Gilbert decided he didn't mind Anne. In fact he didn't mind her at all. He didn't mind when she went off on one of those rants of hers, so caught up in her own imagination that she was lost to to those around her. He didn't mind when she lost her temper, her red braids seemingly alive as they bounced in time to her voice. He didn't even mind when she nagged about his shoelaces, which were nearly always coming untied. "...and you know they're just a hazard to your safety in general you know Gilbert" the redhead was saying earnestly. He blinked, having missed most of her passionate speech being wrapped up in thoughts of her. Her cheeks reddened. "Gilbert Blythe! Are you listening to me at all??" She demanded, crossing her arms and staring him down through narrowed eyes. "Yes, yes of course" he rushed to say. "You know you could be walking down that ridge near Barry's pond and you could trip over that left lace of yours and you could fall right off the cliff! She animated vividly, her cheeks getting brighter as she narrated this unfortunate mishap he would supposedly commit. "Why! Why you could die!" She realised. Gilbert watched in amusement as her exuberant eyes filled with what looked suspiciously like the beginning of tears. "And if you die- why I'll kill you! You'd better believe it!" She cried. He bit down hard on his lip to stop from allowing the laugh that threatened to bubble up, from surfacing. He sneaked a glance at her. Her cheeks were more freckled than ever from the late afternoon sun. Her chest rose up and down as she glared at him accusingly for a wrong he hadn't even done. Her pigtails were coming undone and so there were strands of red hair dancing against her reddened face. She was lovely.


"So let me get this straight Anne, if I'll kill me?" he teased, tugging a strand of that delightful hair and tucking it beyond her ear.

Her cheeks darkened another shade and looking him directly in the eye she very slowly and determinedly untucked the strand of her hair from behind her ear. "Yes I will and furthermore, I'll have you know that I wear my hair like this on purpose!".

He snorted unattractively, clapping a hand against his mouth at her obstinacy and this caused the corners of her mouth to twitch upwards.

"Well if it means that much to you..." he agreed, winking as he let out an exaggerated sigh and bent to tie his left shoelace.

"It doesn't!" she declared adamantly (but she bent down to double knot them firmly just the same)