Previously on Bones . . .
"Glad to hear from you too, sweetie." Angela mocked. Before Booth could respond Angela excitedly continued on. "So we got a hit on a partial print for Brennan."
"What? Where?" He asked. This day was getting better and better.
"Mercy General Hospital, Port Charlotte South Carolina. They evidentially had a Jane Doe twenty-two weeks ago and they were trying to ID her. The card is damaged though and there is no indication the condition of the Jane Doe. Look for a Dr. Margo Scheffield." Angela said, hopeful that evidence hadn't gone cold.
"I'm on it." Booth declared and hung up. He turned to Sweets, "I'm going to look around here for a while. I need you to go back to Port Charlotte and look for a Dr. Margo Scheffield at Mercy General Hospital. She turned in a missing person's kit and it was a partial for Bones." Booth instructed. He popped the hatch and grabbed his duffle bag before handing Sweets the keys.
Booth wandered around the small town trying his best to stay dry in the pouring rains. He entered the bakery that Sweets had mentioned earlier and went to the counter. The young women smiled as he approached. Booth gave a small smile back as he reached into his pocket and removed a picture of Brennan. Holding the picture up for the lady to see he asked, "Do you recognize this women? Her name is Joy."
The young woman looked at the picture and nodded. "It looks a lot like Joy. Hard to tell under the makeup though" she replied.
"What can you tell me about Joy?" He asked.
The woman seemed to think about his request a minute before responding. "Not much, really. She keeps to herself, you know." The woman at the counter thought a minute longer before adding, "She only recently started coming into town."
Booth purchased a cup of coffee before continuing on his way. He stopped at several shops and the answers were about the same. When he came to the public library he figured it was a place Brennan would spend a lot of time in if she could and he decided to give it a try. When he entered it was staffed by an old woman who smiled at him as he entered.
"Good afternoon. Is there something I can do for you?" The lady offered politely.
Again Booth showed the woman his badge and then asked about the woman in the photo. She took no time to consider. "Yeah, I know Joy. She's in here two, maybe three times a week checking out stuff to read. Sweet lady, but shy."
"Shy?" Booth asked, leading the woman to continue talking. She obviously loved to gossip.
"Oh yeah, but not as bad as when she first started coming around. She used to be terrified someone would give her a hard time. Poor thing has been through a lot." The woman gushed.
"Like what?" Booth asked, momentarily taken aback that Bones had 'been through a lot'.
"Can't say, she doesn't talk much, but when she first started coming here she was still healing, had bruises all over and stitches too. She only seems to trust the priest." The woman sat tapping her chin as if trying to recall anything else.
"What priest?" Booth inquired, his confusion written all over his face.
"Oh, Father Reynolds. Detective Shelby asked the good Father to look in after her since she was in such an awful shape but. . ." The old woman's mouth clamped shut as Booth ran from the library at the mention of Dectective Shelby's name.
Booth jogged the short distance back to the police department. Shelby knew he was investigating the car being dumped in the lake the same time Joy showed up but the detective didn't offer up the information. Did he not make the connection or was he purposely keeping the information about Joy to himself. As Booth entered the police department Detective Shelby was there to greet him.
"I was wondering when you were coming back." Shelby said with a grin.
"Yeah, I uh. . . didn't finish looking through that file." Booth stammered. Part of him wanted to throw the older detective against the wall and demand to know what he knew about 'Joy" but another part of him was worried the man was involved in her disappearance and to not let on he knew anything.
The pair returned to Shelby's office as Booth started going over the file some more, secretly watching the other man for signs of aversion. Booth wasn't paying too close of attention as he looked down he noticed the section where items that were found on the body were listed. Two things jumped out at him: first a dolphin shaped ring and secondly, a dolphin necklace.
"Where are these items that are listed here?" Booth asked as he stood.
"Down in evidence." Shelby said. As they made their way down the stairs he further explained, "nobody ever came to claim the body or his personal belongings." He opened the cage that held the evidence lockers in and after some rummaging he handed Booth a box.
"This is everything?" Booth asked before opening the box. Detective Shelby nodded and watched as Booth went through the evidence. After a moment Booth's breath caught in his throat. His fingers picked up Brennan's ring before enclosing on the golden dolphin necklace. He flipped the dolphin over to read the inscription he knew was there: With Love, SB.
"Is everything alright?" Shelby asked with concern. Booth took a moment to compose himself but nodded 'yes', not trusting his voice. Detective Shelby locked everything back up with the exception of the necklace and ring. He took a piece of paper out and handed it to Booth, "I need you to sign for those two."
Booth walked in a daze and went outside for air. He sat under a tree and took the evidence bags out of his pocket. He opened the necklace and let it fall into his hand. He turned it over and ran his thumb over the inscription and smiled at the memory of how much Bones had loved the Christmas present and how his hands shook when he placed it around her neck. She swore she would never take it off. A frown replaced the smile as a tear ran down his cheek as he noted the chain was broken, probably snapped right off her neck.
