Life will Change

Original Concept: Persona 5

Chapter 12

Created by: Atlus/Sega

Written by: wrathie

Consultation: DiLost

Cover art by: Aiwa

Author's Notes: And - FFNet's editing is still as crazy and useless as ever.

Hey everyone. Bet you didn't see this coming - puns aside, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I've also came to gripes with reality, and how it will affect how I handle this fic from now on.

I do hope I've gotten better over the years - but the proof is in the pudding.

But to TLDR it - I'm going to scrap a lot of Social Link convos - things will happen in the background, and I won't be too focused on Social Link Ranks and etc. I will be posting interesting stuff like Social Link Progress tho at the end of each day however - but let's try not to take it too seriously.

If none of us is having fun, it won't be a fun ride. So let's have fun as far as I can take it!

That and I'll try to implement a little bit of P5R elements (no Kasumi - sorry!) you'll see it when it happens.

18 April - Monday

Kamoshida's Castle


The now familiar sight of Kamoshida's castle loomed down on them after Morgana shot down Masumi's suggestion of trying to enter the Palace on top of the roof instead of going for it in the same alleyway.

"Maybe after we scoped the Castle a little more, Lady Masumi. Who knows where we'll end up."

"But dammmnn.." Ryuji sighed again as he stared a little too much at Ann's outfit.

"What is it?" Ann was oblivious while Masumi covered her mouth in amusement. Boys will be boys. But if it will save Ryuji some pain and humiliation, she won't comment.

"N-Nothing, I was just thinkin we should choose a code name for you too."

As the group gathered around the entrance of the Palace, Ryuji stopped them with a good suggestion.

"A code name?" Ann was perplexed and Masumi explained that it would be a bad idea to call each other by their names - even if no one in the Palace will remember what happened. It pays to be cautious after all.

"Plus it is a good idea to disassociate one's self and deeds here from who we are at school." Morgana looked a little conflicted at that and interjected.

"That said - it doesn't mean you should try to distance and separate yourself from who you are here too. This form is who you are, the real you. Personas are a true genuine aspect of who you are, and trying to deny that this is you will only make it weaker." He gave Masumi a sharp look and the pale-haired girl mouthed an apology and nodded.

"Mona's right, I'm sorry. It's still a little jarring at times, even to myself, how I am like her. I would like to extend apologies in advance if I… get too enthusiastic." Masumi admitted and Morgana conceded that point to Masumi. Even though he was still a little taken aback at how bipolar Masumi could be when attacking Shadows. Her aggressiveness was both a bad and a good thing. A double-edged sword in more ways than one. It will definitely get her, and them in trouble if left unchecked.

"It's like what we discussed yesterday right at the café, Masumi? … We'll see. I think it's a good opportunity to let our hair down so to speak." Ann reassured her while Ryuji coughed into his palm, a bit left out of the conversation thus far.

"Back on topic. I'm going with Skull, Masumi's Joker, and Morgana's Mona."

"Any ideas?" Ann asked while placing a hand on her chin before scowling. " If you say kitty or pussy I'll make sure to show you what my weapon does on a personal basis." Ann threatened openly with a grin that made Morgana and Ryuji backed off immediately.

"Heeyy- I'm not! I saw what you did to Kamoshida, woman!"

Ann chuckled softly at their reactions before turning to Masumi who shook her head. She wasn't going to get involved in this if she can help it.

"Seeing I have a tail… and I am wearing a cat theme outfit. Ugh… I'll die before I'm called Tigress though, I know what that means. Or Cougar, god… this is hard." Ann contemplated for a while before shrugging in defeat.

"Panther. I think that's our best compromise so far. And for the record, I know you are staring at my bust, boys. I don't dislike this outfit, I think it's kinda hot actually. But if you guys use that as an excuse to satisfy your urges…" Ann used her thumb to gesture vertically across her neck in a slicing movement. "I got my eyes on you two. You have no idea how jealous I am of your outfit, Masumi." She turned to her friend to commiserate while the two boys looked at each other worriedly.

"... it's not our fault right? I mean… you can't just… don't - you know." Ryuji whispered to Morgana who looked depressed before whispering back. He was keeping a careful eye on how the two girls were talking to each other so they didn't get eavesdropped.

"If it's during battle - there's no helping it… … Lady Ann does bend down when she uses her whip… so… ahem…" Morgana smirked slightly when Ryuji rubbed his chin in agreement.


"It looks really stylish, and roguish, really cool! A bit tomboyish though." Ann sighed a little as she prodded Masumi's sides, making her squirm a little.

"I already know what you're hiding beneath that. Honestly, if I could, I'll trade you."

"Pass- I was kind of sad about it, but after seeing yours, I think mine turned out pretty good, all things considered." Masumi gave a sigh as she gestured to her outfit. "It's not like I can trade it anyway. By the way, clothing regenerates here. I was all cut up getting you out of that mess with that fake Kamoshida, but it somehow mended itself soon after." Morgana deadpanned while Ann clutched her arm in worry.

"Right… with how tight this thing is… it's better this way. Goodness knows the boys are already getting paid for this just by seeing the two of us like this." Ann smirked as she pressed a hand on Masumi's chest, causing her to squeak and stumble back.

"Ann! Don't!"

"Don't try to hide it, even if we can't see your curves, I can see what we're working with right here."


As the girls bickered and teased each other, the boys couldn't help but overhear them. Ryuji was pinching his nose while Morgana was red, remembering what happened at Masumi's attic the night before while she was changing.

They let them talk for a while before Morgana cleared his throat to get their attention again.

"Ahem - at any rate, how you manifest here is an expression of what you feel is the best possible form in rebelling against the ruler of the Palace. Regardless of how your attire might look, your subconsciousness - or perhaps your Persona themselves decided that this would be the best and truest form you should adopt in the palace."

Morgana jerked a finger towards the palace, his expression tense. "Our objective is Kamoshida, let's hustle my Ladies."


"Right, let's get it on - all fresh and ready." Ryuuji cheered softly as they approached the front doors of the Palace. Real time passed slower here according to Morgana, but it's best that they don't push themselves too far.

"It's game time from this point forward. I'll be teaching you guys the basics of infiltrating a palace as we head in." Morgana added as he led them forward towards their usual entrance.

As the others nodded, Masumi smiled before stepping forward - and subsequently pausing in confusion. A ripple… of something struck them and stopped everything in its tracks, except for herself.

Masumi would be lying if she said she didn't freeze while feeling panicked. Even so, Medea's presence comforted her as she stood her ground and looked around her anxiously.

"My master would like a word with you." The calm voice of one of her prison wardens in her dreams startled her and Masumi pulled out her gun and aimed it at the direction of the voice without thinking.

The indifferent look of Justine, for it was her standing in the distance, didn't set her at ease. Neither was the glowing blue door appearing besides her. There was no denying that it was happening however- and it seemed that Igor had enough power to stop time.

Who was she dealing with anyway- and if he was so powerful as to stop time, a gun would do nothing to Justine, nor to Igor.

"Wait a minute, if he can stop time - why did he say our time was up when we were dreaming…" Masumi grumbled while Justine continued to stare indifferently at her, even with her gun still pointing at her. She probably didn't view her as a threat at all.

Sighing, Masumi gave up, lowered her weapon and nodded unhappily to Justine. Walking towards the door, Masumi hesitated briefly as the door opened to reveal an emptiness of pure blue and nothing else.

"..." Looking to the side to ensure Justine wasn't going to kick her in, Masumi stepped into the blue unknown.

Velvet Room


"The prison Kurusu Masumi has returned." Caroline muttered while Masumi shifted uncomfortably in her standing position. Somehow, magically she assumed, she was back in her prisoner's outfit, shackled and in the jail without her noticing.

"..." Giving up on trying to understand, she stood quietly in front of the bars as the twins announced her arrival.

"Well done, it seems you have remembered my words. You truly made it worth rehabilitating you." Masumi stayed quiet at Igor's words - now that she was aware of some extent of his powers, she was feeling a mixture of terror and suspicion.

Terrified as this man and his cronies can stop time! That was just - impossible! More impossible than this!

And suspicious because who knew what he wanted. If he was so powerful, shouldn't he be dealing with all this himself instead of getting it solved through her indirectly?

As if reading her mind, Igor chuckled. "I am not attempting to withhold information from you. The essence of the rehabilitation that you must complete will be explained in due time. Once you encounter friends who share your aesthetics and discover your place in reality. Only then, will I explain it all."

Masumi narrowed her eyes and bit her tongue to stop herself from retorting that Igor was withholding information after all. If he knew what was going on - why wouldn't he share with her now?

"Why then… if I knew earlier, it could help prepare me of what's ahead." She asked quietly after a moment had passed without either one of them speaking.

"That day isn't too far off. Be reassured. And I did not summon you here without ample reason. Now that you have indeed shown your sincerity in trying, I wish to introduce you to the aid we are providing." Igor gestured and the two wardens turned to face her again.

"Due to your potential in wielding the power of the wild card, you can handle more than one Persona. That power holds infinite possibilities, we will assist you in nurturing that potential." Igor paused before his smile got even more vicious.

"To that end, we must execute your Persona."

Medea showed her disgust at that statement by whispering vitriol into her ears and Masumi drew back in response.

"Do not be alarmed, Persons are personalities that exist within you. Thus you will only be discarding old personalities to have them be reborn as new ones." Igor's reassurance wasn't reassuring even as he explained.


"By discarding your old identity, you give way to a new one. Hence, we call that process "execution". Think of it as the fusion of your Personas. Now then, shall we try it out?" Igor gestured and Masumi shook her head quickly, and desperately. She wasn't going to go straight into this without thinking this through. But Igor didn't seem to want to give her the illusion of choice

"I insist." Igor pressed and Masumi winced, looking more than a little sickened at the thought of sending the Personas that joined her willingly to the gallows. Medea's increasing agitation made it hard to think and cold sweat started forming together with her agitation.

"I won't give up Medea. She is me, she said so. I won't betray myself to get stronger." Masumi insisted as a compromise in the end, and Medea cooled down somewhat. Igor nodded in acceptance - his smile not even wavering, although the two wardens looked more than ready to bash her head in for speaking out and against him.

"The stronger your Persona, and your identity, the more likely you are to survive the trials ahead. Holding on to a weak Persona will only hinder your progress." He reminded her solemnly, and that pissed Medea off - influencing Masumi too.

That was probably the reason why she bared her teeth and grinned viciously back at Igor.

"She's not weak- I'm not weak. We're in this together, she's me, and I am her. Our fates are entwined. I won't give up the true part of me so easily."

