
The dress blues comes in such a dark navy shade it looks black to the unobservant eye. Zechs thought it was appropriate. After all, he still felt like mourning. While adjusting his tie, he stared at his own eyes in the mirror searching for the man that left that room 5 months earlier. It was hard to deviate from the image engraved in his retina of Bernett's bloody and beaten face showing accusatory dead eyes.

The survivor guilt couldn't be dodged all days of the week, and especially today its cold hand grasped his heart with all intention of stopping it.

"Zechs…?", he heard his name molded by that which became his favorite voice. He used to dream about that sound many times while recovering from the abduction. But then it was real and with him there.

He found Noin reflected in the mirror. She was approaching him from behind wearing her lunar smile more as an interrogation mark. Her hand rested on her belly, hidden inside the wide A-lined jacket.

"Come back", she urged as if she knew what was happening in his head.

She was the silver lining he leaned on. Nodding his head, he turned to her and smiled a sad but genuine smile. By her side, happiness was doable. Her soft and serene light cut through the darkness and touched his heart, warming it and breaking the grip of pain.

He locked his eyes on hers, noticing she had his combination cap in one of her hands.

"Now you are ready", she put the hat on the top of his head and hummed her soothing words without taking her eyes from his. "I know you are taking them with you for all your life. They would be proud of you."

"They deserve this medal more than me."

"You all deserve it.", she voiced in a low tone, hoping the tremble in her voice wouldn't show. She had just admitted the presence of her own ghost – it could be any one of the men in Zechs' place then. Zechs' being alive was just a matter of luck.

She sought for support in her babies by caressing her belly again. She felt them a little agitated. They were almost 25 weeks old and she needed to get used to their kicks and turns. They would probably be two spirited kids. Zechs covered her hand with his and followed her motion. They exchanged intimate looks, but suddenly Noin's eyes opened wide.

"What's wrong?", with furrowed eyebrows, Zechs checked.

"They calmed down", and she smiled, reading that as a good signal. Maybe the children wanted Zechs close as much as she wanted.

He touched her forehead with his lips, hit by a wave of devotion. His mouth moved forming the words "I love you", but he didn't make any sound. Having her there was the same as having the whole world within his reach.

He enveloped Noin in a hug quite different from the grip he'd used when they first met. It was no longer just passion that he felt for her. His desire had become something more powerful. Resting his chin on top of her head, he began to rock her with a gentle movement. She barely fitted inside his arms even though she wasn't that big yet.

The wonder of being a father still hadn't vanished. Maybe it would never vanish.

He had a single wish to fulfill when he returned home: to see Noin again. After thinking so much about her, he wanted to confirm his memories. Feeling her sweet gaze was the real prize, more important than any medal. The urge to apologize for him being so distracted hurt him and his intentions were to offer more than his regret, but show what his feelings for her were.

After being rescued, Zechs was taken to a local hospital, where Treize was waiting for him. The familiar presence was a relief, but the true balm came from the news Treize brought:

"Noin searched for you. You should have called her like I said." Treize pointed out with a kind and good-humored voice, in an attempt to make Zechs laugh, but wasn't very successful. "Get well soon. She's waiting for you."

The encouragement, however, worked well, and in two weeks, Zechs recovered enough to make the long trip home.

Although Treize was with him all the time, updating Zechs on the events at the base, he never thought about revealing Noin's situation. He'd never commit the enormous disrespect of depriving the lady of making such a significant announcement herself.

With his health re-established, as far as his body was concerned, Zechs was back home and counting on Esther's care to finish healing his soul. He still had nightmares and doubts and kept his coming back in complete secrecy for a week. But when Treize told him that Noin would have that weekend off, he decided the moment to meet her had arrived. Using Treize as his mediator, he invited her to visit him as soon as possible.

She expected that moment to come. However, she found herself shocked. The truth was she was as nervous as he was unsure about their reunion. She feared how he'd get the news and whether he'd be able to deal with the responsibility she was presenting at that moment.

Their casual romance was going through so many challenges… the urge to overcome all those obstacles only proved that their desire had turned into love.

Esther received Noin and Une at the door. It was a pleasant afternoon with a strong breeze blowing, bringing spring close.

"Such beautiful flowers!", The housekeeper couldn't help herself observing at the sight of small and delicate blue irises. Esther hadn't had the opportunity to meet Noin in person before, but she had prepared well for the occasion by listening to Zechs, who didn't hesitate to explain everything he had learned about Noin during the short time they spent together. "I'm going to put them at the dinner table."

