Lunch passes us by way too quickly and before I know it, it's over and we're heading toward fifth period.

"I still can't believe how gullible I am," Alice muses.

I laugh.

"'Who's Jim?' classic one," she muses.

I nod. "Thanks. Think I read that somewhere," I say. "So, what do we usually do at gym?"

"Basic warm up activities and then a game of dodgeball or volleyball," Alice says.

I groan.

"Great. Ever seen someone fail to dodge a single ball? If not, you're about to witness it firsthand," I grumble.

Alice snorts. "I'm sure it won't be that bad," she says encouragingly.

I scoff. "'That bad' is an understatement. It'll be terrible. The coach will have nightmares. Hell even the ball we're using will have nightmares."

Alice rolls her eyes at my dramatics. "Grow a pair."

I pout. "Think I left it in my locker. Lemme go and get it-"

She grabs my arm as I move to walk towards the exit, and my failed attempt at dodging her is not lost on her.

"You really are terrible," she jokes and I stick my tongue out at her.

"How mature of you," Alice remarks. Ironically.

"Alright, class. Let's start with some warm ups," Coach Clapp calls out, his voice booming throughout the gym with an unpleasant echo. "You know the drill. Brandon, show the new girl what to do," he barks.

I look for the person of the name Brandon.

"Yes, coach," Alice says and I turn to her in surprise.

"Second name?"

"Surname," she states. "Alice Brandon."

I smile. "Cool name."


"Bella Swan."

"No second name?"

"Marie." I shrug.

"Oooh! Adorable," Alice coos to which I blush crimson.

By the time we begin the game of dodgeball, I'm already out of breath and begging for water. Coach Clapp blows the whistle once again as I fail to dodge the ball.

"Swan, take a break," he calls.

I sigh in relief.

I hear a pair of giggles before I'm shoved out of the way by a bunch of bimbos.

I frown.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," a girl with ash blond hair says dismissively but I know better.

I shrug it off though.

"So what, you like a bird or something? Hm, or rather the ugly duckling of the lot, I'd say, " she says in an awful attempt to poke fun at me. I roll my eyes internally. That's an old one.

The girls surrounding us giggle at her joke.

"Look, stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours, kapeesh?" she sneers.

I gulp.

"Okay, ladies. Back off," Alice cuts in and I'm momentarily surprised.

"Really, Tanya? Haven't you tortured us enough with your mere presence at this school, now you go and throw awful jokes at the new girl. That's low even for you. At least don't totally suck at it if you're going to do that, though."

The girls around us gape at Alice's insults and I'm doing the same.

Tanya is speechless, and frankly, so am I. Hell, even the coach looks stunned.

"Oh wait," Alice says all of a sudden. "That's what you do for a living right?"

"Oh no she didn't," a girl whispers.

I struggle to hold back a chuckle but Tanya's humiliated gaze mutes it and it leaves me feeling sorry for her. Immediately I move to drag Alice away from the crowd. Thankfully the bell chooses to ring that exact moment, slicing through the silence in the gym.

Alice rolls her eyes as Tanya glares at us both.

"Little miss popular. Ugh, think I caught herpes just by staring in her general direction," Alice grunts.

"Woah. Where's the fire? What was that all about?" I ask.

"Well, she had it coming. I've had it with Tanya Denali bullying everybody," Alice states. "Besides, everyone knew it was the truth. I only speak facts."

I nod. "Remind me never to cross you," I joke.

"Duly noted," she teases as we reach our lockers.

"See you after class!" Alice calls. Right now I've got Trigonometry.

I pout at the thought of going to class without Alice. I'd gotten so used to her company.

"Why so sullen?"

I blink in surprise.

"Jasper," I greet confused. "Hi."

He smiles. "Looks like we've got Trig together."

"And English and Biology...," I remind him.

He nods. "Yeah, so..."

He rushes to keep up with me as we walk to class, I didn't realize he was still speaking. "I was wondering..."

I look up at him.

".. would you like to, like, hang out sometime?" Jasper asks, his honey brown eyes boring into my alerted ones.


How do I tell him he's not my type without sounding like I've got a type?

"Uh," I fumble with my notebook awkwardly.

Thankfully we reach the class just as the teacher arrives.

The conversation is cut short as we find our seats and he looks at me with both curiosity and impatience.

I sigh, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Why didn't I have to be like most girls and jump to go out with a guy? But no, I'm too picky and clearly blind.

Jasper's not bad looking at all. His features are fairly ordinary yet he's adorable in a way. For some reason, I'm not interested in him.

Maybe because you can't get hottie out of your head.

Shut up, I say to the inner voice in my head.

"Miss Swan," my head snaps up at my name. "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher suggests.

Not really no.

I know it's not a question though so I stand up and make my way towards the front of the class.

The teacher smiles and I return it with an awkward one of my own.

Already I dislike him. Mr Varner doesn't make me say too much and thank goodness I'm asked to sit back down. The damage is already done though and after a string of nervous introductions, I am flushed red with humiliation.

Someone taps me on my shoulder.

I turn to see who it is and it's the boy with the wide blue eyes and specs from this morning. I look down at his hand which holds a folded white paper.

I frown as he hands it to me.

Yes or no?

- Jasper

I sigh.

I figured my lack of acknowledgement would of hinted that I'm not interested but no, unfortunately not.

I feel bad for saying no but what should I do, lead him on? I'm not going to do that.

I circle the word 'No' with my pencil and pass it back to the cute nerd next to me.

Before it reaches Jasper however, its in Mr Varner's hands. Mr Varner is not pleased to say the least and his disappointed gaze finds mine as he asks me to stand up. Jasper is forced to as well.

"Principal's office now! Both of you."

I groan inwardly.

Great, the day isn't even over yet and already I'm in trouble.

Definitely not my best day.