As the batons charged with electricity slammed against the bars of her cell, Masumi only stared defiantly back at Igor who studied her again. It was like a standoff, but Masumi knew it won't last. He had power here.

"Never be said that I did not warn you." Igor sounded stern but chuckled slowly after a minute or two of the tense stare off.

"The Persona might be gone, temporarily, but we offer the ability to return any old Persona that you could register with us the way it was - for a fee of course." Igor's offer made all of them stare at him, even the wardens who looked flummoxed.

"M-Master -"

"Now now, our guest here is full of surprises, offering our services is the reason I called her here after all. There is no harm in offering more of our services if she needs them."


As Igor explained how Personas could be registered in the Demonic Compendium as well as how Persona fusing/execution works, Masumi noticed Caroline being a little quieter during the whole thing.

She was adamant in not using Medea in her first fusion, or really, ever! Although she obtained a new Persona through the fusion, Masumi was still distraught at how it was accomplished.

Two Personas tied down in a pillory before being executed via guillotine. It made her neck hurt just looking at it. She could swear that Caroline did wince when the blade came slicing down.


"A stronger Persona has been born from the body and blood of the old. It shall be your new strength." The Persona was stronger though, she could feel it. The Power of Genbu was unmistakable as it settled into her mind. It only took the sacrifice of Jack-o' Lantern and Mandrake to do so. She still felt sick though, as with Igor's words - she was gaining strength from the sacrifice of those who choose to follow her.

At least… they were those she gained from liberating from Kamoshida's grasp… no, it was still wrong.

"It's worth will be made clearer when you return to the field of battle." Justine offered quietly.

"Gather Personas and bring them here, gather a great many, execute them and continue to give birth to even more Personas. Developing your powers as such will play an integral role in the stand against ruin." Igor declared while Masumi paled. She was- was she going to take her allies here to be killed for the sake of getting stronger. She understood the logic behind it, but it was still-

"So that your rehabilitation goes well, we have a variety of rituals to choose in regard to executions." Justine added in, and after a small cough, Caroline added.

"And depending on the effort you put in, our master might consider further development of new rituals."

"Your heart is steadily gaining the strength of rebellion, it seems your rehabilitation is proceeding smoothly - a joyous feat indeed." Igor clapped his hands together in celebration(?), but Masumi just felt sickened. Wasn't she just like the people that she despised? Getting better and stronger by crawling above someone else's head and their expense? Was this the start of the slippery slope of it all?

"In anticipation of this, I have prepared a gift for you. I hope that you shall accept it."

A surge of power pulsed from Igor again and it settled into Masumi, causing her dizziness. She stumbled and rested against the walls to steady herself.

"That is a thief's skill, allowing one to tap into their sixth sense and see what is hidden in the dark. I believe you can handle it now, may you continue devoting yourself to further rehabilitation." Igor chuckled quietly while Masumi touched her own eyes gingerly.

"Try pressing against our eyelids while closed." Caroline offered before snapping again. "Stupid inmate!" Masumi frowned before doing just that, to no avail.

"Try again, holding your fingers on your eyelids till you feel a change before opening your eyes." Justine explained and Masumi did as instructed, and to her relief and exasperation, it worked. Kind of. It was like the entire place was bathed in a strange light.

"Hidden things will glow a different color. Stupid inmate!" Caroline snapped while Masumi appraised the room. There was nothing special here, and she nodded in thanks.

"Well then, is there anything else? If there are any requests, we will take them while you are here."

"Be mindful that time does not pass when you are here, but as your physical body is not here, you will neither gain rest while you are here." Igor chipped in before closing his eyes, looking as though he was asleep on his desk after he lowered his head.

"No.. thank you." Masumi knew her manners as she bowed somewhat lower to the three. For all of her dislike regarding execution, it - might prove to be necessary after all.

"To leave, all you need to do is to exit through the other end of the cell."


Kamoshida's Palace: Entrance


"Something wrong? You just stood there all of a sudden without moving." Morgana's voice startled her, but Masumi recovered quickly before shrugging and smiling.

"Sorry, I was just feeling a bit nostalgic? I mean, it's just a few days you know - a few crazy days." If her fellow thieves were not going to point out the glowing blue door that was right beside her, she was not going to make them think she was crazy.

More than normal at least - all of them were a little crazy if they were here, but at least she could cover this up easily enough.

"So, where do we start anyway? From the very beginning again?" Ryuji asked while they gathered in front of their first entrance to the Castle/Palace, the blonde looking ready to jump in immediately.

"Let's head to the safe room we found last time, it's on the first floor of the west building." Morgana exclaimed while pulling out a device that looked just like the Velvet Room door. It opened up just besides the shaft entrance, shocking everyone present. Masumi didn't know he had something like that up his sleeve! Morgana had just as many secrets as she did! And also - wasn't this a homage to the most popular blue and white "mouse" in the world?

"Safe room- and what's that?"

"Every time we establish a safe room, I can create a portal towards it if it remains safe to return to. As long as the ruler of the Palace doesn't overcome the inherent properties of the safe room, we can visit it instantaneously." Morgana preened as every member of the team looked impressed at him.

"You were planning to tell us about this eventually, right? That is great… really great! I was wondering how we were going to come back home in time if we have to leave through the same exit all the time." That would definitely increase the time they had to explore the place. It's one thing that had been nagging at her all this time.

"To be fair to me, Joker, we had to make our escape surrounded by enemies all the time… and it's a trick that I learned from exploring the Palace myself. I would be glad to teach you how to if it is possible." Morgana gestured before turning to the rest.

"No - to all of you if possible. If either one of us are knocked out, we would need the others to be able to get us out. We can die here. If any one of you has any second thoughts, this is the last possible chance to voice and back out."

Morgana's tone turned serious, and although there wasn't any hesitance in Ryuji and Masumi, Ann faltered ever so slightly.

"Kamoshida was really going to rape and kill you and Shiho, Ann-Panther. Even if that particular Kamoshida is a fake, that doesn't mean what he would and could do to you would be any less real." Masumi muttered softly and Ann lowered her gaze, looking unsure.

After a moment however, Ann's fist shook in anger before she breathed in deep.

"Right, I'm good, I'm just… I needed a moment. But we're good. Me and Carmen that is. You guys need my help too. Don't try telling me that you don't - you guys were struggling the last time without my help." Ann flicked her hair to the back as she smiled at them.

"Masumi… er, Joker needs the help to keep you guys in line too - I can't trust her with just the two of you and I want my pound of flesh from Kamoshida, even if it's dangerous, especially if it is actually. I don't want my friends to get hurt or worse while I can help even the odds. Takamaki Ann won't run away from that bastard."

Ann's declaration was a relief to Masumi, and to the rest too. Ryuji too since he was looking away, or probably just looking away at how Ann's cleavage was in full view now.

Morgana had no problems with that as he jumped up and down excitedly.

"I will do my utmost to protect you, Panther- It is a knight's duty and honor to do so!"

Ann giggled but then laughed when Masumi pulled Morgana's ears as she scowled at him.

"Less peeking and more sneaking in now. We have to get in there some time today."

"Owww - I'll behave, Joker - please forgive me! It'll take forever if we don't have a shortcut after all. C'mon - let's cut to the chase." Morgana gestured painfully and the four of them entered the gateway that Morgana had opened up.


"So a safe room is basically a place where we can rest up and not be caught by enemies." Ann considered as Ryuji explained to her. Masumi didn't disagree with Ryuji but just like the three of them, just looked hopelessly out of depth.

"Let's just leave it as that and take stock of our situation." Masumi smiled hopefully and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Right - I think if I question this too much, I'll get a headache. Let's roll with that explanation since it helps us." Ann brightened up and even Ryuji chuckled helplessly.

"Get your game together everyone. Before we begin, Joker - I have to ask, you have a new Persona." Masumi stiffened at the accusation while the other two looked confused. Morgana could tell? How?

"How do you do it? It's one thing if you recruited a Persona from our battles in the Castle. I still can't get my head over that - by the way - but how can you have a new Persona without visiting the Palace in the first place?" Morgana asked quietly and Masumi slumped slightly, well there's no avoiding that conversation now. Still - there wasn't actually a way to explain this, was there.

" I don't really know how to explain that. Well, I can explain it, but you might not believe me. And there's no proof I can present to show I am saying the truth." Masumi warned Morgana and her phantom thief ally considered that before nodding his head.

"I believe I was the one who turned your understanding of your world upside down. I can believe in outrageous things." Morgana answered dryly, and even Ryuji snorted at Morgana's snarky remark. Masumi just rolled her eyes before explaining to them what happened in the Velvet Room.


"... Right, I don't, yeah. Uhm…" Ryuji just stared, Ann blinked repeatedly and Morgana sat down quietly after Masumi's explanation.

"... Let's just go." He decided in the end, and Masumi just shrugged her shoulders helplessly. She was speaking the truth.

"I'm not lying by the way!" Her exclamation just made her friends chuckle while Morgana covered his eyes with his paws, muttering to himself.

"I just had to say that didn't I… just keep walking… it'll make sense later in the day."

Kamoshida's Castle


To say combat was a rush was understating it. Masumi enjoyed every moment of it, unleashing Medea's powers or simply slashing into the Shadows after getting the drop on them. But she didn't get carried away, focusing herself, and Medea too to keep her objectives in mind.

All of them had helped Ann out when it came to taking on Shadows the first time, and even Ryuji got the chance to get a drop on a Shadow instead of being spotted.

Due to the large number of guards, and how they could be easily warned if they heard them being overwhelmed, Masumi had opted for ambushes more often than not. The enemies were weaker, they had the advantage of discovering their weaknesses and it helped allow Ann to get over her apprehensiveness of actual combat.

Ann slowly got used to attacking with the whip, but she seems more at ease with using Magic to attack. As fantastic as that sounded, each battle sapped their strength, both mentally and physically.

Morgana praised the new phantom thieves' progress, but warned that they had little experience of combat on a bigger scale.

When Masumi asked Morgana to elaborate, Morgana had reminded them of the prolonged battle with Kamoshida's guardians the last two times.


"We're picking on the small fry now, do not be overly complacent. The Shadows here are pushovers that Joker and I can deal with them easily enough."


He did praise Masumi's cautionary attitude, but encouraged her to go all out if it came to fighting tougher enemies, or they would never get stronger.


"We would battle the fake Kamoshida eventually - till then, we have to hone our skills, experience and abilities as much as possible. I won't say to hope for the best, for I believe in you, Joker."


Their progress in the castle was going swimmingly despite taking the long way for safety's sake.

