Voice Over: T'was the day after Christmas. The gifts had been unwrapped,

Yet many were asking 'When will Santa be back?'

The Post-Christmas Sadness is something many get.

Such as the owner of one Motomet.

*Motomet wheeled over to Pikatwig, who just sat with a sad look*

KKD: …*walks over* Are you ok?

Pikatwig: Just a little sad that Christmas is over…

KKD: Yea, it happens to the best of us.

Pikatwig: Plus… issues uploading files…

KKD: Yea, I know… I've run into that issue a lot.

Pikatwig: By the time you're getting this… this'll hopefully be resolved. *groans* Second time this has happened to me. The first was for the final chapter of Kamen Rider Kirito… but… *smiles a bit* I'm at the least feeling a bit better. Got a little gift from my mom and dad. A little Lego and an Espeon plushie.

KKD: Good to hear, bud. So, what shall we do now?

Pikatwig: Try and get back to work on A New Decade. Because… because.

KKD: Right. In that case, shall we get started?

Pikatwig: Yeah.

Disclaimers: Disclaimers: Neither Pikatwig nor KKD Silver own the rights to anything in this story except for the original concepts and ideas within. The rest belong to Toei, Bandai, and their respective owners.

KKD: ...by the way… who was that voice over?

Pikatwig: ...no idea. Though, he does sound like Ozpin.

KKD: Hmm…

Voice Over: Do I?

KKD: ...kinda does.

Tsukasa just sat within his prison cell as he used a toothpick to scratch a doodle into a wall. The doodle was very child-like, yet rather cute and innocent. Natsumi walked over to see him in the midst of this and saw that the doodle was of their wedding.

"Soon enough… soon enough…" she spoke up.

"Yo," Tsukasa responded.

"You bored?"


"Well… you're gonna go on trial for assault in a couple of hours."

"Alright…" Tsukasa nodded as he watched Natsumi head off, "I suppose I should be happy I'm getting out of this place soon. ...still… worth it to see Natsumikan like that."

(Insert theme: Journey Through the Decade by Gackt)

"The travelers of worlds, Decade and Kiva-la, what do your eyes see as you go through the many new possibilities?"

*The scene opened with cards flying out before colliding onto Decade's face as he stood with Kiva-la amidst a white void*

Miageru hoshi, sorezore no rekishi ga kagayaite~! (Looking up upon the stars, where various sagas are shining) *As we glanced over the scenery, we see Tsukasa and Natsumi sitting together and looking over a wedding scenario*

Seiza no you sen de musubu shunkan hajimaru Legend. (Just like the constellations, only by connecting them with lines, does a Legend begin) *Before Tsukasa and Natsumi could go to it, the younger Hongo walked over to them and in his hand was nine blank cards of the Neo-Heisei Era Riders.*

OORORA yurameku jikuu koete (Go through the dimensions flickering like auroras) *Tsukasa and Natsumi both looked at the cards and saw Kamen Rider Drive standing before them, while OOO, Fourze, Wizard and Gaim stood to the left and W, Ghost, Amazon Omega and Ex-Aid stood to the right. The eight Riders all charged, leaving Tsukasa, Natsumi and Drive to watch.*

Tobikomu meisou suru Parallel world~! (And dive into that straying Parallel world~!) *Natsumi and Tsukasa sat in the photo studio as Tsukasa had his eyes covered by her hands. She then removed her hands from his line of sight and took his hand*

On the road dare mo tabi no tochuu (On the road, everyone is in the midst of a journey) *Tsukasa and Natsumi sat on Tsukasa's motorcycle, Natsumi grabbing onto Tsukasa's waist, and they drove off.*

Hontou no jibun jishin deau tame~ (In order to encounter their true selves) *Sayo watched them go forward as she looked over ideas for their wedding alongside Kivala.

Atarashii yoake e to tsuzuku michi ni kawaru no darou (The road will probably change

to continue into a new dawn) *Decade and Kiva-la stood together, holding hands before they turned back into Tsukasa and Natsumi.*

Mokugekise yo Journey through the Decade (Bear witness to it, Journey through the Decade) *Focus was then drawn to the DecaDriver and the nine symbols transformed from Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva to W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid and Amazon Omega.*

A New Decade

World 4: How Will We Solve This Case?

