Pikatwig: Had some Ihop, had a soda watched the new Mario Party 6 part, still need to watch Masae's Tales of Symphonia Let's Play, need to work on A New Decade… and need to remember to record reaction to the next Death Battle. *walks into studio and sees lights are off* ...Motomet, did you forget to pay the power bill? *no response* Motomet? ...anybody here? *gulps a bit*

*The room was quiet as Pika walked in before he stumbled, finding a switch and turning it on to reveal a surprise party*

KKD: Surprise!

Pikatwig: ...125 stories, huh? Seems like only yesterday I was surprising you with story 120, man.

KKD: I know, right? You work so hard and you're close to graduating, I figured you could use something special for hitting another milestone.

Pikatwig: Thanks. You're like an older brother I actually like. *hugs KKD*

KKD: No problem, dude. *hugs back*

Cloaked Figure 1: How sweet.

Cloaked Figure 2: Yep.

Cloaked Figure 3: So adorable to see two brothers like that.

Cloaked Figure 4: Not blood-related, but they are close nonetheless.

Off-Screen Guy: ...Arceus above, they're multiplying!

Four Cloaked Figures: What?

Off-Screen Guy: Ok… I know 1 and 2 are Candelilla and Naria, for some dumb reason wearing cloaks… *the two walked past him, not that he noticed* But who are 3 and 4?!

KKD: We're not telling you.

*Off-Screen Guy growled and was ready to charge them, but gave it up and went back to his dark corner*

Cloaked Figure 3: Wow… that was a bit of an anti-climax.

Camera Guy: Where did these four even come from? They just… appeared.

Pikatwig: It's not important, dude.

Alpha: So…

KKD: So what?

Alpha: 125 stories… and how many of them are Sonic or Super Sentai?

Pikatwig: Heck if I know, but that's not important.

Takeshi: He's right.

Pikatwig: Our new story involves a role you once held, Takeshi.

Takeshi: ...huh?

Luna: Decade, you doof.

Takeshi: Oh yea… been a while… didn't that get cancelled?

KKD: Yea… it might as well be seeing I don't work on those stories as much anymore.

Star: Look at this bright side… us OCs are gonna be in Sonic Forces…

Akiza: That is true. I wonder who will be first among us in it.

Pikatwig: We'll see. …*sighs a bit* Hardly had my Wii U for a year and Nintendo is giving me games I want for its sequel. Like Splatoon 2, Super Bomberman R, among others.

KKD: Dang.

Cloaked Figure 1: And Dragon Sphere Xenoverse 2 will be re-released for it. *thinks for a moment and realizes what she said* Aw dang it! He's got me doing it!

Cloaked Figure 4: Relax, it'll be fine.

*Pikatwig and KKD both stifled laughter a little bit at the in-joke before Tsukasa walked over*

Tsukasa: Can we go ahead and begin?

Pikatwig: Yea, yea…

KKD: Yea. Disclaimers!

Disclaimers: Neither Pikatwig nor KKD Silver own the rights to anything in this story except for the original concepts and ideas within. The rest belong to Toei, Bandai, and their respective owners.

Natsumi groaned in a very agitated tone as she tossed pictures out, emptying them from a large bin labeled "Tsukasa's Pictures" as they fell down, revealing they were blurred and all kinds of distorted, and had to begin giving people refunds, "Mou, Tsukasa, we gotta run this business… and you're bad for it…"

When the last upset customer was given their refund, Natsumi grabbed an orange hat and headed out to find Tsukasa.

Tsukasa himself was out by a Japanese garden, taking pictures of the peaceful scenery.

'How long has it been since we were last here? Eight years? It feels like it was much longer than that...' Tsukasa thought to himself, still taking pictures of the garden, pausing and taking a moment to admire his twin-lens reflex camera, even the magenta paintjob on the front, 'This old thing has endured a lot. Alongside my near decade journey…'

Tsukasa was snapped out of his thoughts when he had a thumb jabbed against his neck, making him flinch before he laughed uncontrollably, turning to see a rather angry Natsumi.