They eventually did hit a roadblock where a single Shadow was guarding a long corridor with their next destination being at the end of it. There was no way around it, this was the passageway to the next area.

"... Great, now how are we going to ambush it from the back." Ryuji's observation was spot on for there was quite a distance to dash forward to attempt to do that. The guard's walking pattern prevented them from an easy ambush. Getting spotted would only cause all the guards to shout out, warning the rest there were intruders. Increasing the number of Shadows they had to face. So far so good - but it looks like they had to take this one on head on instead. Not exactly the best solution they had, but they didn't have other options.

"Well sure, if you want to go about it the orthodox way, but there's a more stylish route that will obtain our objectives too!" Morgana grinned deviously while gesturing to the sofa and boxes littered conveniently around the sides of the corridor.

"See those sofas on the sides of the hallway? Hide behind those till you can get closer to the enemy, make jumps from one to another and you won't be detected. We'll hang back until you get the drop on the boss. Once it's in range, nail it and we'll support you to end it." Morgana's explanation made the other two splutter in disbelief at the sheer incredulity of it all.

"This isn't a movie!" The two exclaimed in unison, softly of course while Masumi looked at Morgana skeptically. They might have achieved amazing things, things that should be impossible here. Was this really possible too?

"If plastic toy soft guns can be like real guns, and we're basically already doing movies like stunts. This might work."

"That's the spirit, Joker. I would try to do so, but you remember my attempt at that. I do not have the power or weight to properly pull off the mask of the Shadows." Morgana gave Masumi an apologetic look while Masumi just shrugged. There was nothing he could do about that after all.

"Well - I'm going to pull a stunt out of the Matrix now… wish me luck." Masumi did give Morgana a dry look of exasperation before attempting to do just that, launching and rolling into position repeatedly, hiding herself by tucking herself behind cover steathily.

Tucking her body behind one of the sofas, Masumi held her breath as she waited for the knight to walk closer to the sofa, and when it did, she couldn't help but to clench her eyes tight in anticipation.

In hindsight that was a bad thing, the guard could have cut her down then and there.


"Woah - she did it. What the-" Ryuuji exclaimed as the guard ignored Masumi in literally plain sight behind the couch, turning and exposing his back for Masumi to get the drop on it.

"That was just either plain stupid or awesome." Ann griped even as she too charged forward, snapping her whip forward to strike the Shadows that spawned from the guard.


"Well - that was sure, something." Masumi sighed as everyone regrouped after getting rid of the Shadow that guarded the corridor that led to the next area.

Masumi herself was concerned about how big the Castle was, and whether they had the time needed to find the treasure. They had no inkling on how big the treasure was.

"Let's take a breather before moving forward, Joker. Or are you good to go? I sense something different ahead." Morgana gestured them forward to the next room with his eyes dazzling.


"This is really feeling like an RPG in a video game… a puzzle and a map?" Ryuji groaned as he took a seat around the table that the group had "unlocked" by pulling the right combination of chains around the caged room.

Ann just looked confused as she too took a break while Masumi and Morgana studied the map that they had discovered. It was easy to see that it wasn't a complete one, but it was still a great discovery.

"A map is vital, Skull. You can't just dismiss it. This is a stroke of luck for sure." Morgana chastised while Ryuji just shrugged, looking unrepentant.

"Yeah - but who knows whether it's accurate or it's just a trick? We can't just follow something we found here. This isn't really a game you know?" Ryuji's retort made Morgana pause before nodding his head.

"Caution from you is noteworthy, but items appearing in the Castle aren't just a coincidence, every item that appears in the Castle is of use to the owner, in this case Kamoshida. We are the intruders, and that might be why the item is locked away." Morgana paused to see if everyone understood him before continuing.

"He would recognize that we are a threat, even unconsciously, and thus threw some measures to protect the things he deemed as important. Security wasn't as tight the last time I was here, that is for sure."

Morgana then turned to Masumi, who had been tracing their movements so far.

"It looks good so far, I don't see any errors so far. We can trust this map to an extent, but my third eye…" Masumi groaned when Ryuji grinned at her, finally saying that phrase out loud. She was aware of how childish she made it sound, but it was what Igor named it! It's not her fault.

"I'll be able to sense enemies with it, so it would definitely help anyway. We can't correct it… but…" Masumi wondered and she pulled out her phone before taking a quick picture of it.

"It'll be faster than opening a map- oh." Masumi stared at her phone uncertainly even as her friend's phone beeped in unison, causing them to give it a quick glance through.

"... Was this, did you do this, Masumi?" Ann was staring in disbelief as she played with her screen while Ryuji was having trouble getting Morgana to back off from trying to get to his phone.

"It's Joker… but I guess so. Igor's really spoiling me." Masumi sighed as she played around with her new map app that captured the details of the map after taking even more photos of it. It even had a handy indicator on where they were right now.

"Right, change of plans, we need a navigator if we're going to tackle this castle the right way."


In the end it was Ann who became the designated navigator, she would be checking the map periodically on their progress and location while Masumi will continue to scout on ahead with her useful third eye ability.

Ryuji would handle their back - but that role became redundant when they discovered that dots signifying Shadows appeared on their application too - making things more convenient.

A little too convenient, but Masumi wasn't complaining - giving them a heads up on where the enemy was doesn't mean they could beat them.


Lady Masumi's worth was skyrocketing with every new ability that she unearthed. Morgana was still suspicious on how she could get new Personas, her explanation about executing and fusing Personas were sketchy at best after all. But Morgana couldn't argue with results, and up till now - Lady Masumi delivered in spades.

Take now for example, Lady Masumi was coaxing Ryuji and Lady Ann from jumping from one chandelier to the other on top of the grand staircase that Ryuji had awakened his Persona from.

"You'll be fine, I'll catch you if you trip, Ryu- Skull." Lady Masumi smiled encouragingly at Ryuji before the blonde closed his eyes and took off in a sprint on the already wobbly chandelier before jumping to the one Lady Masumi was on.

His movements only made the chandelier he and Lady Ann was on wobble more before Ryuji leaped to the next one. Morgana could make that leap easily, but he could empathize with how daunting it would appear to someone new to this, it was a hell of a fall if they failed to make the jump.

Lady Masumi just took it in stride and leaped across to the first chandelier after climbing up the shelves while looking for a new route forward.

She was a true natural, Morgana had to believe that she was genuinely an ally and not potentially an enemy. Nor would she fall apart when the going gets tough.


"G-Give me a bit - it's shaking way too much!" Ann's fearful cries made Masumi give Ryuji a small glare in how he had just made things worse.

"It's not really my fault?" Ryuji complained but then stopped when Masumi whirled back all of a sudden to stare at something he couldn- oh right, there they were.

"Shadows. Mona and I will take care of these, you watch over Ann and make sure she gets over here safely.."

Before Ryuji could protest, Masumi and Morgana had gone on ahead to engage the Shadows, making their chandelier shake even more as he groaned.

"Honestly? An- Panther, hurry and jump! I'll catch you!"

"If you grope me I'm kicking you off that thing - got it!?" As the two continued arguing in the background, Masumi couldn't help but wonder whether the two of them were taking things too lightly.


Fighting on a shaky foundation could end up being a recipe for disaster, so Masumi decided to make it quick as she reached for her mask and called upon her Persona, Medea.

"Eiha!" She called out quickly, causing tendrils of darkness to be fired straight into the form of one of the Kelpies that had engaged them. She could see her strengths and weaknesses too, and Medea was more of a spell caster rather than a physical Persona like Captain Kidd was.

Her mythological counterpart was a Witch, or a Sorcerer excelling in spells, so it matches. With that speciality in mind, Masumi considered the ability to just bombard enemies with spells until they were defeated. But it turned out to be not that simple. The more she used spells, the more taxing it was on her mentally, adding to her fatigue.

It started with a slight migraine, but it got steadily worse as she used more spells. Slashing and stabbing enemies were free, less risk of being injured - thus Masumi and her friends had to pick their shots and make it count.

They might have two healers, herself and Ann, but Masumi didn't want either of them to run out of steam at the worst possible scenario, like they were captured twice by Kamoshida.

"Nice move, Joker!" Morgana cheered as he charged forward too, his nimble form barely moving the chandelier at all as he leapt to deliver a slash into the kneecap of the Shadow facing him and causing it to stumble backwards.

Morgana had informed Masumi that he wanted her to call the shots, but she trusted her ally to know what to prioritize in battle, ensuring that they survived each conflict intact.

Not one to ignore an advantage, Masumi concentrated and fired another Eiha at the other Kelpie who was trying to gang up on Morgana. Ignoring the dizziness, Masumi leaped forward to deliver a kick to the back of the first Kelpie's head that staggered it, allowing her and Morgana to gang up on the other one. Morgana might be deceptively strong, but Masumi's own weight and mass helped to boost the strength of the kick. It too made the chandelier wobble even more but Masumi's footwork remained confident and steady as her trusty dagger, held in a reverse grip, slashed into the neck of the other Kelpie even as Morgana's cutlass sliced through its chest.

Masumi fought dirty, targeting vulnerable spots purposely while Morgana had to pick his spots due to his height. The gentleman thief fought battles in an honorable manner, well as much as it could be allowed anyway. Shadows were relentless, and he had been quite badly hurt protecting Ann at the beginning. His chivalry was extended to herself at the start too, but he had learned that Masumi wasn't a delicate flower at all, no, she lived for battle - or rather, lived for the pain she causes her enemies.

As proven evident when Masumi's dagger, stabbed into the flesh of the Kelpie's neck, was jerked and pulled down it's length till it expired. Morgana did not know Masumi had the strength to even accomplish that.

By the time the two Phantom Thieves were done with the group of Shadows, Ryuji and Ann had finally managed to gather themselves.

"Are you two alright?" Masumi asked while absentmindedly shaking her dagger free of gore and blood that would fade away quickly. Morgana shook his head and followed her as she checked her friends. Even now - the viciousness in Masumi's attacks against the Shadows bothered him still.

She seemed so in control usually too.


"Yeah… just, trying to get used to the heights. Can't believe you can even fight on this thing…" Ryuji grumbled as he tried to get a stable footing on the slightly swaying chandelier. The slight swaying of the chandelier did not bother Masumi. It was like being on a boat and she took it in stride, while Ryuji and Ann were suffering. Ann couldn't even stand up yet.

"Perhaps we should turn back now, Joker? Panther and Skull doesn't look too good." Morgana asked in concern while Masumi considered.

"We should go on. I'll… manage, the safe room..." Ann swallowed before slowly standing up, before turning even paler after noticing how high up she was. If she fell - she would die without a doubt.

