Episode One: The Things We Left Behind
Saul Goodman entered to the vacuum repair shop, enthused at the guys authenticity.
He was ready to shed his skin of his old persona. After today Saul Goodman would be no more, just a shadow of the past, just like James McGill. After today he'd be free.
"It's gonna take me some time to get your new situation fixed. Until then, you're gonna be staying here. I got a place downstairs, out of sight. It's not the Ritz-Carlton, but it's comfortable enough for short-term."
Ok, so he'd have to wait. But for how long? The faster he could leave, the better. Put Albuquerque in his rear view window, metaphorically speaking. He could wouldn't have to keep looking over his shoulder. He'd been in tight, life threatening situations before, but not like this. He knew one day he'd probably have to disappear, maybe, quite possibly. He'd never thought it'd truly come to this. Not in this way. "How short-term?"
"Considering you got your face up on buses and billboards all over town, I'm thinking, uh, two days. Maybe three. Only thing is, and I don't like to do this, but, uh, you'll have a bunk mate.:
"Oh, yeah? He's still here?" If it was Pinkman, he wasn't going to stay and be his whipping boy. He'd high-tail it out of there.
"For the moment. He's a special case. Gonna take some doing."
"How's he holding up?"
"You be the judge."
Saul glanced at the CCTV, seeing the familiar form of Walter White, angrily throwing stuff across the room. At least it wasn't Pinkman. At least he could negotiate with White, reason with him, to buy time, if it came to it. He couldn't reason with old yeller.
If I see one more gun.
What Saul didn't know it was going to get a whole lot worse.
When transportation comes for Walt he tells the owner, "He's coming with me."
"No. No." Saul protested. He wanted out of this. It was done. "that's not gonna..." He had done sleaziest, low down, the dirtiest things, lower than dirt things, but he'd never kill someone. That's where he drew the line. He didn't know a guy. He had been bluffing. It was the only way to save his hide as far back as he could remember, even before slippin Jimmy. But for the first time it was failing him. You can't play Heisenberg. This had been his own undoing, letting it get this far. This is where it ends, in a hole somewhere. Done in by the Great Heisenberg himself. if he didn't put a stop to this now. He had never felt so defeated. So defenseless. So...pitiful, to the point he hated his own exsitance. He realized this, baffled. Jimmy McGill back from beyond the grave, if only for this moment. Jimmy McGill, who wouldn't just lay down and give up. Even though he had done his own injustice, he wouldn't settle for this. Bluffing, couldn't be the only crutch to fall back on. The best thing he could do was use his reasoning and negotiating, persuasive abilities, as a lawyer.
Screw you. I came this far without you. He wouldn't do this the McGill way, he'd do it the Saul Goodman, way. I'll handle it my way.
" I can use him."
"I'll give you two a minute."
"Hey, I'm a civilian. I'm not your lawyer anymore. I'm nobody's lawyer. The fun's here on out, I'm Mr. Low Profile. Just another douche bag with a job and three pairs of Dockers. If I'm lucky, month from now, best-case scenario, I'm managing a cinnabon in Omaha."
"You're still part of this. Whether you like it or not."
"I'm sorry."
"I don't think so. You remember what I told you? It's not over. Until It's over." Walter began to cough.
"Looks, like it's over." Saul smiled and turned away.
The owner came back in, Saul looks up, Walter is still bent over, in a coughing fit. "Is he ok?"
Walter had stopped coughing, grabs a gun he had concealed.
"Hey, I said no weapons!" The owner yelled.
"One step closer and you'll have a big mess to clean up." He pointed the gun at Saul's head, the owner puts his hands up defensively and takes a step back.
"Oh God, Jesus. Don't do that. I'll do what you want, just let this be over."
Walter knocks the owner out by pistol whipping him. He points the gun to Saul's head again, dragging him by the arm, "No,t's not over." He grovelled.
"Hey. Hey, watch the suit."
"The suit is the least of your worries."
Coward, said the ghost of Jimmy McGill.
Skylar was at the police station, talking with the police.
Mrs. White? Are you following all this? Do you understand what's happening here?"
"Yes. I understand. I understand I'm in terrible trouble. I understand that you will use everything in your power against me and my children unless- unless I give you Walt. But the truth is, I can't give you what you want. I don't know where he is."
"All right, go and discuss this with your lawyer here. Rack your brain. And hope you can come up with something we can use."
After the shoot out at Uncle Jack's, everyone is dead, apart from Walter, Saul, and Pinkman. Saul had dived behind the couch. As Walter and Pinkman went at it, he still remained there, laying still as he could. Until they both left. Saul picks up a gun from one of the bodies.
Skylar hears about a shoot out on a police radio. She manages to get there before the police and finds Saul in the lab. He whirls around on her, pointing a gun at her. She screamed.
"Jesus, lady. I damned near blew your head off."
"Where is he? Where's Walt."
"Shh. Get behind me.
"What..." He grabs her by the arm. She tries to get him to let go. "Get your filthy hands off of me."
