Okay, here we are. Endgame!

Chapter 45: A Targaryen, Alone in the World...

Trebuchet shots of fire and arrows rained from the sky as the charging armies of the dead started running for Winterfell, a gust of harsh wind snapped the direwolf flag from atop Winterfell's gate and landed.

Beric saw the many dead trying to get across the fire, burning in the attempt. "Prepare for battle!" The one-eyed knight raised his shield with the many others.

Daenerys, Jaehaerys, and Rodrik lit the thousands of corpses in dragon fire. A heavy vortex storm started to set in and the King of the Vale could feel the Night King drawing closer but continued to burn the army of the dead on the Northern side.

They aren't getting an inch toward the castle, that's a promise.

On the Eastern side of Winterfell, Grey Worm and his Unsullied stood ready. The Dornish following suit and forming a long shield wall, Trystane sat upon his stallion, Jorah, and the four eldest Sand Snakes and Gendry Baratheon who stood with his new people.

The dead began marching from crossing the White Knife, Ice Spiders and other undead animals formed the charging party. Dozens of spiders jumped over the flames and right into the Unsullied wall, spears jabbed out and slew several of them but others made it and began the melee battle.

Grey Worm roared and ran his spear into the face of a spider, pulling away and recycling the attack and defense strategy.

Rhaegal's shadow enveloped and began burning the dead to the East, the flame burning against the night and flying up. Jaehaerys dived down once more, consuming the ground in burnt corpses and ash and snow.

To the North, undead giants got closer and fell into the fire, Podrick Payne noticed and turned to Brienne, "Their sacrificing themselves to get across." He said and the woman knight narrowed her blue eyes on the lines and unsheathed Oathkeeper.

"Stand your ground! Hold!" She watched the dead climb over the two bridges made the giants and took a deep breath, "Shields up!" The Rivermen and Reachmen readied when the corpses of Free Folk and Night's Watch and old warriors smashed against the shield wall.

Daenerys cried out and Drogon set fire to the trenches again, several hundred had already passed but it was stopped for now.

The gusts of wind came again, making Drogon's flight a little unsteady.

Over the hill, Sansa threw down her helm but Waymar nodded and Orion took hold of Sansa's horse, she looked at her husband with a horrified expression.

"I love you. Take her to the Neck, Orion." Waymar unsheathed Lamentation, "Knights of the Vale, charge!" Sansa cried and it proved futile as the cavalry of the Vale went forth to the Northside where Qhono and his Dothraki moved East, screaming with their flaming Arakh's.

The horse's hooves sounded like thunder as Waymar led the men and crashed against the dead, he swung his sword left and right, kicking some in the head and his horse charged further. The charge was a successful one but risky, Waymar and the rest were deep and turning around was almost impossible.

"It's the King!" One man cried and the King of the North looked up and saw Sheepstealer dive and burn them a way to regroup and charge once more.

Waymar called for the men to follow, the Valemen turned and ran from the field, stomping the dead they ran down once more.

To the East, the Dothraki screamers were digging towards another charge, the Dothraki showed no fear and went to attack the enemies of their Khaleesi with no intention of running. The clash lasted a moment before blue flames started burning the center, Viserion's corpse started to lay waste to the Dothraki horde.

Jorah frowned and saw the Night King on his new mount, the ice crown and Viserion burning across their cavalry.

Jaehaerys was diving down to see the Night King, he snarled and called for Rhaegal to clash and the living dragon bashed into his dead brother. Viserion recovered and began to claw and bite at Rhaegal who did the same. Below, the Unsullied started to openly fight the dead, Grey Worm looked behind and in the front.

The second ring needed to be lit. "Light the second trench!" Jorah heard Grey Worm call and he didn't do it.

Men needed to pull back first, the armies needed to be behind it or else those beyond won't be able to return... They'll be trapped with the dead.

Jaehaerys felt a shift and the Night King pulled his dragon away and began to flee, he gave chase and it was where Rodrik saw Rhaegal chasing Viserion and growled before giving chase and Daenerys did the same. A single thought ran through the three's mind, once the Night King dies, so does his minions and from what Bran said to Rodrik, this is their chance.

