A/N: I have a humble request for my readers. If there is/are character(s) and plot point(s) that you don't like or agree with that's perfectly fine. I encourage you to leave your opinion but read the chapter in full. Thanks.

A/N 2: This glorious website is having a formatting issue with the first (4) chapters and there might be some double word grammar errors. My apologies.

Abbottsford Estate

Sweat poured down Harry Potter's face as he rounded the corner of the wooded pathway breathing heavily. When the back terrace came into view, Harry grunted and ran faster. His chest heaved, his lungs felt like they were on fire, but he pushed himself faster. Harry raced up the steps, ran straight at the wall and back flipped off it to check his speed. He knelt on the ground and faced back towards the woods on the grounds.

"Well I certainly think that if being Lord Potter doesn't suit you, you can definitely join the circus as an acrobat."

Harry didn't respond to the dry quip from his left, still kneeling on the ground and eyes gazing intently at the tree line. He felt his blood pumping furiously in his veins and his heart thundering in his ears. The raw magical and physical energy coursing through him at that moment made him feel more alive than he had ever felt before and Harry relished the feeling.

"You feeling all right there Harry?"

"I'm fine Sirius. Just enjoying the moment right now."

Harry stood up, stripped off his soaked through t-shirt and took the offered large glass of water from Dobby who stood behind Harry's right side. Harry draped his t-shirt over his shoulder and turned towards his godfather. The sight of a healthy and powerful Sirius Black made Harry smile and he gave Dobby back the now empty glass to Dobby.

"What? Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"Do you realise that it has been one year, one month and one week since I saved you from the ill-fated battle in the Department of Mysteries?"

"A fact that myself and women everywhere are thankful for every day."

Harry snorted at Sirius's playful response and looked up at the sky as he remembered that hectic night. The duel between Sirius and Bellatrix still fascinated Harry, their similar styles and their love for the thrill of combat. Harry had seen Bellatrix's quick footwork and blasted the steps at her feet with a quick blasting hex. This had thrown the mad witch off balance and the spell she had sent towards Sirius's way cut way to the left instead of hitting Sirius's chest dead centre. Harry's quick action had saved Sirius's life but had drawn the ire of both of the older magicals.

"Did you have a good run Harry?"

The sound of Remus's voice drew Harry out of his dark thoughts and he smiled at the older wizard. Remus Lupin had changed for the better on all accounts as well in the past year and a half and the werewolf's good fortune rested squarely on Sirius's shoulders.

"Moony! So glad you survived the drudgery of that blasted lord's meeting last night."

"A meeting that I could have used your help at Sirius. There is only so much I can do as the acting regent for Lord Potter and having my closest ally in Lord Black there would have given me some much needed and appreciated credibility."

"Oi, don't you go getting snippy with me Moony! I pull my weight and then some as Lord Black."

The good-natured teasing and semi-serious banter made Harry smile as he sat down in one of the chairs on the terrace next to Sirius. Having survived the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Sirius had seemingly matured and grown up overnight. He took his roles of being Harry's godfather and Lord Black with a newfound responsibility and maturity the infamous Marauder had never displayed before. Lord Black shocked the magical world by orchestrating a brilliant offensive and defensive maneuver in pulling Harry out of Hogwarts in the aftermath of the Department of Mysteries mayhem, accepting his duty as Lord Black and appointing Remus as the acting Lord Potter. The bold strategy had been rather successful largely due to the fact that then Minister Fudge's reign had come tumbling down and the public had been up in arms about his blatant lies in regards in regard to Voldemort's return. The ascension of Lord Black and reappearance of Lord Potter had seemed so insignificant in comparison.

"That you do my friend that you do. It is a shame that the public will never really know of your political maneuvers until they hit the papers."

"Well, I can't have the nosey public mucking about in my affairs all the time, now can I? Besides where's the fun in showing my hand too soon?"

"And the public will crucify you if you don't show your hand at all Sirius. Good morning gentlemen."

The statuesque form of the recently renamed Narcissa Black stopped the conversation and Harry stood up. He pulled out a chair from one of the tables and Narcissa thanked him as she sat down. Harry sat back down and shook his head as he remembered the recent, life-changing history of his third teacher and mentor, the former wife of Lucius Malfoy. The beautiful witch had been restored to the Black name by Sirius the day before the Daily Prophet had printed the fire flash edition denouncing former Minister of Magic Fudge, Voldemort's foiled secret return and the public naming of many Death Eaters.

