A/N: I do not own One Piece or any of the games mentioned in this story.

She had been a gamer.

Had being the key word here. This crazy ass land she had been reborn into didn't seem to have any games unless she wanted to play pirates and marines with the other island kids. Which she didn't. She really, really didn't.

Still, the look on her new mother's face when she had asked for a Playstation 4 for her fifth birthday (because 5 was old enough in her last life to finally convince her parents video games weren't poison sent by Satan) would have been hilarious, you know, if she hadn't been holding back her own hysteric tears when she realized there was no such thing in this life. (Her new parents had thought she was suffering from delirium when she begged and screamed that it couldn't be true. That particular trip to the village doctor hadn't been fun.)

How the hell did these people live!?

She found out the answer to that desperate question the hard way. They farmed. No kidding. She was reborn into a family of farmers and let her tell you, real farming was not as fun as virtual farming. It couldn't even hold a candle to the former's blazing inferno of hours spent cultivating crops bigger than her character's head. Seriously, what the hell was this shit?

Not only did she have to wait months for any of the hard labor to bear fruit (literally), the food they cultivated only went for a few measly beri! (Which was apparently the name of the currency in this world.) How was she supposed to afford all the gifts for birthdays and such to give to everyone in the village in order to make them love her if her family was hardly making ends meet as it was? She had tried giving the Mayor a weed from the fields one, the sour look the old man gave her was enough to say he wasn't pleased out all. Marco couldn't help but think he should get inline with that displeasure though because she felt cheated too.

Very, very cheated.

Thank the lord that has otherwise forsaken her that she got her new mother's normal shaped head instead of her new father's egg shaped one. That would have been a particularly hard curse to break. She still got his droopy as fuck eyes though, which may have been more from her soul slowly shriveling and decaying from lack of any high graphic stimulation than it was hereditary.

Give her a break, she never said she wasn't dramatic .

She also kept her light blonde hair long in this life, where in her last she had cropped it short. No matter what anyone in the village said about Mom 2.0 being a sweetheart could ever shake Marco's feelings of fear when the woman brandished a pair of shears, threatening to cut off Marco's fingers, if her daughter so much as even thought about cutting her locks any shorter then just below the shoulder. It was a pain, but Marco would suffer having to wash her hair more than once every three days if it meant the woman would just put the shears down before she took out an eye. She liked her appendages where they were, thank you.

As Marco grew older in this new world, her wish that a restart button so she could remake her avatar existed grew with her. Sure, it wasn't as if her avatar wasn't cute - she was adorable, thank you! - but she wanted something more exciting, some sort of feature that would really make her stand out among the NPC villagers around her. She didn't want to be just another two-bit character that was easily forgotten in this life - not again.

Problem was she didn't know how to be anything but a side character here. In the last life she lived, that blissful technology induced wonderful life, she had been able curb her inadequacies and discontent with her games. She could be whomever she wanted whenever she wanted. Here she could only ever be Marco, the daughter and only child to a pair of farmers, and she wanted to make the best of that - would make the best of that.

The young girl nodded proudly to herself, possible crisis averted. She had a new life goal, a new mission: be the best damn girl named Marco that ever lived!

Mission title:Make the World a Game.

When she finally realized where she was, who she was, everything changed.

She was Marco the fucking Phoenix. Future 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and overall fiery badass. She hadn't been reborn as some random NPC with cognizant thoughts, that had been born purely to cause havoc upon her new home village. No, she had been reborn as a significant part of the Whitebread crew, she had been reborn a pirate. And, despite the fact she felt a little bad for taking Original Marco's place, she was just as thrilled she had.

It had been her tenth birthday and her withdrawal from the world of 21st century geekary was starting to have adverse effects on her when she had finally figured that tiny piece of information out. She blamed her slow uptake on the fact that she didn't follow the anime that closely, instead she mainly liked to play the games. Though, she does supposes that adorable verbal tick of 'yoi' she had randomly developed in this life should have been a major hint of just where and who she was.

After her discovery had actually sunk in, she did what anyone one would do when they found out they have taken over the life of a fictional character - she screamed like a fangirl. The loud shrieking - akin to a particularly annoying bird Dad 2.0 would grumble fondly - escaping from her tiny body had startled Mom 2.0 so much she had dropped the cake she had painstakingly baked. Marco did feel a little guilty about that, after all, the older woman's cakes Marco was certain come from food heaven.

Wait. Stop.

New life goal: get the Whitebeard Pirates to play a live version of Plants vs. Zombies.