"I have half a mind to fire you…" she told him, growling a tiny bit before she sighed and let him calm down, "Tsukasa-kun…"

"If it's about the pictures, again, can it wait?" he asked.


Tsukasa simply gave a motion to the scenery around them, pointing out how peaceful it was, Natsumi smiling in response.

"You know… whenever I get angry at you these days, you always find a beautiful scenery to cheer me up and calm me down. I don't even know why I was so angry anymore…"

"Well… good thing there," Tsukasa commented.

Natsumi was ready to get angry again, but saw Tsukasa on one knee, "Uh…?"

"Hikari Natsumi…" Tsukasa began, taking out a small white box before opening it to reveal a light-purple and white ring with a diamond on it, "Will you marry me?"

She was simply stunned by this, blushing and smiling at this revelation and simply nodding as she put the ring on.

"Yes…" Tsukasa smiled.

Natsumi giggled as she pulled Tsukasa into a kiss, embracing him as the two smiled after splitting from the kiss...

"And that's when I got proposed to," Natsumi smiled, talking to the little white bat with red eyes before her, "It's been about… three months since then?"

"And no need for any Kamen Rider stuff, huh?" the little bat giggled.

"Not any more, but I'd be more than happy to have you accompany us."

"Goodie. Oh and when you become Kiva-la again, I got some Arm Monsters ready to help you. A yuki-onna, a komainu and a succubus…"

Natsumi thought a bit about that, smiling a bit at the prospect of having allies to grant her more powers when needed, but worried about them invading the photo studio when it was unnecessary, especially when she would try to spend some time alone with Tsukasa.

"Oh. What's going through your mind? You thinking of your boyfriend and you doing something naughty, but your Arm Monsters coming in at a bad time…?" the bat teased, making Natsumi groan and smack her like a fly, "AYYYYYYEEEEE!"

"Now I know what it's like to have an annoying twerp younger sister…" she groaned, "Least Tsukasa's sister isn't bad… at times…"

"Oi! I was just teasing! Can't a girl make a joke?"

Natsumi rolled her eyes a bit with a sigh, looking over at a wallet with a small picture of herself, Tsukasa, and Tsukasa's younger sister all in front of the photo studio with her grandpa and AR Yuusuke, the last time she saw either of them.

"So, the idiot moved to Agito's Sekai to get a girlfriend and… where's your old man? I wanna see him."

Natsumi was silent in response, not wanting to talk about it, but the expression on her face told Kivala everything she needed to know. The bat simply floated onto Natsumi's shoulder and watched as a single tear dropped.

"I'm sorry… I didn't know…"

"...he won't get to see me be married… it's a shame… I miss him…"

Kivala simply floated next to Natsumi to keep her from crying, wiping her tears with her wings, "Come on… let's go back to the studio…"


Tsukasa looked over plans for the wedding, including where it would be, when it would be, what would be served at the event, and the invite list… which mainly consisted of Kamen Riders from the main world and AR World Kamen Riders, including one red samurai, and others connected to these people, when he saw his younger sister dressed in white and standing happily.

"Well well, I didn't expect you to already be set, Sayo-chan," Tsukasa smiled.

"I have to check to see if the dress fits, silly." Sayo responded as she walked off and returned in a plain white attire, "In any case, you need help."

She quickly took the things out of his hands and began to write down some stuff, "I can handle this. You go take pictures and make Natsumi refund people for how bad they are."

"I'd like to see you do better," he snarkily responded, resulting in Sayo taking his camera and snapping a picture of him… only for it to turn out to be as bad as a picture Tsukasa would take.

"...your stupid camera!" she whined.

"Nope. It's any camera I use,"

"Get out!"

"I'm serious. I used Tomoda Yuri's camera back in Faiz no Sekai, and I got the same effect."

"I said get out!"