"So… you're the defense attorney?" Natsumi asked.

"Yep. Ore wa Ryuhodo Naichi. Here to help," he smiled, "And this is my assistant."

"Han Kokone," his partner greeted.

"Pleasure to meet you both. Hopefully you can help my boyfriend get out of any harsh punishment…" Natsumi told them.

Haruna just stared at Natsumi as she walked on by, "...still can't believe this."

"Believe what?" Eiji sighed.

"That our newest hire is dating a criminal…"

=Well, that is a bit complicated from what I can grasp of the situation…= Belt-san admitted as he frowned a little as Eiji looked to see Heart and his father walk over, =Shinnosuke… we meet again.

"Heart… can I have a minute?" Shinnosuke asked.

"Uh… sure."

Shinnosuke smiled at the belt and his son, "So… you two been working well together?"

"Yea," Eiji nodded.

"And you and Haruna?"

Eiji and Haruna just stood there for a moment as they tried to think of what to say.

=It leaves a bit to be desired. Sometimes they work like a well-oiled machine. Other times… they work about as well as water and oil…=

The two just shrugged as Shinnosuke chuckled a little, "As to be expected at times, but there are times you'll need to work together in order to be successful."

They just nodded a bit as Shinnosuke walked into the courtroom.

"All rise for the honorable judges and Ambassadors of Roidmude-Human Relations," a person spoke, getting the members in the courtroom to stand as Shinnosuke and Heart entered the room.

The two sat at the judge's spot, Heart holding the gavel while Shinnosuke sat down and then Tsukasa and Roidmude 809 were guided into the room. When they were seated, Heart smacked the gavel.

"Court is now in session. The case of Kadoya Tsukasa vs. 809 and her family shall now commence," Heart declared, the prosecutor standing next to 809.

"Your honors, the plaintiff has charged the defendant, Kadoya Tsukasa, with assault and battery on racial discrimination, false accusations of criminal activity, and attacking police. The defendant was just talking with both Roidmude and human friends when the defendant came along and assaulted her on those false charges. She defended herself as best as she could until Kamen Rider Drive arrived to stop the violence," the prosecutor explained.

"Thank you, Edgeton. Kadoya-san, how do you plead?" Shinnosuke inquired

"Not Guilty," Tsukasa answered.

Shinnosuke gave a nod in response.

"Very well. Will the prosecution bring forth their first witness?" Heart requested

"Your honor, the Prosecution will bring forth their first witness to recount the events," Edgeton answered as 809 walked up to the stand.

Meanwhile, the cloaked person walked to a Roidmude who was minding his own business before being shot at. The Roidmude collapsed into dust as its core, number 706, floated into the air before dissolving into dust.

Eiji sat and watched the trial from another room before his phone began to buzz, "Hai? Shifter."

-We got a situation in the park. I need you!- Ryu informed.

"On my way!" Eiji said.

"So you say that you were just minding your business before Kadoya-san attacked?" Naichi inquired.

"Yes sir! I'm telling the truth!" 809 confirmed.

"If that's the case, then why were in your true form instead of just a human form?" Kokone inquired, "We could've avoided all of this had you not stayed in your Roidmude form; it's often stated that Roidmudes are required to look like humans to avoid panic."

809 began to pale a bit as Kokone smirked.

Ryu and Eiji arrived to see a cloaked figure standing before several panicking Roidmudes

"Ikuzo!" Eiji smiled as he got out the Speed Shift Car.

"Matte. I want you to enter this fight as Type Technic."


"The better defense should help cover any injured Roidmudes."

Eiji just sighed as called for the Technic Shift Car and loaded it into the brace.


"Hen… shin!"



"Ore wa Kamen Rider… Drive!" Drive declared before leaning in, "Hitoppashiri tsukaie yo!"

"Kamen Rider Accel… saa… furikiru ze!" Accel yelled as he charged in while Drive moved in to defend people.

"With the evidence provided, I think it's clear that none of this was 809's fault," Edgeton informed, "She merely forgot to stay human when talking to her friends when the Kamen Rider attacked, unprovoked."

