I'm back with a new story it's time travel story. And it's also not Hayley friendly. So if your a fan of Hayley I'm sorry this is not the story for you.
Thank you for everyone who has favorited, followed and reviewed my stories.
Disclaimer: I don't own the vampire diaries or the originals.
Mikaelson mansion Mystic falls 2012:
Klaus pushes Hayley on a table and gets on top of her they're kissing when Klaus hears a thud coming from inside the mansion. Klaus stops kissing Hayley she was nothing but a distraction for him he stands up and looking around Hayley is looking at him " Why did you stop?"
Klaus just ignores her and leaves the room looks around the mansion and he goes up the stairs and there's a brown haired teenage girl wearing black shorts and a blue tank top with black sequins saying love pink 86 on the front and flip flops looking around. Klaus vamps over to her " Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
The teenager looks up and smiles at him " Dad."
Klaus is confused just a couple minutes ago he was about to have sleep with Hayley trying to not think about Caroline then he heard something and found this teenager calling him dad "I'm not your dad."
" Yes you are but first tell me am I too late have you had slept with Hayley yet?"
Klaus is confused " I was in the middle of kissing Hayley but who are you?"
" Let's sit down and I will explain everything before the family comes after me."
Klaus doesn't know what is going on " The family?"
"Yes now where can we sit so I can explain."
Klaus takes her to the kitchen he gets a blood bag for himself when the girl looks over " Can I have one too?"
Klaus grabs another bag and microwaves it " Speak."
The girl is used to her dad being impatient " So you have always been impatient?"
Klaus growls and Hands the cup of blood to the teenager "Speak now or I'm kicking you out."
The girl puts her hands up in surrender " My name is Hope Mikaelson I am the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. What I interrupted was you and my birth mom making me. You see Hayley is my birth mom but she's not the person I call mom or the person who raised me. I was looking through the new grimoire my aunt Davina gave me and I tried to do this spell and I ended up here I quickly realized that I time traveled because I am from five hundred years in the future."
Klaus is trying to take it all in "Prove to me that your my daughter, Who do you call mom? Vampires can't procreate and if your a witch why are you drinking blood and who is Davina?"
Hope knows this is a lot for her dad to take in "When you were a little boy there was a thunderstorm and Rebekah couldn't sleep and you gave her a wooden solider on a horse and you craved it for Mikael and when you gave it to Rebekah you told her now you can be a brave solider to. It's beautiful and well crafted I know this because it's in my room. The person I call mom my real mom the person who raised me is Caroline Forbes. Your right vampires can't procreate but werewolves can and both you and Hayley are werewolves also you know how when people have kids they pass on genes I am a vampire, werewolf and a witch a tribrid and Davina is my aunt she married my uncle Kol."
Klaus never told anyone that story only Rebekah and him know that she really is his daughter, He is surprised that Caroline is Hope's mom and that Kol is alive he saw Kol die a couple weeks ago. " A tribrid, your my daughter and Caroline is your mom. Why are you here and I saw Kol die he can't have a wife."
Hope knows her dad is surprised she has heard of how her mom and dad meet and their relationship here." I'm half vampire from you, half werewolf from both you and Hayley, and half witch from my grandmother Esther. You and Caroline are my parents. Esther brought Kol and Finn and herself back but things happened and all three died and then Kol came back and Finn lives in a necklace. Dad Kol will come back also I know you think he hates you but he doesn't and I'm here to make some changes to our history."
Klaus looks at Hope and can see parts of him in her like her eyes but can also see how she sitting is very proper he can see Elijah taught her how to be proper and can see Rebekah must of taken her shopping and can see that she has a light about her and it reminds him of Caroline. " What changes?"
Hope knows what she wants to do is impossible but her family will be happier. " I want to make Caroline my birth mom she is already my mom but I want her to be her to my birth mom so Hayley is not in our lives anymore. Hayley doesn't get along with anyone in my family and keeps hitting on uncle Elijah even through he is married and so is she."
This is just to much for Klaus " Who did Elijah marry and who would marry Hayley?"