"You can't, you're not feeling so well. What if a Shadow managed to surround us, you'll be sitting ducks." Masumi disagreed with Ann, but at the same time wondered if they could even push on at this rate.

"Sorry for pulling you guys back… I can head to the safe room first to wait for you guys?" Ann offered while Masumi bit her lip. That might be for the best, if Ann was a liability, it might hurt them more than to insist she follow them. But she was the navigator too so-

"I'll support you guys from the back with Captain Kidd, we should keep going. Once we're past this part, all we need to do is find another Safe Room right? If we backtrack now, we'll be losing our progress. The guards will be back after all." Ryuji's suggestion made Morgana's jaw drop a bit, but that didn't make it less sensible.


"... If we get knocked out, I want you to get Panther out of there and rescue us later." Masumi's terms made Ryuji scowl and he shot a hard glance at Morgana who agreed to Ryuji's unspoken request by flashing him a thumbs up.

"We should start moving now, the guards might notice something wrong if we stick around."

Kamoshida's Castle - East Wing


"Let's - not do that ever again. I can't believe we survived that." Ann looked much more comfortable now they were on solid ground, but the other three just looked exhausted. Especially Ryuji, who had ended up carrying Ann piggyback while helping out with Captain Kidd.

Using physical moves had a price to it, one's physical stamina would slowly be sapped in correlation to how powerful the attacks were. Ryuji had to be healed by Masumi once before they got past the few chandeliers and once again by Ann when they landed on the other side of the main hall.

That didn't stop Ryuji from laying flat on his back and breathing hard though.

Any comments about Ann's weight was wisely left unsaid after Morgana whispered into his ear. Masumi was glad the boys were getting along, but they needed to find a safe place and fast to regroup, it was dangerous to be around here.

"Mona, can you sense a safe room near here? Or any place we can take a break?" Morgana sniffed the air after Masumi's request, more of an exaggeration on his part and he nodded.

"Yes, I can sense one near here. We lucked out in that sense, once we established that place, we wouldn't need to go by the same route. Please mark the spot on the map later on, Panther."


"I can't believe it's just an hour since we came here first. I can keep going, how about you guys?" Ryuji asked with a tired grin while Masumi took a breather herself, sitting on one of the chairs. Ann was in a similar state. The boys had tried their best to do most of the work, attacking the Shadows more recklessly than they should. At the beginning they tried to do the same for Masumi too, till they realized their friend and de facto leader was just as, if not even more aggressive than they would.

Morgana, being Morgana, had been looking out for Ann when she joined, and Ryuji had done the same, if more obvious than their feline friend.

Ann hadn't said much, but Masumi thought that Ann was grateful for their help, but slowly got more irritated when they had to intervene even when she was handling it herself.

A vicious beatdown on a Shadow a few ambushes later made the boys realize that the girls who were with them could pull their weight, and had stopped being as protective.

It made Masumi glad the boys cared, but they were more tired than they had to due to it, it wasn't fair, or safe for all of them.

"Perhaps till the next safe room at most. We've been making steady progress. The medicine and bandages does help. I feel much better after drinking that… cough syrup was it? As long as it works."

"I'll be getting some of those pain relieving patches and balms. They might help too." Ann suggested while Masumi asked Morgana about the issues with ammunition. The toysoft bullets she brought weren't exactly bullets, and she couldn't "reload" her gun as she had hoped.


"I see something different." Masumi paused before repeating again with quotation marks by gesturing with her fingers. "Well - "see" at least. I can make out different colors of Shadows, I couldn't before. Does it mean something? They are very obvious now." Masumi explained quietly as she took another peek at the glowing figures of the Shadows going about their patrols near a pathway that leads down the Castle. The map indicates that they should head down, but there were multiple enemies in front of them now.

Masumi explained to the gang about what she could see, Shadows were glowing and "color-coded" in two colors, blue and yellow.

"It might be their power or strength? You know? Like from blue, yellow to red. Red is more powerful of course, maybe that Igor guy is making things easier for you again." Ryuji suggested while Morgana looked contemplatively at her.

"As they say, the first and second is a coincidence, the third time is enemy action - even if this isn't strictly enemy action, this does follow a trend. He is augmenting your abilities without you realizing, truly a formidable individual. If it is what Ryuji suggests it to be, it is a huge advantage that we should take advantage of."

"If we can trust it at least, Mona. It feels too convenient you know? But if it does help us, I'm not complaining. But I'm not thanking him either. He must have a reason to want m-us to succeed." Masumi corrected herself quickly enough, she was about to say "me", but stopped herself. This wasn't just for her, it was for Ann and Shiho too. Just like, or perhaps - because it was Medea and who she was, her Persona was in complete agreement with Masumi.

She wanted to be hopeful, and although she was glad and thankful that people believed her, Masumi was also pragmatic. She wouldn't trust someone who extended trust to her without any catches or gimmes. Whatever Igor wanted her to do, she didn't believe that it was just for her own good, it was for mutual… and even that was doubtful. Igor had to have a stake here somewhere.

"I agree. But for now we should take advantage of it if it does help us. Let us proceed on!"


The argument had started when they entered the next area, a dining room with multiple groups of Shadows. The Shadows were doing what they usually do, a fixed pattern of patrols along the three rows of tables.

The Shadows were too close to each other that they couldn't engage one group without warning the others.

Masumi and Ann wanted to sneak past them, but Morgana and Ryuji had instead suggested that they take them on all at once with a wide area of effect spell.

Masumi had access to one like that with Medea, but it would take quite a chunk of her energy, she did acknowledge the point the boys were making though. If they tried to sneak past, but failed, they would get pinned down regardless. They should take the first strike to weaken them before mopping them up.

It would need to be planned though, and after some quick discussion, decided on their plan of action. It was going to hurt for a while, but if they pulled it off - they would have saved lots of time on an endeavor that would fail.


"I sure hope there's another Safe Room after this though…" Ryuji groaned before following their game plan by charging forward and announcing his presence.

"Oi - Kamoshida is just a pervert preying on girls - you guys suck, just like him - So eat this!" Ryuji's taunt got the entire room's attention but before they could react or even retort, Ryuji had summoned Captain Kidd and directed his Persona to slam against the nearest table.

The impact sent the long table slamming against the startled guards.

"Zorro!" The cry from Morgana only sent the table flying further still, carrying the startled guards to hit yet another row of tables, and so forth.

There was one group of Shadows that had been accosted by Ann and Carmen, and Masumi smirked to see she had got the situation under control with a nifty new spell that she had learned.

"Dormina" - A Spell that causes the enemy to fall asleep, and Masumi couldn't help but grin viciously as she was the one who will land the finishing blow to the stunned and helpless Shadows.

"Medea! Maeiha!" A new skill that Medea had learned earlier at around the same time that Ann's Carmen had learned Maragi. Medea's form appeared while suspended in mid-air moments before launching tendrils of darkness that struck at all the gathered Shadows pinned down by the table. Before Medea could fade away, Masumi had dashed forward to engage them, even if it meant to pin the Shadows down even more below the table as it wasn't going to be enough.

Nothing was that easy after all.


Ann and Carmen were forced to deal with the sleeping Shadow by herself when it became apparent that taking on five different groups of Shadows wasn't as easy as they thought.

The Shadows were weakened, but they were still three individuals against twelve of them, despite Medea's best efforts.

"Heads up Joker! 3 o'clock!" Ryuji's cry of warning allowed Masumi to dive to the front, narrowly avoiding the Kelpie that tried to slam it's body against her. Ryuji was hanging back, getting Captain Kidd to throw stuff over at the Shadows to distract them in fear of getting Masumi and Morgana hurt.

The feline member of the Phantom Thieves were in the thick of things, more dodging than actually attacking as he jumped, swerved, ducked and rolled to get away from the four Jack O'Lanterns that pursued him relentlessly.

Not like Masumi had much luck, besides the Kelpie that was doggedly trying to attack her, there were two Bicorns that were now regrouping.

They were split up and the Shadows knew it, if they picked off one of them, they could move on to the next one. Well - they weren't the only ones who were planning and Masumi had a plan.

"Die for King Kamoshida!" The Kelpie that had almost taken her out charged again while the two Bicorns did the same, no doubt trying to impale her between their horns.

"It's as Ryuji said, you guys suck." Masumi taunted even as she backpedaled, getting Ryuji's attention as she snapped.

"Skull - vertically - 12 o'clock - time it right!" Masumi prayed Ryuji understood, or it would be difficult to pull off as she snuck a chance glance to her back.

"Joker?" Morgana cried out in surprise as a Jack O'Lantern disengaged from their intricate dance to take on Masumi instead, hoping to blindside her from the back.

Masumi saw it coming though, and she braced herself as she stopped abruptly and launched herself into the air instead. Tucking her body closer to herself, akin to a ball, Masumi called upon Medea just as Ryuji severed the chandelier on top of the group of Shadows converging on where she was.

The Jack O'Lantern reacted better, floating upwards into the air to try and get a clean shot at Masumi. Pity Medea's spell was launched before hers, spears of darkness punching holes through the tiny body even as her true aim was towards Morgana.

Or to be exact, the Shadows pinning Morgana down were quickly filled with holes while the fallen chandelier kicked up a large amount of dust - in addition to the noise.

"Do it- Mona!" Landing lightly on the floor, Masumi launched herself at the remaining Jack O'Lantern that survived while Morgana grinned back at her, ready and waiting to end this.


"Good job everyone, especially you, Skull. You followed and executed the plan flawlessly. Your aid when we pinned down was spot on, did you plan for that to happen?" Morgana cheered as they debriefed in the wreckage of the dining room. Morgana reassured them that it would be back to normal once they leave the area, together with more guards too. Masumi had learned not to question the realism of the Palace - she was the one doing supernatural stunts with her Persona after all.

"It was all Mas-, I mean Joker. She had the plans, I just followed." Skull smirked at Masumi who shook her head.

"I was improvising, I used what we had, but Skull is the one who deserves credit for pulling it off. You got the three in one go - I thought it would be a distraction at best while I helped get Mona out of his bind."

As the group debriefed, they noticed Ann being quieter than normal and all turned to her.

"... I really shouldn't have asked you to do that, I'm sorry Ann." It was one thing to do battle and kill in the heat of combat, it was another to do so while the enemy is helpless.

Ann had been forced to execute the guard that she had lulled to sleep, literally so by using Carmen to burn the guard alive with her fire skills.

"..." Her friend remained silent for a long while, still thinking about what happened before she exhaled loudly.