"Not with you working the charities, soup kitchens and purse grabbers Cissy. With your presence and charming words my backdoor alliances can remain secret for just a little longer."

"At least you recognise my contributions in keeping the public mostly unaware of your maneuvers and negotiations, Sirius."

"I aim to please."

Narcissa scoffed, the closest the regal witch would get to being un-ladylike and she turned her cold blue eyes onto Harry. Automatically Harry sat up straighter and cleared his throat. Narcissa smiled at Harry's movements and she reached onto the table beside her for a piece of parchment. She handed it to Harry and Harry looked at her warily as he unrolled the parchment.

"What is this? My birthday is to be a big political meet and greet? I don't celebrate my birthday Narcissa, you know that."

"And that foolish notion ends right now. You are going to be the next Lord Potter and possibly the next Lord Black. Your time of seclusion and isolation is over Harry. On that piece of parchment is the proposed guest list and I expect your decision on the attendees by lunch."

Harry went to retort but stopped short at the unbending look in Narcissa's eyes and he sighed. This past year Harry had indeed chosen to seclude and isolate himself even further than Sirius required of him. Harry had chosen to focus on accepting his role as a future lord of the Ruling Nine and the requirements and training had consumed his every waking moment. His guardians and mentors had accepted his request and Harry allowed them to speak on his behalf. That wasn't to say that the Potter Estate of Abbottsford didn't have visitors because the more Harry grew and learned of the political world, the more his thirst for knowledge, power and connections grew. Powerful politicians and important people came and went from Abbottsford (the Black and Malfoy manors were being renovated, leaving Abbottsford to become home base) but they remained silent about the reclusive Harry Potter.

"Party? Did someone say that Harry is actually going to celebrate his birthday this year? Say it isn't so!"

The loud, cheerful tone heralded Tonks' entrance but her teasing fell short when she crashed into a low-rising table on the veranda. Harry chuckled softly at his friend's muttered curse and red-faced embarrassment. The metamorphagus straightened and her grin returned as she sat on the table next to Harry's chair. Tonks deliberately ignored the reproachful clucking of Narcissa's tongue and Harry shook his head at Tonks' palpable excitement.

"Of course you would hear the mention of a party, Tonks."

"Parties are fun and there isn't enough of that around here for me. Plus, that means a lot of good food."

Harry shook his head again at the dreamy look on Tonks' face and stood up. He shook the guest list at Narcissa and nodded his head in farewell as he walked inside his family's ancestral home. He nearly ran into Draco who walked out of their shared study. The blonde-haired wizard raised an eyebrow at the piece of parchment in Harry's hand. Harry rolled his eyes and handed it to Draco without a word. Draco's eyes flew across the words and he smirked as he handed the parchment back to Harry.

"I see that everyone is forcing you to become more social and since it's your birthday party you can't miss it."

"I'm sure there's a meeting or conference I can attend. Or are you just being a git because I happen to be busy on the nights you choose to celebrate your birthday with friends and family?"

"Family? Mum and Sirius are the only family that I have left. The rest are dead or incarcerated."

Harry nodded his head at Draco's statement and the memories of the formerly named Draco Malfoy's fall from grace and power flashed before his eyes. Sirius had called Harry into the master's study at Abbottsford and told Harry how and why he made his decision.

Sirius Black stood outside the wooden door to one of the Ministry judge's private chambers and straightened his robes collar. He knocked on the door and entered when the voice from inside ordered him to. The judge sat up straighter in his chair as Sirius entered and snorted. Sirius resisted the urge to roll his eyes because he needed this judge to sign off on the seemingly small political maneuvers Sirius had planned for today.

"Thank you for meeting with me your Honor and this matter shouldn't take more than a few moments of your time."

"Yes, my aide tells me that you want to annul the marriage between the former Lord Lucius Malfoy and his wife Narcissa Malfoy. Why do you want to do something like that?"

By now Sirius stood in front of the judge's desk and he straightened to his full height. Sirius Black had been given control over his godson, Harry Potter, and Sirius realised just how much potential his young charge had. For Sirius's master plan to work he needed to solidify his camp and Sirius needed to project the infallible air that came with being a Black.