Tsukasa sighed as he got up and headed out of the studio to begin walking around.

"Yeesh…" she sighed as she looked over the plans, "Seriously? That red samurai? Why?"

Tsukasa walked around for a bit before he heard people screaming, quickly turning to see the Ice Age Dopant running around and attacking people, "...tch. I was hoping to avoid this happening so soon…"

Tsukasa pulled out his Decadriver once more, slapping it on his waist and took out his Decade card, "Henshin!"

(Insert Song: Decadriver from Kamen Rider Decade OST)

Tsukasa then slotted the card right into the Driver.


He then slammed the buckle close.


Silver icons of the nine Heisei Era Riders surrounded him before colliding with his body, forming a black and white version of his suit without the stripes and antennae on his helmet, which formed when several red cards collided with his face, causing the color to flow out and turn magenta. He charged forward and got the Dopant away from the people.

"The Kamen Rider looks funny… what are you supposed to be, anyway?"

"None of your buisness," Decade responded as he got out his sword and slashed away at the Ice Age Dopant.

Natsumi and Kivala walked along before she was smacked by something invisible.

"What was that?" Kivala asked before she turned to see the source, "What is that?!"

"What's what?" Natsumi asked as she looked around, "I can't see it."

"Looks like it's go time," Kivala smiled as she flew over and gave Natsumi a peck on the forehead.


Natsumi was surrounded by flower petals as her body was coated in quicksilver, Kivala appeared as the belt buckle of her armor before she saw what appeared to be a green dragon parka cladded being with lots of facial hair, wielding a Chinese Glaive.

"What is this thing?" Kiva-la inquired.

"So you can see me now, huh? That must mean you have an Eyecon. Hand it over!"

"Icon?" Kiva-la blinked in confusion.

"Don't play dumb with me!" the Ganma roared as he charged forward.

Decade slashed at the Ice Age Dopant, the battle getting pretty intense before he switched his RideBooker to gun mode and blasted at it.

"Looks like I may need a speed advantage," Decade muttered as he intended to take out Kabuto's card but didn't see what he loaded in and…


With that, a tire came flying out from his Decadriver, confusing him combined with the sound before the tire collided with his chest, transforming his suit into the red racecar themed Rider, "Nani kore?!"

The Ice Age Dopant ran forward and tried to freeze Decade-Drive, but he easily evaded. Decade-Drive took out his sword, which was now the Handle-ken, quickly slashing at the Dopant with it, occasionally honking the horn to add on more power. He eventually slashed the Dopant apart and it exploded. The Drive card ejected from the Driver and turned blank, Decade looking at it in confusion as he held it.

"Where'd this come from?" he muttered, suddenly feeling super heavy as he was moving super slowly, making him turn to see a numberless Roidmude, "...Roidmude?"

"Where'd Drive go?! I sensed him here not too long ago,"

Decade groaned a bit as he took out Kabuto's card, making sure it was Kabuto's this time, inserting it into his driver, albeit slowed down due to the slowdown.


Upon changing into Kabuto, he managed to toss his weapon at the Roidmude's head before taking out the Attack Ride card for Clock Up.


Decade-Kabuto dashed around and slashed at the Roidmude, but upon it reactivating the Slowdown, the Clock Up was canceled.

"Oh come on…" Decade-Kabuto muttered.

"Tch. As if you could try and super-speed away!"

"But I can still move normally!" Decade-Kabuto smirked as he rapidly kicked and punched the Roidmude until it blew up, "...that's strange…"

Kiva-la slashed at the Ganma, managing to cut its glaive a bit, "Yosh…"

"I will not allow a girl to beat me! Girls are nothing but weakling who only cook, tend to young, and if they try to fight, get beaten in five minutes!"