"We are having dinner…?"

"But of course… I even prepared arista alla Fiorentina!"

Une laughed, exchanging glances with Noin, who seemed paralyzed.

"Thank you so much for the invitation", Une decided to answer for both, since Noin couldn't escape her stupor yet.

"Now, the lieutenant must be waiting for you on the porch."

"Is there anything I can help you with?", Une offered, deciding it would be better if Noin saw Zechs first, alone.

"Come with me…" Esther smiled and nodded toward the kitchen, understanding what Une planned.

While passing by Noin, Une squeezed her arm in encouragement. Then, she followed Esther, answering what she had just mentioned about the weather.

Noin watched her friend go and then looked around. She had spent just one night at that house, but she could remember the layout very well. Surveying her space was a second nature procedure after all. She took a deep breath and walked slowly to the porch. It ran along the whole side of the building and was the perfect spot for watching the lovely ocean sunset outside.

Zechs had listened to Esther answer the bell, speaking loudly and delighted. Although he hadn't heard Noin's voice, he checked the clock and knew that it could only be her arriving. Leaving the office, he snuck into the rooms until reaching the porch. Noin had his back to him, moving side to side, running her hand over the wooden balustrade. He watched her for an instant, his heart beating hard from fear and joy.

He had given that woman so much power over him! However, he did so willingly because he loved her to the point of surrendering his complete fate to her.

At the same time that he wanted to run up to her and hold her, take her off her feet and spin with her across the deck, he was worried by the cold and resented reception she had the right to offer him.

Hearing footsteps, Noin looked over her shoulder. As her eyes fell on his image, she turned around facing him and took a hesitant step forward.

Her countenance gave up all the anguish she'd went through in his absence and, though she'd rather have restrained herself, looking at him was enough for the tears to begin to run. Her heart, which was beating cautiously weighed down by the tension, took off in a wild almost unbearable rhythm.

It was difficult for him to take the proper action. He actually didn't know what it would be. He remained pensive and worried, totally still. Her crying didn't bewilder him. After all, she had always made it clear that she cared for him and wanted more than an adventure. He only insisted on underestimating her feelings because he forgot that not all people were detached emotionally and mere sailors of pleasures as he used to be.

He paused to imagine what she probably had endured after receiving the information of his capture. She had been imprisoned and tortured too, not by terrorists or guerrilla soldiers, but by fear, insecurity, and pain of their abrupt separation. He wasn't the only one to suffer. Maybe she had even suffered more than him…

He had to comfort her. It was the least he could do.

When he took her in his arms, she surrendered to his support as if she had lost all the strength to hold her body, clinging to his neck while hiding her face in his chest. After spending a full minute lost inside his embrace, crying silently, her heart settled and she moved just a little in order to look into his eyes.

The smile Zechs displayed was gentle and shy. She caressed his face, reading the lines in his cheekbones and jaws with her fingers, a sigh of relief escaping her after she made sure it was all real.

"I couldn't wait to see you again", he murmured. "I wouldn't find peace if I didn't see you one more time… or at least one last time."

"One last time?"

"I know I failed you, Lucrezia. So I'll understand if you prefer this to be the last time we see each other."

"Don't talk like that. I was waiting for you."

"I'm so sorry for making you suffer like this…"

"Me too. But we know how things are. Sometimes we don't have any other choice but to be soldiers."

He could hear the reproof behind her words and it made his smile grow bigger and brighter. She being angry at him could only be a good signal.

"We need to talk." But then Noin disentangled herself from his arms and spoke in a very sober voice.

The sudden change in her manners alarmed him.

"What happened?"

"Zechs…", she looked him square in the eyes, her eyebrows furrowing as she gathered strength to break the news. "I know these are difficult times for you…" her eyes dropped to the floor and her own conflict started to upset her. She sought a subterfuge: "I… I didn't even ask you how you are…"

His forehead wrinkled with confusion as he studied her for a while.

"You know… I'm facing one day at a time. But having you here reminds me the reasons for being brave." He confessed in a passionate manner, even though he didn't detect why she was acting so elusively.

"Zechs…" and there came the tears again, biting the back of her eyes. She moved away a little, one hand slowly running through her hair.

"Tell me, Lucrezia, what's happening?", He urged her prompted by the terrible secret she seemed to keep and that troubled her so.

