Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Hobbit/LOTRO/Harry Potter works, I own only the characters I have created.
Soo.. Hi.. Sorry for the long wait I have been super busy studying for my driver's test and preparing for my uncle's wedding.
Not much time to write really, but I have fleshed out the basics of the chapter, how I want it to go, the next chapter will be a bit harder to write because I plan for the deaths of Drogo and Primula.
So the reviews will be answered in the bottom, so enjoy the chapter and terribly sorry for the long wait.

Glittering jewel green eyes peeked just slightly out of a rather large bush after a moment a set of amber eyes peeked out on either side of the green, on the left, there was Blue, Hazel, and another amber.
"Are you sure about this Master Frodo?" Questioned the squeaky voice of one Samwise Gamgee.

"Shh! You're going to get us caught!" Merry hissed as he glared over at Sam.

"Get down!" Elsyl tugged them all down flat to the ground as Aunt Donnamira stalked by her green eyes wary as she guarded the sweet tarts on her window sill.
"We're goin' for it," Merry said and he and Pippin darted out, after a moment of silence twin cries of pain sounded.

"A moment of silence for our fallen brothers." Frodo sighed and Elsyl snickered as Donnamira stormed by the ears of the terrible twins in her grasp as she ranted and lectured.
"Now!" Elsyl darted out of the bush nimbly, Frodo rushed out close behind dragging a worried looking Sam.

Reaching the window Elsyl lifted the basket handing it off to Sam who switched out the basket they had brought which was filled with painted rocks that looked almost exactly like the tarts. The three swiftly made a retreat to the large tree overlooking the kitchen.

Shortly after they left Isengar Took snuck in closing the door quietly and tip toed over to the windowsill grabbing one of the 'tarts' with a pleased grin he opened wide and bit down sharply.


There was a pause then he let out a scream of pain and they all rushed off holding in their laughter which got so much harder when they heard Donnamira return with an almighty howl of rage.

They raced across took borough giggling and hiding in bushes and trees when one of their aunts, who were always suspicious, passed by.

"Papa!" Elsyl called as they rushed into the dining room skidding to a halt upon seeing the Thain and the master of the Brandybucks.
Bilbo let out a sob and opened his arms.

"Frodo, come my dear boy. Elslyl you and Sam go play in the garden."

"What do you think happened?" Sam asked quietly as he pulled weeds from the garden, Elsyl was leaning against the wall with his nose scrunched up.

"I don't know, can't hear anything." A loud wail sounded from the house.

"NO!" the back door slammed open and Frodo tore from the house flying across the hills as fast as he could.

"Frodo! Hey!"

Elsyl rushed after Frodo his slightly longer legs leaving Sam behind as he tried to catch up to Frodo, who had reached the party tree and was climbing it nimbly, Elsyl easily and gracefully climbed up after him.

"go 'way." Frodo sobbed as he buried his face in his arms, Elsyl flawlessly jumped over to his branch and sat down beside him.

"Did something bad happen?" He asked softly, looking at him from under his bangs, Frodo stayed stubbornly silent sniffling and occasionally letting out a sob, Elsyl shuffled closer tucking the smaller boy against his side letting him sob into his shirt.

Elsyl began to hum the lullaby Bilbo used to sing to him when he had nightmares, Frodo's breathing evened out and Elsyl carefully pulled him onto his lap and climbed carefully out of the tree and then on to the path that led back to Bagshot row.

Well.. what do you think? This is going to be a rather short chapter because I didn't have a lot planned, I'm not sure if I should do one more chapter on Elsyl as a kid before Gandalf arrives or just have Gandalf arrive next chapter and sorta mush one last piece of Elsyl in the shire before having Gandalf takes him to Rivendell.

So Reviews:

Mumble84: yess I actually borrowed some of my cousins writing books and one of them actually talks about some of the words that most get stuck on which helped quite a bit.

God of All:Sorry it took so long for the update I had a brief period of where I jsut didn't want to write anything but short little stories or just random ideas I wanted to put down, thank you for reading!

Golden feathers Edward: unfortunately yes, this one is another short one, and the next chapter might be short as well depending on how I want it to go, I actually re wrote chapter 3 over the course of the month, originally it was shorter than this, but i figured it should be a bit longer.

: I'm glad you like it!

victoria: Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy this chapter (even though it's short... )

ruinedsandwhich: You wouldn't believe how bad I snorted when I read your comment, Thank you for reading and i'm glad you like it!

.Wonderland.8510: Yesss there needs to be more stories with little Harry, i'm thinking of putting up a special chater with adventures of Harry as he first arrived in the shire xD