Yey! So, this is another mini-series I came up with. Got the idea a while back and finally decided to write it down.
It won't be long - under 10 chapters - but I'll try to make the most of it
Also, just want to throw out a warring: there's some torture in this story. Nothing graphic (mostly mind) but still, there's a lot of pain and screaming and the like... So if it's not to your taste, don't read. Check out instead, some of my other stories!

As per usual, read, review and I hope you enjoy ^^

Chapter 1 Mircir (Capture)

"What can I do for you, Count?" Grievous bowed as Dooku appeared in his holo form.

"My Master has found a new way to try and destroy our enemy," the Sith spoke calmly. "But we will require… tests, to prove it."

"What would you have me do?" the General asked, hiding his curiosity.

"Capture some of the clones in your next battle. Aim for as high of command as you can."

"But, who shall be our opponent?"

"Skywalker is currently closest to your location. These are his coordinates. Plan accordingly General. If this works, the war will be over soon, with us emerging the victors."

"General, everything is ready," Rex spoke as he approached the Jedi.

"Well done Rex. With any luck, we should have no trouble getting past the enemy defenses and freeing the Zelosians from the mining camps," Anakin nodded and walked to his fighter.

"Meet you on the ground, sir," the Captain gave a quick salute before turning to the gunship.

"All ready sir," Fives smiled as the blonde stepped onto the ship. "This mission seems like the easiest one for a while."

"Don't get overconfident Fives. War is never predictable."

"Ah, I understand sir…"

"You listen to him, but when I tell you the same thing, you just ignore me," Kix grumbled, narrowing his eyes on his brother.

"Yeah well, he's our Captain. We're supposed to listen to him," Fives tried and Rex smiled as the doors to the ship closed.

"So, you don't believe what I said?" the blonde played along.

"No, I mean, yes I do sir. But it's just-," the ship took off, interrupting the ARC's words.

"Just be ready for anything."

"Aye aye sir!"

As they approached the enemy from the air, their little surprise was delivered. The cannons preventing them from flying over exploded from the bombs an infiltration squad managed to get there a day prior.

"LZ in sights Captain," Joker informed over the com as the soldiers watched through the shields of the ship.

"Copy that. Bring us down nice and easy," Rex said back, glancing at the gathered brothers. "You boys ready?" there were a few rookies, and they seemed a bit anxious. Reminded him of Tup actually… the kid stayed behind in the base, saying he'd be more useful there.

"Yes sir!" they nodded and he smiled under his bucket. Good men, brave men… dead men, the dark voice in the back of his mind whispered and he shook his head to get rid of it. Good soldiers follow orders. The shaking of the landing brought him of it as the gunship doors opened and they all rushed out.

The Captain took his spot at the head of the attack, blasting the droids as they came at them. He spotted the General fighting on the other side, his lightsaber slicing through the metal and leaving behind a trail of scrap. It took a few minutes, but another explosion went off in the communication tower and the blonde smirked.

"Sorry we're late boys, but we had to take care of some uninvited guests," Ahsoka spoke over their coms as she flew over their heads in her fighter.

"Better late than never Snips," Anakin grinned, using the Force to push a whole wave of the clankers into the men's firing range.

"Sirs, we've got incoming!" Appo called in. He was back on the Resolute, coordinating attacks according to plan. But, as per usual, the plan would change.

"Talk to me Appo!" Skywalker called, deflecting the incoming fire.

"A fleet of Separatist ships is leaving Hyperspace! The main is recognized as… General Grievous' ship…" his voice grew ever slightly weaker as he said that name.

"Grievous? Here? How the kriff did he find us?" the Jedi Knight almost hissed, a deep frown on his face.

"Maybe work on that after we finish this, huh Skyguy?" the Commander called as she flew up to join the space battle, her squad right behind her.

"Rex, take your squad and free the prisoners! I'll take care of our favorite droid General…" the General grumbled, looking up at the incoming fighters.

"Copy that sir!" Rex nodded and motioned for his brothers to move into the directions of the mines.

Skywalker watched and readied himself as he saw Grievous' fighter fly around, but then it suddenly changed directions. He looked in confusion. No one was chasing him or firing at him just yet. And there was nothing in that direction other than the workers in the mines and Rex and his men. Rex and his men. His eyes opened wide as he was about to call the Captain over the com when blaster fire suddenly came at him.

Rex was just making his way to the mines when he heard his com beep to life.

"Sir?" he asked, still moving while blasting at any droids he came across. He was in the middle of the twelve men, with Fives leading the charge.

"Rex! Watch out! Grievous is heading your way!" the General almost yelled. And no sooner than he spoke that, the Captain heard the roar of a fighter overhead as the said Separatist jumped out of his ship and landed in front of the squad of men.

"Going somewhere?" he asked in his groveling voice and they could almost hear his smirk.

There wasn't even time to call a retreat as the enemy ignited two of his – stolen – lightsabers and rushed at them. Fives barely managed to roll to the side, but Jin and Livko weren't as lucky and got sliced. They all opened fire while moving backwards or sideways to avoid the usually protective glow sticks.

"Ah, you'll do!" Grievous activated two other arms and used them to grab Jesse.

"Let him go!" Kix yelled, but with no effect. The droid just blocked their attacks, and Jesse was powerless to do anything in his firm hold.

"Sergeant, get me a transport ship here now!" the General growled as he jumped in the air to land atop Night. Poor kid just joined the fight…

"We need to get back!" someone yelled as they all still tried to move backwards, but were now trying not to shoot their brother. Why hadn't the bastard just killed him yet?