"IGIARI!" Naichi shouted as he pointed his index finger, "Not so fast, Edgeton. There's a contradiction with what the witness said and your statement!"


"He said that he had fight a Roidmude in self-defense in the past. His actions could easily be explained as a misguided attempt of self-defense and misinterpretation of motivations when he observed 809 talking with her friends."

Heart and Shinnosuke exchanged looks, considering the facts, before they began to speak with each-other in a hushed tone. After a bit, they turned back to the courtroom.

"I believe we have reached a verdict. However, we wish to hear closing arguments," Heart informed.

"I wish to see that another person is sent to jail for racist crimes. Too many people have been let loose on the excuse of paranoia or misguided attempts of justice. The world no longer needs these kinds of people, yet they're everywhere, including in this courtroom. I wish to see them get removed from our world. The prosecution rests," Edgeton informed before being seated.

"Your honors, the Defense acknowledge what the Prosecution says is true, however not every member of society is like this, and there can easily be misunderstandings. Our two kinds are trying to live in harmony, and yes, there will be times where we may argue, but we are stronger as a team. We will all make mistakes, but let's better ourselves after they're made. As it stands, our defendant had had negative experiences with Roidmudes in the past and appears to suffer a form of PTSD, and simply needs help of some kind. It is clearly a misunderstanding, don't let someone suffer because of something like that. The Defense rests its case," Naichi stated before taking his seat.

"May I say something fast?" Kokone asked.

"Go ahead," Shinnosuke shrugged.

"Our two kinds need to stop squabbling. I understand because of the negative actions previous Roidmudes took they were seen as negative, but it is often the case of other human races treated negatively. We are fortunate we never treated Roidmudes as slave or anything less than an equal. We are BETTER than what history shows humanity as…" Kokone said before she took her seat, "Now the Defense truly rests its case."

"...nice," Naichi smiled.

Kokone then simply giggled as she leaned back in her seat, before it slipped and she fell Naichi just sighed in response to this.

"Well… that was rather interesting," Shinnosuke admitted, "However, with these closing statements made, I believe we have come to our own conclusion about the verdict."

"We hereby declare the defendant, Kadoya Tsukasa… not guilty for the crimes of assault and battery, racial prejudice and hate crime, but guilty for resisting arrest, attacking police forces, and false accusations of criminal activity," Heart stated, "He is hereby sentenced to a week of community service to 809 and her family. To ensure her safety and that his service is fully completed, we will assign officer Hikari Natsumi to keep an eye on him. Court adjourned."

Tsukasa sighed as Natsumi guided him over to 809, "…hi."

"Hello Kadoya. I'll deal with this and… try to be kind of nice," 809 informed.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he stays in line," Natsumi assured.

"Thank you, officer."

809 and her family walked off while Tsukasa just sighed a bit.

"Come on you…" Natsumi said as she dragged him by the arm.

"You are taking this way to seriously…" Tsukasa muttered.

"Urusei," Natsumi whispered as she continued to drag him.


Drive quickly shot out ice from the wheel to try and stun the figure in his tracks, but the figure simply evaded the ice. Accel's attempts to slash at him also failed, even with the multiple Engine slashes.

"This guy is seriously ticking me off… koi! Deadheat!" Drive shouted as the Signal Bike/Shift Car dashed into the Shift Brace.


Red energy sparked over Drive's body as he transformed into Type Deadheat. He charged forward and began to rapidly punch at the cloaked figure.

"So… what's this…? A kid in his father's gear having a super-powered temper tantrum?" the figure mockingly told Drive.

Drive growled as he continued his attack, but he continued to miss. Max Flare quickly rolled over and blasted at the figure with fire energy.

"Cool your head off!" Accel yelled.


"...hothead…" Accel sighed.


Accel blasted steam into the air before he grabbed Drive's shoulder, "...did you learn nothing from my lessons?"


"You can't let a criminal get into your head! They'll use what they can to mess up your focus."

"Oh yea, listen to your uncool boss or whatever he is!"

"Urusei!" Mach yelled as he drove in and began to shoot at the figure with the Zenrin Shooter before turning his attention to Drive, "Somebody looking for the cool uncle?"

