This first chapter is a bit different to the other chapters in the story as this is just quickly setting some plot stuff up but hey I hope you enjoy reading it. I struggled a lot when writing this tbh so it's not amazing. Please leave constructive criticism, this is only my second fanfic and my first multichapter fanfic so I would really appreciate it!

Kid Danger sprinted through the street, the city lights surrounding him in a blur as he ran. Captain Man sprinted a few meters in front of him, his neck constantly turning as he searched for their target. Very little was known about the villain who they had been called to handle. According to man who frantically called the pair, they were searching for an "Angel" who had decapitated a local sex worker on her way home. Neither of the duo knew what the caller had meant by an "Angel" so they desperately searched everywhere, trying to find someone that even slightly matched the callers description. Neither had had any luck. They had been searching for over half an hour and had only found confused groups of people enjoying a night out and empty shops closed for the evening. Part of Kid Danger wanted to give up and go home; His legs ached and he was so tired that he was barely even concious. Despite this he kept pushing on, some strange sense of duty that had formed through his years as a sidekick preventing him from stopping.

"Kid, look there" Captain Man whispered, snapping Kid Danger out of his thoughts.

At some point the duo must have entered Swellview park, a park in the centre of the city that served as a short cut for many citizens of Swellview. Standing in a patch of grass was a small figure who's features were hidden by a hood and a simplistic mask. One hand was coated in blood and the other held a bloodstained sword. What really stood out, though, was a pair of pure white wings.

"Holy shit I can see why he called them an angel." Kid Danger muttered in awe.

Each wing had to be at least 3 metres long. Their incredible wingspan captivated the blonde and their pure white feathers clashed beautifully with the blood on the figure's hands. They moved strangely in an almost robotic fashion, each movement seeming incredibly unnatural with sudden jitters and erratic speeds. All of a sudden, Kid danger lept at the figure, attempting to restrain them. Just has his fingertips grazed their arms, however, they jolted and sprinted out of sight. The pair chased after them as fast as they could, pushing their bodies to their absolute limits in the process, but it was too late. They'd lost them.

"Aah Goddamnit" Captain Man whined, lightly kicking a stone nearby in frustration. He idly watched the stone roll, not paying much attention until it's journey ended in a bush. A red substance pooled from under the leaves, practically invisible in the evening darkness. It taunted Captain Man to come closer.

"Whats up?" Kid Danger questioned, staring at his friend with confusion.

"Hang on..." Captain Man crouched down and turned his head to peek through the leaves of the bush. Suddenly, he jolted back, alarmed. "Shit, Kid, you might want to have a look at this".

Kid Danger mimicked the older man's actions and peaked inside of the bush only to find the decapitated head of a woman. Her mouth was mutilated to the point that it barely resembled a human body part anymore, the corners of her mouth split and her tongue sliced into small chunks of meat. A sky blue colour bled from the areas where her flesh had been cut, mixing with the blood to create a morbid unnatural mess. Blonde curls fells from her head, sticky and bloodstained, while the word SINNER was written next to the head in a dark substance, presumably blood.

"...Oh God." He covered his mouth with his shakey hand, attempting to hide how distraught he was. "Sinner? Is she the sex woker...?"

"I guess so." Captain Man sighed and turned his head to look at his sidekick. Concern immedietly flooded over him as he noticed how affected Kid Danger was by the sight in front of them. "We'd better get going, they might have done this to someone else. You don't look so good, you can sit this one out if you want to, Kid." He placed his hand on his sidekick's shoulder in a reassuring manner. It was a strange sensation; Kid Danger was the same height as him now.

"I'll be fine, seriously." Confidence filled his speech as he masked his earlier discomfort and with that they began to run again, scanning the area with a sense of dread.

After a while of running they spotted them again, turned around facing a brick wall blankly with their wings spread out in awkward angles. Instead of coming out of their back the wings protuded from a large box like device strapped to Angel's back. They were faux. Angel suddenly seemed to make a lot more sense, They weren't a strange diety but were instead an intelligent human with a sadistic streak.