He pushes her behind him. "Just stay behind me. "
They heard heavy clad footsteps approaching. The gun pointed at thin air. Then it was so silent, all she could hear was Saul's shallow breathing.
Walter steps around the corner, apparently unarmed.
"So this is how it ends." He outstretched his arms as if to prove that he was. "You. Really?" A sleazey, pathetic lawyer, whom I never really trusted, is going to bring down Heisenberg. "You wouldn't really shoot me."
Saul cocks back the hammer of the gun. Walt's face crumple's in disbelief, only for a second. Walter draws his gun so fast.
"Walt, please don't..." Skylar pleaded. And then there was a bang.
Her ears were ringing her eyes closed, hands over her ears. She feared the worst. Silence. Dead silence. Maybe they had shot each
other? Her maternal instincts kicking in, adrenaline pumping, she realized she had to do something, and fast. She had to open her eyes.
She didn't expect what she saw. Walt laying on the ground, blood pooling around his head. She was vaguely aware of Saul still standing beside her. She stared at Walt's body, suddenly overwhelmed she turned her head away, burying it into the lawyer's chest. His arm around her. She just needed a moment. To let it all sink in. She hated the man that had been her husband but she had also still loved, in a way. It was hard to let go. She noticed the man's grip around her slacken. Instantly she knew something was wrong. He was standing so ridged. She looked up at him. His face was sweaty and his breathing suddenly heavy.
"Saul?" She pulled away a bit to get a better look at him.
"I'm alright. I'm fine." He waved her away.
She went over to Walt, staring down at him, in hatred and in disbelief.
As her back was turned, he pulled back his suit jacket. The left side of his shirt stained red. It continued to grow. As she got up he tried to cover it back up. He didn't want her to worry about him. She had been enough. He didn't even feel it really.
But she had already seen.
Time seemed to slow down, her blonde hair flying around her as she turned toward him.
Blonde hair. Who did he know that had blonde hair?
His legs gave out from under him. He collapsed to the ground. Everything went black.
Skylar ran to him, checking his pulse. It was thready. She took out her phone and dialed 911. Mere seconds later the police are there.
"Hands up. Hands up."
Skylar bent next to Saul, her hands pressed over his wound. "If I let go, he'll bleed to death!" She shouted. Her shouts suddenly turned to panic. "Oh my God, He shot him. He shot him." She didn't know if she was talking about Walt. Had they both shot each other?
The paramedics rushed in. "We'll take it from here ma'am."
She hesitated, afraid to remove her hands.
"Ma'am, on a count of three, we'll switch over. You'll remover your hands and I'll put pressure on it." The other EMT guided her.
He had been in a drug induced coma for several weeks to help with the recovery. There was a few times she thought she had lost him. He had flat lined once in the OR. He was having trouble coming around from the anesthesia. A minor allergic reaction. They'd said. Skylar had laid into them, threatening to sue the hospital. He'd woken a few times after that. He had awakened to her shouting. Telling her, "Don't. Don't what, sue the hospital. She'd told him about it. But he hadn't recalled it, even those few times he had woken up. As he recovered Skylar and Saul grew close. His color was now back but still looked exhausted. He had barely anytime to rest, with the police bombarding him with questions.
"For the third time. He kidnapped me. He wanted me to be a witness."
"A witness to what?" The office asked.
"I don't know. The man was unhinged. Off his rocker," He did a mediocre British accent, then in his normal one, "as our friends across the pond, would say." The officers' expressions were not pleased. Saul dropped his smile, and went back to a serious demeanor. "His wife left him, so he tried to kill her, And tried to come back for her a second time." They didn't know Skylar was listening from outside the door. God, how can he still joke after all this?
"Did that happen before you shot him?"
"No. I...I think I was hit by that machine gun he had jerry rigged..."
Skylar cleared her throat and entered the room. "As my lawyer said, you have already questioned us three times."
"Your lawyer?"
"Family lawyer. Now may I have a few moments with him? This doesn't have anything to do with client lawyer privileges. Unless you keep harassing us, it will be. It's just me, talking with a friend who just happened to save my life." She huffed, looking sideways at Saul, "and for that I will ever be so grateful, and will forever be in his debt."
"Of course. Take all the time you need."
"Well, played." Saul, or Jimmy, smiled from his bed.
"I wasn't playing anyone. I was trying to get them to leave you alone."
"For now. " Saul was silent for a few seconds. "I never...killed someone before."
"It was self defense. He was going to kill both of us."
"You'd make a great lawyer." He could be proud of something.
"Is there anyone I can call?"
He shook his head, briefly covering his face to hide whatever it was he was feeling.
The first time she had seen him so...human.
What about this Kim? Maybe she was someone he had loved? Maybe he had no one now. The kind of life he lived would require pushing people away.
Or you had to have no one at all.
She felt sorry for the man.
He had saved her life, perhaps not because he had nothing to loose, but because it was right. It seemed, in her eyes to make up for all the wrong he did. At least, maybe, there was one good man left in her world.