Disclaimer: Spider-Man and other Marvel content belong to Marvel Entertainment/Disney any other content belong to me
Chapter 14: The Compromise Part 2
"Gone! What do you mean they're gone?" The voice of Ben Parker was not one of being happy as his hands slam down on a table
"It's just as I say, Mr. Parker. They were taken last night by S.H.I.E.L.D." Ezekiel said as he turned around to face the elder man with an impassive face. He reaches for his top drawer pulling out a small golden button, "I found this at the scene of the crime. How your nephew got ahold of a locator is beyond me, what I do know and what the security video shows that your relatives are in their custody for the time being which I cannot nor will I send in a rescue party."
A low drawn out breath, Ben rubs his head, helpless was the correct word for the situation that he was in now, what more could he do except wait. Ben knew the moment his nephew decided to show them his powers was the moment things or life was going to get complicated of course he and his wife were still stunned to the core when Peter first introduced them to his abilities they even talked about whenever he wasn't home. They were scared for Peter he was the only living relative or child of his brother, he'd never forgiven himself if something would happen to him.
Look at the fight with that guy who can throw electricity what else is there? Yet, something told him that if he wasn't around something major would happen but even still your nephew from the future? Powers you had to see in order to believe yet when he revealed that he was from the future and he died at the hands of an attempted robbery that turned his blood cold, it seems that Peter suffered when he supposedly 'died' however where was his wife in the middle of this. Probably, depending on his insurance yet if he died he could only imagine what those two would have been through.
"I'm sorry Ben but there is really not much I can do."
"Yeah, thanks…" The tired old man left office down in spirits, once out of the office he took the elevator down back to the bunker. Once out he saw Cindy with a look of concern on her face while holding her arm sheepishly, the old man knew that posture well, she wondered if telling them was a good idea, "Cindy, don't beat yourself up, you did the right thing by telling us. I still wonder what Peter was up to quite frankly though I suppose with his aunt there she can straighten him out."
Cindy look unsure still nodded anyway, "I better get back to my lesson, I'll be playing catch up if I don't." She began to walk away when Ben voice stopped her
"Let me ask you something, Cindy." She paused turning slightly to face the older Parker, "Do you really want to be a hero at your age to really make a difference in the world not knowing what you are going to face along the way or would you have been better off doing something else?"
The young Asian pondered the question, where was this coming from she had no idea to be frank Peter was the one who talked her, Gwen and Mary Jane into the making a difference so she really didn't give it much thought only that he promised her that he would help control or figure what was wrong with. To be fair Peter succeed halfway with meeting with Mr. Sims when that Morlun guy attacked then explaining what her role was, "To be honest…" A pause, "I don't know how to answer that question because everything up to this point has been Peter making the decisions or persuading us to do something. While I know Peter is eager to use his powers for the good of humanity, I can't shake this feeling that he's hiding something."
"Why do you say that? Peter told the truth when he revealed himself to be from the future I mean I should know him pretty well."
"I mean no disrespect when I say this Mr. Parker but maybe you don't know him well as you think you do. I have a special connection with him since both of us were bitten by that same spider on that day of the field trip. I can sense when he tired, angry, sad, and awake." She said, "I've been practicing recently to get a read on Peter, I can't explain it since I still can't figure this totem business out nonetheless the feeling that he is still hiding something is what puzzles me." She confessed, as much as she wanted to trust Peter she felt like that he hasn't come forward with the whole truth even though he professed that he was attracted to her become an item in the near future nevertheless was that a lie or was it a motivation for something else?
This got Ben confused at what she was saying, he didn't understand how these spider abilities worked so he wasn't going to question it, he was questioning to why not give his nephew the benefit yet he was not going to push it trust is earned not given. "If that's how you feel, then I won't hold you up, go get your education kiddo."
Cindy nodded left without saying another word. Ben Parker was left to his own thoughts, he walked aimlessly until he reached the medical wing of the bunker when Ericka resides. He saw the rise and fall of her chest, he then places his arm on the window with his head following after with his eyes scanning the room. "What's your story?"
Back at medical wing of the S.H.E.I.L.D Hellicarrier, the comatose body of one Peter Parker is still sleeping. His aunt went to freshen herself up, while this is happening inside of his mind is where the activity is taking place.
Within his young mind, the 10 beings were gathered around a campfire staring into the fire that was in the center while listening to the tale of the anomaly Leon backstory, it was quite a tale. "Well, that's my story guys. Any more questions?"
"You come from a very humble beginning and well-sheltered life too. You don't like violence a lot yet you want to make a difference in life and you had a well-paying job." This came from Symbiote Peter, "You know everything about us, know who we are going to face in the future yet won't tell us how this is going down, why?"
"Ever seen back to the future?" The 8 nods, "Remember what Doc Brown said it is dangerous for one too much about the future or his destiny which is why I won't say much about it so please don't ask me."
Host Peter frowned, "That's ironic coming from you saying that you hailed from the future."