"... It's really different. To kill - someone like that. Even if that thing is a fake, and even if it's not real, and even if it might want to kill me. I still can't forget how it cried in pain till the end." Ann stopped before gritting her hand tightly.

"Do you know what that thing said at the end? He asked Kamoshida to save him. Kamoshida - save him? He's the one that got us into this mess, and if Mona is right, made all the Shadows here serve him - and he wants Kamoshida to save him? What the heck…!" Ann stood up suddenly and turned to Morgana for answers.

"I was scared at first - I was killing someone you know? But then he started cursing at me, and kept on saying that Kamoshida will kill me, and save him.. What are those things, Morgana?"

Masumi wasn't sure how to answer that too, and she listened as Morgana explained that they are beings similar to Personas who are born from the Sea of Souls that the Palace Owners had captured and bound to their will.


"Did you ever question why Kamoshida is called the Palace owner? He is powerful enough to create this structure by himself, claiming dozens of Shadows to stand guard for him. That is the foe that we are facing. Even if the Shadows potentially belong to certain humans, they do not share any characteristics with the individual itself."

Morgana's explanation wasn't complete, but he had no idea what the "Sea of Souls" were - but from how the Shadows that Masumi recruited - it was a place out of their reach, but not out of Kamoshida at least.

"Treat them as monsters, not as people - although Joker could recruit them, I've never seen that before. She's someone special, don't you, or Skull try it yourself. It won't end well." Morgana's warning made Ann settle down as she rubbed her eyes, wiping away tears while Masumi walked closer to put an arm on her shoulder.

"... Yeah, it's a shock, but… I guess I hoped that I didn't need to kill unnecessarily…"

"If it helps - you are freeing them. They might fade away - but they certainly aren't dead. There isn't an infinite amount of Shadows. The reason the Shadows reform here when we leave is due to how Kamoshida had tethered the Shadows to this room, and it will return to its original state - with the Shadows as well."


"It's locked. Are you kidding me now?" Ryuji groaned while Morgana shook his head.

"The map is accurate, guess we'll have to wait for the guards to open it, or pick the lock. Mind if you gave me a hand, Panther?"

Masumi however was looking around, using her third eye to spot an alternative way through this.

"Air ducts… huh, guess we're really super spies." Masumi muttered out loud, causing the rest to look at her in confusion.

Smirking, Masumi pointed towards what appears to be an open ventilation shaft big enough to fit through snugly.

"We're sneaking in that way, let's go!"


"Why do I have to go first?"

"You're dreaming if I'm letting you ogle at my or Joker's butt the entire way. Now move it before I kick you through it!"


With all the noise they were making, or rather - Ryuji's irritated grumblings and how they would occasionally fumble and hit the sides of the duct, Masumi was worried they were walking into an ambush.

From either ends at that, but her fears were for nought when Morgana and Ryuji slipped out of the other end and quickly gestured for them to do the same.

"Shh… we're right on top of that one." Ryuji pointed while pressing a finger on his lips as they all gathered on top of even more cabinets, looking down on a guard that was guarding a huge treasure chest on the other end of the locked door.

There wasn't much space so they had to squeeze together to get in position, but, you gotta do what you got to do after all.

"Well you know what to do - on your count, Joker!" Morgana nodded even as Masumi braced herself.


"Please - spare my life!" The Shadow, Incubus as it turned out, begged while bowing desperately towards the group.

Masumi's ambush had been like clockwork, in the brief instance when the guard had looked in the opposite direction, she had descended upon it.

The battle had been swift and decisive, Morgana having followed up a split second after Masumi to launch several slashes at its body. Ann's whip had been wrapped around it's wings, tugging it forward while Ryuji brought his pipe into its face - almost sending it vertical with their one-two, or perhaps, three-four combination that took it down before it could even launch an attack at them.

The Shadow's pleas didn't move Masumi at all, but perhaps she was being too biased towards it. It wasn't his fault that he was born or made into an Incubus.

Masumi didn't quite shiver, but she scowled while recalling one of her first ever battles with an Incubus, she had torn it apart when he tried to "play" with her.

Now that the tables were turned - even if it wasn't the same Shadow, Masumis wasn't feeling too merciful. This "thing" preyed on women, and if she gave him an inch-

"We should let it go." Ann's words shook Masumi and she turned to stare at her in surprise. If it was Morgana or Ryuji, she wouldn't have cared what their opinion was. But as it was from Ann, Masumi had to listen.

"We talked about this before, we shouldn't go killing everything and anything unless we have to. You promise to never attack us again if we let you go?" Ann stepped forward to negotiate with the Shadow, who bowed and nodded his head repeatedly in agreement.

"I'll even sweeten the deal by giving you stuff if you let me go- just spare my life! I won't work for Kamoshida ever again!" With its wings still caught by Ann's whip, the Incubus lowered it's head on the floor to emphasize how desperate it was.

Ann looked at the boys who didn't seem to mind before turning to look at Masumi.

"Joker - it's helpless - are you really okay with killing it like this?"

"Yes." Masumi answered without flinching, Medea agreed too. There was no reason to let it go if Shadows was going to spawn back in this spot anyway. It would be different if this room was turned to a Safe Room with the Shadow's promise, but it wouldn't. There was literally no incentive in letting it go.

"It might even turn and betray us. It knows where we are, even if they don't know who we are." Masumi argued after explaining to Ann and this made her look a little torn.

"But if we can, we should show mercy." Ann argued while Masumi raised an eyebrow. Mercy?

"Only the strong can show mercy, Panther, Joker. It is a quality of honor and graciousness that should be extended when possible. That comes from being a gentleman, or a lady in this case." Morgana chipped in while Ryuji just looked confused.

"I read about it too, there's the saying: It blesses that that gives and the one who receives it. If we just kill him now, even if he's a Shadow, what happens when we are at their mercy, then? Won't we want them to show us mercy in the same way?" Ann added while looking a little hopeful. Ann was being naive, the world didn't work like that. Not outside, nor here.

"Because they won't. Not the Shadows, not Kamoshida, not anyone. Once you show weakness to another, they'll exploit it and use it on you. Mercy isn't something that's granted by the strong, nor the weak - it's a quality that's no longer relevant." Masumi snarled, disagreeing with their notions. They might want to be gentlemen, or samurai or people with honor - but this wasn't a joking matter, they could die here.

"Kamoshida didn't show Skull mercy, nor Mona, nor you, Panther. Neither did his underlings, did you forget? They were about to execute Skull even when he can't fight back, and he wanted to kill me when I could fight back, and they tortured Mona for who knows how long." Her pistol appeared in her hands without her even realizing as she pointed the barrel at the Shadow coldly.

"If there's mercy to be found, it's not by him, or this Shadow, or from me. I won't take any chances, not like this, not ever again."


"Le-let's hold it to a vote. We all took him down together right? We all should get a say…" Skull spoke up, interjecting into the heated argument that Masumi had with Ann. It honestly scared him to hear her speak so strongly and viciously on a topic as morbid as killing someone.

Ann hadn't been too happy about killing the Shadows before, and as hot-headed as he was, Ryuji could say he didn't like killing either. It was different if it's me or them, he wouldn't hold back either, but when someone was begging for them to spare their lives, he wasn't so sure.

Masumi's gaze turned on him, and it took all of Ryuji's willpower to not flinch or step back. This was a sore and important topic for Masumi, probably due to her past.

He remembered how emotional Masumi got when he said he believed her, he hadn't really understood why at first, but did so later on when he thought about it.

The stock value of his words, and the trust others had for him had been nearly nonexistent after what Kamoshida did to him, but his mother had been more than willing and accepting of what had transpired - even defending him more than once to his neighbors. He had been lucky in that sense.

Masumi hadn't gotten that, she was all alone - and from what little she had told him about what happened before, it had been very difficult. Betrayal after betrayal - and knowing that, Ryuji couldn't, no, wouldn't hold it against her.

He hoped Ann understood, or at least knew of what happened. It wasn't a story for him to say anyway.

"... Fine, but I reserve the right to say "I told you so." if something happens."


Masumi knew they would spare it, and as frustrated as she was about the situation, she had said her piece, and wouldn't go against the wishes of her friends. It didn't mean she would like it. But a compromise was just that, something that everyone was just a little unhappy about, but could still accept the outcome.

As the Shadow slinked away after handing them medicinal supplies, Masumi couldn't help but continue to glare at it till it was out of sight.

The others maintained the awkward silence before Morgana spoke up to break it.

"Joker, I hope that you won't let your emotions affect you if we meet with the fake Kamoshida in the Palace. If you kill the Palace owner's shadow, he will most probably die. It will affect him even more on a personal and emotional level than you could imagine. This warning goes to Panther as well." Morgana's warning made Masumi's brow furrow before she sighed, letting loose a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Letting that Shadow go was affecting her tremendously and it was showing.

"I'm sorry… that wasn't nice of me. No, I apologize… I shouldn't have said that to all of you." Masumi's apology made the rest relax a little while Morgana tilted his head.

"I wouldn't say your opinion is wrong, Joker. I applaud you being cautious but I would like to warn you about excessive paranoia. That said, I cannot in good sense disregard how your actions were made with the well being of all of us in mind." Morgana scratched his head before sighing.

"Skull, Joker cares about us, and did not want to let our safety be compromised at all costs." His explanation made Ryuji nod, even if he did look a little annoyed.

"The intentions were good, but the actions taken to achieve those intentions are debatable." Masumi gave Ryuji a small bow that made him shake his head and offer a thumbs up in return, while Ann just looked thoughtful.

"Let us not dwell on it, and move on everyone."

Kamoshida Castle: 3F East building


Ann sighed in relief as she sat on the couch in yet another discovered safe room. Masumi was learning from Morgana how to set up a portal for them to visit this Safe Room if they wish.

Ann was just happy to take a break, they had rushed to the safe room in a sprint after being discovered by a guard. But they had all managed to enter the room before the guards had turned the corner. If they had been spotted, it wouldn't have bode well as they were all exhausted.

Whatever the reason, she leaned back against the chair but looked in confusion as Ryuji approached quietly, and sat down beside her. Now that wasn't too common, and Ann would overlook the smell of sweat and grime from Ryuji. She was honestly just as bad, but she was still curious at his approach.

"Ann, about what happened just now. With Masumi-chan." He started softly, keeping a careful eye over at the other two. Ann's eyes narrowed, but didn't interrupt.

"Did she tell you what happened before? You know, at her old school." Ryuji was trying to ease into the topic, but Ann knew what he was referring to. Honestly, she was surprised Masumi would have confided in Ryuji considering her past. But in hindsight, seeing how she had been comfortable with Ryuji, it shouldn't have surprised her.