Kiva-la was fuming with anger, steam actually coming off her helmet, before rushing in, slashing his glaive into pieces with her rapier before motioning for Kivala to do something, "You're gonna pay for those words…"

"Let's Wake Up!" Kivala cheered as she planted a kiss to Kiva-la's leg, opening up part of the armor to reveal a purple stained glass window as she flew up in the air in front of a purple crescent moon before diving down, coated in the purple smoke and kicking the Ganma with not only her leg, but the Kiva-la symbol as well, creating a crater in the shape of that symbol into the ground as the Ganma exploded three times, "Wow… three explosions…"

"Three times satisfying," Kiva-la giggled before she was struck in the back by the Same Yummy, "A shark?"

"Rider… must beat… Rider…" it growled.

"Oh nuts…" Kiva-la muttered as she prepared her weapon.

Decade was now battling a chameleon themed monster with dots all over it resembling the Chameleo Constellation.

"Tch…" Decade muttered as he turned his weapon into a gun, "What is it with chameleons being girls lately? First one using Kung Fu, and another from space, what next? One from a video game who's crushing on a purple one or something?"

The Zodiarts turned invisible as Decade tried to shoot her, but he couldn't get a tracking on her before a card was sent out of his holster and then into his belt buckle.


Decade then decided to test his luck and activate the buckle just as quickly (con


With a jingle, a white and blue ring appeared around Decade before his suit changed into Fourze's in a flash of bright light.

"Uchu… KITTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAA!" Decade-Fourze declared.

"Eh? ...What's that for?" the Chameleon asked as Decade-Fourze blinked a bit.

"How should I know?"

The Chameleon groaned before lashing her tongue out at the Rider, who used the rocket booster on his back to evade as best he could. He then took out an Attack Ride card and then loaded it in.


The Radar Module appeared on his left arm and used it to locate the invisible kaijin.

"Perfect," Decade-Fourze smirked as he then loaded in another card, then followed it up with two more cards.


With that, a large orange rocket appeared over his right arm, a yellow drill over his left leg, and a pen of sorts over his right leg. He flew into the air and then managed to slip in a card into the belt.


"Rider Rocket Drill Pen Radar KICK!" he yelled as ink was launched off of the Drill to stun the Zodiart in place as the rocket propelled him into the Chameleon and the Zodiarts blew up.

Kiva-la kicked the Same Yummy for a bit, but it managed to leap right back up before smacking her upside the head.

"Good news!" Kivala yelled to the Rider.


"The Arms Monsters are ready to help!"


"Which do you want me to summon? The yuki-onna, the komainu, or the succubus?"


"Yosha!" Kivala cheered as she took out a light-blue whistle and chimed it.

Within an area between realities sat two woman and a dog-like creature. The room suddenly lit up in a cyan light above them as a keytar sounded off, getting the attention of one of the women. This woman having black hair, teal eyes, and being dressed in a light blue hoodie, large white pants and blue slip-on shoes.

"Kivy-chan finally called us…" she smiled softly.

With that, the woman posed dramatically, arms spread out before gently lowered them as if they were snow-falling, as a cyan aura appeared behind her, showing the image of a cyan-colored female kaijin with an ice motif. She then turned into a sort of war-fan and flew out to the reality Natsumi was in.

Kiva-la watched as her right arm began to glow and became coated in chains before shattering open to reveal an icy blue armor over it, her torso going through a similar effect, Kivala's eyes flashing cyan as Kiva-la's visor changed to a light blue and she seemingly gained a hood.

"Yuki-Onna Fan!" Kivala cheered out.

"Konichiwa…" she greeted softly.

"Who said that?" Kiva-la blinked.

"I did. I'm your servant, Yukina."


The Same Yummy simply stared and growled a little, getting the female Rider's attention.

"Let's discuss this further later," Kiva-la said.

"Right. Just know you have my powers at your disposal."

"Right…" Kiva-la nodded as she looked at the war-fan she had and then spun around, using it like a bladed weapon to send the Same Yummy back a bit. As she spun snow flowed around and began to get sent at the Yummy, freezing it in place, and then allowing Kiva-la to slash up the Yummy with the fan before she held it up.