" You will find out when they come after me but Hayley married some werewolf who lives in the bayou his name was Jackson he died a long time ago and ever since his death Hayley has been trying to get uncle Elijah to sleep with her she has failed everytime uncle Elijah's wife and mom almost tired to kill her once uncle Elijah and you had to pull them off Hayley."
Klaus needs Elijah and Rebekah he can't process this all on his own. "You said your family is coming here?"
Hope nods " My dad you, my mom Caroline, probably my uncle Elijah and his wife, my uncle Kol and his wife, my aunt Rebekah and her husband and aunt Freya and her husband."
Klaus is still sad about Kol he died a couple weeks ago and he doesn't know a Freya.
Hayley comes out of the dinning room she heard Klaus and she wants him to focus on her "Are you coming back and who is this?"
Klaus looks between Hayley and Hope besides the same hair color he doesn't see any similar qualities between the two " This is..."
Hope gets up "Charlotte nice to meet you."
Hayley just looks at the girl with disgust she thought she was going to take another thing from Caroline but this girl had to show up. " Nice to meet you Charlotte but Klaus and I were in the middle of something so if you could leave that would be great."
Hope looks towards her father. Klaus gets up " Hayley it's time for you to leave."
Hayley looks between Hope and Klaus "But I can't you said you would protect me Katherine is after me and Damon wants me and we were going to have sex really your choosing her over me or is this because you don't want to ruin your relationship with Caroline because she hates me and if she found out she would hate you too."
Klaus pins Hayley to the wall by her throat " First I don't care if you die or not. Second yes I'm choosing her over you. Third you know nothing of my relationship with Caroline so keep your mouth shut."
Klaus drops Hayley. Hayley runs out scared.
Klaus turns to Hope " Your not scared."
Hope goes over her dad " I have seen you do a lot worse nothing you do scares me your my dad and I love you. You right now in this time period you are not my dad but I still love you."
" I can't believe you still love me after everything I have done."
" Well I do and so does mom so come on I know one of the things that will make you feel better."
Klaus raises his eyebrows Hope smiles and shakes her head " We're not going to kill anyone that's a you and uncle Kol thing. Now I have never been in his house before but from what I know you love bourbon so let's get you a drink."
Klaus is shocked at just how well Hope knows him and that Kol is alive where she's from "So Elijah is married, Kol is alive and married. Caroline and I raised you so are Caroline and I married? Rebekah is married which poor guy did she marry, and you mentioned aunt Freya who is Freya?"
Hope handing her dad a glass of bourbon and pouring one for herself " You and mom have been married for almost five hundred years and aunt Freya well I will just let Freya tell her story."
The Mikaelson mansion New Orleans 2515:
Caroline goes into her daughter Hopes room to say goodnight and Hope is not in her room and she's not downstairs there's an open grimoire in the bed. Caroline vamps to her husbands studio " Nik we have a problem."
Klaus puts down the paintbrush and sees the worry on his wife's face" What's wrong my love?"
" Hope is gone."
Klaus loves his daughter so much they have not had anyone after them for decades and he is ferrous that even the thought of one of his enemies has her " What do mean gone she said she was in her room."
Caroline is worried for her daughter. Caroline is not Hopes birth mom but that doesn't change how much Caroline loves Hope. " I know but I just went in there to say goodnight and she wasn't in there and she's not downstairs."
Klaus vamps to Hope's room and sees its empty he goes to the stairs and yells downstairs concern laced in his voice "HOPE!"
Elijah, Katherine and Nadia come out of the living room, Kol and Davina come out of their room, Rebekah and Stefan are coming through the front door they went out to eat, Enzo comes out of the kitchen eating some popcorn. Elijah looks up "Niklaus, Hope is in her room."
Klaus looks down at his older brother he is worried about his daughter "No she is not its empty call Freya we need her and Davina to do a locator spell."
Freya comes through the the front door with her husband Lucien Castle behind her " What's wrong over the phone Rebekah seemed panicked."
