Chapter five: Truth Will Out
The inspections started and things got worse. From what the twins said, it seemed like Professor Flitwick at least would be safe. Hermione didn't see Trelawney's, but Harry and Neville both said that it was awful and after describing it for her, she agreed. She would admit to not approving of the woman's subject and overall persona, but no one deserved to be humiliated like that in front of their class. They were able to witness for themselves Minerva's inspection, which begged the question of her temper. It was amusing that she had advised Hermione and Harry not to let her get to them and then she turned around and gave the 'High Inquisitor' attitude. Professor Grubbly-Plank's only led to more question about where Hagrid could be.
Harry received another week's detention. He didn't mean to, and Hermione tried to stop him, but it didn't work out that way. During the week, they somehow gained Flitwick to their cause, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Madame Pomfrey and Tonks. Draco told them that for them to get Blaise Zabini, they'd have to talk to him themselves. Harry wanted to ask Hagrid about it when he came back, but Hermione had explained it wouldn't be a good idea. For one, they didn't know when he would be back, and the other- he was way too loyal to Dumbledore. They couldn't fault him for that.
"When are you going to come out about your identity?" Tonks asked one Saturday when they were meeting.
Hermione looked over to Severus, who nodded. "Soon. We are wanting to do it at the right moment. The only thing we are going to expose of our knowledge is what we know of us being twins and Ron and Ginny. We want to keep our followers, especially the adults, a secret for now. We want to keep it a secret that we're making our own facet to this upcoming war to ourselves."
"You want us to help fight in this war," Daphne said from beside Neville, "but how are we to do that when we aren't being taught anything in DADA? We need a teacher. A proper teacher."
"I will be helping you all," Severus said. "All of us will. We will prepare you to the best of our abilities."
"And everyone else?" She asked. "What about those who won't be on your side? Are you to let them fight and die for Dumbledore? Their unpreparedness won't stop him from asking them. You know that."
Who knew she would be such a humanitarian, but Hermione agreed wholeheartedly. She looked to Harry.
She's right.
Am, what are you thinking?
That they deserve to be able to defend themselves too. Everyone does. I think you should teach them.
That's insane, Amaranth. ME?
You've seen what we're up against. None of us have. You can teach them what we're being taught here. Please. They need you too.
I'm going to regret this.
Hermione smiled and looked back to Daphne. "Harry will teach them."
When they were off just talking, Sirius approached her.
"That was well done," he commended her.
"Thank you. I just, she's right. He's going to guilt everyone into fighting for his side even though he knows that they don't know what to do. Then, when they die, he'll make martyrs of them. At least now, with Harry teaching them, they'll have a chance."
He hugged her. "You're so much like your mother. Even the S.P.E.W. campaign last year was reminiscent of her. She even tried to do something similar if I remember correctly."
"Yup, it wasn't long after she and your dad started going steady. She went over to his house for Christmas and was appalled at the thought. They didn't treat their elves badly, but it was the idea that the elves were slaves or something. She eventually gave up, but insisted when they got married that they not have any."
Hermione chuckled. "I think I have given up my ideals in that regard. They were finally able to make me understand that they didn't want to be saved."
"Your mother was always looking for someone to save. A bit like Harry, but Harry takes a different approach to things than she would."
"Is it weird?" She asked. "To think now that they're out there somewhere?"
"A bit. I keep thinking about where they could be. Where he would hide them. I think he would keep them close, in plain sight. Like, disguised as portraits or something. Maybe in a mirror."
"We need to get closer to him and find out."
The next day, Hermione left her dormitory unglamoured. She passed Lavender first. Today would be the day that they unveiled her identity and the day the DA went psuedo-public to start training students to fight- whichever side they ended up on. Lavender gasped at the sight of her as she dressed in her casual clothes today consisting of jeans and a shirt proudly broadcasting 'Weasley Is Our King'. Draco had insisted and since he, Neville, Luna, Harry, Hermione, and the twins had grown incredibly close- she obliged.
"Hermione?" Lavender asked uncertainly. "I-i-is that you?"
"Sort of." Telling Lavender, would mean that the school would know by breakfast. Hermione left it at that and went to meet the others. She and Harry were talking to Blaise today.