"Yeah… gonna need to borrow something…" Drive said quickly as he ran over and grabbed a Signal Bike from Mach.

"Oi!" Mach yelled.

"I'll bring it back!" Drive yelled as he turned the ignition on the Driver and loaded in the Signal Bike.


The motorcycle wheel on Drive's shoulder became the Kaksarn symbol, but Drive still retained the Flare Wheel.

=Well… I didn't expect this. How did you know that would work?=

"Chase gave me the idea," Drive informed as he began to toss fire shots before pressing the button on the Shift Brace. The fire blast quickly expanded and was sent all over the place. Accel and Mach ended up both getting caught up in the blast, "...whoops?"

=...smooth,= Belt-san snarked.

"Hey, you got any better ideas?"

"Hey… where'd the bad guy go?!" Mach asked.

"I… uh…"

Accel walked over before he yanked Belt-san and the Shift Brace off of Drive. Eiji simply stared a bit as Accel walked off.

"...this wasn't my finest showing…"

"No kidding…" Mach groaned.

"Not like I knew it would blow up in my face!"

=No one knew…= Belt-san stated, =Uh… Terui-san? Can you please stop carrying me like I'm a toy? It's kind of embarrassing…=

"It's the easiest way for me to carry you…" Accel stated bluntly as he tossed Belt-san into his squad car.


Over at the police base, Akiko was looking at a picture of her brother and proceeded to take out her phone to call him. She waited a bit as the phone rang until she got a response that the number couldn't be reached, "Nii-san… I just wanted to call…"

Accel walked into the room, tossed Belt-san into the evidence locker, turned back to normal, and then looked to Akiko, "Something wrong?"

"Just trying to call my brother. It keeps saying it can't reach his number…" Akiko informed.

"Wonder why that is…" Ryu pondered.

"So… why do you have Eiji's belt?"

"He did something stupid in regards to someone we were trying to take down. I'm gonna put him on leave for a week."

"Bit extreme, isn't it?"

"He nearly blew up both me and Gou."

"Why did he do it?"

"He said Chase came up with the idea," Ryu informed.

"...did he know that it would blow up in his face?"

"...I doubt it, but he caused the explosion."

"Maybe go a bit easy on him since he didn't know it would blow up."

Ryu sighed as he walked off.

=Uh… can someone let me out of here? Please?= Belt-san asked as he tried to hop out of the locker, but was clearly locked in, =Help? Someone?=

Akiko sighed as she opened the locker and put Belt-san down on a chair nearby.

=Thank you.=

The next day had arrived and Tsukasa was working on cleaning windows on 809's house. Natsumi made sure he was on track while 809 simply played with her children.

"How many windows are there?" Tsukasa asked, "Honest question here."

"About ten or fifteen."

Tsukasa just groaned a little in response.

Gou stood as Kamen Rider Chaser walked over, "Dunno why you wanted this training session, but whatever."


"Let's… Henshin!"


Gou quickly transformed into Mach and posed a bit, "Tsuiseki… bokumetsu… izure mo… Maaha! Kamen Rider…"

Chaser then bonked him upside the head with the Shingo-Axe.


"You really need to stop yammering before you fight. It gets annoying, it takes time away from the fight, and leaves you open," Chaser stated.

"Urusei…" Mach muttered as he took out another Signal Bike.


Mach summoned the Zenrin Shooter and quickly fired several shots into the air before he smacked the Boost Igniter.


The shots arced and then managed to hit Chaser right in the chest. Chaser was knocked back as Mach quickly changed Signal Bikes.


Mach quickly fired a few shots into the air before tapping the Boost Igniter.


The shots exploded and rained down a barrage of energy shots at Chaser. Mach once again, quickly changed Signal Bikes.


Mach then blasted an energy shot that stunned Chaser. He smirked as he quickly got out the last Signal Bike "This one's a little dangerous. So get ready."


Mach smirked as he tossed the Zenrin Shooter aside, brought up the lever on the Driver and pushed down the Boost Igniter.


He then pushed the lever back into position.


Mach jumped into the air, did a few somersaults, before he extended out his right foot and kicked Chaser. Energy from the kick turned into what looked like a bullet with a face that quickly chomped down on Chaser. Chaser got sent flying back and back to normal.


