I knew it was morning when my Mom knocked on my bedroom door that breakfast was ready. My jounts are stiff from laying do stiff all night. My eye lids feel heavy, but I can't, won't, go back to sleep. So, I made my way down the stairs to the table. Mom was facing away from me, Jazz was eating breakfast and reading a book, and Dad was nowhere to be seen. Most likely down in the lab. Mom looked twords me when she heard the steps creak.
"Good morning, Danny." Mom said. She sat down a plate in my normal spot next to Jazz.
"Morn'n." My words where slewrd from lack of sleep, and both Mom and Jazz took notice of this.
"Danny, did you ever fall back asleep last night?" Jazz asked, looking up from her book. I couldn't say the truth and say I was scared of a few nightmares, but why would I lie and say I didn't just so I don't look scared. I was scared of what happened, to be honest. So what do I say?
"No. Just not intiarly up yet. You know, lazy brain." I say, like the idiot I am. They both look at me wierd, but don't say anything about it. I walk (more like trudge at this point) to my chair. When I do, Jazz grabs me by my coller, quite like Dash does, and brings me closer to her.
"Alright, spill. I know for a fact you where lieing just then and you can clearly see the bags under your eyes."
"Jazz it's nothing. I always have bags under my eyes, and so what if I lied. I'm fine."
"No your not Danny. It's not just sleep, everything has changed. I know your ghost fighting puts alot of things off, but I'm starting to get worried. Everyone has become more violent, and I think it's time to tell Mom and Dad about your powers."
"No. you can't."
"I can and I will. I love you Danny and I'm proud of what you do, but as your older sister, I take some responcebility when you get hurt fighting ghosts. So you have till the end of breakfast to tell Mom and Dad that you are Danny Phantom, or I will. Got it?"
Sigh "Fine."
(AU:God, I didn't intend on making it THAT forcefull, but as older siblings, we do take alot of responcebility when our younger siblings get hurt. And if we know about it, it just makes it worse.)
Jazz went back to her book, and Danny started eating, a little startled about how forcefull Jazz had said that. Sheesh, girls could be scary sometimes. A few minutes later Dad came up stares for breakfast, and so the timer started. I didn't want to come out and say it, but Jazz would. So, I'll bay it cool.
"So, Mom Dad, let's say hipotheticly I had this friend who had something that there parents didn't know about or like." Smooth. Like silk Fenton.
"Is this 'friend' doing anything bad with this thing?" Mom asked, looking me dead in the eye. What did she think?
"No. It's not like an object, more internal. But, my friend wants to tell there parents about this thing, but they don't know how to tell them. What should they do?"
"Well, tell his friend that they shouldn't just blert it out, but, if it is something bad, Daniel Fenton so help me." Wow. She thinks I'm on something. Just wow, Mom.
"So, I have something to tell you. I... uh... I." God Jazz, why do you have to do this to me. I don't know how to put this to where it sound bad. What do I do.
"I'm Danny Phantom." Oh God. I said it. Just out like that. What was I thinking. What do I do.
"What?" Mom said. Well, there's no going back now.
"I'm Danny Phantom. And Danny Fenton. I'm half ghost and half human, or as other people call it, a halfa. But before you freak out, no I am not dead. I breath and eat and sleep like any other normal person, but I do have powers."
"How long have you had your powers?"
"Since the fifth week of school."
"How did it happen."
"I was electicuted in the lab."
"This wouldn't have happened if you where just electicuted, Danny."
"I was inside the portal, and I hit a botton on the wall and it turned on with me in it."
"Oh my god."
"I got powers, and I learned how to control them and desided to fight ghosts like you two and please don't be mad and-" Danny never got to finish his plee because his mom embraced him in a hug.
"I can't believe you've been holding this in so long."
"It's Ok mom. It's part of my life."
"No, it's not Danny. As your mother I should be protecting you from the ghosts out there. I might not be protecting you, but I'm happy you are protecting the people in our town."
"Really? But I've lied to you for a really long time."
(Au: Yes, I put that in there. I'm a geek like that. Shut up.)
"But for good reason. And, we will love you, no matter what you are, or who you are. Because your our son, Danny." Wow. I was always scared about what my parents would say when they found out. But, when you think about it. Every time they found out in different timelines, they have exeped me. And, now they know, so everything is part of what my family does know.
Ok. I know, the end was quick and anticlimactic, but hey, somethings are like that. I'm keeping this a two shot, so there. And I want to say welcome to: xXAngelicLuciferXx, Iwovcts101, Shirani Atsune, messedupmoon, Ikspines, and SamFenton for your likes and what you wrote for this and my other story. It's stuff like that, that makes me happy for what I do and makes me want to update more. Thanks for sticking with me. Bye! bluegirl14bluegirl14
Ps, sorry if I spelt anyone's name wrong on this, I can't read my handwriting sometime. Bye.