For a minute the pair just stood there and silently discussed their next move, and then they pounced. Captain Man lept at Angel, threw their sword at his sidekick and pulled then into a tight grasp while Kid Danger caught the sword, revealed his blaster and aimed it at the winged figure, daring them to move.

"Have fun in hell, 'Angel'" Captain Man sneered while he tightened his grip on the villain.

"Pfft yeah, you do that." A wave of achievement and confidence emitted from Kid Danger as he waved the villain's sword around with glee. Once again they had done it- They had saved the day. Together they had defeated the strange being that was Angel no matter how big their wings were or how pointy their sword was.

Despite this, he found himself desperately wanting to know who this person was in front of him. Slowly, he reached for their mask as curiosity and confidence overtook him. Just before his fingertips gazed the smooth surface, however, Angel fluttered their wings violently, causing Captain Man to jump back in shock. In a split second Angel ripped their sword out of Kid Danger's hands, pulled him into a tight hold and moved her sword to his neck as their wings raised around them defensively.

"Move and I will kill him. Touch me and I will kill him. Call for help and I will kill him." A soft voice called out from under the mask. "If you drop you weapons, leave and don't pursue me then I will not hurt him. The blade of this sword Is covered in small ridges and each ridge is filled with a deadly poison. The slightest graze with this sword will kill. Let me go and he will survive."

Kid Danger squirmed away from Angel though a slight move of the blade quickly left him frozen in fear. Desperately, he shot a worried glance to his friend, begging him to do something, though Captain Man only gave a reassuring look back. He had a plan.

"Okay, okay. Swear you'll let Kid Danger go?" He let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Yes." The voice replied, completely toneless and emotionless. It gave absolutely no clues about the owner of the voice, the gender and age impossible to decipher from it.

Captain Man slowly reached for his weapons, placed them on the ground in front of Angel and took two steps back with his arms up in a sign of peace. Angel began to loosen their grip on their hostage while Captain Man placed his hand on the back of his neck. There he discreetly prepared his trump card- His watch's ability to knock people unconcious. Swiftly, he shot a beam at Angel who, without any hesitation, blocked using their wings to shield themselves from the blast.

"Oh my god just let him go!" Ray shouted, charging towards Angel in a fit of anger. A slash of a blade and an ear piecing scream filled his ears as he realised his mistake.

"FUCK!" Henry yelled, holding onto his collar bone with trembling hands. It was a light cut, there was barely even any blood, but if the poison was as bad as Angel said it was then the wound was deadly. Tears welled in his eyes as he hunched over himself, hyperventilating.

Ray rushed towards him and pulled him into a tight hug, reaching for his phone while trying to comfort the other man. Angel was no where to be seen.

"Fuck, Henry, you're going to be okay I promise shit shit okay ambulance right." He mumbled frantically under his breath, making little sense as he attempted to press the dial the correct numbers. His hands refused, their movements too erratic to control.

"I don't want to die, Ray, oh my god" Henry sobbed into Ray's shoulder. A slight blue tinge started to spread around the sliced flesh and his vision began to blur from the chemicals entering his bloodstream.

"Got it, thank fuck." A triumphant yell came from Ray's mouth as he finally managed to dial the number after multiple attempts. He grabbed Henry's hand and squeezed it strongly, clinging onto it as if it would save his life. "It's Captain Man. Kid Danger just got cut with a poison coated blade and I swear to God if no one's here in the next 3 minutes you'll regret it." He spoke, his tone becoming increasingly more desperate with each word.

As he ended the call blue fluid burst out of Henry's mouth.

"Hen?" He called, shaking his friend's shoulders in an attempt to get him to respond.

"Hen!?" He called again, this time more desperately. Henry was no longer squeezing Ray's hand back.

"Please, Henry, oh my god don't die." Ray Manchester sobbed, tears pouring out of his eyes as he checked his sidekick's pulse.

There was nothing.

10 minutes later the paramedics arrived to find Captain Man clinging to Kid Danger, sobbing violently. Kid Danger was dead.

Henry Hart was dead.