It wasn't until an hour later when Zack, Kim, and Trini were sitting in Billy's den, said Blue Ranger and Jason sitting on the floor. Jason was laying down on his back, his head in Billy's lap while the other ran fingers through his hair. It calmed him down, easing his heart about what happened not too long ago.

"Jason, I'm so sorry.", Kim voiced, eyes dull from her usual shine, feeling sorry for her fellow companion.
"I'm fine.", Jason muttered, answering the unvoiced question he knew the others wanted to ask. "It's just... I snapped when they mentioned 'counseling'. And I couldn't take it anymore when they brought up Billy."
"Yeah. Billy's too precious for this world.", Trini joked, trying to light up the mood. It worked, seeing that Jason laughed, glancing up at Billy's smile.
"He is. Damn, I want kids with you."
"I want to say that would be possible since we are Power Rangers.", Zack stated. It was safe to since Billy's mother wasn't present inside the house.
Billy's cheeks heated up at the thought, catching Jason's smirk. "Shut up, Zack!"
"Just saying."

"You would make cute kids though. They could be the Purple Ranger.", Kim added in.

"He's so cute when he gets hysterical.", Trini laughed, Billy burying himself in his boyfriend's chest, who welcomed it. The teasing made Jason forget what happened with his parents, and honestly? It was worth it. To know he did have friends and a boyfriend in his corner, eased him about the situation. If his parents never came around, it would pain him, but at the same time, knowing he had support from somewhere else he would be alright.
"My love is always cute.", Jason grinned, feeling Billy smack his arm. "It's true though! It's one of the reasons why I fell in love with you."
"And you're lucky I would you back."
"I call being the maid of honor!", Kim shouted.
"Dress or tux, Billy?", Zack smirked.
"You guys are the worst."

Jason wasn't surprised to see Billy already laying in the bed, clad in an oversized dark purple shirt and shorts, reading what looked to be the Young Avengers comic from the day before. Billy never got to finish it because of what transpired after. It was worth it though.
The Red Ranger climbed in the bed, settling close to Billy's right side, wrapping an arm around his waist and nuzzling in the space between his shoulder blades. Neither said anything, just enjoying the closeness. Sometimes, neither boy had to say anything at all, just knowing what the other was feeling by body language was good enough. They were able to read other well, even before they became a couple. It's just how it worked. It clicked. They clicked. Their Power Ranger colors was just the evidence for that. What two colors were polar opposites, yet could fit like meant to be puzzle pieces? Red and blue.
The slightly smaller boy felt a soft kiss on the upper part of his back, lips brushing his shirt, yet it heated the skin beneath the material. Fingers lightly drummed their way from around his waist and beneath the shirt, caressing the small of his back.
A page was flipped as another chapter was finished in the comic.
"I meant what I said earlier."
Billy glanced back over his shoulder, finding Jason's gaze glued onto him. "About what?"
"That you gave me confidence. Like I can be brave around you without trying to be. I can also feel like I don't have to impress anybody because me being me is good enough for you."
"That's because it is, Jay. You don't have to change yourself around me." The darker of the two closed his comic, done with it now, and shifted so he was on his knees and sitting up. Jason sat close, facing him while his hands touched his. "I know you're willing to risk everything for me, and trust I still don't approve of your method sometimes, I appreciate it and I love you for it. You don't have to say it. Just looking in your eyes I know enough."

With a welcomed smile, Jason pulled his boyfriend into his lap, the other wrapping his arms around his middle while his head rested on the other's chest. Jason kissed Billy's temple, rubbing his back under the shirt.

"So... your father would have approved of me, huh?"
Billy lifted his head off of Jason's chest, glancing up at him with curious eyes. "Of course, Mom and I told you that. What brought this up?"
"Nothing. I just... argh."
Billy pecked Jason's nose, easily calming him down. He didn't need the Red Ranger to finish to know what he was going to say.
"It's okay. Maybe they will come around, and even if they don't, we have each other. We'll be okay."
"I want us to be more than okay, sweetheart."
"That is the first time you called me that. It's rather cute.", Billy laughed. Jason smirked, leaning down to press their noses down together.
"It fits you. You're so... you."
"Couldn't find words?"
"There's no right words to describe you. You're just that amazing."
"You just gave me a word. Amazing."
"Can 'taken' be another?"
Billy changed positions so that Jason was on his back and he was straddling him, hands on the other's well built chest. "You know that's already qualified for me the moment you asked me out.", he teased, kissing Jason's temple.
"Nah. It was for so the moment I first saw you. I think then my mind took to the word 'mine', too. Zack always joked about my possessive streak for you. Only if he knew how true it was."
"Now I'm scared. Are you going to lock me in a room or something?"
"I prefer a ring to show that you're mine. The room sounds too creepy."

Before he could retort to that, Jason grinded upwards, Billy letting out a shocked, short gasp at the action. "Jason Lee Scott! That was so... stop that!" Jason laughed as Billy playfully smacked his chest. He grabbed onto the other's waist, grinning.
"Hm... You know Billy Lee Scott has a nice ring to it, too."
Billy narrowed his eyes. "You're trying to tell me something?"
"No. Just that the sight of you wearing my clothes on a bed while waiting for me at home is a sight I welcome."
"Really now? You know I already do wear your clothes."
"You should do it every single second."
Billy settled down on Jason's chest, hands caressing his sides while Jason settled for his backside. It made the other feel warmer than he should. "What about my clothes?"
"We're giving to the boy or girl we're gonna have."
"As adopt?"
"... maybe."
"You're so weird."
"And in love with you."

"Same to you."
Jason squeezed Billy, getting a yelp out of him. He laughed, his heart pounding in a good way. "Can we just get to planning our wedding now? I really want a life with you. No... I need a life with you. You are my life. You... I'm definitely going to start writing my vows now. Where's some paper?"
"I'm starting to get vibes that you're asking to marry me."
Silence. But the kind of silence that was light and fluffy. The kind of silence that made the room feel warm and homely. It was easy to breathe, and gave goosebumps that you didn't mind.
That's how Billy felt right now. He realized that Jason had replied to what he said. He... was he? He was even joking before? About...?
Billy slowly raised his head up, his dark gaze soft and questioning, meeting Jason's sapphire prideful one. It gave him shivers that made him want to whimper and submit. He would to with a snap of fingers.
"Jay... Jason, are you... are you serious?"
"Of course I am. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to share a bed with you without it being a stay-over. I want to wake up every morning next to you and see a ring gleam off your finger, shining like mine. I want to proudly walk with you in public and say that we're together."
"You already do that last one.", Billy giggled, trying to keep tears from falling.
"I do, but I want to do it when I can call you my spouse, my partner for life."
"You are serious about marrying me, aren't you? You really want to sign your life to me?"
"You are my life, babe. And I don't want to sign. I want to promise. I want to keep by your side. Right, left, front, back, I don't care. I need to be close enough to touch you. To protect you. I lost you once and I don't want lose you again."
"You won't." Jason placed Billy on his side, curling against him, chest to back, and an arm secured around a slightly smaller waist. Billy was looking at him over his shoulder. "You never will."