Disclaimer: I don't own DC/MK in case there was any question about that.
Primal Instincts
Summary: There was no doubt in Shinichi's mind that the day he found out he was an Omega was the worst day of his life. It was the day that everything changed. The day that all of his ambitions evaporated. And the day his freedom was stolen from him.
Warnings: This is an M rated Kaito x Shinichi story with an Alpha/Beta/Omega alternate universe. Nothing explicit in this chapter, but mature themes are implied.
Chapter 1: The Problem with Alphas
"Get down!" White whisper yelled at the young police detective by his side. They were crouched behind two large wood crates near the edge of the dock. The smugglers they had been chasing were a few hundred feet away near their ship.
Shinichi only raised an eyebrow in response. The other's outburst was far more likely to draw attention than the small tuft of his hair sticking up over the top of the crate. That was the problem with Alphas. They didn't always think things through once their adrenaline started pumping.
On the other hand, there was no way they would have been able to find the smugglers here without the Alpha's overdeveloped sense of smell.
White let out a low growl of warning, clearly displeased with Shinichi's response. They had been working together for just over a year now, but the Alpha and his 'ice like Beta of a partner' still didn't get along. If it weren't for their perfect record of case closures they would have been reassigned ages ago. It had probably even started out as a joke, pairing the fresh out of school Beta with the most aggressive Alpha on the force, but it had worked. Shinichi was the brains, White was the brawn, and together they closed more cases than anyone else in the country.
"We have to get closer to hear what they are saying." Shinichi murmured, his voice barely audible to his own ears. He knew the Alpha had heard him though. It wasn't Shinichi's hearing range they needed to stay inside of. It was White's.
A snort accompanied the older detective's nod of agreement before they moved off, slipping silently through the surrounding crates. They covered just over one hundred feet of distance before White raised his hand in a signal to stop their advance. It was a good thing, in Shinichi's opinion, that they didn't have too far to travel. He hadn't been feeling well most of the day and the uncomfortable feeling in his abdomen was getting dangerously close to being actual pain.
Scratch that. Shinichi leaned his head back and gritted his teeth as every muscle in his abdomen tried to contract at the same time. It was all he could do to prevent himself from whimpering and giving away their position.
When he could finally breathe again he let his head lull to the side, looking at White in apology. It wasn't Shinichi's fault he was feeling poorly, but it wasn't White's fault either.
The Alpha's eyes were practically glowing as they stared fixedly at Shinichi. "White?" The younger detective breathed. There was something terribly feral in the other man's eyes.
White opened his mouth as if to speak, but no words came out. His breathing was heavy as he reached for Shinichi's shoulder and pushed him to the ground. The force was excessive, but not out of character for the easily riled Alpha. "White?! What's going..." The rest of Shinichi's words were cut off as White buried his head in the scent glands on Shinichi's neck.
"White?" Shinichi tried again. This was the first time the Alpha had ever acted like this.
Heated eyes lifted from where they had been studying Shinichi's jawline to lock onto the young detective's blue gaze. "Mine." The Alpha growled as he pinned the smaller man to the asphalt. It hurt, but at the same time it didn't. Everything was wrong, but somehow right.
That was the moment Shinichi's brain supplied him with several pieces of information: First, White was acting like Shinichi was an Omega in heat. Second, Shinichi's body was acting like he was an Omega in heat. Third, he so didn't want any of this. Fourth, there was another man standing just behind White with a breaker bar in his hands.
Instinct kicked in as Shinichi pushed White off of him and out of the path of the metal rod aimed at the base of the older man's skull. How the Alpha had been too distracted to even notice was beyond Shinichi's comprehension. As was the other detective's choice to lunge back at Shinichi instead of their attacker.
"You must smell really good." The other man commented with a chuckle. He still held the breaker bar in his hands, but made no move to attack again, opting to instead turn Shinichi's plight into entertainment. He was joined by two other men as Shinichi struggled to get back out from underneath his partner. Unfortunately, the Alpha was considerably stronger than Shinichi and nearly a foot taller. Needless to say, White was effectively overpowering the smaller man with disturbing ease.
"White!" Shinichi pleaded, no longer bothering to keep his voice down and not entirely sure what he was pleading for. "White stop!" That was it. He wanted White to stop. To stop... No. That was wrong. He didn't want White to stop. He needed whatever these sensations were. Shinichi's body was betraying him, clamoring for an Alpha, any Alpha, to sate the need that sang through his body. But he didn't want this. Not with White. Not with anyone. He wasn't supposed to be an Omega. "Please." Shinichi begged as a forth stranger came into view, a gun held loose in his hand. Even as the plea left his lips he knew it was useless. These were the men they had been hunting. He'd get no help from them.
The fourth man frowned slightly before looking to his companions. "Police?" He questioned.
"Probably." The first man replied. "Wouldn't make sense for them to be here otherwise."
"I didn't think they let Omegas into the police force in this country."
"I guess even the police can make mistakes." The first man replied with a shrug. "I'm pretty sure the little one has a pistol at the small of his back. He keeps try to reach behind him. As for the big guy," the man's words cut off as he nodded towards an almost empty patch of asphalt, "his gun came loose when the little one pushed him off the first time."
"Oh?" The fourth man questioned, really looking at Shinichi and White for the first time. "The Omega is trying to fight off his Alpha?"
"Otherwise how do you explain the little one still having his clothes on?" One of the other men joked.