"Shut up…" Chase groaned.

"Yosh…" Mach panted a bit before taking out the Signal Bike.


"Thanks for the training session, Gou," Chase thanked before he walked off.

"...sometimes I won't get him…" Gou admitted as he walked off.

Meanwhile, Eiji was getting stuff out of his locker with a sigh as he walked out.

"Yo," Haruna greeted as Eiji looked to her and just sighed, "What?"

"What do you want, Haruna?" Eiji asked as he and Haruna walked outside.

"Why do you think I want something?"

"Cause you don't bother me after work unless you want something."

"Oh… well… uh…" Haruna began, "You know how we have that holiday dance soon?"

"...no! I know what you're about to ask and no!"

"Oh come on, Eiji! What's so wrong about sharing one dance with me?!"

Eiji just sighed and began to walk away before a gold gun-shot nearly hit him, "What?!"

"You're the one called Kamen Rider Drive… right?" the figure in the cloak asked.

"Shoot…" Eiji muttered as he took out the Tridoron Key and pressed the button on the front of it.


The car wheeled over and shot at the cloaked figure. Eiji quickly grabbed Belt-san out, "...how'd you get back here?"

=...took a bit. Doesn't matter, ikou, Eiji!=

Eiji nodded as he put Belt-san on.

"So… who's the pretty face here? Your girlfriend?"


"Henshin!" Eiji yelled.

With that, he quickly transformed into Type Deadheat and zoomed up to the figure and punched him in the face.

"Stay... away from her!" Drive yelled as he began to punch and kick the figure.

"Do my words sting, Kamen Rider? Do they bring you anger?"

"Koi, Dump!" Drive yelled as Rumble Dump zoomed over and leaped into his hand. Drive then replaced the Deadheat Shift Car with the Rumble Dump Shift Car.


Drive readied the Rumble Smasher and began to use the drill to bash the figure's head. The figure grunted multiple times and the cloak was damaged enough to reveal part of a face. The face was silver from what little Drive could see of it.

"Gonna need to stun him… oh! Koi, Tomarle!"

=Bad idea! Remember what happened last time?!= Belt-san yelled.

"Maybe with a weapon, it'll burn off any extra energy," Drive figured as the Signal Bike wheeled over.


Drive gained the Tomarle symbol on the motorcycle wheel on the fom as he looked around for the figure. The figure was moving quickly, but a smack from the Rumble Smasher managed to stun him. Drive smirked as he kicked the figure back, but the figure quickly got over and grabbed Haruna's neck.

"Lemme go!" Haruna yelled as she tried to kick him off, but the figure had a tight grip on her.

A blue blur sped by the two before it knocked the cloaked figure back. Haruna looked on in joy at the blur as it slowed down.


"Eiji…" Haruna smiled.

"Get out of here and I'll handle this guy…"

Haruna nodded as she ran back into the police HQ in an attempt to get some aid (con

=Eiji, listen up. We're gonna have to try a new tactic against this guy before you injure yourself using Type Formula. I have a new Shift Car that has been prepared for just an occasion.=

"Gotcha," Drive nodded as the new Shift Car drove into the Shift Brace.


With that, Drive began to glow black and a light blue color. The tire that appeared on his chest was black with neon yellow lines as his suit turned mostly black with light blue accents.

"Sugee…" Drive gawked as he felt the new power course through his body. He dashed forward at the cloaked figure and began to punch and kick him with incredible speeds. However, the figure blasted the Shift Brace clean off of Drive before kicking Belt-san off.

The figure then kicked Eiji upside his head, sending him careening into a tree. The figure looked ready to shoot at him, but was slashed away by another Rider.

"Eiji!" Accel yelled, "...Haruna, get him outta here!"

Haruna just nodded as she got Eiji into the Tridoron and drove off. Accel then began to slash at the figure before gripping the clutch on his Driver. His eyes began to glow a blue color as he jumped forward to kick at the figure.


The kick landed on the figure, causing it to begin to spark, "Zetsubou ga omae no… goal da!"

The figure managed to teleport away before Accel could see him blow up.

Shinnosuke ran into the hospital room where Eiji was, the young man knocked out cold, as Haruna held onto Belt-san.