"It was either that or tell them that their 'nephew' was not their nephew and be condemned as crazy." Leon counters
"So Elektra from my universe is here." Phoenix Peter said not as a question
"Yeah, I was wondering about that. What did you do to her?"
Phoenix shrugged, "I wiped her memories clean when meeting me, she did try to kill Gwen." The other three older Peters winced
The action didn't go unnoticed by the others, it was an awkward silence for a moment.
"You three realize it wasn't your fault." The anomaly stated
"But it is…" This time it was the Peter Parker with the cape who spoke, "I had the power to stop Green Goblin and I took it for granted thinking; with these power I could have saved her, the result I killed her…"
"Yeah, I know what you mean…" Cosmic Peter spoke, "I miss her terribly."
Iron Peter leaned in on the host Peter, "What are they talking about? What happened to Gwen?"
Host Peter shrugged, "Beats me…who's Green Goblin."
Leon having a sharp hearing thanks to the quietness that ensued, "May you never find out about her fate but you will find out about the Goblin."
Another silence blanketed them as the fire crackled in the now night of the consciousnesses, the 10 stayed in silence unsure what to say next.
Leon and host Peter's stomachs grumbled, "Well now that we know who you are, what's it going to take for you to leave?"
Host Peter spent the last two hours learning about his doppelgängers each taking 20 minutes to introduce themselves learning about their lives in much detail as possible. Leon on the other had a very humble origin, raised in a neighborhood with loving parents sheltered, growing up in a religious home with parents from different parts of the Caribbean Islands. Personality wise, he had a serious yet quiet character, spoke when he was spoken to unless he interjected in clarifying certain aspects of his life or what he knew about anything.
"Well, we are going to wait and see what Doc Ock is going to do with your blood sample."
"What!" The others screamed
Recovering from that by cleaning his ears, he shrugged nonchalantly, "I know what I am doing so relax."
"Doctor Otto Octavius is a man not to be trifled with, I have to ask in what the hell were you thinking?!" Symbiote Peter was ready to pounce only to be held back by Cosmic
"Clones…nuff said." Was the response
"You are off your rocker!"
"He could find out who this world Spider-Man is and hunt him down!"
Sheepishly the young man scratched his cheeks, "Completely forgot about that since I found out that I was him temporarily."
They groaned
"So sue me, besides what's done is done we can only move forward and brace for impact."
"You can't avoid this you know!" Iron Peter stated, "This is going to come back biting him in the ass."
"It always does, since when have any us escaped the Parker luck?"
"Do me a favor…" Leon wording his sentence carefully, pointing to Cosmic, Symbiote, Unlimited, Iron, and the Sam Rami and Phoenix "Look yourselves in the mirror and tell yourselves that uncle Ben death wasn't your fault and we'll talk."
They wanted to protest but no words came out, "Touché…"
"Look I spared this world Peter Parker the agony of losing Uncle Ben so the guilt will not be heavy and he can a support system." Leon looked at each one of them, "I really hate this whole guilt trip; this is my fault cliché act, guys when is enough going to be enough?"
"That's a question that has been left unanswered for a while. In your world you don't have superpowers, not knowing how power corrupts individuals if you're not careful." Cosmic said
Leon nodded, "Your right, I don't know what's it like to have superpowers, yet powers or not we are going to turn this world upside down."
Leon was thrown back down as Venom once again manifested himself making his presence known to keep everyone on guard, "I will not be ignored! I'm starving, I need food! If I do not get food within the next minute, I'm going to eat that spleen then your liver and then burst your appendix soon we'll see how fast the poison will travel throughout the body."
"Umm…anyone know how to get out of here?" The others shook their heads Host Peter pulls his hair in frustration, "Well that's just great!"
"So what now?"
"We get something to eat." The Symbiote says keeping the anomaly down as he tries to get up
"Stop thinking about food for a moment and think about how to leave this mind-scape."
"I got a thought. We pool in our experiences or knowledge to help this world Peter Parker to be the best Spider-Man to come across the multiverse." The young adult on the ground suggested, the other Parker nodded their heads
"Sounds like a plan."
The host Parker goes over to help Leon up, "This is all your faaaaaaullllllltttt…"
The moment they touched hands a glow happened to send Peter flying back to reality, "Well that's one way for Elvis to make an exit. We salute you, bring back Rock and roll to the world." Leon mocked sniffed, "They grow up so fast." A thought occurred, "Wait a minute how did you know that your name was Venom Symbiote?"
"This just occurred to you? A Zumphieh is a lot wiser to solve riddles."
On the outside of the unconscious body, scientists are baffled one minute there many wavelengths of brain activity now one is highly active dominating the others.
A soft groan is let loose, May is quickly at her nephew side, "Peter…sweetie"
"Hmm…" Peter eyes opened for the first time in a while, "Where am I?" He jolted out of the bed, he looked to his right he sees his beloved Aunt, "Aunt May!"