Seconds later, the requested ship roared overhead and landed not far from where the fighting was taking place, with more clankers coming out of it.

"That's one," Grievous said as he hurled Jesse inside the ship, where two droids cuffed and dragged him deeper.

"What's he doing?" Kix asked as he managed to get next to the Captain.

"I don't know, but we-," Rex didn't want to finish that. What was going on? Doesn't matter! They needed to move! But, Jesse? No man left behind! Can't help him. Move. He struggled with what to do, seeing Grievous took hold of Cinder and tossed him in as well.

"Captain, what do we do?" Fives broke him out of his inner battle, but at the same time got the attention of the main clanker.

"Captain…" he narrowed his eyes, as if evaluating the clone. His eyes drifted from the kama to the pauldron to the markings. "Captain," he repeated with a lot more glee than before.

To Fives it all happened so quickly… One moment, he was calling for Rex on what to do, the next they had Grievous' attention and now he found himself in the grasp of said droid with the Captain in the other arm.

"Fives! Rex!" he heard Kix call as he tried to orientate himself, but was kinda hard when the bastard kept swinging his arms around. Rex tried to shoot, but he missed each time.

"A Captain and an ARC Trooper. Perfect!" Fives heard the freak laugh, before feeling an increase in speed. A second later, he was soaring through the air, before smacking face first into the steel floor of the transport ship. A moment later, he felt Rex crash into him, before droids swarmed them both.

As he was being lifted to his feet, he caught the white monster walk towards the ship, Kix and Svak in each of his arms.

"Get ready to leave. We have enough I believe," the bastard dropped his brothers onto the ground, where they were quickly cuffed.

"You alright?" he asked, seeing them both be shoved to their feet.

"I ought to be asking you that…" Kix scanned them all quickly to check for any injuries.

"…Why are we here?" Rex asked into the retreating back of Grievous. They didn't think he'd react at all, let alone turn around to answer.

"You, little pets, are going to help us destroy your masters." Before any of them could ask what that meant, they felt shock collars be set around their necks, before the electric current washed over their bodies. In seconds, they call collapsed back on the floor, their vision dimming and consciousness slipping. The last thing they heard, was Grievous laughing, broken only by his coughing.

Anakin wasn't sure what to do when he couldn't contact Rex, or anyone from his squad anymore. And his worry only grew when he spotted a transport ship leaving the area.

"Ahsoka, I need you to chase someone!" he commed the Padawan, knowing she'd be ready to help her brothers.

"Who's the lucky guy?" she asked and he could hear her turning.

"A transport ship. It left from the area where Rex and the others were ambushed by Grievous," she didn't answer for a few seconds, but he felt her worry and anger flicker through their bond in the Force.

"Are the boys…" she didn't dare finish, but he was already making his way there.

"I don't know… No one's picking up," he admitted, moving faster.

"Got it," her voice was chopped and curt, clearly keeping her emotions at bay.

Skywalker rounded the corner and skid to a stop at what he saw. Three clones were dead, two sliced by lightsabers and four were picking themselves up or checking on their fallen.

"Niner, what the kriff happened here?" he moved quickly to the first clone he could, offering a hand to help him stand.

"It was that bastard, Grievous. He… he grabbed the others and took them!" the man explained, face laced with worry. "Tossed 'em on his transport ship and left."

"Why would he do that?" the General was confused as he looked at the battle field again. Why kill only a few, take a couple more and leave the rest? It didn't make any sense! Just what was the clanker thinking?

"I don't know sir… But," Niner stopped himself before he said something he didn't want to hear. Instead, he just shook his head. "I just hope they don't suffer…"

Ahsoka spotted the ship her Master mentioned and focused all of her attention on that. She tailed it through other fighters, rolling and spinning as best she could, trying to hit the kriffing thing, if only to just slow it down.

"Stay still," she muttered, adjusting her aim and was ready to fire when-

"No!" she yelled, seeing the ship move into Hyperspace and away from her. "No!" again, letting her anger spark for just a moment, before taking a few calming breathes.

"Snips?" she heard Anakin call and needed a second before she answered.

"Here Master," she tried to keep her emotions in check, but knew he probably felt her outburst through their bond.

"Everything alright?" she narrowed her eyes on her com. There was… something there, beneath the words. Like he was checking for something…

"The ship got away…" she admitted with a sigh, already heading back to the Resolute.

"…" the silence made her tense up again, fearing what had happened.

"Why? What was in that transport ship?" again no answer came and she felt her heart skip a beat. "Master? What was on that transport?" she repeated.

"…We believe…" he started, and the way he sounded made her breathing harden. "That Rex, Fives, Kix, Jesse, Svak and Cinder were taken prisoner by General Grievous."

This time, her breath did hitch and she lost all feeling for a moment. Her boys, her family her vode. Gone. Taken by a monster who would do Force knows what! She blinked a few times, forced herself to take a steady breath, before hearing Skywalker again. He must have anticipated this reaction and waited for her to collect herself.

"We need to report this to the Council… It's the first time clones have been taken as prisoners by Separatists."

"I… understand," she admitted lowly. In her head she cursed, knowing the Council would probably brush this aside as nothing. But she knew something was wrong about this – she could almost feel it. And she swore she'd get her brothers – her vode back.

Cut! This will be a sort of fast-paced kind of story, but I will focus on more things at once. You'll see more next chapter - assuming you're there.
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed, and if you did, maybe review what you thought? It helps A TON and really keeps me want to writer faster!
Till next time~