Enzo in the doorway of the kitchen " Hope's missing."
Freya and Davina are looking around Hope's room and can sense magic. Davina sees the grimoire she gave Hope for her birthday that year open on the bed she goes over and looks at the spell "Freya come here."
Freya comes over to the bed and looks at the grimoire " A time traveling spell."
Everyone enters the room Elijah is trying to keep everyone calm in this crisis " What did you find who took Hope?"
Davina looks up "Nobody took Hope but you can sense magic was done in here what I think happened is Hope was reading the grimoire I gave her and she tried to do a spell and it turned out to be a time traveling spell."
Caroline and Klaus freak out "A time traveling spell."
Katherine speaks up because Klaus and Caroline are freaking out "So how do we find Hope?"
Freya and Davina look at each other " We don't know."
Klaus is angry his daughter is gone and his sister and sister in law don't know how to find her. "Well you better figure it out because if you don't Hope is not going to be the only missing family member."
Freya and Davina are spread out in the living room with every grimoire they own around them looking for something about time travel, how to contact people, how to get people back and how to go where they are. Davina puts down the grimoire she was looking at down and yells "KOL."
Kol vamps to the living room " Yes my darling."
Davina is in red plaid sleep shorts and a grey tank top with her hair in a pony tail "Do you know anything about time travel."
" Unfortunately no but I will help you two look."
Kol gives Davina a kiss on the forehead and picks up a grimoire from the pile.
Meanwhile Katherine and Nadia are trying to calm Caroline down. While Rebekah and Elijah are trying to calm Klaus with no success. Caroline looks at her friends " Hope is probably somewhere right now scared and alone."
Katherine and Nadia pull their best friend in for a three person hug " Hey Hope is smart and brave and a Mikaelson she will be fine when and where ever she is."
Downstairs Davina is looking through grimoires and a conversation she had with Hope a few days ago popes into her head.
Flashback a couple of days ago:
Davina is in the room she shares with Kol room getting ready for her meeting with the nine Covens of New Orleans Davina is regent. Davina is putting her black heels on when Hope comes in "Aunt Davina can I ask you a magic question?"
Davina turns around "Of course what is it?"
Hope is sitting on Davina and Kol's bed looks down "Hypothetically if one wanted to change something that happened in the past how would one do that?"
Davina goes over to her niece " Well hypothetically you would have to go to the exact point in time and change it but it's not possible to time travel why are you asking?"
" No reason I was just wondering."
Hope leaves and Davina thinks nothing of it and goes to her witch meeting.
Davina says loudly realizing something. Kol and Freya look at her. Klaus, Caroline, Katherine, Elijah, Nadia, Rebekah, Stefan, Enzo and Lucien all vamp to the living room. "Davina did you find something?"
" I know why Hope time traveled."
Caroline and Klaus are worried about their daughter " Davina spit it out or Kol is going to have to look for a new wife."
Kol pulls Davina closer to him " Davina is trying to help find Hope no threatening her."
Caroline puts her arm on her husband " We're sorry we're just worried about Hope you know how Nik gets. Davina why did Hope time travel?"
Davina takes a breath "A couple days ago I was getting ready for my meeting with the other covens and Hope came into our room and asked me at the time I thought was a hypothetical question she asked me if it was possible to go back in time and change something I told her that you would need to go to the exact moment and change it but it was impossible."
Elijah who has an hand on Katherine's back " So Hope went into our past and changed something."
Freya remembers hope asking her the same thing " Hope come came to our penthouse the other day and asked me the same thing I told her it was impossible."
Rebekah is standing next to her husband Stefan she loves her niece " Why would Hope go into our past?"
Caroline remembers Hope asking her questions about if she could of would she have gotten pregnant with Hope instead of Hayley. " I know why."
Everyone turns to Caroline.
" Hope kept asking me questions like if I could would I have gotten pregnant with her instead of Hayley. I think Hope went back in time to change her birth mom but I meet you after I became a vampire."
Klaus turns to Freya and Davina " We need to find that spell and you need to send Caroline and I back."