Waymar saw Rodrik leave, "Kill the bastard, Rodrik." He whispered and continued leading the Valemen away, turning around and addressing the men. "The dragons are gone, we have muster our strength... Charge!" The cavalry rolled and knocked down the dead, he swung his sword and took the head of a former Watchmen.

Brynden Tully was slaying his seventh enemy and looked to his nephew who was holding his own, the veteran was proud of Edmure for fighting harder than him. His son, that's who he's fighting for. Family, Duty, Honor, and family comes first.

"Uncle! No!" He was too late because he already felt the sword through his chest, blood poured from the Blackfish's mouth as he dropped to his knees, Edmure decapitated the killer and stopped to help his uncle up.

"Leave me, get back, past the second trench... " Brynden pushed Edmure back and battled a wight, killing it before falling back to one knee.

The shift is turning, more giants formed to make a large bridge of bones, the dead walking over them. Brienne took Pod and threw him back beyond the second trench as well before taking a torch and throwing it in. The flames ignited and Jorah watched in horror as Grey Worm and the Unsullied and half the Dornish force was left alone.

Beric was wounded, he fought off several more wights with his flaming sword, Thoros wasn't far and was doing the same. "Never thought this would be where I die one last time... " He said and Thoros chuckled, the flame from the trench making shadows of themselves which dived back into the fray.

The catapults and trebuchets continued to launch stone and fire at the endless dead. Arrows from the ground and walls rained on them, their weapons are gone right now and they must fend for themselves until the Night King is dead.

In the skies, the three met up and found no trace of Viserion. "Where is the bastard?" Rodrik asked himself and felt the sensation, he dived just as the Night King was rising to strike at Drogon. There you are, time to repay you for that arrow. He thought darkly, and shouted to Sheepstealer, "Tear him apart!" The beast growled menacingly at the undead and smaller dragon before chomping into its neck.

Both creatures fought ferociously, scratching and clawing, biting and Viserion tried to reach for him but he moved out of the way.

Rhaegal appeared from behind the Night King and tried to snatch him from behind. Viserion ripped one of his claws off to avoid being dogged by both dragons, Daenerys caught the Night King leaving and Drogon's wings flapped Viserion back.

The enemy was caught in a triangle. All three dragons breathed fire and if one soldier from the ground looked up, it'd seem like a second sun formed which lighted the dark battlefield with glimmer red and yellow.

Viserion was wounded, tears were all over his wings and Rodrik took the chance and dived forward. Sheepstealer clutched his claws into the other dragons skin, he unsheathed Honor and unclasped the ties that held him on the dragons back. He aimed to kill the Night King and saw no sign of him, "No, no, no, no, NO!" He shouted and Viserion screamed when Rhaegal jumped down on his brothers back and Sheepstealer's mighty jaws sunk into Viserions neck and tore the entire head off.

Daenerys watched her youngest child die one last time, the beast falling near the Godswood and broke down a chunk of the wall.

Jaehaerys and the others began descending down and looked for the Night King, an ice spear shot through the sky and made a severe tear within the red dragons left wing. Rhaegal roared in pain and tried to keep a steady pace but fell, not sticking a landing the second eldest dragon of Daenerys Targaryen fell down a mile North of Winterfell.

Rodrik shouted to Daenerys, they hovered to the Night King who smirked at them, "Dracarys!" Both commanded and Drogon and Sheepstealer's flames engulfed their enemy despite it not doing any good, they flew away and Rodrik started to burn the undead army once more, lowering and picking up two giants and throwing them like stones, Daenerys left to aid the Eastern side of the castle.

The Night King brushed himself off and began walking towards Winterfell, Jaehaerys stalked behind.

He aimed to finish what he started and kill him.

Waymar fell from his horse, the cavalry was overwhelmed and men were dying by the tens of hundreds. He swung his sword against a White Walker and clashed for a long moment, seeing his chance he evaded the swing and ran Lamentation through the White Walker's side. Elsewhere, his action saved Brienne who was surrounded by quite a few and dozens fell dead once more, she roared and killed the last four wights against her.

