top of the commonly blue fabric. The entire class was overjoyed. Parents of all the students, regardless of how often they came, picked up their kids that day with smiles and congratulations. Still, Hiro's reason didn't come. It's not like he expected his parents to magically show up after four years.

"Hiro, why aren't you celebrating?" Rin asked. "Go and have fun with your friends." Her words pained his heart, but he wouldn't show emotion. There was no reason to. Hiro knew the false words the adults yearned to hear in his situation.

"I don't have any friends or family", Hiro said. "I'm only a shinobi to restore my clan."

"That's not what you wrote down", Rin said playfully. She was always like this; trying to urge Hiro into a specific direction or offer help in subtle ways, never relenting for long regardless of how direct or indirect he acted against her. Hiro knew what would happen from here. Rin had him cornered. There was nothing he could do but run home. He wished to avoid trouble. Running isn't acceptable.

"Sorry, I didn't feel like answering the question", Hiro said. "I don't want to think about my reason for becoming a shinobi." Rin smiled meekly and walked away silent. Hiro said this with genuine intentions in heart, but he knew this was partially a lie. He doesn't want to contemplate it, but he cannot help but ponder about his family- his reason for becoming a shinobi- every day. Self-doubt has overflowed his heart. Without a reason to live, what value is there in fighting? Still, destiny has urged him one step forward, flowing with its volatile waves; at least for today.


Once more, Hiro laid in bed, staring at the ceiling before him with the difference in having the Hidden Leaf headband on his forehead. Everything was quiet. He may never admit it, but the tiniest fraction of him missed the noise occurring every day. What would his parents and brothers say to him? Even Tsunade's buzzed bluntness of calling Hiro an old man would be welcome. Although he knew what his dad would say, "You are the second coming of the second hokage, who you share many amazing abilities with." Hiro even rose his pointer finger, mimicking a declarative motion he pictured his father perform. Perhaps his dad was right. Although his father's words rung back into his head. According to him, Hiro had a couple of abilities while Hiro only knew of one. Hiro placed his right hand on the ground. Multiple years have passed since he last used the sensory abilities bestowed on him from birth. By placing his hand on the ground, he could send an invisible shockwave of chakra shooting through the earth, not actually manifesting or using a remotely enough of an amount to dent his reserves. The shockwave would course through the earth around him a circle, with Hiro as the center, and tug on other chakra signals. The world was typically fuzzy, feeling calm like a river stream, compared to the chakra of individuals which resembled a stone being thrown into a pond, which can change sporadically depending on the size of a stone thrown. Once more, Hiro sent a minimal blast of chakra out and tugged on the house around him.

Two men were outside, with a chakra build up like a pond struck by a giant and split it into two portions. Hiro ran and grabbed his kunai. Nowhere to run, he rested against the hallway past the front door, hidden but well placed.

The front door was forced open and a smoke ball was thrown. Hiro placed his hand on the wall and sent the signal once more. Both were relaxing in the center of the smoke, waiting to hear a reaction before moving forward. Moving was a bad choice. As the smoke cleared and they began their move, they would let their guard down for a split second. That is the time to strike- when the enemy believes they have won or are safe. Their headbands weren't hidden leaf. Charging forward with a crushing step caught both men off guard, although they were both fully prepared. No matter, Hiro could adjust. Substitution jutsu was easy.

Hiro had frozen.

Standing tall, with the smoke fully cleared two sets of red eyes glared at Hiro. The sharingan had come for him once again. Hiro fell to his knees and dropped his kunai.

"Worthless", one said. "I didn't even cast a genjutsu yet." Fool with a kekkei genkai was the only thought in Hiro's head about current events. The sharingan wasn't capable of being fought against. One of the Uchiha lifted the boy up, forcing him to stare into crimson eyes before losing the last amount of conscious will he had left.

After Hiro had gone to bed the night of the final dinner, he woke up to screams of innocents. Cries and violent wailing killed the peaceful night. Walking passed his brothers rooms, he looked in seeing they were empty. Another scream occurred, closer to the roar of a wounded lion protecting its pride as the king. Reaching the hall main hallway, the front door was open and blood had covered the door. Lying on opposite side of the hallway passed the doors were Ichiro and Daichi. Daichi was crying and coughing up blood. Hiro stepped forward to help his two brothers, but with one last movement, Daichi violently pointed towards the family room where the roar came from. Ichiro didn't move at all.

Hiro ran as fast as he could, even if it wasn't more than thirty feet. On the ground, fallen from the table was Ima, lifeless. A few feet closer to the door was Toshio, lying on the ground making light screams of pain being repeatedly stabbed and forced down. The attacker was a moderately tall, thin man with crimson eyes whose pupils formed into an upside down Y.