"The Black family has always been a family unit and we take care of our own. Lucius Malfoy has disgraced himself and by extension, my cousin Narcissa. Our family's reputation is being tarnished and I will not let that happen."

"All right all right Lord Black. No need to keep rambling on. There. Done."

Sirius took the piece of parchment detailing the marriage between Lucius and Narcissa being offered to him and carefully tucked it away inside his robes. He nodded his head at the judge and walked out of the judge's chambers. Narcissa and Draco sat further up the corridor and Draco leapt to his feet as Sirius approached.

"And? What is to become of my mum and our good name?"

"Quiet Draco. The Black's do not discuss family matters in public. We return to the Black Manor."

Sirius didn't show any emotion except for disdain and haughtiness as he spoke to the former Malfoy heir and he extended his hand to the lift.

"You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I am deadly serious Draco. You have only two options, take the agreement that I am offering you or try and rebuild the Malfoy name on your own."

Sirius and Draco stood across the table from one another in the Grimmald's Place kitchen and both wizards glared at each other. Draco and Narcissa had been living in the Black Manor for one week, ever since Sirius annulled the marriage between Lucius and Narcissa and Draco had fallen under Sirius's tutelage and protection by extension. The demands, requirements and expectations that Sirius had detailed for Draco had been extensive, eye-opening and a complete one eighty from whom Draco currently was.

The Malfoy name didn't hold much weight anymore and the family fortune was dwindling fast. Sirius had Draco at the proverbial tipping point and everyone in the room knew it. Harry watched his arch rival struggle with the decision, but Draco's shoulders slumped and Harry knew Draco's pride had just taken a mighty blow.

"I accept the terms and conditions Lord Black."

"Good. Now onto the next order of business. Narcissa, I have decided to annul your marriage to Lucius as is within my power as Lord Black. This way there are no legal ramifications or loopholes that Lucius or those like him can exploit. You will be legally recognised as Narcissa Black from here on out."

Remus reached out a steadying hand when Draco made a noise of protest and the former Malfoy scion seethed in silence. Sirius ignored Draco and Narcissa nodded. Sirius clapped his hands and grinned to those in the room.

"Good. Now that a few sticky messes were taken care of I need to prepare for a meeting with a few lords and ladies from the Wizengamot. Remus, if you would be so kind as to join me and the rest of you, get out and revel in your new possibilities."

When Sirius had claimed Narcissa as a full member of the Black family once again by annulling her marriage to the now incarcerated Lucius Malfoy that also allowed Sirius a fair amount of leeway with Draco. Sirius had presented Draco with the choice of living with the now publicly tarnished Malfoy name and trying to resurrect it on his own or allow Sirius to indefinitely retain the Malfoy name as part of the Black family. With the Malfoy resources slipping through his fingers and no one willing to help him, an angry and spiteful Draco had accepted Sirius's offer. The past two years hadn't been kind to Draco but with the power of his family name reduced greatly, Draco had been forced to endure the reshaping, remolding and personality changes Sirius, Moody, Remus and Narcissa had forced upon him.

"Potter? Snap out of it Potter. Or has the possibility of being social outside the Wizengamot chambers such a terrifying idea?"

"Har, har Draco. That is true but there are easily one hundred people on this list. I don't want to meet and speak with all of them. Besides, we don't have time to deal with these distractions because the next part in Sirius's plan is about to go into effect."

"Seriously Potter? I think the past year has caused us to switch personalities. Our training and schooling have taken up the vast majority of our time and we barely keep in contact with the outside world. Don't be a killjoy and relax."

Harry sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. Draco had a point and he knew that having a life outside of politics and training was needed. Still, Harry's body, mind and soul were primed for the coming year and the enactment of the plan that he had been training and preparing for called to him incessantly.

"Besides, you need to shower and clean up. You reek."

"You're a git Draco."

Harry laughed at Draco's pretentious look and walked past the other wizard to the central staircase. As soon as he showered and dressed Harry decided to look at the guest list for his apparently much anticipated and already planned seventeenth birthday party.