They had fought together to save their lives - so, perhaps they were even closer than the two let on.

"Yeah she did. She told you too? Why she had to transfer schools so suddenly."

"Yeah… I understand what she went through." Ann frowned, about to disagree when Ryuji continued. "The track team you know, and what happened with Kamoshida. She was alone by herself. I got my mother who believed me, but her parents didn't believe her at all."

Seeing Ann's widen fractionally, Ryuji smiled humorlessly as he shook his head.

"Masumi don't trust easily, probably, but I think the two of us are special cases. We're both in the same class as her, is she close to anyone?"

Come to think of it, not really - she was a passing acquaintance to most every one, but she would never be with any group for long. The exceptions were the two of them, and the student council president.

"Besides Niijima-senpai, not really… you're right, and - oh gosh, I get it… I didn't think of it that way." Ann flushed while Ryuji nodded solemnly. Masumi didn't trust the Shadows or anything here that wasn't the three of them at all.

"The two of them have been telling me that the Shadows aren't well, real people, even if they aren't monsters. And it's like what happened to all of us. If they take us down, we're all going to die. Or have a fate worse than death." Ryuji shrugged casually. Was he afraid? Yes he was, but as long as he could do something, heck, as long as Masumi could do something, they would manage somehow.

"I'm not sure what is the right thing to do either, it's like after we got the upper hand, they decided to just run away and betray Kamoshida? But Morga- Mona, said that Kamoshida is the one who got all the Shadows here in the first place? So - they are sort of victims too."


"That's exactly it. Shadows exist in the depths of humanity's consciousness, it's hard to explain what they are. But to put it simply, they are akin to wild Personas, you can say that every Shadow is an unawakened Persona." Morgana cut in, having approached them without them noticing and held a hand to forestall the incoming question.

"No, defeating or killing the Shadows won't be like killing the Palace Ruler like Kamoshida. The Shadows were drawn in and subjugated by the Palace Rulers, and when released from their control, returns to where it was before. That doesn't mean they are less dangerous, nor does it mean the Palace Ruler will run out of Shadows to replenish his Palace. That's why safe rooms are important, avoiding combat even more so." Morgana turned to address Masumi instead who had stayed out of the conversation, possibly to give them some space. Now that she was drawn into the conversation she walked over to them.

"Holding up a Shadow doesn't mean you would always have an advantage over them. If we are unable to capitalize and defeat them when we have them dead in our sights, it just means our advantage was wasted. If we have an opportunity to end combat, we should take it. Negotiations could break down, and every moment we spent negotiating is an opportunity for other guards to discover us." Morgana's lecture made Masumi nod in understanding and smiling a little sheepishly.

"The Shadows would be free from Kamoshida's control and return to where they came from before. The new Shadow would have been pulled in to replace the position unconsciously."


Morgana had gone on for a while, and it was a relief when he stopped. Masumi had apologized to her three friends again, and was grateful they were understanding. Ann even hugged her to reassure her while Ryuji had told her that he was glad she was worrying about them, but he didn't like it if they went overboard too.


"We're not supposed to stoop as low as Kamoshida."


Ryuji was right, and with Morgana's explanation, Masumi was more comfortable with letting the Shadows slink away in defeat, and considering how they could give valuable items. It would forever nag at her, but at least the scenario where they stab them at the back was not possible.


RIght now, however, the group had another discovery that both bothered and surprised Masumi.

"Uh, you're telling us that you can sense Shadows from behind this wall?" Ryuji sounded more than a little skeptical, and even Morgana looked at her suspiciously. Masumi just shrugged helplessly in reply.

"I can, somehow. When I focus. I can feel things. It's hard to describe, but there's a bunch of guards patrolling beyond this corridor… there, and there."

The others just shared a look before sighing, almost in unison that made Masumi flush.

"H-Hey - it's not my fault that my powers are weird. If Igor is helping out - somehow, we should be grateful for all the advantages we have right?" She pouted, crossing her arms while the rest nodded - if a bit stiffly.

"Yeah - Okay. That's good. Now warn us if your powers develop to the point where you can fly or something. The next thing we know you'll be able to fly or something just as ridiculous."

Ryuji's deadpan made Masumi pout even more, but she ignored their teasing for more important things. Namely - milking the advantage that they had gained from this new boost in her abilities.


"Skull, maybe you should take over Ann for a while." Masumi suggested as the room of Shadows were picked off easily enough. Being able to see faint outlines of their enemies made it much easier to know the exact moment they should sneak into the room.

The Shadows didn't see them coming at all, and satisfied with their progress - and worried about how Ryuji was the one that that was lagging behind now, she had made the suggestion.

"Besides - it's good for us to all know how to read maps and to direct us." Masumi added and Morgana agreed, suggesting a change in their position to protect the more important navigator.

"Well now, we'll guard you well princess." Ann teased with a wink that made Ryuji flustered, barely holding himself back from mouthing off.

Maturity - their team was cracking up - and Masumi wasn't sure she hated or loved it. Probably a mixture of both.

Kamoshida Castle: East Building 3F


"Ah - another safe room!" Ann exclaimed in relief after they climbed another set of stairs.

They were really - really pushing it, and most of them were winded that they took another break, collapsing in the room in relief.

"We should… go back soon. How long have we been here anyway…" Ann asked as she laid down fully on a couch in the safe room.

Ryuji was laying with his back on the door of the safe room at Morgana's request, while Masumi herself was laid flat out on a small sofa that she had collapsed on.

"Around three hours? We should… be leaving soon. I'm wiped." Masumi had her arm over her eyes, using it to stop the glare while she rested.

"Are we getting closer, Mona?" She asked and Morgana replied with a shrug.

"I'll check the map… we might be near the place where it gets cut off. It's not complete, remember?" He reminded them as he retraced their steps.

"We picked up quite an amount of loot tho… but not much cash." Ryuji's remark made Masumi groan.

"I need to do a shift at the convenience store again… money's tight."

"You can keep the money we gained, Masumi." Ann's reply made Masumi lower her arm and stare at her in confusion.

"You're living alone and paying your own bills right? Keep it. It's not much, but it'll help." Ann looked at Ryuji and the blonde nodded too.

"Yeah - I still got an allowance from my ma, and she cooks for me. Keep it - just treat us to beef bowls once in a while."

"Eew, at least eat more healthily Ryu- Skull. We can all go to a cafe when this is over to celebrate. Of course, Mona's coming too."

"Much thanks, Lady Panther! I'll look forward to it!" The conversation made Masumi smile more and she nodded in thanks to her friends.

"Thank you… it'll help, definitely. I got another appointment with Tae sensei too - my doctor, who helped me with the cover story."

She shared another part of her life while they relaxed and recuperated in the safe room.


"So, are we continuing on or - no? I'm good to go. Out of spells, but my body's all feeling good." Ryuji was the one who asked now as he chucked his can of juice into the trash before stretching a little. Healing health from canned drinks - a classic.

"I'm feeling a bit tired, I have a few spells at best, and I'm almost out of ammo." Ann sighed but squared her shoulders. "We can scout the rest of this floor if you want to." Ann offered with a smile.

"We can just avoid battles." Morgana's tip made Masumi frown and he raised both paws in the air.

"We can and we should since we're running low on gas, Joker." His tone was stern and Masumi nodded in agreement.

"I'm not feeling that good either. And if the Shadows will be back later on…"

"The Shadows will return indefinitely as long as Kamoshida, the palace owner exerts his power here. You won't weaken him by killing his Shadows this way." Morgana explained and Masumi nodded again.

"Alright. So… avoiding shadows?"


"This is… working."


Masumi thought to herself incredulously as she and the rest of her team were hiding behind sofas, walls, jumping from one spot to another - just like in Hollywood - again.

Only this time, it's utterly ridiculous as she was staring at the kneecap of a Shadow, desperately holding her breath as she watched it move… slowly away from her.

Like a drone with a fixed pattern, the Shadow moved in it's designated path and she slid her body smoothly around the corner.

"... easy does it." She moved, fast as lightning even as her teammates followed behind her, one by one making the same movements till they reached the next room.


"Okay that was just- I can't believe that worked." Ann deadpanned the moment they swung the door shut, and even Ryuji looked a little awed at what they had accomplished.

"Well done everyone, I knew you guys could do it." Mona beamed before adding on. "If it wasn't too difficult to open doors by myself, I probably could get to the treasure by myself without fighting a single Shadow. We are gentlemen thieves you know - not everything needs to be done with brute force." Morgana remembered before walking around the room they had just entered.

"Exploring all the rooms available is just a staple, right?" Ryuji grinned while Masumi shook her head and shrugged, looking around the room as well.

It was like a study, tables and chairs and books- huh.


Walking over, Masumi reached for a particular thick book that stood out to her "third eye" before Morgana stopped her.

"Be careful, it might be a trap."

"Or a trigger switch, like you know, in the movies, click - and it spins and we're in another room." Ryuji chimed in as he joined the two of them.

"Honestly - boys." Ann sniffed, but shrugged when she joined them too. "Hey - wouldn't want to be the one alone, right?"

She winked and Masumi nodded, looking at each of her teammates before pulling the book out with a yank.

"... Huh, anticlimactic." She mumbled as nothing happened and she held the book in her hands.

"Slave… book?" The title was disturbing and although she wanted to open it and read it - as disturbing as the title was - information was important after all, she couldn't. The book was locked by non-conventional means.

"... Magic - basically bullshit." Masumi muttered unhappily as Morgana chipped in.

"It could just be a key to another puzzle. We should keep it for now." Masumi agreed and proceeded to keep it before doing another cursory check of the place. Perhaps there's other keys here.


"Honestly - that is quite fun now that I'm getting used to it." Ann remarked as they entered yet another room without fighting a single shadow. They had to wait several tense minutes for each of them to sneak past that annoying guard, and Masumi swore that Ryuji was about to sneeze but he managed to hold it back, thankfully.

"It's a rush for sure. My adrenaline's still pumping." Ann's smile made Masumi nod back while the boys looked around the room.

Another study room - that means if the pattern holds true…


"Queen Book. Okay that's creepy."

Ryuji commented and Masumi nodded before wordlessly tucking it into her inventory again as well.

"I checked the map, it looks like… there's more than one room like this, look at the shape." Ann gestured all of them to gather around her as she circled the two rooms they were in.

"Right? Similar shapes - and we found a book that Masumi felt was special."

Masumi nodded, explaining how it had appeared different to her. Just like how she would sometimes break certain items and get loot from them.

"Yep. So we got two of them so far. How about checking out the third one?"


