I'm sorry it's kind of short but, you know, what can you do.

The Seven stood in a loose semi-circle, waiting for the Olympians to offer them a reward.

"How long does it take immortals to make of their damn minds," Leo complained, his voice sounding almost whiny. Almost as one, the rest of the seven turned to stare at him, four of the seven looking at Leo in exasperation. The two pairs of eyes left were looking at him with a look of fond amusement, as if what Leo had said reminded them of something.

"Don't worry, Leo," Percy spoke up, "the gods always make us wait," here, Percy's voice rose, cutting into the deities arguing.

Nearly as one, the twelve powerful immortals turned to glare at Percy, showing his comment wasn't appreciated. Seeing the glares, most of the seven step back, leaving only Percy and Annabeth standing there fearlessly.

"You guys don't honestly think we're intimidated, like at all do you?" Annabeth asks, near condescending, "We've survived the horrors of Tartarus, we also fought Gaea, you guys are almost ants in comparison." Annabeth says this without a flicker of fear. Percy stands beside her, looking faintly amused.

Zeus sits, squirming in his throne, wanting to smite the mortals but he knows. If Zeus killed Poseidon's son, not only would Poseidon go to war with him, but his daughter and his son would side with his brother.

"It appears we will continue this discussion at a later date," Zeus spoke, glaring holes at Percy and Annabeth, "we are here to award the seven demigods who have protected the world."

Zeus gestured to Hephaestus, allowing the god to give his son his reward. The god spoke quickly and gruffly, telling his son that he had taken the time to put Festus back together. This pattern continued for most of the seven, only disrupted by Annabeth.

Quickly cutting in, Annabeth spoke, " whatever you're offering me, I don't want it," the demigod paused,more for effect than anything, " what I want is the freedom to say one thing to an Olympian without getting smited."

Looking around at the other gods and goddesses, Zeus could only agree to the half bloods request, not know what troubles it would unleash.

With that acceptance, Annabeth turned to Hera, " Fuck. You." the daughter of Athena spoke calmly, fearlessly. Around her people gasped, not knowing what to do. After all, Annabeth just cursed out Hera, queen of the gods.

Turning her back on the deities, Annabeth caught sight of her boyfriend, wheezing out choking breaths of laughter.

As Annabeth approached, Percy slid down a pillar, catching his breath. "Oh," Percy breathed out, "Annabeth, that was the best fucking thing I think you've ever done," the man finishes with his body slung over his girlfriend's shoulders.