The vibrating phone on the counter awoke Jane from her daydream. The TV was blaring, but she wasn't watching it; she was just staring into space, with Kurt's confession to her on loop inside her head. I love you, Jane.
She leaped off the couch as if it was on fire, and grabbed her cell phone. The bright blue light illuminated her face in the evening dusk as she read the screen. The message was from Kurt. Her heart started to pound, as she imagined the hundreds of scenarios surrounding the text. She tapped the notification, holding her breath.
Hey, just got back to SIOC, Hirst told me you're alright. The team's coming to back to mine now to celebrate, if you're up for it, but don't worry if you're not. I'm glad you're ok.
Jane read and reread the message a few times, just to make sure it was him. She still couldn't believe that he had made it out alive; she genuinely thought that she had lost him forever. That thought scared her more than Sandstorm ever could.
Her thumb paused over the screen, not knowing how to respond. Truth is, she didn't know how to face him, not after what he had said. She didn't know if he even remembered telling her; he did go unconscious, after all. And if that was true, then she didn't want to be the one to bring the subject back up.
But what if he did remember? Jane thought to herself. That thought made her both giddy and terrified. She knew that he had started to care for her again - their kiss in the cell proved that - but she hadn't expected him to lay out his feelings so bluntly.
Their relationship was so fragile, that Jane was scared that almost anything could cause it to come crashing down. She couldn't go through that again. During those 3 months in the CIA blacksite, she had thought of nothing else but Kurt - how she had hurt him, how he could never forgive her, and how much it had pained her to see him like that. All she wanted at that time was to see him again, to tell him everything, to make things right. And now, they were finally back on track, and she couldn't bare the thought of losing him like that again. She was terrified of… him. Of loving him.
She couldn't keep kidding herself - she loved him. She had known it ever since she had told him that he was her starting point. Because he was. His name was on her back, he cared for her when no-one else dared to, he invited her into his life… and she would never be able to repay him.
So what was stopping her from telling him all of this?
Fear. Fear of losing him all over again. She didn't have enough strength left to cope with it. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me since I came out of that bag, Jane thought to herself.
She knew things were different now. Everything that had happened - Taylor, Roman, Shepherd, the truth about Emma's death - it had all been for a reason. It had made their relationship stronger. Yes, it had broken them for a while, but they had managed to come out of it the other side - and more importantly, there were no more secrets between them. And Kurt didn't regret any of it - he had said so himself.
Jane's eyes flitted back to the illuminated screen in her hand. She still hadn't replied to Kurt's invitation, and she still didn't know how to.
She wouldn't reply just yet. She was suffocating inside the safe house; she needed some fresh air.
I'll go for a walk, and see where my feet take me, she thought.
The night was surprisingly warm for early winter, so much so that Jane decided to carry her leather jacket instead of wear it. She had gotten to know the streets of New York quite well since she'd arrived, using sleepless nights to explore the city. The streetlights bounced on her head as she walked briskly through the streets, not even paying attention to where she was going. She didn't even realise where she was heading until she saw it, right in front of her.
The park close to Kurt's appartment.
Jane had come here a few times since getting out of the blacksite. In the early days, whenever Kurt was still angry at her, she would come here, and sit for hours on that little bench, thinking about how much she longed for things to go back to how they were before, before she met Oscar. She had wanted to meet Kurt so badly that night, more than anything, but Oscar held answers that she just couldn't resist. Now, though, she knew that she had made the wrong decision that night; if she could go back in time, she would meet Kurt at the park, just like he'd suggested. She would choose him.
Turning around to face the apartment block overlooking the park, Jane's eyes gazed upwards to the window that she knew belonged to Kurt's apartment. The lights were on, and she could vaguely hear music. Jane gripped her leather jacket tightly, and took a deep breath.
It's not too late to choose him.
She crossed the street and entered the apartment block. Her heart pounded alongside her shoes as she marched up the stairs, determined not to turn back. She reached his apartment door; she could hear Tasha and Patterson laughing. Before she could regret it, she opened the door.
All of them turned to look at her, a look of surprise on their faces - especially Kurt's. She gave a small wave to Tasha, Patterson and Reade at the counter, but every part of her was focused on Kurt. He walked towards her, and said "I didn't think you were coming".
He seems happy to see me, Jane thought to herself. A slight bit of relief settled inside her, but it wasn't enough to overcome her increasing heart rate.
"Can I talk to you for just a second?" Jane said, gesturing her head towards the corridor. "Outside."
Kurt looked confused, but he followed her out to the corridor, closing the door behind him.
Jane braced herself for what she was about to say.
Okay, this is it, she told herself. Whatever happens, happens. We're gonna be just fine.