Brienne felt a presence and Sandor standing, he was bleeding and she huffed and hurried to his aid, "Come on!" She told him and helped the Hound up, it didn't last long as she was close to being killed by three swords if the Hound hadn't moved her out the way, he took the hits and in return took the heads of three wights. Sandor Clegane fell dead a moment later and screamed in frustration.

Back to the East, Grey Worm's army was thinning, the dead soldiers and their creatures were tearing at their defense. He fought well and heard a war cry, Jorah and the other army were finding a way across the fiery trench, Dornish spears led by Trystane Martell and his cousins, they charged forth and dove into the horde.

Gendry took up his hammer, a newly fashioned dragonglass spiked weapon. He turned to his Stormlander men, "Trust in me, friends, let's bring the dawn!" He ran, following the Dornish into the night while arrows fell from the castle walls and catapults using their last stones and fire.

Grey Worm protected Jorah, they stopped a moment to see Drogon from afar, breathing fire on the dead and burning them all away. "We can beat them, we have to keep fighting." Grey Worm nodded and got into position.

"Forward march!" The Unsullied formed and began pushing back.

Tyene was quick with his daggers, killing four wights, the fifth falling to Obara's spear. She smiled and that smile turned into horror when a blue-eyed demon, slit her sister's throat, "Obara, no!" Sarella screamed for her elder sister and Tyene watched her get swarmed by several of them.

There is no winning, she thought, the demons are going to kill them all.

Trystane and Nymeria helped one another, Tyene fought hard but her arm was broken, then her nose, she fell to the ground and expected death until Gendry appeared, killing the wight and helping her up, "Thank you!" She said and he nodded before starting to fight again.

Arya, fueled by rage, fired every last shot until she had no more arrows, the supply began wearing thin as the final line began to fight the dead getting across.

She turned and looked at the Knights of the Vale, they were falling and she was worried for Sansa who was in that mess. "Girl, keep hitting those bastards in the eye!" Anguy told her and she nodded, pulling back her bow with a fresh arrow, she let it go and protected Brienne.

Rodrik soared and allowed his dragon to burn more, Sheepstealer obliged and burned away more of the dead and then he heard a whistling sound. A giants arrow hit his dragon in the chest and it screamed and fell to the ground.

The King of the Vale was thrown to the ground, he groaned and used Honor to hoist himself up. A thumping was heard and he turned to see a mean looking giant looking at him. "Come on then," He challenged and held his sword, taking a deep breath.

Bran said their only shot was to kill him on his dragon, now that option is gone but he'll be taking as many bastards as he could with him.

"Rodrik!" He heard and saw Orion and Waymar, a few other knights approaching and he was happy to see them. "Go, kill the Night King," Waymar commanded, he shook his head no.

"I'm not leaving you, neither of you." He told his best friend who smiled warmly at him. He's ready to die. Was the realization that went through Rodrik who lowered his blade.

"Avenge them all, my King... Protect my child and Sansa." He heard Waymar say before he, Orion and the others charged against the giant.

He closed his eyes and turned away and began running for Winterfell, his goal was to take the Night King's undead life.

Waymar ducked from the giant's weapon, he watched one of his men get stomped, another swatted with the big one's weapon. The King of the North and Lord of Runestone ran under the giant, cutting the cunts legs enough that it fell, the magic seeping from the limbs. He readied to run his blade through it until the beast grabbed him, crushing down hard, Waymar roared in defiance and shoved Lamentation through the bastards half-mouth and through the back of his head.

He fell to the ground, the giant still clutching him and his blood pouring from his mouth. "Sansa... I'm sorry... " He smiled as Orion came to check on him, "Go, protect her... Protect my wife, protect our King... " His breath left him and his eyes stayed open.

Man was failing, the dead were breaking through the second trench. The Night King was walking towards the entrance Viserion made when he fell.

Jaehaerys started darting for him, the King stopped and turned his head. Jaehaerys stopped and watched him, watched that smirk and the hands being raised.

All throughout the battle, the fallen began to twitch, magic flowing through them and then their many eyes began to open again, blue eyes. Jaehaerys growled and stalked to the Night King, cutting down his former allies, "Jon!" The Prince of the Iron Throne turned sharply and both he and Rodrik started fighting their way towards the Night King who was followed by five of his last White Walkers.