He engulfs her in a bear hug literally crushing her ribs, "Peter…ca...can't breathe…"
"Sorry, sorry…." He said he then notices the strange place, "Aunt May where are we? In fact where is here?"
"Peter, don't you remember anything?" May asked worriedly
"No…was I supposed to?"
Before she could reply the door opened to reveal Nick Fury in all his one eye patchiness, alongside him was a young girl wearing a white costume that represents that of a Bengal Tiger. "Mr. Parker, you had us all worried there, I supposed that you alright?"
"I guess I'm feeling a little bit better than usual, why? Did something happen?" He looked quizzically between the two adults in the room
Warning bells ringing, did that seizure cause a temporary memory loss? May cupped her nephew chin staring at the milk chocolate eyes before her, that was weird didn't he have dark chocolate eyes? She opened her mouth to say something yet no words came out, she sighed took a deep breath tried again, "Peter…what was the last thing you remember?"
Peter eyes darted left, right, up, down then to the left corner, "Umm…getting ready for school for the trip after that I don't seem to recall much after that."
Back at the tower in the medical field where the Ericka was still bruised, she begins to twitch, moan at the same time groan. She is having a nightmare her head is swaying from side to side as she whispers out one word, "Spider-Man…"
Panting heavily as she raced across the rooftop, Erika finds herself running across, she is puzzled to why she is running and cannot stop. Up ahead she sees a person running from her limping it looks likes, she calls out to them.
She pushed harder as fast as her legs can carry her, she saw that there was a major gap between buildings coming up. The figure leaped soaring in the air, while she herself is left behind watching the wounded figure climb the building, she then reaches in a pouch for binoculars.
Ericka saw the person made it to the top of the roof, she wondered why despite being injured that this person would they continue to push themselves to run away?
It didn't matter, she unhooks a grappling hook giving it a good twirl before launching it across the gap with her gun. She scales the wall finding the figure on their knees panting.
She is suddenly propelled forward crashing into them. She walks up to the down person, apparently, the costume represented that of a spider due to the webbing in certain areas. Why did this look so familiar?
Ericka is now on top, pinning the person down with a Sai in hand, she reaches for the mask. Why was she doing this? She has no control over her action the other hand reaches for the torn mask. It comes off to reveal…Peter!?
Her eye widen in shock, she tries to say his name but suddenly she is pushed back by a fiery explosion, soon the costume changes while she struggled to get back up.
In a daze, she feels herself being lifted face to face with this being. She is terrified at his power as he began with a wave of his hand opening a rift. The rift looked maleficent, it was dark with energy. He pushed her in as she screamed falling in the rift of darkness to consume her, then her world turns dark.
This is how she woke up screaming, with her good hand she places it on her chest. Her eyes in panic, sweat rolling down her already cold wet face. As she comes to she winces the pain from the beating she had from that guy.
She swore that man was going to pay 10 fold after she recovered that is. Her body felt so sore, any sudden movement she did cause her to jerk in pain. She huffed though it hurt, she looked around as far as she could trying not to strain herself, was she in the hospital? Where was Peter? In fact where was here?
"I see that you are awake, that is good I thought we were going to have to plan your funeral." Her head tilted to the side she sees a man in a business suit staring at her impassively in the corner, "Morlun could have killed you if he wanted to, it's a miracle that you're still alive."
"Where am I? Who are you and where's the Parker family?!" She yelled, again she winces trying to make a stand against this stranger.
"In order, you are my guest, I am treating your wounds in my medical wing, I am Ezekiel Sims Ms. Natchios and they are for the moment separated." He calmly says, "Now I would not worry about Peter or his aunt they seem to be in capable hands with a top-secret organization called S.H.E.I.L.D."
She looks at him eyes dangerously narrowed, promising pain, the older gentleman was unfazed by the threat after she still has a long road to recovery. He was no doctor but he guessed a good three to four months then she should be good as new.
"Tell me Ms. Natchios, how far are you willing to protect young Mr. Parker? At what cost?"
The young red highlighted woman thought about it for a moment before she replied, "I will do anything for him."
"Then there is something I need you to do for me if you want the job." The older man said
For some reason that excited her, call it an itch but when she heard the words something like a bubble of excitement triggered. "I'm listening."
LXD: Greetings just bringing you a quick update since you know the whole 5 month hiatus. I have been thinking about this story and since this is a new year I think I want to give this story a reboot and proper Spider-Man story still SI story but that depends how this story goes. I might want to post it next month since I will be working on my other Spider-Man story namely Spider-Man evolution though changing some things depending on how this story goes. I want to give up a few stories for adoption so look in my profile to see which ones are going for adoption first come first serve, pm me if interested. Anyway tell me what you think in the comments section and I'll see you in the next chapter, comment, rate, subscribe
For the reviewer(s)
Spiderman1fan: thanks hopefully other readers feel the same way, I know I've been gone for a while but life tends to get you worked up.