The fourth man's eyes were now glued to the two detectives as Shinichi fought with everything he had just to keep his own body under control. White had all but torn his shirt off as he tried to devour Shinichi whole. His pants were slowly being worked down his hips even as he tried desperately to defend the button clasp. His belt had already given way to the frenzied pawing of his soon to be ex-partner. "Help me please." Shinichi tried to beg, but it was barely even recognizable to his own ears. He was drowning in an unfamiliar desire, sinking ever deeper as the scent of the Alpha above him filled the air.
"Who are you Mr. Policeman?" The fourth man questioned as he took a step closer.
"Kudo Shinichi."
"And how many fingers am I holding up?"
The question seemed oddly inane considering the situation, but Shinichi answered anyways. It was almost a relief to have something else to think about. "3 on your right hand. 2 on your left."
The man glanced down at his left hand where he was holding the gun by his side. "I'm surprised you counted both hands."
"Details are important."
"Indeed they are, Shinichi." The man said his name as if he were trying it out, uncertain of if he liked the taste of it on his tongue.
"Were you and your Alpha just out for a midnight stroll? Or were you maybe looking for us?"
Shinichi's mouth snapped shut. There was a difference between being caught and admitting you were trailing someone. The amount of torture he could expect would be directly related to how much they thought he knew.
Of course White had also picked that moment to grab both of Shinichi's wrists and peel the younger man's pants off with his teeth. Shinichi didn't even have to think about his next move. Pulling his left knee to his chest, he trapped White's head against him. The Alpha growled, low and guttural, biting into Shinichi's stomach as the younger man tried to free his hands.
It proved to be difficult, but eventually Shinichi forced White to relinquish his wrists.
The Omega wrapped his hands around the Alpha's throat. The first slid around to the back of White's neck while the other moved to the pulse point just below the Alpha's jaw. Shinichi closed his eyes as he started to squeeze, cutting off older detective's air supply. He held on until the man finally slipped into unconsciousness, the Alpha's body sagging even as his pulse remained strong beneath Shinichi's fingertips. "Not my Alpha." Shinichi finally muttered. The accusation had been bothering him ever since it was voiced
"Clearly. But where is your mate then? Are you an unbonded Omega, Shinichi?" There was an almost teasing lit to the man's voice now.
Shinichi rolled the now unconscious White off of himself, staggering to his feet. He wasn't in good shape at this point, but that didn't really matter as long as he and White walked away with their lives. For every 10 commands his brain sent, his body only seemed to be following through on one or two. Numerous hours of practice were probably the only reason he could still draw his weapon from the small of his back.
On the other hand every one of his senses seemed to be operating on overdrive. He could feel the texture of ground through the soles of his shoes; hear the rhythmic beat of White's heart as if he was using a stethoscope; taste the ocean spray on the night breeze. More than though, he could smell the scent of what he instinctually knew to be two Alphas. One was White, the other was the man with the gun.
The other Alpha smiled. "Omega in genetics only I see. Is that why the police force made an exception? As long as you stayed on suppressants they'd let you in?" The man paused in his speculations to study Shinichi's face. "No. That's not right at all. This is your first heat isn't it? You didn't know you were an Omega."
It didn't sit well with Shinichi that the last sentence had been a statement not a question. He was 23 years old for crying out loud. Everyone knew you presented as an Alpha or an Omega in your teens. If you didn't you were a Beta. It was that simple.
"I wonder why you didn't have one till now?"
"I hardly think that matters at the moment." Shinichi shot back. His control seemed to be slipping even further away. If he didn't get himself and White out of there in the next few minutes he wasn't going to be able to do anything else but crawl to the second Alpha on his hands and knees. Saying the Alpha's pheromones were intoxicating just didn't do them justice. Shinichi could barely think at all.
"I'll make you a deal, Shinichi."
"Boss?" One of the underlings asked with a confused look. Nothing else was said as the man with the breaker bar covered his friend's mouth with his free hand. Clearly questioning the boss wasn't considered to be a good idea.
"I'll let you go." The Alpha told him as he started to take measured steps toward Shinichi.
The detective adjusted his grip on his gun, checking that the safety was off. "In exchange for?"
The Alpha's smile grew wider as he came to a stop. By now his scent was almost as strong as White's and Shinichi could feel his body trying to react. There was no doubt in his mind that the Alpha standing before him was dominant to White. Shinichi's body was screaming at him to step over White and cross the open ground to the waiting Alpha. It was shear stubbornness that kept his feet in place.
"A kiss." The Alpha finally answered. "If you can walk away after kissing me I'll let you go."
"And if I can't?"
Shinichi wasn't sure how it was possible, but the Alpha's smile got wider. "Consent to the kiss and I'll see to your... associates wellbeing."
It wasn't comforting that Shinichi's safety wasn't part of that outcome. "And if I shoot you instead?"
There was laughter this time. "Could you pull the trigger?"
The answer unfortunately, was no. Shinichi couldn't pull the trigger. He was an excellent shot and he'd shot to wound before. But that wouldn't be enough. He had to kill the Alpha in the first shot or submit to the man's overwhelming presence. As it was he was barely able to hold the gun level, he'd never get a second shot off if he missed. Not that it mattered. He couldn't take someone's life. He simply didn't have it in him.
When the weapon started to shake in his had he gave up, dropping his gun to ground. "Deal."
The Alpha crossed the distance with an unhurried gait. "First, there is something you should know." He told Shinichi as he leaned towards the detective's ear. "The name you'll be screaming tonight is Kaito."
The only thing Shinichi registered after that was the combination of fire and lighting that seemed to spark and burn through his body the second his lips met Kaito's. He'd never felt anything like it.
A/N: This sort of wrote itself after I stumbled upon the weird and kind of kinky concept of A/B/O. I've got enough other stories in the works to keep me busy, but I liked the idea enough to put this out there and see if anyone else wants to find out what happens next.