Hello, everyone! Aragon, here. This is my first story for FFN. I've read stories here for rather a long time, and read quite a lot myself.
Please be aware: This story will have gay themes. That means men having sex with men. There will be character bashing, and if you don't like either things I have mentioned, please don't read.
Thank you! Now, on to the story!
30 July, 1995, 11:30 pm, Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, United Kingdom
Harry James Potter sat on his ragtag bed, reading a book that he had managed to hid from his rather abusive uncle, Vernon Dursley. "Some kind of fifteenth birthday I'm going to have," he groused. Year after year, Harry had begged with everything he had not to be returned to Number Four, but as usual, he was told by Albus Dumbledore that he had to return, "for your own safety", always arguing that the "blood wards are the most powerful and safest protection available.
Thinking back, Harry often snorted in derision at the thought of being "protected" at Number Four, due to the fact that he was covered in scars and bruises from his uncle's "loving attention" and "disciplinary action", terms Harry scoffed at just as virulently. The beatings had begun in Harry's second year, after the incident involving the house elf known as Dobby, and the letter from the Ministry for Magic regarding underage magic use. As had happened often, whenever something out of the ordinary had happened, it resulted in violence from the whale known as Vernon Dursley.
He had privately researched glamour charms, and had quickly become proficient at producing glamours wandlessly and non-verbally. The glamours, however, did nothing whatsoever to rectify the pain, which was quite deeply seated, and ranging over the whole of his body.
He was quite suddenly raised from this morose and painful thoughts by a flash of green light followed immediately by a small parcel with the Gringotts seal on the top. An envelope sat on the top as well, and it was addressed to him in this fashion: Harry James "Potter", 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. The quotes around his surname made him raise his eyebrows, but otherwize he did not show emotion. The fact that it came from Gringotts was enough to tell him that the parcel wasn't cursed, but he waved his wand with an untraceable spell meant to find any curses or hexes, and found nothing. As Mad-eye Moody had always told him in his stentorian voice, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"
First, he pulled the letter from its place, and opened it, and read.
To Harry James "Potter"
We at Gringotts have been attempting by traditional means to contact you. Every owl we have sent has been returned. Efforts to contact you at Hogwarts have been repeatedly rebuffed. We have suspicions regarding the source of these rebuffings, and we wish to communicate with you as soon as you are available.
I will very briefly summarize what we wish to speak with you about. First, it has come to our attention that the wills of Lily and James Potter were illegally sealed, at the behest of a certain party. Since you were illegally placed with the Dursley "family", moneys of substantial amounts have been extracted from accounts that should be under your control, especially since you were declared an adult by the Ministry, having been forced by that same Ministry to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. We at Gringotts do recognize you as a free adult as a result. The goblin that was party to the sealing, as well as the theft of your money, has been eliminated from further damaging your funds.
Second problem: It has come to our attention, as a result of these reviews, that while Lily Potter née Evans was indeed your birth mother, another wizard holds the title of your father. Unfortunately, I am sworn not to tell you. You will find that information within the parcel we have sent you. Another letter is in this parcel, but you must not open this parcel until you are within the safety of Gringotts.
Our offices are always open, and this letter will serve as a portkey which will settle you, and you alone within my offices. Please bring your wand, and be ready to provide blood for an inheritance test. Also bring the things you own with you, as you will likely not be returning to 4 Privet Drive.
To activate the portkey, use the password "Recompense" while holding this letter tightly.
We await your arrival,
Ragnuk IV, Director of Gringotts International
Harry knew by reputation and by study that one did not argue when a letter from Gringotts was delivered. He had studied quite a lot in secret, and knew how to interact with Goblins. So, as desired, he quickly packed, having left everything in his chest. He shrank the chest, which now contained the parcel, pocketed it, then holstered his wand, and held the letter tightly.
He took a deep breath, then spoke "Tempus", finding that the time was now one minute to midnight. He watched the time change, and soon as midnight hit, he called out firmly, "Recompense." The instant he did, he felt the sensation of a hook pulling at his navel, and he saw the scene shift, from the small room, to a plush office, where a goblin sat at a expansive desk made of stone, wood, and gold, and looked down at Harry.
Remembering what he read in his books, he bowed a bit, and said, "Greetings, Master Goblin. May gold fill your vaults and your enemies flee at the mention of your name."
The goblin grinned, surprised at the politeness of the young wizard, and replied, "Greetings, Wizard. May your enemies' blood run in rivers and your gold flow as the oceans."
Harry handed the letter and his wand to the goblin, and said, "As requested by Director Ragnuk, I, Harry James Potter am here for conference."
The goblin nodded, and replied, "I recognize the letter I sent. I am Ragnuk. Are you prepared for an inheritance test to prove who you are?"