"Good", the attacker said. "Now I won't have to wake you to hear your screams." Yanking the sword out of Toshio, the attacker inched step by step, relishing in Hiro's trembling. For the first time, Hiro felt fear. He couldn't calm himself down. He was going to die. "Say goodbye." The attacker lifted his sword, while the stunned Hiro couldn't bring himself to move.

Move. Hiro shouted at his muscles internally, begging each and every last one of them to do something. Anything. He had to survive.

"MOVE!" Hiro shouted at the top of his lungs, tears swelling his eyes.

"DIE!" Toshio roared, stabbing the man in his back with his kunai and yanking down as far as he can to the end of his spine. Large amounts of blood began to pour out his back.

"You bastard!" the attacker said, kicking Toshio before his leg went promptly limp after. "I'll finish you later." Hiro ran over to his dad, holding him in his arms.

"You will become a strong shinobi one day", Toshio said, gripping Hiro's hand increasingly weaker. "I have many regrets. This is my last wish. Rebuild the Senju and become a proud Leaf ninja."

"Don't be selfish dear", Ima coughed up, crawling forward in her own blood. "Be the force of peace the Konoha needs. And marry a nice girl, smart and brave like me." Ima gave up her last breath.

"Now who's selfish?" Toshio chuckled, relaxed at the death in front of him. Toshio stared at his son once more, grabbing Hiro's shirt with the last breaths in his lungs. "Remember these words, my son: nothing worth having ever comes without a fight."


Torture occurred in Hiro's heart every day he remembered his dad's final words. Nothing worth having ever comes without a fight. Everything Hiro wished to fight for was stripped from him. Perhaps if he listened to his mother and made some friends, he wouldn't have given into misery now. Perhaps if he believed in destiny as strong as his father, he would be overcome with emotion and self-confidence enough to pull a miracle. With his reason to fight gone, his parents' wishes will die with him. Hiro is empty.

The forest the Uchiha were running through was dense, with Hiro thrown over the shoulder. Are they slowing their speed to increase their likelihood of escape? Who would be trying to save Hiro? Hiro's dad's words echo through the boy's mind once more. The slightest inkling of hope lingers, musing around in Hiro's heart causing a slight chuckle to occur.

"Shut up back there", the Uchiha carrying him said. Ironic, Hiro realizes can never truly resolve himself whichever way. Even if he cannot decide to be the hero his parents longed for, he cannot give up either. Still, there are two Uchiha with sharingans. Without help, there isn't anything he can do.

Hiro jerked violently, far out of his control, flying up and then slamming down on to the Uchiha's back, who was now on the ground. Both Uchiha were dead.

"Are you feeling ok?" a man said crouching down, appearing instantly beside Hiro. He had shaggy white hair, with dark brown eyes, and a mask covering severe scars over parts of his face. He resembled Toshio.

"Yes, I'm fine", Hiro said, now standing up. "Who are you?"

"You don't seem fine", the man said, ignoring the latter question entirely. "Shinobi don't give up with such ease." Hiro's leaf headband was still in plain sight. No point in dodging questions with the man who saved his life, or maybe it's because the stranger looked like Hiro's father.

"I don't have a reason to fight", Hiro said. Even through the mask, Hiro could read the frown on the stranger's face.

"The people who are precious to us are our reason to fight", the stranger said. Hiro looked down but gazed back into the stranger's eyes, yearning for an answer he struggled to find for the last four years.

"I don't have anyone left", Hiro said. "My family is all dead."

"You're a leaf shinobi", the stranger said. "The entire village is your family. Even if you are unseen and unloved, they are the family you were born with, and that doesn't give you any reason to stop loving or protecting them." The village is his family. He remembers, in one of the few times he paid attention in class, the Senju did help found the village. The Senju were the largest clan before their demise. If the Senju helped create the village, the bond is undeniably a form of the family; a child to be nourished and protected by the hand of a now deceased parent. Whether he acknowledges it or not, the village is a child of the Senju. In a weird way, to not fight is to force the village to have the same fate as himself- parentless.

"That is if no one loves you", the man continued. "Everyone has someone who loves them. To have no one is a fate worse than death." His words trailed as his eyes dulled.

"You sound familiar with that pain", Hiro said. The white-haired man waved his hand back and forth.

"You misunderstood", the man lightly. "My time here comes to an end. Carry the wishes of the fallen. Long as you carry the wishes of those who you lost, they never truly disappear from your life. Nothing worth having ever comes without a fight." Hiro stood stunned. Is it possible this man was his father? No, that is ridiculous. Could destiny have orchestrated such an event to spur Hiro on? Even if everything was by chance, his dad's words echoed back. Can he resolve himself?

The man vanished.

