Disclaimer: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me, but any original characters do. I encourage you to check out the fic "Every Dog Has His Day" by Fei4 as it is what inspired this story. Plagiarism is absolutely not my intention, so if anyone feels that's what I've done, please let me know!

Sango hugged her friend one more time.

"Are you sure this is alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Of course," Kagome answered. It was bound to be helpful in the long run, Sango's village was rife with the bones of demons that could be used to make weapons and armour and they needed plenty of those in the battles to come. Inuyasha had declined to go, insisting he and Kagome needed to pursue the shard Kagome sensed to the east. Shippo had opted to go with Sango and Miroku, figuring it was the safest place to be. Kagome wouldn't admit it, but she was happy for any excuse to have some alone time with her hanyou, even if most of it was spent bickering. Even when he was bugging the hell out of her, she was still happy to be with him. Sometimes, when it was just the two of them, he'd drop the gruff act and show her moments of introspection and even tenderness. She was endlessly fascinated by him, always wanting to know more. Only weeks earlier, he'd confessed to her that he hated his ears. Kagome of course, adored them but hearing him say it, she had to admit she understood his point; it was hard to be taken seriously as a warrior when you had cute fuzzy ears ruining the effect. Naturally she had reached out and stroked one, earning an adorable huffy face but no protests.

"Keh," Inuyasha said, "be back in Kaede's village in seven days' time. Don't die." Miroku smiled, recognizing Inuyasha's roundabout way of expressing concern. The group piled onto Kirara's back and waved their goodbyes, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha alone.

"Let's go." He knelt so she could climb onto his back. Kagome always had to rein in her eagerness when he did this. So, she climbed on, pressing her body against his and hanging on tight. Inuyasha took off at a run and leapt into the air. Kagome sighed with elation, these jumps felt like short bursts of flight to her and she loved them.

Unseen by her, Inuyasha's cheeks were pink. Maybe, maybe, he was showing off. Just a little. After all, those happy noises she made when they flew together were the best part of his day.

Their journey took them the eastern mountain range. Inuyasha stopped so they could make camp before venturing into the harsh, rocky terrain. Kagome slid off his back, in one well-practiced move.

"Get a fire started, I'll go see what I can catch for dinner."

"Ok, don't be long!" She said cheerfully. Inuyasha only grunted before running off.

Kagome hummed to herself as she worked. She was in a ridiculously good mood, just because she got to spend a week with Inuyasha. What would her friends think? Sometimes she felt a little bad about the negative image she'd carelessly painted of him, words thrown out in anger. She hadn't said anything untrue, Inuyasha was rude and possessive and jealous and beat up any man that tried to put the moves on her. But how could she tell her friends about Inuyasha's troubled past and demon-instincts? How could she make them understand his heart? Even if they ever met him (Kami help her if that ever happened), he wasn't likely to make a good impression. Had Inuyasha ever made a good first impression on someone? She wondered.

Yes actually, Kagome realized, by one of the most unlikely people on earth; her mother. It still struck Kagome as miraculous that Mama was so understanding about the situation. Kagome tried to downplay the danger she was almost always in, but Mama wasn't stupid. It didn't help that she needed to stock up on medical supplies every time she came home. But Mama always had everything ready with a smile and a gentle inquiry as to how Inuyasha was doing. Apparently, what had taken Kagome weeks of his constant company to see, Mama had known after only a few short meetings; Inuyasha was the epitome of a diamond in the rough. Kagome smiled. It could also be that Mama was nice to everyone.

Her pleasant thoughts were ruined by the sudden cold wind that whipped through the clearing. The sky flashed with lightning and Kagome could have sworn she glimpsed an immensely large undulating body making his way through the clouds. Towards her. The wind became a funnel that came down like a shot, landing with such force, Kagome was thrown backwards onto her bottom.

The dust cleared to reveal an imposing figure, dressed in fine armour and robes with a pattern of ocean waves. At least six feet tall, he towered over her. Green hair tied back in a tight ponytail revealed delicately pointed ears and no question that he was not human. Half his face was covered in shiny blue scales and his yellow eyes were ancient and wicked. Fangs glinted in his arrogant smirk. And no wonder, his demonic aura rivaled that of Sesshomaru's. Kagome gulped.

Inuyasha finished off the boar in one swipe. Perfect! The beast had been easy enough to find, easy to kill and would feed them for two days. Now just to lug the stupid thing back to camp. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed in the sky. A freak storm? Inuyasha looked up and an icy grip clutched his heart. The body of a massive dragon was overhead, and heading straight for where he'd left Kagome. He dropped the boar with a curse and ran.

Shit! Kagome hang on! I'm coming!

"What do you want?" Kagome demanded, trying to hide her fear with bravado. The man's sneer widened.

"I want to know what an unclaimed, human girl is doing in my territory. Have you been left for me as a gift?" Kagome took a step back and dashed for her bow and arrows. Impossibly fast, the man was suddenly beside her, with one hand fisted in her black hair.

"Let me go!" She shouted, "Inuyasha!"

"So, you do have a man. He will soon regret being so careless with you."

"Kagome!" Inuyasha's voice! He was almost here.

"You're going to regret messing with me when he gets here!" Kagome snarled. The man raised an eyebrow and casually backhanded her in the face. The impact made Kagome's eyes water.

"Impudent wench. Breaking you is going to be fun." He wrapped a hand around Kagome's throat and squeezed.

Inuyasha arrived just in time to see the intruder tucking Kagome's limp body under his arm. His eyes went wide with fury and fear.

"Ryujin." He growled. The Demon Lord of the East spared him only a glance before erupting into his dragon form and taking off into the sky. Inuyasha snarled with rage, chasing after him. He couldn't use the Wind Scar, not without hurting Kagome.

How could I have been so stupid? I brought her here and left her alone! I can't believe I forgot where we were!

"Fuck!" He roared. He had lost sight of them, but he was honed in on Kagome's scent. He knew the stories, and he had to catch up before it was too late. Terror spurred his legs to move faster.

There! At the top of a mighty mountain, the dragon's castle lay nestled on the craggy cliffs. He could get there in a matter of minutes!

A blast of fire scorched the ground at his feet and he barely jumped out of the way in time. He turned around to glare at his attacker. It was a dragon, but not Ryujin.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Inuyasha demanded. Sesshomaru commanded his two-headed dragon steed to land.

"I'm here on official business with Lord Ryujin." He glared at Inuyasha, "What are you doing here?" Inuyasha grit his teeth, he hated to admit it, but if Sesshomaru was headed to the castle, he was going to find out anyway.

"That dragon bastard took Kagome." Sesshomaru's impassive face didn't change.

"You cannot hope to rescue her. You won't even get into the castle." Inuyasha felt a growl bubble up in this throat.

"Unless you enter with me. As much as I despise you, at the moment you are the successor to the West. You are, technically" he spat the word, "allowed to be here at this summit. Come." Inuyasha was baffled but reluctantly followed his brother up the steep cliff-face towards the dragon's castle.


Hope you enjoyed! It's going to get intense!
