Remnant's own maelstrom

Chapter 1 the death and rebirth of the maelstrom

(Unknown, void)

'Where… am I..? Am… I dead..?' Naruto thought in the cold darkness he was in.

"Yeah kit, we died alright…" answered a deep voice in the darkness, two red eyes were located in the darkness as it came closer to Naruto. When it was close enough Naruto already guessed who it was that spoke to him.

The figure was a giant fox, its fur was a light red and soft to the touch. Its nine tails swished as it came closer to Naruto, this was the nine tailed bijuu, the kyuubi no kitsune.

"hey Kurama, so what do we do now?" Naruto replied.

"Kit, our souls being placed in another world." Informed the nine tailed bijuu.

'Oh ok… wait! What?!" exclaimed the blonde shinobi, he couldn't understand what was going on, him being brought back? Somethings gotta be up.

Kurama sighed "we've been tasked to keep the world from falling into darkness" explained Kurama.

After a few moments of silence Naruto finally spoke up. "So ill still have you round right?" Naruto needed to make sure of this.

"Of course, everything you know now you'll know there and I'll be sealed inside you still kit." The kitsune grumbled a bit at the last part, the large fox wanted to be released but so long as it was with the Uzumaki things would be interesting for it. "Gyuki and Shukaku will be with us as well, since the other bijuu will be in hiding in the world till you find them."

"Alright anything I need to know..?" Naruto asked, 'as if being reincarnated didn't have a catch.'

"The world we're being sent into is known as remnant, it is in trying times struggling against faunus, known as white fang."

"White fang? faunus?" Naruto didn't understand any of those terms, so what better way then ask the very fox that's going with him.

"Faunus are humans, with animal like characteristics, they also have these the animal instincts.. the faunus have been discriminated against due to these features and thus formed the white fang. The white fang are terrorists, faunus who lost their way. they are a problem we must remove." The kitsune once again informed.

"Then there are the grimm, these are animal like creatures that are soulless. they feed upon faunus and humans alike. they are creatures of darkness their fur or scales black and have a bone plating on their bodies and a bone mask as well."

"Another thing there are different energies in this world called aura and semblances. It is like chakra but unlike it the people of this world will have one unique ability to themselves. You will still keep chakra but also have a semblance and aura."

this is when the fox remembers exactly how they'll enter the world, Kurama did nothing but smirk at Naruto, after a moment he said "kit, it's a surprise, I'm sure you'll enjoy it" it had a wicked glint in its eyes "ill see you later …yang."

"Wait, what..?" he questioned again, unnerved at the smirk on Kurama's face, but before they could speak about it anymore he lost consciousness.