"The next time you see me", the man's voice spoke up, "Call me White Wolf. Or just Wolf, whatever you prefer." A next time has been guaranteed by Toshio's look alike. Rin and three other Academy teachers, only one of which was recognizable as Iruka Umino, a kind but stern chunin, ran towards Hiro.

"Hiro!" Rin cried out. "Are you ok?" Rin said hugging the boy. The white wolf's single word pierced the boy's heart. IF. Rin, his teacher, cared about him. Iruka and the others, although not his immediate teacher, also cared for him, whether as Leaf shinobi or Leaf citizen. Flint hit the stone.

"I'm fine", Hiro said bracing himself, refusing to let emotions get the better of him.

Rin immediately began checking Hiro for injuries, healing the few scrapes and bruises. The others began to check the enemy corpses for information.

"You are always cold", Rin said. "You remind me of an old friend. Always torn between living how you want, and how you think you should want."

"Yeah", Hiro said. "I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to become a powerful shinobi."

"Why do you want to become a shinobi?" Rin said, copying the same playful tone from after school, but they were different. Her words were soft, leaving lingering tender, little kisses of encouragement to draw out a strength he knew she believed he held inside. Even if his family is gone, Rin has done her best as Hiro's teacher to help him. At every point, he pushed her away, but she's always stayed to help once more.

"I want to protect you", Hiro said.

Rin stopped, looking on with amusement and tearful awe.

"I want to protect you", Hiro repeated. "I want to protect everyone who is dear to me. I want to restore my clan and carry the wishes of my parents. I want to protect the family I have one day. Most importantly, I want to protect the village as a child of the Senju."

Words cannot effectively describe the excitement in Rin's simple soul. Not knowing what to say, Rin did the only thing she felt in the moment- fueled not only by the love in her heart for the student she had been trying to reach out to for years but also as if her old teammate had been fully honest with himself before he passed away- and jumped into a hug with Hiro and effectively tackled him. Hiro smiled ear to ear. The warmth from the hug felt like his mother's.

"Rin", Iruka said. "We need to start heading back in case reinforcements arrive. We've performed the basic field work we needed to." Iruka hands Rin a small container with four crimson eyes. Hiro placed his hand on the ground, tugging on the chakra around. Eighteen unknown enemy combatants had surrounded the Leaf shinobi on both sides on all sides. All eighteen's chakra fluctuated identically in the same manner as the previous Uchiha.

Rin passed the container and a kunai to Hiro.

"This is your first assignment as a genin, Hiro", Rin said. "Run to the village as fast as possible and deliver this to the Third Hokage." Rin, Iruka, and the others knew immediately, even if only based on Hiro's reaction. He needed to work on that. However, his first mission has been decided: deliver possible information on weapons of mass destruction to the village at all costs.

Bolting at max speed, Hiro scrambled for his life, with legs shaking with force from each step. Catching the two men in the village's direction off guard by the sudden spring, he managed to get past them, although they now trailed him while the other sixteen had their eyes on the Academy teachers. However, that cannot be on his mind right now. He spurred himself mentally, remembering his father's last words.

The shake in Hiro's legs worsened as the sprinting continued. The two Uchiha behind didn't match each other's pace, one slightly to the left had sudden bursts of speed hoping to catch Hiro off guard. Four attempts tried and failed, but that doesn't guarantee anything for the fifth if his legs continued to shake. Hiro needed a plan. Illusionary clones would likely fail to a dojutsu. Substitution might work with a well-placed body flicker, although he could only achieve one or two of max with the current condition.

Hiro shifted his sight back and forth, looking anywhere for something to create the foundation of his plan. With nothing in sight, he had to outrun the fifth surprise lunge. With one mighty step, Hiro began to lunge into a crouch, touching the ground for the blink of an eye to.

The two Uchiha had identical chakra signals. Not merely similar. Identical. Before, Hiro thought it was a mistake from the mixed emotions, but this time without any doubt the signals were the same, like much dead fish floating to the surface of a pond. More importantly, if the enemy had vastly outnumbered them, what were they waiting for? The white wolf also wasn't attacked even though he killed two of their comrades. Their tactics let those being ambushed dictate the course of the battle, they have identical signals while one is particularly aggressive.

Most of the enemy are clones.

"I give up!" Hiro shouted, steeling himself he threw the container the closer enemy.

Reaching for the box in the air, the crimson-eyed combatant relished in achieving his victory, jumping to his prize. Upon contact, the shaggy-haired brat below him had stabbed him in the stomach.

A poof of dust appeared. The clone had vanished.

"Shit", the enemy mumbled while activating his sharingan. Hiro grew angry. A man from the clan who killed his entire family was before him, threatening to use the very weapon which made them notorious in order to steal back more weapons of mass destruction.

Hiro exhales, hardening his heart. Anger does not clear the mind of a shinobi in combat. Thrusting himself forward, he stabs the other. A substitution jutsu.