"Shifter-san?" Haruna began, trying to find a way to explain.

=Eiji was injured by the cloaked figure who people are speculating is some follower of Gold Lupin. It would appear that you are needed once more, Shinnosuke.=

"Yea…" Shinnosuke nodded as Haruna headed out.

Tsukasa and Natsumi arrived back at the photo studio with Tsukasa looking rather sun-burnt.

"Dare I ask where you've been?" Sayo inquired.

"You don't wanna know," Tsukasa sighed as he sat down, "Ow…"

"...I'll go get something to treat that…" Sayo sighed as she walked off.

Natsumi sat next to Tsukasa as she carefully put a hand on his shoulder, "You gonna be alright?"

"...I'm alright… I guess…" Tsukasa sighed as he began to scratch his head a little, "Man, I need a good long break…"

Haruna walked past the police office and continued onwards… only to stop upon seeing the photo studio, "Wait… when was there a photo studio so close to the station?"

Curious, she walked in and saw Natsumi was sipping on some tea.

"Oh, hey Natsumi. You live here?" Haruna asked.

"Oh, hi Haruna. Yes, I live here. Uh… you want something?"

"Uh… well… maybe some coffee?"

Haruna sat next to Natsumi as Sayo served up some coffee before tending to Tsukasa's sunburn.

"Something up?" Natsumi asked.

"...Eiji got hurt pretty bad by a follower of Gold Lupin. Now his father has to be Drive again… but… I'm worried about Eiji," Haruna admitted, "Hey and I may not get along really well… but… seeing him hurt… it makes my heart… just crumble seeing him in such a state."

"...you like him?" Natsumi inquired.

"N-no! It's nothing like that!"

"Are you sure? ...cause… that feeling you just described… I felt it once when Natsumi was near dead…" Tsukasa stated.

"I… I-uh… well… wh-what would a criminal know?!" she weakly refuted.

"I may be a criminal here, but that was from a legitimate mistake I didn't recognize right away. Natsumi is the person I love more than life itself… I would die for her if it meant I could keep her safe…"

Haruna sighed, finding this hard to believe, but Tsukasa had a point. She simply sighed as she laid back in her chair and began to think a little.

The next day soon rolled around. Tsukasa and Natsumi headed back for 809's house, only to see Kamen Rider Mach zooming over in the same direction as if he was in a hurry. The two tailed him and saw the cloaked figure with a gun aimed at 809.

"Soon our world will be better…." the figure muttered to himself, preparing to pull the trigger when Tsukasa kicked the gun out of the figure's hands, "NANI?!"

"Leave her alone!" Tsukasa yelled.

The figure aimed his gun at Tsukasa, but…


Mach smacked the figure back with the Rumble Smasher, surprising him as he got knocked back.

"Are you ok?" Tsukasa asked 809.

"You… saved me…" she muttered

"Yea… I apologize for my actions before. I hope this can make up for them…"

"...stop that follower of Gold Lupin… and I'll convince the courts to let you off from community service."

"Ryoukai," he nodded as he charged over.


Mach quickly fired out shots of fire from the Zenrin Shooter before mashing down on the Boost Igniter four times.


The fireballs exploded over the cloaked figure's body, revealing someone who looked like Chase through the burning cloak, but it reverted into 109.

"How dare you… HOW DARE YOU USE HIS FACE!" Mach yelled as he inserted the Deadheat Signal Bike/Shift Car.



Mach quickly entered his Deadheat form and he charged forward.

"...henshin…" he muttered as he glowed silver.


Suddenly, the 109-disguised-Chase turned into Kamen Rider Chaser. Mach roared in rage as he began attacking him. Tsukasa and Natsumi watched this unfold as Mach inserted a Signal Bike.


Mach blasted at Chaser to stun him a bit before shifting in a Shift Car.


Mach then smacked the fake Chaser around with the Rumble Smasher like he was spinning in a tornado when (con


"...burn… burn in heck!" Mach yelled.


He jumped into the air, his Rider Kick enhanced with flames, only for a powerful blast to knock Mach out of the air and caused him to turn back to normal.

"ITE-TE-TE-TE-TE! What the heck?!" Gou yelled.