Greengrass Estate. One Week Before Harry's Birthday

Dobby, the personal house elf to the great Harry Potter hummed happily under his breath as he walked up the pathway to the Greengrass Estate. The eccentric house elf fixed his shirt and made sure that the Potter and Black crests showed prominently. He took a deep breath and waved his finger to use the knocker on the front door. The door opened a moment later to reveal a house elf and the elf looked at Dobby like he was crazy.

"Why you no be coming and going like a normal house elf?"

"Dobby be trying to work on his skills that's why. Is your master or missus homes? Dobby be having a very important letter for thems he does."

"You come inside and waits for them in the parlor. Silly little elf."

Dobby didn't respond to the other house elf but did step inside the Greengrass Estate and pulled out the letter addressed to master or missus of the house.

Daphne Greengrass sighed heavily as she sat nude in front of her vanity and brushed out her long black hair. She had just finished showering, having nothing better to do and she thought about owling Tracey to see if her best friend had any plans for tomorrow. The freedom and relaxation of the lazy summer days were so highly anticipated while in Hogwarts but after the first month of the summer holiday, the inevitable boredom set in. Daphne despised boredom and often spent her summers reading or spending time with her younger sister Astoria. This summer she had been edgy however because felt like something was going to happen.

"Daphne, are you busy?"

The sound of her older brother Derek's voice outside her bedroom door snapped Daphne out of her melancholy thoughts and she hastily pulled on her dressing gown. She tightened the sash around her waist and opened her bedroom door a crack.

"Yes, but what do you need?"

"There is an odd little house elf downstairs in the foyer that is claiming to have a letter for you from Abbottsford."

Daphne raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at her brother's words and his slightly irritated expression. Derek sighed and rubbed a hand across his face.

"The elf won't say whom the letter is from specifically but assures me that his master extends every pleasurable courtesy."

"Give me a few moments to get dressed and then I will come down."

"Thank you and please hurry."

Daphne grinned at her brother's retreating back and shut her bedroom door. She dropped her dressing gown to the floor and put on the beige lingerie set she had laid out on her bed prior to her shower. As she dressed in front of her full-length mirror Daphne's thoughts turned sour once more because even with her good looks and high academic marks, the wizards at Hogwarts didn't pursue her besides the vain attempts to sleep with her. The only interesting wizards had either already graduated or had been mysteriously pulled out of Hogwarts one year ago.

"At least Harry and Draco made things more interesting while at Hogwarts."

The reclusive Harry Potter was a much talked about topic this time for the past summer because Draco had just celebrated his birthday a month and a half prior and like the previous year, Harry Potter had been absent. Draco had claimed that Harry was away at conferences or meetings and that Harry would celebrate Draco's birthday the next day but then the doors of Abbottsford would be closed to the public once more. The transformation in Draco, his character, attitude, beliefs and skills (soft and hard) had left Daphne flabbergasted but what little Draco had been willing to share fell in line with his recent transformations.

"Daphne, brother and mum are waiting downstairs for you. Are you coming?"

"Oh shoot. Coming Astoria."

Daphne hurriedly pulled on a summer dress and dried her hair with her wand. She opened her bedroom door and smiled at her younger sister.

"So what's with this strange house elf?"

"Strange doesn't even begin to cover it."

Both Greengrass witches walked down the corridor and down the staircase to the foyer below. Daphne saw her mum standing at the foot of the stairs, a pensive look on her face but like usual Daphne ignored her. Derek stood towering over the excited house elf in the middle of the foyer and Daphne stopped a step behind her brother's left shoulder. The house elf's large eyes shifted to her as soon as Daphne appeared, and the house elf grinned widely, showing all of his teeth.

"Good evening miss. Dobby is here representing the Abbottsford Estate, he is, he is. Dobby is sorry that he wasn't able to deliver the birthday letter for other young master Draco he is."

"Does that mean that the letter you are holding is from Harry Potter then?"

"Ah yes, Dobby forgets. Here it is miss."

The house elf, Dobby, handed Daphne the letter he had been clutching and Daphne ignored the strange little elf and its almost passable English. She admired the strong, bold calligraphy on the front and then opened the letter.

Good evening Lady Daphne Greengrass,

I apologise that this letter is coming on such short notice, but I am to inform you that you and your family have been invited to attend my seventeenth birthday celebration. The party will begin precisely at seven in the evening on July 31st, and because of some celebrated and powerful guests, formal attire has been requested. I look forward to seeing you there and if you would please leave a reply with my house elf that would be most appreciated.