"You look gorgeous," Harry told her. She grinned and threw an arm around him, earning a jealous glare from Ginny and a clueless look from Ron.
"I feel... liberated."
Draco bitterly led them to Blaise Zabini where he sat with Daphne and Theo. Apparently he and Draco hated each other. This was obvious within the first few moments.
"Malfoy. Did you get your scent glands removed? You know how I feel about ferrets."
Hermione and Harry stifled a snicker as Draco's face turned a raging red. He crossed his arms. "Which husband is your mother on, Zabini? Seven? Eight? Oh! Who can keep count? Certainly not me."
Blaise stood up and slammed his fists on the table, a resounding smack echoing around that corner of the library. "Then perhaps you should begin by learning how to count, yes? After all, you are the precious heir to the Malfoy throne. Really, it's not like your family can suffer anymore embarrassment."
"Actually," Hermione cut in before a fight could break out. "It's Harry and I that need to speak to you. Draco agreed to bring us to you."
Blaise straightened and glanced to Harry and Draco before sitting down very deliberately. "I wasn't under the impression that Potter and Malfoy were such good friends."
"I'm sure there's a lot you aren't under the impression of."
"You'd be surprised."
"You're about to be," she promised.
He smirked. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure. Blaise Zabini."
"Amaranth Potter."
If he were shocked, and she was positive he was, he didn't show it. His face remained still aside from the cocking of an eyebrow. "That was... unexpected."
"I have a story, you see. One I'd like to share with you if you are amenable."
He motioned toward a chair across from him and she took it gracefully. "I'm all ears."
Draco scoffed and Hermione ignored it. "There was a little boy," she said, "born to loving parents he and his twin sister. They had a wonderful family amidst a horrific war and when Voldemort came for them, the boy lived. Then, a man the world thought to be trusted, came for the twins. He took the boy, sent him off to unloving relatives. He wiped everyone's memory of the girl and sent her to live with Muggles. She and her brother only met at the age of eleven when they were off to school. Never to know who they were to each other."
Blaise said nothing for many minutes. Then he stood up and moved to kiss her hand. "Miss Potter, I would gladly join your cause for this impending war. If you'll have me. Am I to assume your name became Granger?"
"You may," she said. "We are letting it out today. Also, we're starting a defense club. Harry will be teaching the students defensive spells. All students. Today we're starting to tell people."
"Then I think I should follow the two of you for the day. I do so love a good intrigue."
Daphne and Theo stood to follow as well, moving to the Great Hall. Everyone they passed were quick to move out of the way. Hermione felt her heart beat fast and wild with butterflies trying to burst from her chest. Along the way, they gathered Neville, Luna, Colin, Fred, George, and even a few more Gryffindors that Fred and George were quick to explain things to in hushed tones. This procession did not include Ron, Seamus, Ginny, and a few more that stood by with sour faces as they too seemed to understand what was going on. But they still asked themselves where Hermione was and if she had been renounced by Harry as well, replaced by this redhead who looked remarkably like the late Lily Potter.
Noise ceased upon their arrival to the Great Hall. The students who were eating breakfast stopped and looked up with slack jaws and silverware poised in front of their lips with the next bite. The teachers at least laid their forks and spoons down carefully, holding on to the last of their sanity at whatever was about to occur. The older teachers, such as Minerva, Severus, and Professor Flitwick- despite knowing the truth- all joined the rest of the hall in their shock. It was like seeing a ghost, Harry and Amaranth being the ghost of their parents, holding each other's hands for strength, seeing the line of support behind them- higher than the rest the child of Frank and Alice Longbottom and the nephews of Gideon and Fabian Prewitt.
The Headmaster was the first to act, standing up in the tense air with an air of his own- of power, strength, and authority. For once, Umbridge was being silent- content enough to watch the scene unfold. A scene promising to be worth a Floo call to the Minister.
"Harry, my boy, you seem distressed."
"All due respect, Headmaster, but I'm not your boy. I refuse to be manipulated any longer."
Dumbledore looked startled, or, maybe it was only now that he noticed Hermione. There was no doubt in his mind who it was. He straightened ever so slightly, bringing himself to his full height. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Harry."