"Gou! Seriously, what are you doing?" Shinnosuke demanded to know as he walked over, "You can't just go attacking a fellow officer-"

"He's not Chase! He's a Roidmude using Chase's face! You gotta believe me!" Gou yelled.

"Here's your proof," Tsukasa said as he handed Gou's camera to Shinnosuke.

Shinnosuke looked at the picture and raised an eyebrow, "It's just a blur…"

"Look closely…"

Shinnosuke sighed as he looked closer and saw the number "109" on what looked to be Chase's chest, "Eh?!"

Chase sighed as he turned back into 109.

"So… did we never revive Chase?" Gou asked.

"Not at all! You fools just kept failing over and over again! That fool can't come back. I just mimicked him to set my plan in motion… make it so our two species never live in harmony! Sure… ending up in that water city set me back a bit… but that doesn't mean much when I ruined the life of one human in that town!"

"Shotaro-san…" Natsumi muttered.

"So… how come you're killing your own kind?"

"They live in harmony with humans! They're a disgrace to the name of Roidmudes!"

"...really? Because if anything, I'd say you're the disgrace," Tsukasa responded as he walked forward, "Sure, neither side is perfect, but here, Roidmudes are considered just as important as humanity. We've had our differences, but in the end, we're all living beings, and all life has a right to be protected."

Shinnosuke gave a smile as he straightened up his tie, "Nou saibou ga… top gear… ikou… uh… what was your name again?"

"Torisugari no Kamen Rider da…" Tsukasa declared, pulling out his henshin card, "Oboetoke. Henshin!"




With that, the two Riders fully transformed into their base forms as the Final Form Ride card for Drive appeared. Decade quickly took the Final Form Ride card and inserted it into his Driver.


"This might tickle a bit," Decade warned.


He tapped the back of Drive's back and watched as Drive grunted before he gained bulky yet sleek armor and transformed into the Tridoron.

"Not bad," Decade shrugged as he got on.


109 transformed into Kamen Rider Chaser and attempted to stop Decade with his Shingo-Axe, but the Tridoron rammed right into him. Decade laughed a little as the car rammed into the fake Chaser multiple times and knocked the Mach Driver clean off of him.

"Keep it up!" Decade smiled as Tridoron sent 109 flying backwards, "Yosh…"


Decade smirked a little as Tridoron revved up.


The Tridoron sped around 109, making the Roidmude confused before Decade leaped in and began to kick at the Roidmude. The tridoron acted as a bouncing platform, knocking Decade around as he kicked 109.

"TIL~~~~~T!" Decade yelled as he delivered the final kick.

109 screamed in pain before he fell backwards onto, his body exploding as his core flew up. The core was then shot by the Zenrin Shooter.

"...sayonara… faker…" Gou muttered.

"Ai-yi-yi…" a doctor sighed, "Your family tree is looking pretty bad today…"

"What do you mean?" Shinnosuke asked.

"Your brother-in-law got injured on the job, as did your son, and your wife had to be wheeled in."

"Wait… what happened to Kiriko?"

"You didn't know? She's having your second son, now."

Shinnosuke ran off in a hurry, not wanting to be left out.

Tsukasa and Natsumi walked into the room where Kirko was and saw the rest of the family was there was her and Shinnosuke.

"Hi.." Kirko smiled.

"Kiriko… what should we name him?" Shinnosuke asked.

"...I named Eiji. You name this one."

"...how about… Chase?"

"Shifter Chase? ...has a nice ring to it."

The couple smiled as Tsukasa snapped a picture.

"Picture perfect… right?" Tsukasa smiled.

"...given how your last picture looked…" Shinnosuke muttered.

Later, Tsukasa and Natsumi returned to the Photo Studio with Sayo looking at the picture of the Shifter family in the hospital.

"Really pretty…" Sayo smiled.

"Yeah," Natsumi nodded.

The trio smiled before Natsumi turned to the backdrop, hitting a cord that dropped down a new scene of two high schools and the moon in between them...

A World Unlike Any Before It…

Tsukasa: Where do you think we are?

Natsumi: Not sure…

Guides Our Heroes Into Something Unusual…

Narutaki: Leave this world… this is one that is both with and without Kamen Riders…

Tsukasa: Both with and without Riders?