"Ok, time for the finisher," Kiva-la called out as Kivala kissed the end of the fan.

"Let's Wake Up! Yuki Kiss!"

Kiva-la had ice energy charge into the war fan as a blizzard formed around her. She then did a forward slash and a side slash, causing the Yummy to explode into Cell Medals.

"You won't believe what just happened to me!" Tsukasa and Natsumi declared as they arrived back at the photo studio, "Wait, you too? What hap- ok, stop talking at the same time as me. Stop talking at the same time as me! Stop it!"

Sayo rolled her eyes at her brother and Natsumi before she stepped over and bonked them with her clipboard.

"ITAI!" they winced.

"Nii-san, talk."

"Ok… so earlier, Sayo kicked me out and I encountered a series of kaijin and used cards from the Neo-Heisei Riders."

"What does 'Neo-Heisei' mean?"

"Not important."

"Ok… and Natsumi?"

"I saw different kaijin too… and Kivala introduced me to my Arm Monster partners…" she informed.

"Just FYI, they won't always be the most responsive…" Kivala informed.

"Oh, now you tell me."

Kivala flew around and smacked into a chain, which caused a backdrop of a cityscape with a particular windmill in the center of it to drop down.

"Ara?" Sayo blinked.

"Oh no…" Natsumi groaned as she ran out of the front door… only for there to be a large splash sound.

"Natsumikan!" Tsukasa gasped, rushing over and then fell in himself.

Sayo walked over and saw they were in a city similar to Venice…

*Natsumi and Tsukasa both toweled off and turned to the writers*

Pikatwig: The location is in reference to a scrapped location from one Neo-Heisei season. Not saying which yet.

KKD: Ok…

Pikatwig: So… thoughts on the fact Tsukasa and Natsumi will be getting married at some point?

KKD: That's very cool to me, personally.

Pikatwig: They belong together. You know, starting from Gaim, it's been more common to have the main Rider hook up with the lead female. Kouta hooked up with Mai, Shinnosuke and Kiriko got married, Takeru and Akari… nothing, and I swear that Emu and Asuna are in love with each-other.

KKD: Yea, that is a bit of a trend in its own right, isn't it?

Pikatwig: Yep. Oh, and here's something I saw while we typed this. I guess we know where the Kyuuranger writer got the idea for the Chameleon senshi to be a girl. Fourze. The Chameleon Zodiarts was a girl.

KKD: Took me a while to remember that.

Hammy: Really? That's your best guess for why I got the Chameleon Kyuutama?

Pikatwig: Just an out-of-universe guess.

KKD: Makes sense, I guess.

Hammy: Right...

Raptor: Whoa...

Lucky: That's neat.

Pikatwig (whispers to KKD): There's been confirmation a Leo Minor Kyuutama exists in the Seiza Blaster. Think it would be a remold of the Ryu Voyager?

KKD (whispers back): Not sure… that'd be a bit weird to me, personally.

Pikatwig: Anyway… I've been wanting to give Natsumi her own Arm Monsters for a while now, and we get our chance to do so here. We have a yuki-onna, a komainu and a succubus. Where'd I get the ideas? ...it was kinda at random.

KKD: I see…

Pikatwig: There was one change in production, I was sitting on a nekomata, but it just didn't work.

Jibanyan: Oh I see… *is about to pound Pika, but Blizzaria held him back*

Blizzara: Calm down!

Pikatwig: ...still so strange they're voiced by the same person in the dub. Anyway, favorite parts! Mine has got to be when Tsukasa proposed to Natsumi. It was so sweet!

KKD: Yea, that was sweet. Though for me, um… it's a bit of a toss-up between Kiva-la's bout and her first time using her War Fan form and that scene you mentioned.

Pikatwig: Neat. Alright… let's enjoy this party more! *hears knocks and goes to see Muk and Sean, letting them in to party as well.* Just Live More!

KKD: Jaa ne.