Harry replied, "I am. What should I do?"
The goblin produced a knife, a copper bowl containing a blue potion, and a blank sheet of enchanted parchment. He explained, "I will cut your finger with this enchanted blade, extract three drops of your blood, which will be combined with this potion, and poured onto this enchanted parchment. The parchment will then reveal your inheritance."
Harry nodded, and extended his hand. "Please do as you must." The goblin took Harry's hand, and cut his middle finger with the blade, dropped three drops into the potion. He waited for a moment, while the potion combined, and turned a shiny silver color. Once the color changed, he poured the contents of the bowl over the parchment in a slow, thin stream. The parchment absorbed the potion in its entirety, and then for a long moment appeared not to react further. Then, words started to appear.
Inheritance for Harrison James Potter-Snape (Known as Harry James Potter)
Harrison James Potter-Snape (Falsely known as Harry James Potter)
Father: Severus Tobias Snape (Fraudulent Adoption to James Charlus Potter, deceased, Authorized by Albus Dumbledore)
Mother: Lily Potter née Evans, deceased
Paternal Grandfather: Tobias Snape, deceased
Paternal Grandmother: Eileen Snape née Prince, deceased
Maternal Grandfather: Gavin Evans, deceased
Maternal Grandmother: Daphne Evans née Porter, deceased
High Lord of Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter-Peverell (AKA Potter)
Potter Educational Fund Vault, #387: 16,005,348 G, 14 S, 22 K.
Potter Primary Vault, #388: 88,736,946,332 G
Additional Potter Vaults, 7 vaults, #389-#395: Total - 180,837,873,396 G, 3 S, 15 K
Various properties (Refer to Potter Wills for Complete List)
Harry could not collect his thoughts for a moment. He took a deep breath, then said to Ragnuk, "Shall I get the parcel you sent and open it?"
The goblin nodded, and replied, "Yes. I think that is best. You and I will be here for some time, I think, my lord." The title, for some reason, did not cause Harry any bit of discomfort. Something in him just settled into the title quite easily. Harry pulled out his shrunken chest, unshrunk it, then opened it, and extracted the parcel. He opened it, and found within the small box a letter written in a loopy hand. It was addressed to "Harrison James Potter-Snape".
My Dearest Child Harrison,
If you are reading this and are not yet seventeen years of age, then my worst fears are realized, and James and I are dead. You will no doubt note that I did not say "your father" when referring to him. I do not doubt that you are sitting with Ragnuk in his office at Gringotts. And, you have been shown your true inheritance.
The first thing I hope you will understand it that Severus Snape, your father, is a man who has made many mistakes. But, it was he that I loved the most. James knew this, and still allowed our arranged marriage to move forward. Persuading us of his good intentions, Albus Dumbledore, in his wisdom, performed what we discovered later was an illegal adoption ritual. In so doing, he allowed you to be named Harry Potter, despite our wishes. Since then, we have become aware that he has been doing many things against the Potter family, simply because he wishes to control our holdings, and as a result, our people.
Regarding Severus Snape, your father, remember this: After you were born, Dumbledore obliviated him, removing from him every memory of you as his son. Prior to that, Severus was particularly affectionate and protective of you. He lived with us at Potter Manor, but moved out immediately after being obliviated. He did NOT hate James at all, but considered him a brother. In fact, James had considered bringing him into the family as a LEGAL brother. Then, you were born, a result of an affair that was not only known about, but accepted fully by James, who was completely sterile.
Severus loved you, Harrison, just as I did. James, who preferred to be called your uncle, loved you as well, but knew well whose child you are. Despite his knowledge, he made you his heir, and I accepted that completely. Whatever you do, remember this.
Final thing to remember, is that you must never trust Dumbledore for any reason. I fear he is planning something bad, and I do not want you involved at all. Know that he seeks only his own betterment, and not yours by any stretch. If you have been placed with the Dursleys, Dumbledore has expressly violated our wills. That should never have happened.
So, finally, your father loves you, even if he doesn't remember. The memory vials I have included in this package will tell him. Notice in this parcel is a letter to him. Get it to him, along with the memories.
You are loved, my son, and that is our last word to you.
All our love,
Lily Potter-Snape
Harry felt tears coursing down his eyes, but he steeled his emotions, and straightened, checking the box's contents, confirming what was in the letter. He lifted his eyes, and looked at Ragnuk, and said, "Can my father be summoned, and in so doing, be informed to maintain an open mind? Also, can the obliviate be reversed?"
Ragnuk nodded, then said, "Obliviates are tricky for wizards to remove, but not so for goblin healers. I will send Griphook to him, and inform him, and have him brought." He called out in Gobbledygook, then another goblin came in, and received a command from Ragnuk, as well as several sheets of parchment containing information for the potions master regarding the truth.