For the several days, during her captivity, she never let herself make eye contact with him. She had a fear of making eye contact, the only emotion she had ever seen in someone's eyes was anger. On a pirate ship, eye contact meant a warning, a sign to be afraid. Each and every time someone's eyes had found hers, it had been accompanied by pain and fear.

"Come with us, come with me."

His eyes locked with hers, looking into them deeply as if he was trying to look into her soul. They were deep, an odd green course, she had seen others with green eyes before, but he was different. They weren't a deep jade color, they were lighter, a shade that she had never seen before. Funny that she had never noticed. She expected to see the familiar anger in his eyes, but instead, there were all the same emotions she was feeling. Pain, fear, sadness. They were the same.

They probably stared at each other for four or five seconds. To her, it felt like four or five lifetimes. Time was slow, she couldn't see, couldn't hear or think or even breathe. She just stood there staring at him. Then she did the most important thing she had ever done in her life, she nodded. This was confirmation that she would go with him, she would start a new life. She loved him.

The two of them took off, panting heavily. Of course, it didn't take long for the rest of the pirates to put two and two together. They followed them, her captain leading. She could hear their angry yells, mainly aimed at her, over their heavy breathing.

He jumped first, soaring over the small space between the ship and the ledge. He turned to look at her, but she realized that they would never get away. Their eyes locked for a second time, and she gave another nod, this one quite a bit firmer. She repeated something she had remembered him saying the other night, the thing that separated the pirates from the herd.

"I've got your back."

Acting quickly, she jumped behind a small pile of ice. They had probably broken off of an iceberg, just minutes ago. They were slippery and sharp, perfect for what she was planning. She pushed hard on the ice, but in wouldn't budge. She looked at Diego again and saw the fear and pain that had taken over his entire face. Then, at the mammoths.

She saw a very different set of emotions. Determination, and desire. He just wanted to get back to his family. She set a look of determination one her face, one that matched the older mammals. She pushed again, as hard as she could with her two front paws. Graciously, the pieces of ice slid across the path, creating an obstacle.

The pirate captain slipped, and as he did their eyes locked. This time there was no pain and no fear. There was betrayal, and anger, and malice. As she looked down at the trail below, watching the deranged captain twitching angrily, she could here Diego calling her name as they sailed away. Her other crew members gasped in shock, and she slowly looked up, but did not face them.

Instead, she slowly looked up and observed the tiny speck that was their ship. Upon hearing Diego call her name on final time, she burst into tears.

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