Harry's voice was confident, and everyone in the Great Hall heard every word clearly as he took a few more steps ahead of his crowd, hesitantly letting go of his sister's hand. "I know what you did. I know about Amaranth. I know about the Weasley's. How can you claim yourself to be the Lord of the Light when all you do is manipulate and betray people who relied on you?"
"Harry, I'm sure this is all some misunderstanding. What are you talking about?"
Hermione watched her brother glance around and climb on to the Gryffindor table with the help of Fred and George to address the whole of the school. "I had a sister, a twin, and this man not only took her from me and placed her with Muggles, but took away the memory of her from everyone who knew. I didn't even know until an accident took away her glamour and we performed a heritage spell."
He held his hand out to her and she took it, pulling herself to stand on the bench.
"My sister, Amaranth Potter. Not only did he separate us, but he paid people to get close to us in order to manipulate me. He's lied and he's deceived, at least Voldemort doesn't pretend to be anything less than a monster."
There was a collective gasp at what he was insinuating and he lifted his chin in a point of defiance aimed towards the front table and Dolores Umbridge felt like her birthday had come early. Harry Potter renouncing Albus Dumbledore publicly. Maybe her detentions had worked. This was delicious, Potter and Dumbledore against each other and a secret twin that would turn the rest of the Wizarding World away from him.
"Harry, I have only ever wanted what's best for you. You must know this."
"You only think you know what's best, but I don't remember ever asking." He moved to address everyone again. "I am not turning to the Dark, but I will no longer sit by idly while my future is determined for me. I will fight this war, but I will do it on my own terms and I invite any of you who wish to join me."
Hermione ran to Sirius who picked her up and spun her around before hugging her tightly.
"You two did it! I wish I could have been there to see it."
Severus cleared his throat. "I do have the memory for those of you who wish to view it. It was quite entertaining. I think Albus understands now that his way will no longer be tolerated."
Hermione was set down, but still held to Sirius. "You don't suppose he knows you are helping us."
"Don't worry about me," Severus told her tenderly. "I will express my anger about not knowing and allow myself to be manipulated. He'll think I'm still on his side. And I'll be able to help us even further. He'll know that Black and Lupin are on your side, so they can't even pretend. Minerva can get away with scolding him and being neutrally on our side. Tonks, she's neither here nor there so she can be public about her support or not. He won't look too close to her."
"My grandmother will stand behind him," Neville said beside Daphne. "I will be disowned as her grandson."
Harry held his hand out to him. "You're part of mine, Neville. I, Harry James Potter, accept you as my brother."
A swirl of magic wrapped around the two, reaching out to Hermione and tying around them in a ribbon of light before dispersing. Harry looked around the room.
"What just happened?"
"You performed a familial charm," Daphne told him. "You have just accepted him into your family, your family tree. He is now your brother by right."
Harry looked to Neville and patted him on the back. "Good. My brother."
"My mother has always been neutral," Blaise said. "But I think I could convince her to join our side."
"And my father," Luna said. "He can show his support in his paper. He'll join you."
Lucius bowed his head, "And of course you have the support of my family. I will help you both in any way I ever can."
Draco nodded his agreement, giving his trademark smirk. Around the room, the Potions classroom warded and silenced to anyone outside, people each agreed fervently. Sirius, who still had Hermione platonically in his arms.
"You have your people," he whispered to her. "People who would die for you and your brother. People whose loyalties are not easily won, but will never leave you. Look around."
Albus Dumbledore paced his office in a fury. All his planning, all his work, gone because of that snot nosed little boy and his ridiculous idea of how the world works. No one could take the responsibility he did. No one had the intelligence, nay, the power, he had to be able to do his job. He alone held the key. That idiot boy knew nothing and he alone would be the cause of the fall of the Wizarding World. And then everyone would beg for him to come and save them, but it will be too late.
A/N: Sooo, got that out. Today has been a good day. My cousin and I used to be best friends and then we grew apart and tonight we talked, I mean like we used to. It was really nice. So, this chapter is dedicated to Jonathon. Love you. Love always, Skye.