Within the Godswood, the defenders of Bran watched many of the dead surround them. Leaf lit the fire circle when the human warriors charged forth.

The Children of the Forest used their magic against the creations of their creation, sending them back to their natural state... Death. Meera and Theon nocked their arrows and did what they could.

Back at the entrance, Brienne, Beric, and Thoros helped Jaehaerys and Rodrik defeat the dead and White Walkers impeding their path. "Get going, kill him," Thoros told the two who nodded and ran, slaying nearby wights as they went. Rodrik saved Jaehaerys from a spear and the Targaryen Prince stopped an ax from killing him.

The ran until they made it to the Heart Tree, the Night King looked with curiosity and Rodrik saw the woods was in chaos.

"You want death... " He and Jaehaerys were shocked and wide-eyed when the Night King spoke, his voice was dark and sounded like glass but they could still hear it.

Honor and Longclaw held up, both men took a deep breath before running at the Night King.

On the battlefield, the remaining forces on the Northern side escaped into the castle, Wun Wun roared and held his weapon. A banging was heard on the gate, then again, and then the gate was busted right open by a giant and Wun Wun showed no fear and charged on, followed by the forces of man and fought the entering wights.

With Drogon, the largest portion of the dead to the east were all burned away, even the fallen who were raised by the Night King. Daenerys saw the Unsullied, Dornish and Stormlanders cry out in victory before going to finish the last of them off.

Daenerys flew around and saw no sign of Sheepstealer and Rhaegal. Her child was licking his wound a mile away, she saw the largest that had fallen and noticed the creature was dying. She panicked when she couldn't see Rodrik and saw in the snow were tracks, they led to Winterfell and she pushed Drogon to go there.

In her thoughts, she worried for both Jaehaerys and Rodrik, her nephew and her lover.

Within the Godswood, Rodrik avoided the Night King's blade. Jaehaerys took a turn and tried to strike but he was pushed back, the bastard was quite quick on his feet.

He and Jaehaerys circled the Night King who watched them, a nod sent to his companion and the two came at the cunt once more, both swinging blows at him with the hope that they might land and cut him down. The Night King slid back, grabbed a fallen soldier's broken spear and attacked. Rodrik couldn't watch every move, he was kicked back and Jaehaerys thought he had him and brought Longclaw down, they both were sure it would be the killing blow.

It wasn't, the Night King dropped the broken spear and shoved his ice sword into Jaehaerys chest. "Jon! No!" Arya screamed, she had arrived with reinforcements, Dornish and Unsullied flooded the area and fought against the dead and what was left of the White Walkers.

Rodrik roared and ran Honor through the back of the Night King, the image of death burst into crystalized snow that fell to the ground and throughout the battle, all dead from past and those just a few moments ago had fallen still.

The Long Night was indeed a long one, but, the sun would rise in the hour that followed and Arya cried over her cousin's body, though he would always be her brother, he would always be Jon.

Sansa and the other 10,000 men came to Winterfell in the late hours once the sun arose. Everyone helped to gather the bodies, the wights from the ones who fought. Waymar was put beside his father who was on the Eastern Wight army, the Queen of the North wept in sorrow.

Tyene, Nymeria, and Trystane gathered Obara and Sarella from the field. They said they would be taking their remains home, to Dorne.

Edmure Tully placed a trout pin in his uncle's armor, he prayed a prayer of the Seven before backing away to join the line.

Daenerys tearfully placed a hand on Jon's body, he was dressed with a surcoat that had the Stark direwolf and the Targaryen dragon. Arya remained stone cold, watching as Asher's body was put with Royland's, they were with the Northern wight army and she had killed him herself.

Beric and Thoros helped Brienne put to rest Sandor Clegane and Podrick Payne, the squire protected Wun Wun from being killed by a Walker.

Four of Leaf's people fell in the battle of the godswood, Theon Greyjoy included among others.

Rodrik held a grieving Sansa by Waymar, the King of the Vale wept for his best friend who died like a hero. Daenerys looked at him and he nodded, taking her hand in his own but he had to let go and address everyone.

All the heroes were gathered in a great pyre, 34000 men and women fought for the living and they need something to be said of their sacrifice, even two dragons were counted among them.