Booth went back to the police station, determined to question Detective Shelby about 'Joy" but found he had gone home for the day. After not hearing from Sweets he tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. Not knowing how long Sweets was going to be, Booth went to the local bed and breakfast and booked a room. He called Sweets back and let him know where he could find him when he made it back.
Around 10:30 that night there was a knock at the door. Booth retrieved his sidearm before going to the door. He opened the door and was relieved to see Sweets standing there, soaking wet, with a file folder in his hands. "What took you so long?" Booth asked as he opened the door to allow Lance through.
"The doctor wouldn't release records without a warrant." Sweets said as he shrugged off his wet coat and dropped the keys on the dresser.
"But she asked for the ID?" Booth complained.
"Yes, but when the woman woke up and identified herself the case was closed. HIPPA prevented her from legally sharing any information after that point without the patient's consent." Lance explained.
"Woke up?" Booth asked with his hand held out for the file.
"I haven't had a chance to really read any of this but from what I have seen their Jane Doe was brought in critical and unstable condition. After surgery she slipped into a coma which is when they sent out the paperwork in an attempt to ID the woman. While waiting for paperwork to return she woke up and identified herself as Joy. The police had already determined her last name on the scene when she was found." Sweets said with a grin.
Booth flipped through the police report in the folder and began reading aloud: Trucker called in after he noticed woman laying on the side of the road on Highway 41, Wildlife Refuge, south of Abby Road. Responding police officer noted white female in her late twenties to early thirties, severely beaten. Missing articles of clothing possibly due to. . . to. . ." Booth swallowed hard before forcing himself to continue, "suspected rape. Stab wound to abdomen and gunshot wound to shoulder. Victim in and out of consciousness but not lucid. When asked her name she simply stated 'Booth'. Shocked twice by EMS on scene before being transported to Mercy General via EMS." Booth took a deep breath before laying the folder down and pacing the room.
"It's not your fault, Booth. There was no way for you to have prevented this." Sweets said, trying to reassure him.
"She was calling for me! For me!" Booth said harshly.
Lance ignored his comment, "We now have a full name, Joy Booth. We can check with the local PD in the morning and find out where she is staying."
"That doesn't explain why she never made contact in almost 6 months!" Booth said, angry that she was hiding from him.
"There may be more to it than. . ." Sweets began but was cut off by a knocking at the door.
Booth swung the door open, "what?!" he demanded. Detective Shelby was standing there, slightly shocked and dripping rain water on the carpet.
"I need your help." Shelby admitted.
"First you are going to tell me about Joy Booth." Booth rounded, pushing the older man against the wall with a thud.
"That's why I'm here. Joy is in trouble. I need your help." Shelby explained quickly, the look in the young FBI agent's eyes making him nervous.
Booth let him go and reached for his gun holster and put it on. He then grabbed his coat and keys. "You can explain on the way." Booth said as he pushed Detective Shelby out the door.
"I can help!" Lance called.
"You read that file and find out what happened to my Bones!" Booth said as he slammed the door shut.
Neither man said anything as they made their way outside. Standing on the porch the detective turned to him. "We need to take your SUV, with the rains my cruiser can't get through the flooding. That's why I need your help."
Booth didn't say anything but lead the detective to his SUV and unlocked the doors. "I'll drive. You talk." He said as he turned over the ignition and pulled out onto the road and headed in the direction of the Abby.
"Father Reynolds called me about forty-five minutes ago. Joy had disappeared out of her room. I tried to get there but couldn't get through so I was hoping you could help me." The detective explained.
Booth punched the steering wheel, "Damn it!" She was running again he thought.
"Is she in some sort of trouble?" Shelby asked.
"No. Wait. What?" Booth looked from the road to the detective quickly. "You came to me and said she was in trouble."
"I mean in legal trouble for shooting that gangbanger. I know she did it but after what he did to her I just couldn't bring her up on charges. I disposed of the gun. I figured you where here looking for her because of that." Shelby explained, finally spilling the entire truth.
"No. She's my partner. She's my everything." Booth said with a sigh. "What is going on here?" Booth asked as they splashed through another puddle.
"Turn here." Shelby instructed as Booth pulled into the Wildlife Refuge. "Joy sleepwalks. Sometimes just around the house. Sometimes a bit farther. If she is out in this and sleepwalking she is in a considerable amount of danger. I usually find her here in the refuge. There is a little bridge she likes to go to in order to be alone. I figure she might be there."
Booth calculated the distance from where they were to the Abby, A bit further. He pulled into a parking space and pulled out his flash light. He checked his gun clip before slapping it back in place.
"Leave that here, you won't need it. You're more likely to scare her with that thing. Rabbit is skittish." Shelby advised.
Booth raised his one brow, "Rabbit?"
"Sorry, nickname. Joy didn't seem to fit." The detective explained with a fatherly grin.
"That's because her name is Temperance." Booth told him as he took his gun off and locked it into the locker of the SUV. "Let's go."
