Robert Taube or what you know him as "Barker" needed two things: A beer and more beer. Why? Not only the Militia has won the battle of Typhon but IMC forces are getting slowly desperate. Possibly cause they are scared not to end up like there friends back there. As for Barker, he has it already. The bar is filled with pilots, soldiers, loved ones, and locals as they celebrate the victory. Jack Cooper on the other hand is sitting this one out after he lost BT which he understands. Every drink and shot is for the big guy and also Lastimosa too. He chugs another glass and sighs.
"Alright, alright everyone..." The commander said as everyone in the bar is silent at the moment. Among the patrons is Davis, Bear, and Gates who all stop and turn at Barker to give him attention alongside the other 6-4 pilots.
"I know we're on the offensive and all but our victory at Typhon, would not have been possible without a certain titan: BT-7274. Friend. Titan. All around ass-kicker. To BT!" Barker toasted and lifts his glass while the other soldiers and pilots nod in agreement and toast back. He takes a sip of his drink. What he doesn't know is that commander Sarah Briggs is entering the bar looking for him. She passes by Gates and Davis then stops at Barker who turns around.
"Briggs! Hey I didn't think you would come around here in these parts, what do you want?" Barker asks while he gets up to confront the commander. She has a serious look on her face which always has.
"I need to talk to you about an operation that might need the Angel City Elites." Briggs notified causing Barker to pause. The Elites are known to solve the mysteries of the Frontier so this is something on there caliber.
"Okay, upstairs." He motions Briggs to come with him upstairs and hall that overlooks the celebrating soldiers. Barker bends down to have a good look at the people BT and Jack saved.
"So what is it?" Barker asks while turning around and sipping from his flask.
"You ever wonder why we left earth?" Sarah asks getting Barker's attention.
"Yeah? The whole White Chlorination Syndrome, we fled here to the Frontier to escape the virus while people called us fools as they succumbed to it and trying to find a cure. Why ask?" Barker replied.
"Because earth...Is clear of the virus and even better, we received transmissions."
"Earth is still there? I thought everyone was killed by the thing! So what are the transmissions?" The former pilot asks in excitement. The birthplace of mankind is still standing to this day. He thought it devolved into chaos and madness.
"Just radio chatter but blurred due weak signals. All I heard was For The Glory Of Mankind." Sarah explained.
"That sounds familiar...Strange. So what do you want us to do?" Barker asks.
"I'm sending in an expedition fleet with the Elites among them. They consist of mainly pilots and soldiers to see what is down there. If there is no IMC presence or virus remains, perhaps we can colonize it and reclaim it as another home." Sarah said.
"What if something else has found it and claimed it as a home?" Barker replied knowing that the humans on earth maybe gone but perhaps something else has replace them.
"Then we try our best to negotiate. Its not like its aliens or anything."
"I wouldn't kid yourself. In a world like this, we don't what is out there." Sarah begins to walk away.
"We'll see. Operation begins tomorrow at 0900."
Yorha HQ.
The Yorha operator looks at the screen after testing out the long range signal blast so they can contact mankind better out there in space. Strangely enough the computer said that something else picked up the transmission then disappeared.
"Mam, something else has picked up the transmission then just...Disappeared. Wasn't alien at all...But human." The operator informed the commander.
"Must have been an old satellite that picked it up but we should stay vigilant." The commander replied before turning around up sensing 2B and 9S.
The Return.