"The Long Night... Is over. The nightmares will remain for the years to come but we must not forget, we cannot lose sight of those who gave their lives to bring us the dawn once more." Rodrik paused for a moment, "The years of war, and heartbreak, and tragedy ends here. It is time for the men and women of Westeros to move on together into a world of peace... That is the unsaid promise we made to those who could not be here to celebrate this victory... Now their watch has ended." He ended his speech with the quote made for those of the Night's Watch that died doing their duty.

"And now their watch has ended." The column of people echoed and he, Daenerys, Sansa, Arya, Gendry, Davos, Brienne, Beric, Thoros, Gyles, Trystane, Garlan, and Tyene stepped forward and lit the pyres, continuing to the next and then the final few until all pyres were lit aflame.

Winterfell would host one final feast, to mourn for lost friends and celebrate with those they still have left.

Rodrik had no friends left in the world, all of them perished during the last few wars and he drank alone. Turning his head, he saw Dany staring at him with a smile.

She got up and he followed her out of the hall and to one of the rooms where she called him over, he nervously took steps and she cupped his cheeks.

"I want you, after everything, Rhaegal is wounded. Sheepstealer and Viserion are gone, he is gone." Jaehaerys, he sighed and took one of Dany's hands, "Rule with me in the South, you can still keep your kingdom independent but I want to be with you... " And so does he, from the battle last night he desires comfort and companionship.

"... Alright, I will come with you, Dany." She smiled with joy and went to kiss him, "Wait, there is one thing I must do first, then I will come to you." He swore and she was reluctant to agree but she did, in the end.

"So long as you promise me... "

8 Years Later, King's Landing

A man entered the Red Keep, his eyes were a clear blue. His hair was long and golden, wisps of grey in his short beard.

This man had made a promise, he had promised to come to her after he had done what he wanted to do back home after the War of the Dawn. The Unsullied guards parted and greeted him, he entered the keeps main hall gate, it led to the throne room.

An older Unsullied commander met him at the front doors, "Commander Grey Worm." He greeted and Grey Worm nodded with a kind smile.

"King Rodrik." the man did the same in greeting him and he chuckled.

"Former, my daughter is the new ruler of the Vale, its new Queen." Joanna hated him for wanting to leave, but before he would, he spent eight years with her and being the father she deserved. It was her twelfth name day a few moons ago, she has been betrothed to the youngest of Queen Sansa's twin sons, Torrhen.

"May I?" He asked Grey Worm who nodded and had two men open the gates, the herald began naming his titles off.

The aging Hand of the Queen, Tyrion stood with his wife and daughter. Jorah Mormont stood with his white armored friends of the Queensguard, Grand Maester Samwell waved at him and his son, Sam stood with him.

Tyene, the Master of Laws winked at him and he chuckled on the inside as his eyes were laid on the woman he came here fore.

The years made her even more beautiful than before, her hair was longer, like silken silver, her eyes were watery as she sat up from her throne and met him at the last step. She smiled and he eyed the crown on her head, reaching to stroke her cheek and she scoffed lightly.

"Eight years is a long time," She commented, he wanted to laugh and he shook his head.

"Well, raising a child is a careful job, I wanted to do things right before coming to you." He paused and she wrapped her hand on his waist, "Not like we haven't been writing to one another." She laughed freely and the throne room was silently looking at them as they reunited with one another.

"Leave, all of you." She commanded and once they were alone, she freely kissed him and he embraced it with a fierce desire. "... I love you, I love you." She told him and he smiled, closing his eyes and reopening them to look upon his Queen.

"And I love you... Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen."

AN: Sorry its not 10K words like I promised, I can't write those or I feel like I am pulling a Battle of the Five Armies with dragging this out.

This concludes The Falcon Flies High. I started this story three years ago, my first story and I completed it. 143,400 words, 485 Favs and 550 Follows, on 8 communities and a good accomplishment for me. I am thankful for everyone's support all the way through this amazing journey.

As for a potential sequel, I see a lot of possibilities, maybe a filler story about Dany curing her curse so she could have children, or New Ghis rising to take the world from everyone, maybe even a cultist of the Night King who thought the White Walkers should rule rather than man.

A whole lot of ideas, all to come up with.