"Congratulations", a voice said behind Hiro. A taller man with a pair of sharingan in his early thirties, shaggy black hair, and an immensely kind face, covered in a gentle wrath commonly held in dads held the enemy in a neatly wrapped headlock with his left arm. "You struck at the moment he thought he won. Wise strategy."

Another enemy. Hiro lunges forward with his kunai, while the new stranger laughs.

"You won't win", Hiro declared.

"Wait, Hiro!" Rin yelled. "He's a comrade!" An Uchiha comrade? Bullshit.

"I'm Obito Uchiha", the man said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hiro Okada." Hiro calmed himself once more, not trusting new Uchiha before him.

"How do you know who I am?" Hiro asked.

"You're the second coming of Tobirama", Obito joked. "In more ways than one. Rin's right though. You are like Kakashi." Obito smirked at Rin, while Rin muffled through words trying to find exactly what to say. Even with four years of trying to cause Rin to stumble, Obito managed to do what he could not hope to achieve.

"He doesn't remember", Rin said.

"I wouldn't want to remember either", Obito said. His tone changed slightly, matching the sharingan gaze for once. Like a scene from a movie only watched once, an old memory became more familiar as Obito continued. "Hiro, after your parents died you were in shock. You ran outside shouting for help, attracting the rest of the Uchiha force on your front porch after their atrocities. I stepped in and saved you."

"It's true, Hiro", Rin said. "I was with him at the time. Obito is a Hero of the Hidden Leaf and arguably the strongest shinobi in the entire village."

"Arguably?" Obito asked. Rin rolled her eyes, familiar with the following words. "I'll become the next Hokage." Obito finally deactivated his sharingan, to Hiro's relief. He was serious fully serious, even with a smile on his face. "I will always fight to protect you and the rest of village. You're my family." The smile turned into an ear to ear grin of pride, fully confident his words.

"You have competition", Rin said. "Hiro wants to protect me too."

"What?" Obito exclaimed turning to Hiro. "Were you trying to flirt with, Rin too?" Hiro kneeled to the ground and placed his hand on it, not responding to the situation at hand, choosing to eye Obito quietly. Rin facepalmed. The other teachers couldn't help but appear incredulously annoyed at Obito.

Obito's face was kind, with soft eyes and large dimples. No wrath was behind it. His chakra was the sun, shining every brightly with an ever-growing warmth to give life to anyone next to him, but not harsh like a desert. Closer to the sun of early spring, melting away the ice of another's heart while never getting hot enough to cause sunburn. A relaxed heat, always comforting never harming, like a natural spa to wash away the cares of the world. When he was younger, only one chakra signal felt like this.

"You remind of the Third Hokage", Hiro said. Obito stopped grinning, caught off guard by the compliment as if an enemy attack.

"I remind of you Kagami Uchiha," Obito said confused scratching his head. "Well, we are both Uchiha."

"I mean your chakra", Hiro said, forcibly snapping himself from the sensation. "You love the village deeply." Rin stepped between Hiro and Obito's confused glances.

"Want to hear a secret?" Rin asked. "Obito will be your genin squad's sensei starting next Monday." Obito laughed, while Hiro felt nothing; cheated, if anything, out of the joyously anxious wait.

"Well, that's enough for now", Obito said lifting the unconscious Uchiha. "I have to interrogate this guy."

Hiro stared into the sky, resolved for the first time in years. He had a village to protect, Rin-sensei too, and a reason to fight. The wishes his parents bestowed will be carried all of his life.

"I felt too many emotions today", Hiro said exhaustedly. "I need a book."


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story! Please follow, favorite, and review if you liked! I appreciate all criticism and compliments.

This is the new version of Overcoming Destiny with Chance. I never had a vision with the old story, I was just writing it because I had some interesting ideas and wanted to make an OC for once. Many of the premises from that story have been incorporated into this one.

This story will be done from the perspective of a "version" of Tobirama if he existed in Naruto's academy class. With his own backstory, goals, and trying to get a handle on his own emotions. Of course, he cannot simply start exactly like Tobirama. He can't be perfectly calm and calculating from the beginning like the battle hardened 2nd Hokage. Battle and experience must help to solidify his emotions, as well as his friendships. But I will do my best to match it as Tobirama's base personality.

I'm unsure if I should list Tobirama as the MC or not, since the MC is very much based on Tobirama, but is his great great grandson. Let me know what you think. If it annoys people I will change it. I have no problem either, but having Tobirama listed might make it more of an eyecatch. I will add Hiro's teammates as main characters next chapter when teams are decided, so spoilers are kind of limited. Oh, and bonus internet points if someone catches on to what the title means.

I want to say more, but that's enough of author's note. Thanks for reading this far! Have a good day!