What is life but a prologue to death?

Chapter 12

If there had been anything left of her humanity or sanity it was now gone with the dead girl. She couldn't remember how she allowed herself to kill the girl. Why had she thought her plan had been flawless? Why did she dare to gamble the lives of many?

She needed to get away. She could still feel the vibration of the knife; still feel the blood that dripped slowly down her fingers. Sesshoumaru had been pleased. Pleased at the horrible sound the crowd made as she turned away from them to enter the carriage. Please at the blank look in her eyes after she realized what she had done. When they had arrived at the castle, he had practically pranced away in delight, or as much delight an evil youkai can feel.

Now, under the full moon, Kagoma allowed herself to shiver uncontrollably. She had never killed. Well, never killed humans. Youkais, she had exterminated them: She had been called to this era to do that. However, humans…that was a whole different story. She had never intentionally hurt another human…other than her brother (but he didn't count). She had scrubbed her hands until they had been rubbed raw, but neither the feeling of the cold metal nor the feel of the warm blood would go away. What they said in those psychology books weren't true: it's not only hard the first time. The second time would be harder. The third time would be harder still. It would only just get harder. Gods, she hoped she did not have to do this again. She didn't think her sanity would last.

She could give up now. She could just jump off a cliff, any cliff, and end it all. Then…everything will be over: All those years of effort, all the deaths, and most of all, her friends. For years, they had traveled together trying to save humanity, with her one selfish act, everything would be lost. Or perhaps it wouldn't matter. It wasn't as if she was the real Child.

'Kagome, we all play our role in this wheel of life. Whether the role be big or small, it is important to the slow the turning of the wheel. You are part of that wheel and what you do and do not do will affect how the wheel turns.'

Kagome recalled what her grandfather had once told her as a child. It had been his motto. The way he lived his life and taught his grandchildren to live theirs. She could not die. There was much she could accomplish here. Things, perhaps, only she could do. She needed to keep to her plan. Wining the western lord's trust was important. Turning his attention away from the humans was imperative. She knew the Child was building an army, but under the harsh ruling of Sesshoumaru, it was impossible to get away with any suspicious activities. Were her friends looking for her? She didn't know. Sometime during the kneeling and the killing, she had lost hoped, but what she knew for certain was that they would help the Child attack the evil lord. That was something she could rely on.

She slowly made her way to her bedroom and laid down. Her beautiful cage. Today, she had made the Western Lord believe she was desperate enough to kill, despairing enough to join his side. Tomorrow, she will make him believe she really hated her friends enough to betray them. With that thought in mind, Kagoma decided finally allow herself to sleep.

The next morning, Kagome had expected Jaken to waltz in and announce that it was time for to sit by his master's side while he ate, but after hours of waiting, she realized no one was coming. Her breakfast had been delivered by some other youkai and before she could even ask a question, the youkai had left. After much debating, partially because she wasn't sure she wanted to be disappointed when the door didn't open, she decided to head out of the room. Gingerly, she tried the knob and found it unlock. Thanking her good luck, she opened the door to come face to face with youkai.

"You have been called."

"By who?" Kagome felt stupid for asking. There was only one youkai in this whole castle who would call on her.

"Our master. Come." The youkai began walking away from the door and Kagome began to follow.

They walked slowly, for the youkai leading her was slow, towards the library and knocked.


"I have brought her, master."

"You are dismissed" Sesshoumaru sat behind his desk and seemed to be doing paper work. Kagome wondered for a moment what paper work a youkai lord would needed to do.

"My lord." Kagome softly called from the door.

Sesshoumaru did not look up or acknowledge that he had even heard her. Kagome tried again.

"My lord." This time a little louder.

A growl. Kagome froze. Gathering what little courage was left, she tried a third time.

"My lord. I have some information you may like."

Kagome had a second to blink before she was slammed against the wooden door.

"You do not speak unless spoken to! YOU are a decoration!"