Harry Potter, Heir Apparent to House Potter and Black

Daphne read through the letter once more and a soft smile tugged on the corners of her mouth. She schooled her expression and handed the letter to her brother. Derek read it through once and then looked down at Dobby.

"Inform Mr. Potter that my family and I will be attending. That is all."

"Thank you Lord Greengrass. Dobby be leaving now, enjoy yours nights."

Dobby left with the sharp tell-tale crack of house elf apparation and Daphne went to leave but her brother cleared his throat. Daphne stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Daphne, were you friends with Harry Potter when he attended Hogwarts?"

"No, I wasn't."

"Did you write to him over these past summer?"

"No, I didn't."

Derek hummed and looked down at the letter again. Daphne saw the wheels turning in her brother's head and she internally grimaced as she didn't have an answer as to why Harry Potter would address the letter to her. Their mum walked past, Astoria's hand in her own and patted Derek on his shoulder.

"Don't look too far into this Derek. I believe we are fortunate enough to receive an invitation even in our mild state of shame."

Daphne agreed with her mum and walked up the stairs when Derek was distracted by conversation with their mum. She shut her bedroom door behind her and immediately set to writing a letter to Tracey about this interesting turn of events.

Abbottsford. Harry's Birthday Night

Harry Potter stood outside the front door to his family's estate, dressed in the classic black and white tuxedo, hands clasped behind his back and his eyes focused down the front pathway. A chime from inside the front door would let him know when the guests had arrived for his party and Harry sighed for the hundredth time since he was told that he had to celebrate his birthday this year. The Dursleys had never celebrated his birthday and even when he had celebrated his birthday with the Weasley's it had been a small affair. Harry hadn't been in contact with the Dursleys since Sirius had taken guardianship over him and there had been a tacit agreement for each party not to communicate with each other. The sharp click of heels alerted him to someone's presence and a few seconds later Narcissa stood by his side. She adjusted the intricately patterned shawl around her shoulders and smiled up at Harry.

"Stop pouting Harry. One would think that you were attending a funeral instead of celebrating your birthday."

"I am not averse to celebrating my birthday with family and close friends, but this seems a little overboard."

Narcissa clucked her tongue and straightened Harry's already immaculate tie. As she stood in front of him, Harry could appreciate the stunning beauty Narcissa possessed, the navy-blue satin gown fell around her curves like water and enhanced her physical features.

"The time table has been moved up because of a multitude of events and we need to play our hand a little earlier than intended. Sirius and Remus can only do so much by themselves and you and Draco can help create opportunities."

"And I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your explanation but-"

"Mummy! Hawry!"

A loud, happy cry interrupted the impending discussion between Harry and Narcissa and a short, blonde haired toddler crashed into Narcissa's legs. Narcissa laughed warmly, a far cry from her reserved, cool demeanor and she caressed the child's face with her gloved hand. Harry smiled as well and picked the boy up when he stretched his chubby arms up to Harry.

"Hey there little man. How did you escape from Aunty Andromeda hmm?"

"I run fast."

"You're a little speedster eh William?"

The surprise child of Narcissa and her now ex-husband Lucius was a potential mega-bomb in Sirius and Lupin's carefully crafted plans. However, Sirius capitalized on this potential obstacle and used his considerable influence to keep the surprise son of Narcissa and Lucius out of the headlines. Sirius, Lupin, Narcissa, Harry and Draco worked tirelessly to create a better future world for children like William Hyperion Black. . His deep blue eyes were filled with childish delight and his determination in pushing boundaries kept everyone in Abbottsford on their toes.

"The guests are starting to arrive at the front gate young master Potter sir."

"Thank you Ickle. Divide the house elves and have each party escorted."

"As you wish young master."

Harry set William down on the ground, smiling amusedly when Narcissa stooped down and fixed her son's suit and nodded to his head of staff, the house elf Ickle. In order to keep Abbottsford running at maximum proficiency and keep the state secrets brewing within the walls of the estate, Harry had decided to have the entire staff of all Potter and Black properties managed by house elves. Those that resided in Abbottsford accepted the decision without complaint, but the media and outside world had speculated the reasons as to why and how. This decision meant that anytime Sirius or Lupin, as Lord or acting Lord Black and Potter opened the gates to Abbottsford to the public for some sort of event, to be put on the guest list was a hot commodity and guests were never in short supply.