"That was - close-!" Ryuji groaned as he pulled the door shut, taking care to ensure that it was closed without much noise while Ann wiped her brow.

"We almost got caught there. I take it back, it can be stressful too." Ann sighed while Masumi dusted herself off. She got through the Shadow's detection range just fine with some risky jumps.

"I could have failed earlier too, we'll all get better in practise, right, Mona?"

"Joker's right, the two of you are used to Joker taking the initiative. It's good that we get some practise. I've gone through entire Palaces without alerting a single Shadow. But if the situation calls for it, engage the enemy." Morgana advised them as Ann and Ryuji both looked confused.

"No man, or woman left behind. If you get stuck and unable to proceed, we'll come back to back you up." Masumi offered a thumbs up and a smile that left the two scratching their chins.

"Right - got it. Looks like I should be working out harder from today on eh? This is harder than I thought." Ryuji's comment made Ann perk up and she slapped a hand on her palm in agreement

"That's an idea. If we get fitter, it will help us here too right, er… Mona."

"Yes it will, it just means that I was a fit human before." Morgana flexed a little, trying to impress Ann while Masumi just looked a little unsure.

"Then… your leg, would it hurt the more you exert yourself?"

Drawing attention to Ryuji's leg, Masumi hoped she hadn't overextended when Ryuji poked his injured leg before shaking his head.

"No, it won't hurt, it hasn't recovered fully - but eh, the past is the past. I've been keeping up right? I'm just worried I won't if we have to hightail it out of here like we did last time." Ryuji tried to crack a joke, but seeing how Ann and Masumi looking at him sympathetically, Morgana too looked displeased, he shrugged again.

"I got some physiotherapy exercises I can do to strengthen it. I'll work on them again, and maybe we can all work out at a gym nearby that I know. I used to attend it when I was part of the track team. If you guys are up for it anyway." Ryuji scratched his chin and looked embarrassed, making Ann coo instead.

"Ohh - shy are we. Well, if you're that considerate more, you might actually get girls looking at you. But - sure, why not? I work out at home mostly, and it's fun to work out with friends." She winked and leaned forward on purpose, making Ryuji flush more.

"Heh heh, I see - "

"Stop teasing him, Ann." Masumi cut in, but looked a little unsure too.

"I might have to borrow some clothes… but don't use it as an excuse." Masumi warned Ann whose eyes brightened at the suggestion.

"Phooey - but I'll dig up some good ones for you~ Skull you're in for a treat." Ann sighed as Morgana clutched her legs, eyes begging. "You too Mona."

"I'll hit up the gym soon and let you guys know when we can go then. Wouldn't want it to have turned bad since junior high days." Ryuji muttered, but seemed hyped about the idea.


"Okay, so… King Book, huh…" Masumi muttered, before pulling out the other books.

King Book, Slave Book, Queen Book…

"And Kamoshida is calling himself a King right? In this Palace of his. I don't think I want to know what these books are about."

Masumi shook her head before turning to Morgana.

"Would this be part of a key or… what Kamoshida is trying to hide away?"

"Good question. I would say this would be part of a key to a puzzle." Morgana explained while gesturing for the rest to join them.

"Memories that are locked away would be different. They would be sealed away and not easily accessible like this. It might be part of a puzzle to open a particular room or puzzle."

"Right, that makes sense. Or it could be used to open a memory too." Masumi considered and Morgana conceded the point.

"Certainly. But as you have said, I dread to know what these books signify. Let us hope we do not need to find out."


"Woah, it's so musty..." Ann mumbled, covering her mouth even as they stepped into the room. They had barely managed to make it to the room undetected after sprinting down the corridor.

"Is this a library? Looks like it." Ryuji asked while Ann snickered.

"Figures you wouldn't have gone into one. It looks like one from movies though. You know, those that they show in Indiana Jones?"

"Indiana Jones?"

"Heretic - anyway, it should be a library."

"This is definitely something fishy. It's a library in a castle full of Shadows. There has to be some kind of secret mechanism here - the books that Joker took with her must have got to do with this place. There's no use for a library after all. Who's going to read here? Not Kamoshida or the Shadows." Morgana jumped repeatedly in the air to assert his claim. Masumi agreed too as she looked around curiously.

"If it's Kamoshida's library, it's all going to be lies, slander, and him trying to make himself better. Or worse…" She shuddered.

"His memories."

Ann shuddered too and they spread out before Masumi called them over to a certain spot.

"Third eye sure is handy…" She muttered as she went to the west side of the room, a certain spot stood out.


"Let's see... The History of Kamoshida" "Tracing Kamoshida's steps" "Kamoshida's heroism" What the hell? All these goddamn books are about Kamoshida!" Ryuji muttered angrily while Masumi covered her eyes in frustration.

"I wish I can burn all of these."

"I can try?" Ann remarked with a smirk but Morgana stopped them.

"It will most likely repair itself - and warn Kamoshida we were here. It's better not to waste our energy."

"Phooey - but I get it. Doesn't mean we need to actually read them though. You're going to put the book we got earlier? Which one shall we try?"

"The King's book. There's two other areas… and if this section is all about Kamoshida…"


Slotting the book into the gap, all of them braced for something to happen, but-

"... Anti climatic. I was expecting a click of some sort." Morgana huffed and even Ann looked sheepish too.

"... Maybe after we put in all the books? Let's give it a try. We might have gotten it wrong too." Masumi admitted but Morgana shook his head.

"That is a good deduction, Joker. Let's give it a try."


"There are all sorts of books here... the titles don't have any rhyme or reason to them... " Ann muttered as they moved as one, scanning the titles before stopping and raising her voice.

"Huh? This book... has Shiho's name in the title... and mine too! Wait, it's not just this one! All of the books here are about female students...!"

""Takamaki Ann: The Charming Doll" What the-" Ryuji backed away as Ann grabbed the book but despite how much she tried, the book didn't yield to her attempts to be torn apart.

"What the heck is this, can I burn all of it? I don't care that I'm wasting energy." Ann growled and she got only more upset when Masumi tossed her two other books.

"Suzui Shiho: Chained Puppet… Kurusu Masumi: Cornered Prey…. Joker…" Ann's expression darkened and after tossing the books on the floor, let loose a spell from Carmen that set the pile on fire.

The girls' expression did get lighter upon seeing the books burn, not even the boys could stop them, but Morgana just sighed after the fire died off. Before they could lash out at him however, he gestured to the book shelf. The books were back where they were before.

"It won't work - it'll just reform itself. It must be a pretty important place... Sorry Panther."

Morgana bowed his head while Ryuji tried to stop them from doing something drastic in their anger.

"... No, you're right, sorry…" Panther apologized while Masumi grinded her teeth before taking several deep breaths.

"I'm sorry too…" She raised a hand, but then lowered it.

"That monster… I'll never ever forgive him." She growled before pulling out the other two books.

"So… Slave or Queen book? I want to say the former but…"

"Girls - right? Got to be Queen." Ann scowled but agreed.


"Hm.. wait a second, the books on this shelf seem familiar." As they approach the third section, Morgana remarked, pointing back to the books from before. "Looks like your suspicion is correct, Joker. Your Third Eye is handy."

"These are the names of the volleyball team members! Wait- all of the titles are boys from our school!" Ryuji got a glimpse and charged over, running his hands over all the titles of the books that were arranged there haphazardly.

""Sakamoto Ryuji: The Vulgar Ape" There's one here for Skull." Morgana growled in unease while Ryuji slammed a fist into the bookshelf. "God damn it… here's one for Mishima."

"Mishima Yuki: Punching Bag - how can he treat his students like this?!" Morgana was just as upset and the tables were turned when the girls were the ones to watch them as they tore the books from the shelves and scattered them all over the place.

"That bastard! Who the hell does he think he is!?"


"A King." Masumi interjected and all of them looked back to her to see her holding the last book in her hand.

"We got to kick him out of his throne, his high horse - and let everyone know what he really is like. He isn't a teacher, he's a predator." Masumi's voice was steady, but her body was shaking with anger. Radiating it really but none of the other Phantom Thieves were upset by it. They shared it.

"Yeah - you're right. Kamoshida's gotta go down."

"There'll be more victims like Shiho if we don't expose him."

"The world will be a better place without him for sure."


The room shuddered when Masumi slid the last book, and not denying expectations, a clicking noise was heard before the entire place shook, causing everyone to glance around in panic.

A melodic sound echoed around the room when the shaking stopped, and to their sides, an entire book shelf slid backwards and to the side.

The shelves open up to another room, dimly lit by rows of candles in a semi-circle.


"Woah, it opened up! Let's go." Ryuji gestured, and the rest followed suit, with Morgana following at the back.


"Ugh.. the hell is this room? There are tons of pictures of Shiho here!" The room was no doubt special, candlesticks placed all around it with pictures placed all over the walls at the end of the small room.

"Wait a minute - it's filled with pictures of only her?" Ryuji's words made Ann stop mid-step, while Masumi just charged forward in disbelief.

"What-?" She looked around in dismay, and it was true. It was plastered with photos of Shiho in all kinds of attire and poses.

Ann grimaces as she looks around, looking sick, and Masumi only growled angrily.


"Are you two... do you two need a moment?" Ryuji asked, giving them more than an amount of space as the two of them backed away. Morgana looked like he wanted to say something but gave up for now.

"... Thanks." Masumi managed to rein in her anger, nodding to them in appreciation before turning to Ann.

"You can wait outside too?"

"No, I'll help. And thank you too, boys." She gave them a small smile before going through the corner of the room, tearing down the photos.

Looking around, Masumi sees how Shiho's image was from many different times and parts of school, Ann gets even angrier when she sees pictures of Shiho in her casual clothes too.

"Seriously - is he also a stalker? I'm going to be paranoid at this rate. Ann groused while Masumi commiserated too in agreement.


It took a while, but they returned to the boys who were waiting patiently for them.

"It's a terrible thing, but... we have to search this room for clues. There has to be something in here if he was hiding it with such an elaborate trick. Did you find anything?"

When the girls replied in the negative, he coaxed them to do another sweep of the room while the two of them stood guard and waited for them.


"It's a good thing that Suzui never joined us for this. Can she though?" Ryuji asked out of the blue to Morgana as they waited.

The cat-like being blinked before rubbing his chin.

"It depends. From what I understand, Lady Suzui, or Lady Shiho… well she is a victim of Kamoshida. Lady - I mean, Panther is too. But she rebelled against Kamoshida, hence -" He gestured towards Ann and Ryuji grunted in acknowledgement.

"If we had caught and interfered with Kamoshida's attempt on Lady Shiho, she could definitely join our ranks." Morgana elaborated.

