The Case Of The Missing Peanuts

Night- wait no Dick Grayson was marching around Mount Justice in his Batman pajamas looking for something. The team was having a sleepover and Dick knew he would be taunted and made fun of for having Peanuts but he just couldn't sleep without him, nightmares prevented that from happening. Dick was visibly pissed so even Conner decided to stay away from their leader as he marched around in Batman boxers and a black t-shirt with the bat emblem on it. It was a strange attire but it was Nightwing if anything this wasn't the weirdest he had been dressed in.

Dick stomped into the rec room with the others and threw himself onto the floor, on his sleeping bag and sulked. He needed Peanuts to sleep and even his infamous ninja skills couldn't help him track down the location of his beloved stuffed elephant. It held deeper meaning than the others knew about and was always perched by his pillow, to the left, often under the covers and his face was always directed towards the place Dick laid his head, as a sort of comfort. Dick soon gave up sulking and sat on the couch, headphones in and watching videos on YouTube, and then listening to songs as he wrote up a novel.

He was halfway through when he noticed the others standing there meaning he looked over the top of his laptop and shut his music off as Wally grinned, "Bedtime Dickie-bird" he teased and flinched as the result was a very good imitation of the Batglare. Dick set his laptop down on the counter and plugged his headphones into his iPod, he switched it to his normal sleep playlist and settled down. He soon drifted off into a realm of uneasy and disturbed dreams.

Dick was watching his parents gracefully arc through the air, his own eyes full of awe and disbelief. He was next to go up so he climbed the really tall ladder to the top and watched his parents from there, frowning the little boy walked closer to the edge, his eyes widening as he saw that in fact, his parents were rotting corpses and that the audience was full of Tony Zucco, the man who had killed his parents. The place went black.

Dick was tied up, Jason was striding around in front of him. Jason began hitting him with a crowbar, similar to how Jason was tortured by the Joker before his death. He kept hitting him, beating him, abusing him. His own brother was all too ready to kill him. Jason then strapped a bomb to Nightwing and ran, locking the door. Nightwing sobbed and sobbed as the bomb began to count down from 10. He knew he couldn't get away, he knew he couldn't win. He was gonna die. "-ick! Dick! DICK WAKE UP!"

The poor boy woke up so suddenly he sat up and walloped heads with the speedster who was straddling his stomach making him fall back with a small groan of pain. His best friend fell back crying dramatically. Dick kicked him in the arm, making the speedy gonzalez start and whine. Dick then broke down into sobs, Wally snapping into action and sitting up, cradling the boy close. He shouted at Impulse who had found it funny to hide Peanuts. When the speedster got it and gave it to Dick they watched in surprise as their leader clung to the elephant for dear life.

Let me tell you. After that, Dick didn't let go of the elephant for a good 3 months, even when out on missions.