"Did we have any last-minute cancellations or declines of attendance from our guests tonight?"

"As if, Harry."

Harry sighed at Narcissa's response to his question but turned his attention to William who stood between him and Narcissa. Harry bent down and took William's hands in his. The young boy looked up at Harry and Harry grinned as he placed a dozen golden tickets in William's hands.

"These are seat holders for those that sit out the table with your mum, me and the rest of the family. Will you pass them out to those that you want to sit next to?"

"Harry I don't think-"


William took the shiny pieces of stock paper from Harry and threw them up in the air. He giggled, picked them up and did it again. Harry grinned, a potentially difficult task Narcissa had forced upon him passed off to someone else. Harry didn't want to have his first decision in his first open public appearance be deciding who would clamor for his attention the most. Before Narcissa could dispute Harry's decision, the first guests of the evening walked up the pathway and appearances needed to be kept.

"Good evening Minister Shacklebolt and Undersecretary Weasley. Welcome to Abbottsford."

"Good evening to you as well Mr. Harry Potter. It is good to see you again outside of the political circles and shark tanks."

Harry chuckled at Shacklebolt's words and shook the Minister of Magic's hand. The ascension of the Senior Auror to succeed former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge after the former's political tar and feathering three years ago had been a highly publicized, scrutinized and talked about event for weeks. Many inside the Ministry had lobbied for the Director of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Bones to become the next Minister of Magic but Amelia Bones's detractors and the general public felt that she would be too hard-nosed and non-diplomatic when dealing with sensitive topics and influential persons. A short-list of nominees had been created and Shacklebolt had been the metaphorical dark horse in the elections.

"A setting I am becoming very familiar with Minister. You and your staff are the first to arrive but Lord Black, Lord Potter and a few others are waiting in the gardens where the party is taking place."

"Thank you. Miss Black, a pleasure to see you again."

Harry nodded at Percy and the third oldest Weasley wizard nodded back pompously.

Shacklebolt, Percy Weasley and their aides swept past and into the estate, following their house elf guide. William hadn't given any of the wizards and witches a ticket and the young boy entertained Harry until the next guests arrived. Arthur Weasley led his family brood up the pathway behind their house elf guide but Molly Weasley charged up the pathway only to be pulled back by her husband and Harry laughed at William's wide eyes.

"Red! Red!"

"Yes, their red hair is their trademark William."

"Not their only one unfortunately…"

Narcissa muttered her comment under her breath and Harry chose to ignore it. The Weasley family was a melting pot of talents, personalities and personal stories that had defined them and their reputations. Arthur Weasley stopped in front of Harry (William stood by Harry's side and Narcissa stood half a step behind Harry) and had his family line up on either side of him.

"Good evening Heir Apparent Potter. Thank you for the invitation to your birthday and we are honoured we could attend."

Arthur bowed along with Molly and at a slight cough from Arthur his children bowed or curtsied. Harry returned the gesture and shook Arthur's hand.

"Thank you Lord Prewitt and I am grateful that you and your family can attend. It is always good to have friends in the same mix as the arse kissers."

The Weasley twins and Arthur chuckled and Harry felt Narcissa's annoyance with his comment in her stiff posture behind him.

"Harry! Look at you looking all fancy."

"Absolutely smashing."


Harry laughed at Fred and George's anticsantics, but William clutched Harry's trouser leg in fear of the loud noises. His movements drew the Weasley's attention and William half-hid behind Harry. Molly bent down, looked at William and then back up at Harry.

"Who is this Harry?"

"This is my godson William Hyperion Black."

"Is he your son?"

Molly's tone turned inquisitive and nosey, but Harry was saved from answering by the arrival of more guests. Arthur tugged on Molly's arm and the matriarch of the Weasley's stood up with a slight huff. Arthur ushered his family inside and Harry grinned at Ron and Ginny's gob smacked expressions as they looked at Harry, Narcissa, William and then the estate itself. Harry's appearance and his surroundings were a far cry from where he was atwo years prior.

"Blimey Harry. You've done a complete one eighty. You're a lord now?"

Before Ron could continue saying anything and before Ginny could voice her thoughts if her mouth agape expression was to go by, Arthur Weasley stepped in and clamped both his hands on his younger children's shoulders.