"It depends on Lady Shiho's mental state. If she is able to rebel against Kamoshida in the Palace, it would still be possible. She would be held back by what happened to her. And as a victim, I shudder to know how the Palace will affect her." Morgana reminded Ryuji of what Kamoshida had created of Ann after all.

"Right… not a good idea."


"We got a medal? And a map, it helped to fill up the blanks we had before." Ann reported as they returned after tearing the place apart. The entire room was a mess, and the girls burned all the photos in there.

"I had to take out the old one to place it together - but it managed. This is probably the treasure." Masumi showed the newly updated map to the rest to update their maps too.

"And this medal, it must be a key item somewhere." Morgana concluded in agreement with the rest.

"We trashed the other stuff. Thank you, for giving us some space." Masumi bowed to the boys, Ann following suit.

"Yeah.. uhm, I don't know what to say here.

"Then don't, Skull. A true gentleman knows when to speak and when not to. Shall we proceed on further then?"


Studying the map - the group managed to backtrack to the locked door to successfully remove the steel poles blocking the door.

"Having maps sure are useful." Ryuji remarked while Morgana pointed out that they were just halfway to the "Treasure".

"We shouldn't stay here too long. It's important to take breaks and to pace yourself, everyone." He nodded to all of them as they entered the next part of the Castle.

Kamoshida's Palace: East Building Annex


Running down the corridor, with Ryuji as the navigator, the group stumbled upon another Safe Room, where they quickly regrouped.

"Okay, so… I've been reading the map." Ann started off even as Ryuji slumped face first in one of the couches.

"There's definitely something big coming up. Look at the size of this room." Panther elaborated as she flicked her phone to show the difference the next corridor and room was.

"That looks like… one of those long hallways from the movies. You know - when the King and Queen greets their subjects." Masumi suggested while Morgana rubbed his chin.

"Possibly, those are pillars huh? Not bad, Joker."

"I think those are seats. Like, those in arenas. Looking down on people." Ann suggested but Ryuji cut in with a groan.

"So - probably a boss in there?"

Ryuji sat up and scowled at how quiet the room was, everyone else looking at him with amazement.

"Hey - I'm not that bad. We fought bosses all the time in large spaces, remember when Joker had to bust me out, and how we had to bust Panther out? Gotta be a boss there."

The Phantom Thieves looked at each other, the monster of logic Ryuji made sense.

"We should prepare for the worst - but should we proceed now? Our supplies… well the treasure chest earlier helped." Ann remarked brightly as she helped Masumi place their supplies on the table of the safe room.

"If we aren't advancing now, we shouldn't waste our supplies." Morgana reasoned but reached for a can of pop as well.

Amazing things, soft drinks. All things considered, she was stocking up on drinks the next time they entered the Palace.

"We should enter it properly prepared. I'm almost out of ammo." Morgana advised while Ryuji commented on getting more rocks for him.

"But if we don't get it now, when we come back next time we gotta take it on anyway, right? We should take it on now - then we'll be able to start afresh. If bosses don't respawn…. Well, even if they did, we know better next time" Ryuji argued and Masumi was inclined to agree.

"Provided we can take on the boss now. We aren't going to fight Kamoshida again, are we? It'll be easier if we do and we can take him out now. But the last time we did…" Ann remembered what had happened the last time, they struggled badly, and they weren't exactly in peak performance right now.

"It's like a guardian of sorts, if we defeat it, it won't respawn again. Sadly Kamoshida would be aware and be more on guard the next time." Morgana chipped in before scratching his head and shrugging.

"We can try to sneak past the boss, if it spawns. But with this layout… it might be trickier. And if we do try, we have to make our way back too, won't we? I'm… not in favor." Morgana showed his unease while matching Masumi and Ryuji's enthusiasm to move on.

"You're the deciding vote, Panther, do we push forward or go back now?"

Ann was conflicted as well, but after glancing at her phone - checking the time and their supplies, she answered.

"Let's push on, we should scout the place at least, and if we can avoid a fight, fight whatever's there the next time. But be prepared for the worse, so we should still drink up and be healthy if we do need to fight."

She added after seeing the nods from the rest.

"Being cautious is a good thing, Panther, everyone. Just remember that things might be going smoothly now, but that's cause we have better coordination than Shadows, and we know their weaknesses. A boss or a guardian is something totally different. Joker and Skull fought a few so far - so all the advice I can give is to not be complacent, and be prepared for the unexpected." Morgana then turned to Joker after seeing Ann nod.

"I trust you, Joker. Lead us in battle but don't let your emotions cloud your judgement." Morgana's eyes furrowed as Masumi looked a little puzzled at his warning.

"You are prone to anger, temper that anger and make it your strength. You make good judgement calls and isn't afraid to make risky decisions. But I worry you will overextend due to your negative emotions towards the Shadows. Please take heed and keep a cool head."


Masumi blinked before lowering her head. The whispers of Medea in battle, in combat really was intoxicating, and at times - she does feel more invigorated and excited when deep in battle.

"... I think it's Medea's influence, and… you're right. I apologized earlier but, I should do it again. I'm sorry… I might have, gotten too worked up over the Shadow and… Kamoshida… I just get so upset that… I can't stop myself. It's so frustrating."

"Don't start using it as stress relief Ma- Joker, you can talk to us too." Ann placed a hand on Masumi's shoulders before admitting too.

"Me too you know? Mona's right to remind us. If we hadn't got the chance to vent at the room earlier… I might go overboard too, and get reckless - and get hurt."

Ann's words made Masumi wince and she nodded. If she was going to be in charge, she needed to look at the bigger picture.

"I'll keep those words in mind, and if I do start losing myself, please help me?"

With a promise that they would, the group decided to move forward.


"Hold on, Joker!"

The chapel is empty, with a huge statue of the bare chested, speedo wearing Kamoshida with his hands raised up in prayer.

"This place is huge.. yet there are no guards? Remember the dining area before? This is fishy."

"But the treasure's up ahead right? Sometimes the shortest route is better."

"Or we spring the trap. Split up, and the other party can get us out of a pinch."

"I guess that's true... but we need to make sure we're ready for whatever might be ahead." Morgana.



Entering the next area, the group dispersed themselves, taking a sneak peak at the next area before proceeding.

"Looks… like a chapel huh, guess you were both right. Chairs and pillars. Looks like we got no way to hide however." Ryuji reported, taking a sneak peak from one of the pillars.

They had to cross the church before the next area… all exposed without any places to hide. Sure, they could crawl behind the benches but something was off.

"Ukh, there's this big statute of Kamoshida too…. What's with that size and that pose? Does he think he's God?" Ryuji spat while Ann shivered.
"Geez… thinking about how all the poor Shadows seeing him as a God just disgusts me… So - what shall we do?"

"We should ignore the chapel and just head to the next area. An area this elaborate without any guards around? There's sure to be a catch. Unless the mechanism earlier deactivated it, but I'm not hopeful." Morgana looked skeptical, and Masumi agreed.

"Right, let's make haste and move on."


The group avoided the chapel and statue for now, and headed for the corridor after the chapel, where they met with a nasty surprise.

"Okay… so there's no exit to be found. At all. This is weird." Ann scratched her head as she looked over the places they have explored in the room.

"And no guards either. Maybe we do need to check the statue out. Can I deface it? Like knock off it's head or something? Heh." Ryuji snarked while sitting on one of the couches even as Morgana and Ann studied the layout of the room.

Masumi was checking the bigger map they had of the entire palace.

"This place definitely leads to the next area. Maybe a door will open up near the statue? It's sort of near the statue too, the pathway that leads away from this room at least." Masumi suggested and Morgana sighed.

"I guess that is our only option. At least we tried. Just be ready for anything everyone."


"... My mental image is of church bells ringing, but if I have to pray to that statue, I'm remaining single for life." Ann shuddered as they made their way towards the main stretch leading to the statue.

"Oh - what the-" Ryuji wasn't the only person who was startled at how the entire room shimmered in place, the image of a familiar place overlapping with what they were standing on.

"Is that the gym? Yeah, that was the gym wasn't it? From our school." Ann asked tersely, looking around just like Masum did. The group had their backs towards each other, looking around for danger at a moment's notice.

"Is that place significant, Ryuji?" Morgana asked, sounding a bit proud as he looked around too.

"Yeah, the gym's a place important to him alright. He's like a god there. You guys know what I'm talking about. Remember what happened to Mishima? He gets away with everything." Ryuji spat angrily while Masumi pointed out something none of them had noticed before. The horns on top of the statue of Kamoshida.

"He's a devil masquerading as a God. That hypocrite. So he knows what he's doing." Masumi trembled, but relaxed when Ann placed a hand on her arm.

"I can see it... especially after what he did to Shiho. He tries to have a good image, but he's all rotten inside. If he gets scot free from this, no one will be safe. We'll all be targets and victims." Ann snarled too, but was more in control than Masumi, visibly anyway.


"Well, let's get moving, looks like whatever it is is waiting for us instead." Morgana decided after a few minutes of tense… nothing happened.

"Well, right into the lion's lair then. We're going to beat this - and have dinner together afterwards." Ryuji added lamely at the end, causing the girls to chuckle, Ann even jabbing between his ribs in punishment.

"If it's a date, then you're treating right?"

"Will beef bowls do?" The banter continued, making Masumi sigh but she smiled too as she followed behind them.


Standing in front of the statue, Ryuji scowled at it, considering whether to indeed deface it while Ann shook his head at his antics.

Masumi simply waited, body tense together with Morgana as they had a hand on their weapons. Waiting for the inevitable.

"I see, so you're the ones who tampered with the library." The voice came out of nowhere, and it made all of them look around warily. But there was no one, and nothing at all in sight.

" It seems my time waiting here has paid off. Just as that ape over there said, this place is exactly like what King Kamoshida describes it to be - this place is a holy ground for our great King Kamoshida, a place that a being like you has no right to be standing on."

Red and black smoke gathered near the base of the statue, causing everyone to leap clear, knocking down a few benches that were in the way.

A Gold Knight with wings revealed itself, hovering above them. It fitted the description of an angel to a thee, only plus a plumed helm and a suit of armor. That and a face that only a mother would love with bulging white eyes. Creepy.

"It is preposterous for miscreants like yourselves to come waltzing in like this." The angel announced even as Masumi made gestures for everyone to surround it. It seemed more interested to monologue in the meantime.

Morgana and Ryuji snuck up at it's back while Masumi and Ann faced it head on.

" You will pay dearly for defying King Kamoshida. Except for you two, you will be brought to him to atone for your actions. The others - will do so with your lives!"