AN: Back again! This chapter is a little on the shorter side, but only because the next chapter will have some action! This chapter is trying to emphasize Morgana and Akira's friendship and flesh it out a bit more. Also no, I didn't forget about Yusuke the art boy ;P

Yusuke K: And you're certain this is the only solution?

Akira K: Yes.

Ann T: Our fearless leader is resolute it seems

Yusuke K: I do wish you had notified me and allowed my input

Yusuke K: I do not appreciate being left out of the loop

Ryuji S: Stop worrying! Our man's got this!

Yusuke K: Very well, I will trust your judgement

Akira K: Everyone meet at the hideout after school, time to put the plan into action

Akira flopped onto his bed and ran a hand through his hair. It was getting shaggy. Akira had been rather determined the last few days and had been neglecting his personal health for the mission. He knew that he was overworking himself but he couldn't afford to slow his pace. If something happened and Akira could have prevented it, he would never be able to forgive himself. Between working through mementos, going to school, taking care of request on the phansite, working multiple part-time jobs, spending time with his social links, and investigating the Kaneshiro case, Akira was feeling absolutely exhausted.


"What is it, Morgana?"

Morgana gave him a defiant look, "I think we should wait a day or two before we go after Kaneshiro."

There wasn't enough time, they needed to solve this as quickly as possible and Akira told Morgana this.

"I know! But look at yourself! You're exhausted! Today in mementos you were barely keeping up!"

Akira gave a large sigh, "Listen, I know you are worried about me, but this isn't about me. There are innocent people at stake here Mona; if something happened to them and I could've stopped it…" he let the sentence drop.

"I know… Just, be careful tomorrow, okay?" Morgana's concerned look burned into Akira's mind and he suddenly felt extreme guilt for the way he had been stressing out his companion.

"I'll be careful, promise," Akira gave his cat a small grin, "Besides, the team would fall to pieces if I wasn't here to keep it together."

Morgana puffed out his fluffy chest in indignation, "It would not! I can lead very well thank you! And my first order of business as team leader would be to kick out useless Ryuji!"

Akira gave a soft laugh and got comfortable under the covers. Although he didn't act like it, he was nervous. This time they were going after an actual criminal. Not just someone who has done illegal things, Kaneshiro was a crime boss. Chances were, he wouldn't regret getting rid of some meddlesome teens.

Feeling a soft lump lay on his chest, Akira drifted off to sleep.

As his best friend slipped into slumber, Morgana watched him faithfully, "Be careful my friend."