"I think my children and wife have summed up my family's thoughts Heir Apparent Potter, even if they forgot their social graces. It is good to see you again after such a lengthy absence and if you are able, I'm sure my family and I wouldn't mind a moment to catch up. Good evening and happy birthday."

"Good evening Lady Black and Mr. Potter. Thank you for inviting us and I am glad that you are being seen in public again Mr. Potter."

Ron and Ginny shut their mouths, their ears turning bright red as they must have realised their social missteps and Arthur ushered his family inside. Amelia Bones and her niece Susan stood a few steps away, waiting for their opportunity to greet Harry and Harry nodded his head at the witches. Amelia Bones stepped forward and nodded her head in return.

"Good evening to you too Madame Bones and Miss Bones. My presence and party here tonight have been a carefully designed affair, let me assure you and…well the night has only just begun."

Amelia Bones and her niece Susan smiled amusedly at Harry's polite response, but William drew attention upon himself again by holding his arms up to Harry. Harry picked up his godson and Susan tittered.

"Harry, you never told us that you had such a cutie! Oh, what's his name?"

"Pwetty! Pwetty!"

William spoke and reached for Susan's long red hair that hung in front of her right shoulder. Harry held his godson just out of reach, but everyone laughed at the little boy's antics. William squirmed in Harry's arms and Susan took pity on him by allowing him to touch her hair. William babbled unintelligibly and Susan beamed at the little boy.

"Oh you're adorable! What's your name?"

"I, William. That Hawry. That mummy."

William's excited jabber and wildly pointing fingers caused a slight hush to fall over the small group as everyone looked between Harry, William and Narcissa. Narcissa took the questioning stares in stride, smiling proudly at William and Harry looked Amelia Bones in the eye.

"I am surprised that a woman and witch of your stature wouldn't be able to recognise William Hyperion Black from the birth announcements in the news outlets. I thought no detail, no matter how small escaped the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Perhaps I am not surprised at seeing the youngest Black, but I am surprised by the boy's attitude."

"Thank you. We all try very hard to make sure William is nothing like his father or that half of his bloodline."

Narcissa spoke and gently took William from Harry's arms. William fussed but settled as Narcissa whispered to him and the mother and son walked away. Susan looked put out, Amelia slightly offended but Harry grinned with a shake of his head.

"Narcissa is extremely protective of her son Madame Bones and I wouldn't take any offense to her actions. I believe that William gave you something Susan before he started playing with your hair."

Susan nodded and held up a gold piece of paper. Harry shook his head at her questioning glance and smiled secretively. Susan huffed and waltzed through the doors to the interior of the estate, her aunt following along behind her.

"Harry James Potter!"

The unmistakable shout of his best friend while in Gryffindor caused Harry to ease about as he turned around and he lost his breath as a brunette in periwinkle blue crashed into him. After taking a second to catch his breath Harry laughed and hugged Hermione back. His best friend sniffled and buried her face in his chest.

"Do you think for one second that I would be happy with one letter a week for the past year? You can't just leave me like that Harry James…"

"It's good to see you too Hermione."

Hermione pulled away, her eyes filled with tears and she smacked Harry's shoulder. Harry rolled his eyes and Winky, the house elf that escorted Hermione fixed the witch's makeup with a mutter.

"Oh look at you. Looking so handsome and lordly. I saw you in the papers and on a couple of magical interviews with the holosphere that the Twins created."

"And do I measure up in real life?"

"Even better."

Winky nudged Hermione and the smartest witch of their generation moved onto into the house but not before Harry handed Hermione a golden slip of paper. A moment later Narcissa reappeared with William in her arms and Harry's godson chewed on an ice toy. Harry passed a few moments of time entertaining William with a few muggle sleight of hand tricks.

"Hawry, who is that?"


Harry's question fell short as he looked down the pathway and saw the elegant Daphne Greengrass walking towards him and his mouth fell open in surprise. Daphne had always been one of the most beautiful witches at Hogwarts but since she didn't partake that much in government matters, Harry hadn't seen the witch since he left Hogwarts one year ago.

"She's pwetty…"

"Yes…yes she is."

A/N 3: Timeline continuity error fixed and thanks to Bonitalapaz for pointing this out.