Daiki: Check it. *points to a store, which was selling Kamen Rider trading cards*

Natsumi: This is really bizarre.

With New Heroes…

Tsukasa: ...Tenkuji… Shinnosuke?

?: Tsukasa?

Natsumi: Agito and… Kuuga?

Kuuga: Ikou, nii-san!

A New Rider…

Tsukasa: Oh no…


Natsumi: Who's he?

Tsukasa: Kamen Rider Build...

A New Decade Gekijouban: The Double Reality

Tsukasa: Eh?! ...Ore?

Natsumi: Watashi?

Tsukasa? and Natsumi?: Henshin!

?: We meet again… Tsukasa…

*Tsukasa turned to see a man in red*

Tsukasa: Captain Marvelous…

*The two glared at each-other as they prepared themselves for battle*

Marvelous: Gokai Change!

Tsukasa: Henshin!

*GokaiRed and Decade charged at each-other*

In Association With Tsubaraya Productions

?: Ultraman-san! Tiga-san! Lend me the power of your lights!

*Ultraman Orb charged in… only looking about the same size as GokaiRed and Decade*

Tsukasa: Minna… ikuzo!

Hyper Battle DVD! A New Decade: Return to the Hyper Battle World

Featuring GokaiRed and Ultraman Orb

Pikatwig: Well… that'll be something.

KKD: Yea. And that special preview… I didn't know you had plans for a crossover with Sentai AND Ultraman.

Pikatwig: Had it for a while now. And both Debo Kyoryuger and Hero will be getting their own Hyper Battle DVDs. Hero's has the plot set in stone. Debo Kyoryuger? ...still working on that.

KKD: I'll be excited for all of them regardless, that's for sure, pal.

Pikatwig: So… some silly bits of discussion we had while working on this…

-Clip 1-

KKD: I dunno if it'll do anything, but I'm actually getting a Victini plush just to ensure victory in my streams

Pikatwig: Neat-o.

KKD: Yea.

-Clip 2-

Pikatwig: Wanna know what I misheard 'Koukan' as when Drive came out without subs? 'Clockhand'.

KKD: 0-0

Pikatwig: I never heard of 'Koukan' before Drive.

KKD: Fair enough.

-Clip 3-

Pikatwig: Isn't Phoenix Wright's Japanese name like… Ryu or something like that?

KKD: I think. Let me look. *looks up* Yea. Ryuichi Naruhodo. Wait.. Naruhodo? *facepalms*

Pikatwig: What?

KKD: I Just got it. His last name in Japanese is essentially the word for "I got it" or "I understand". So in a sense, his name could mean something like "The first dragon understands" if I'm translating that correctly.

Pikatwig: Wow. *laughs a bit*

-End Clips-

Pikatwig: We do talk while we work on these.

KKD: It gives us something to keep our minds active at times, and not entirely dumbed down by all the work on the project all at once.

Pikatwig: Indeed.

KKD: Still, I'm glad we finally got this story updated, as I'll admit, it's been a while since the third chapter.

Pikatwig: True. But we did get this finished before the end of the year.

KKD: That is true, so consider this a sort of New Year's gift from us.

Pikatwig: Favorite part?

KKD: Gotta say the interactions with Roidmude 809 were a nice change of pace, as well as Tsukasa's speech at the end, and his Final Attack with Drive.

Pikatwig: Drive turning into the Tridoron was the best I could think of.

KKD: Everyone to their own taste.

Pikatwig: And I have the same favorite parts. Drive showed that some monsters just want to live. It's really sad the Roidmudes didn't get the chance.

KKD: Yea. That's something not explored much in Kamen Rider and I wish it was explored more often.

Pikatwig: Heck, look at Debo Kyoryuger. Humans and monsters live in peace there. And also… to a maybe lesser extent, with Earth getting fused with Zyuland, non-human creatures are likely all over the place.

KKD: That is true.

Pikatwig: Well… anything else to say?

KKD: Not much more that I can think of. So, thanks for joining us, and if we don't post any more work within the last few days of this year, stayed tuned for more from us… in 2018.

Pikatwig: Just Live More.

KKD: Jaa ne.