They walked for a while on the muddy trail before Booth thought he heard a noise. He put his hand up motioning for the detective to stop. He swung his flashlight in the direction of a twig snapping but couldn't see anything. A flash of lighting illuminated the shape of a woman ahead of them stumbling through the mud. The adrenaline rush made Booth forget he was soaked through with the rain as he called out, "Bones!"
"She doesn't recognize us. She's ganna' run. We have to stop her before she reaches the bridge, with the rains I fear it could collapse." Shelby said urgently.
Joy woke up shivering to the sound of thunder. Confused she looked around. She was in the woods and two men were following her. Someone yelled, "Bones!" and she bolted. Terrified she ran as fast as her pregnant belly would allow her bare feet in the mud.
Booth's heart jumped into his throat as the woman darted haphazardly forward. She looked unsteady on her feet and he feared she would fall. He slowed down and motioned for Shelby to go around and flank her. Booth prayed that if she thought she had lost them she would slow down. Silently he padded forward. She was on the bridge and the rain waters had cause the river to swell from their banks. He watched as she appeared to collapse on the handrail.
Joy felt the all too familiar feeling coming and there was nothing she could do, her medicine was back at the vicarage. He legs gave out from under her and she held the handrail as best she could before the darkness dragged her under.
Booth made it to the edge of the bridge as the woman lay crumpled to one side, shaking. He called to her, "Bones it's okay, it's Seeley" but she did not respond. He inched forward, slightly crouching. He moved the flashlight in her direction and saw she was gasping for breath, her eyes rolled back, and froze in fear. He was seeing a ghost. The bridge creaked in protest to the rain water rushing underneath. "Joy?" He called. She still did not respond. Suddenly there was a large 'crack' and the bridge started to turn. He heard Shelby yell to him "It's collapsing!" and he lunged forward and grabbed her arm.
It felt like forever as the water pulled them this way and that, but he held firm. He tried to slip his hand around her waist to hold her to him but found it difficult for reasons he could not understand. He secured her around her shoulders and pulled her to him. She was still trembling and gasping for air but at least she was not fighting him. He swam toward the shore until his feet touched bottom. He tried again to hoist her out of the water and that's when his brain caught up with him. He couldn't get his arm around her waist because she was very pregnant.
"Is she breathing?" Shelby called as he ran to the shore where Seeley had seemed to stop.
"Barely!" He called as he repositioned his hands and lifted Brennan from the water. He carried her a short while and then lay her on the grass. He felt for a pulse and it was strong. She was still shaking but not as violent.
"Turn her on her side!" Shelby instructed as he came to kneel next to her. He pulled a small metal pencil box from his pocket. He pulled a syringe from the little metal box and uncapped it. "Hold her arm still" he said. Booth did as instructed and watched as the detective injected some unknown liquid in to his girlfriend's arm. Brennan started coughing and then slowly relaxed, her eyes slid shut. Booth remained awestruck and silent as he moved his hand over her swollen stomach and was greeted with a 'thump' from within.
"Do you think you can carry her?" Shelby asked. Booth was so overtaken with emotion he could only nod. He placed one arm under her back and the other arm under her knees and lifted. Even heavy with child, she was not that heavy. He carried her back to the SUV and climbed in the back seat with her, letting her head rest on his lap. He gave Shelby the keys to drive.
When they pulled up to the vicarage Father Reynolds was waiting outside. He opened the door and led them to her room. Booth lay her gently on the bed. The Holy Mother came in the room and shooed him out before he could protest. He turned and walked down the hallway and down the stairs.
"Thank you, Shelby." Father Reynolds said before turning to address the newcomer. "And thank you. I'm sorry but I didn't get your name, my son." The priest said with a knowing smile. Booth hadn't heard him until he placed his hand on his shoulders and repeated himself.
"Booth. Special Agent Seeley Booth, Father." Booth replied, the shock of the evening beginning to wear off.
"You must be Joy's husband, Mr. Booth." Father Reynolds said as he motioned the young man to sit.
"Not exactly." Booth said quietly. He moved to the couch and took his phone out of his pocket and realized it was dead. He groaned at remembering it went in the water with him. He sat but his eyes stayed locked to the stairwell.
"She'll sleep for several hours after all of this." Reynolds said.
"Let me drive you back to the inn. You can come back in the morning." Shelby offered.
Booth shook his head. "I've been looking for Temperance for almost six months, I'm not moving." He told them.
Shelby looked to Father Reynolds and took a step forward. He was going to try to convince the FBI agent to go rest but the nun appeared on the stairwell.
"She's awake." The Holy Mother informed them.
Without another word Booth bolted from the couch and flew up the stairs. He paused for a moment outside of her door. He listened to her breaths, even and strong through the partially open door before pushing it open. She stared at him with big blue eyes as he walked in and sat on her bed. From the doorway Father Reynolds watched as he stroked her cheek with his finger and she whispered, "I know you."