"But-" Kagoma squeak out. "I might know where Inuyasha is!"

As quickly as she had been slammed, she was dropped to the ground. Kagoma breathed in as much air as her lungs to hold. She tried to stand, but found her legs lacked the will to stand and fell to the ground again.

"Speak quickly." Sesshoumaru stood her up by her hair.

Tears formed in her eyes, but she quickly spoke.

"A well. They might have used it." The youkai let the length of hair go and stared at her.

"Explain." Kagome gathered her wits and began telling him.

"It's a time traveling well. You can travel to the future through it. Inuyasha and his friends might have traveled through it to hide from you." Sesshoumaru leaned in close.

"A time traveling well?" Kagome nodded her head quickly.

"It-" She was cut off by his slap.

"Do you think me a fool?" Kagome was bleeding from her lips. She shook her head.

"It really exists. I can show you!" Sesshoumaru looked away thoughtfully. "It really exists! Please! Let me lead you!"

"Fine. Let's indulge in this fantasy of yours." Sesshoumaru smiled. "Then we shall indulge in my fantasies."

Kagoma gulped. She did not want to know what his fantasies were: Most likely more blood and more screaming. He seemed most please when the world was crumbling around him: most satisfied when the air smelled of fear.

They headed out within minutes. Not by carriage but a youkai. A very large youkai. It ran across the sky before long, they had reached the place that Kagoma had pointed out on the map. The well was still there. Kagoma walked up slowly to the well and peered in. She could jump in now. She could get away.

"AH!" Kagoma was thrown back.

"YOU HAVE LIED TO ME!" Sesshoumaru "THIS! Is nothing but a plain WELL" His shout shook the trees nearby.

"NO! no! it's this one. All you have to do is jump in!" Kagoma began scooting back.

Sesshoumaru looked at the well thoughtfully before quickly grabbing Kagome.

"If you have lied to me-"

"NO! It's true!" They jumped in.

Sesshoumaru took her wrist and dangled her above ground.

"Nothing has change!" He hissed.

"No go out! Look! A roof! It wasn't there before! Out! We need to go out!" Kagome could fell her wrist bruising.

Sesshoumaru jumped and they were out. He dragged her by her wrist out of building which the well was located and into the yard. Kagome realized belately that her family might be home. She didn't know what day it was or what time. They could be home. He would kill them just to see her beg for their lives. He would destroy her only home. What had she been thinking! She had to get him away from the house!

"Where is this?" Sesshoumaru turned to her.

Kagome turned away from her frantic thoughts.

"21st century. We're in the future."

Sesshoumaru looked interested.

"Where is my castle?" Kagome blinked.

"Castle? It doesn't exist anymore. It's been destroyed. There are no youkais in this period." Sesshoumaru was outraged. He shook her like a rag doll.


Kagome screamed.

"I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW!" He threw her to the ground. "I don't know!"

"You will show me to the human leader! I will take back control of what is rightfully mine!" Sesshoumaru began walking.

"NO! WAIT!" Kagome ran after him. "You can't just meet him! They'll kill you!"

"I AM the Lord Sesshoumaru! Nothing can kill me!" He bellowed.

"We have guns! Weapons that you can't possibly imagine. It's rip you apart before you can even lift your sword!" Kagome desperately begged.

In reality she wasn't sure anything could really kill him. He had a high possibility that he would actually destroy all of Japan and take back all control. Bringing him had been a bad idea. He looked thoughtful for a moment. Kagoma took the chance to convince him otherwise.

"We need to search for Inuyasha! He may be somewhere in hiding!" Kagome silently begged for him to fall for it.

Sesshoumaru clicked his nailed together.

"He may be gathering his forces here! He would never guess that you know this passage!" Kagome kept trying.

"Fine. We shall search for him. Then I will reclaim all that is mine." He smiled and Kagome believed his words.

wow...this story is taking forever to finish...