"Zechs, I'm pregnant. I found it out two months after your departure." The weight on her chest was eliminated and the strangled air could finally circulate.

"I see." His face turned serious and his eyes dimmed with the conclusion that nothing would be the same again after what she told him.

He looked away from her, frozen for a moment by his own thoughts. They were all empty and exhaustive to process, blocking the way for his sincere emotions to show.

Noin stood there, held hostage by his answer. Her eyes were engulfed in tears that overflowed effortlessly, reflecting the golden light of the setting sun as they ran down her face.

She had never wept like this. She had never been afraid to express herself, but tears had never come so easily to her. But she couldn't help crying like that. Before meeting Zechs, she had nothing, but now she was in a position where she had enough to suffer a devastating loss. And she understood it was the same with him.

His lack of response was enervating. She had never been much patient either. She'd rather be independent and practical, though maintaining a gentle disposition. His silence made her wonder if he was considering avoiding the commitment for fear of someday leaving her helpless, just as his father did to his mother due to the operational risk.

At the same time, she couldn't see him evading from something entrusted to him, whether it was a challenge or a promotion or a new life situation. Even though he was recovering from the ordeal he had just faced, he was goal-oriented. And she was just giving him a new goal to pursue.

He watched her ivory face being modified by the diffuse light that painted the sky in pink and orange hues, mixing melancholy and charm into a picture his eyes treasured with eagerness.

"Zechs… talk to me." She pleaded, wanting to reach out and touch him.

He shook his head and smiled again.

"During the time I was away, I realized what was missing in my life. You know how it goes… we only value it when losing it. I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since we met. You marked me forever. And when I thought I couldn't love you more than this, you give me this news…" Zechs embraced her once more. "Nothing could make me happier than building a family with you, Lucrezia."

Noin swallowed the tears, sobbed, and laughed, all at the same time. Feeling his warm hands holding her face, she closed her eyes and received the kiss he carefully planted on her lips.

One kiss followed the other, gentle at first and then slowly becoming a manifestation of desire and happiness. One touch was what it took for their bodies to remember the delight of being together and the unique joy they could make each other feel.

"Now, Lucretzia, tell me one more thing…" Between their kisses, an exciting but absurd idea came up to his mind.

"Yes?" She murmured, all her agony having completely disappeared when he held her by the waist.

"Are they twins?"

She moved away from him just enough for looking at his face.

"How do you know?"

He laughed, bringing his forehead to touch hers.

"My grandma had a twin sister. The possibility of it happening to my kids wasn't great, but I always wanted twin children."

"I should have expected you saying that." She teased him, rolling her eyes before laughing.

"You are the best, Lucrezia." He wiped the remaining tears from her face and kissed her cheek. "I'll be by your side all the time."

"You'd better be, Lieutenant Zechs Merquise."

They laughed, hugging a little more.

"Have you picked the names yet?"

"No, I was hoping you could help me with that."


There was still a lot to be said, however, they didn't need to rush because from now on there would be plenty of time for that.

That night they celebrated the future.

And now, almost three months later, it was an occasion to pay homage to the past.

As Zechs stood before his commander, he still brought the heavy load of what he saw and endured on his back and in his heart. He was aware that thinking about those who lost their lives would always be painful and that perhaps the ghosts would never disappear, no matter how much he was forgiven.

Everything that happened in life had a reason to be, even the unexpected events, which remind us to be humble and cause the moments to earn interest. The same applies to the past. Scars weren't witnesses of weakness, but monuments to willpower and receipts of the new opportunities. And he was determined to do everything in his power to use those new chances gifted to him.

After receiving the medal in front of his family and friends, Zechs celebrated the honor with a big dinner that already served as a rehearsal for what awaited him and Noin in two weeks.

Even though he didn't expect her to join him in wearing the deep navy dress blues for their wedding, he couldn't care less about the color of the gown she had chosen to wear. Lucrezia would look lovely in any hue because she was the prism that revealed them. She was the only person who could make him understand that true love was much like light, for it contained all the existing colors.

Hello there!

This is the last chapter! I can't believe I was able to finish. It was very, very difficult to write this story.

Thank you so much for reading it and taking time to comment it with your opinions!

Special thanks to Jessica Yoko and QMC for the help and to ClaraxBarton for introducing me to the fandom!

All this wasn't possible without you!

I know there probably are a lot of mistakes here, but I hope you can enjoy reading!

It was very hard to write this story and especially this chapter but I really had a lot of fun!

Until we meet again!

October 26th.