If you haven't finished reading the manga or watching the anime you may not want to read this unless you don't mind spoilers.

This is going to be a series of moments between Naruto and Hinata taking place after The Last: Naruto the Movie and their wedding

December 15th

"And that Lord Hokage pretty sums it up." Shikamaru concludes recapping their week-long mission they spent rescuing Hyuga Hanabi on the moon.

"Thank you Shikamaru, thank you to all of you for not only saving Hanabi but the moon and this planet. You're free to go and do enjoy your next two weeks of R and R. Naruto could you please wait a moment." Kakashi speaks in the same soft voice, a small unseen smile reaching his eyes.

"What's up sensei?" The blond shinobi asks, swinging a chair around to rest his forearms on the back rest.

"Tomorrow morning I'd like you to meet me in the expanded section of the village, there are a few items of concern I'd like to go over with you." Kakashi states, his tone cryptic as ever.

"Aaaahhh come on can't you just tell me now?" Naruto prods, as he was hoping for a long relaxing day in bed.

"Now for as much as you have grown I see that your patience still hasn't caught up."

"I know, I know virtues and all that." Naruto waves his hand over his shoulder as he makes his way out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Sakura questions the second the door closes behind him.

"Ya know, same old can't give any one not even his students a straight answer Kakashi-sensei" Naruto surveys the hallway in front of him, noting that Shikamaru had already taken his leave, his eyes landing on Hinata. "So, um, Hinata." He starts, a nervousness Sakura nor the girl in front of him had ever hear coating his voice. "Would you want to take a walk with me, ya know?"

"Sure, I mean yes that would be nice." Naruto notes the same nervousness in her voice.

Good, I thought it was just me. He thinks to himself as they make their way down the stairs, their shoulders almost brushing against each other. The only girl I ever walk this close to is Sakura, I wonder if she's comfortable with this. Naruto glances sideways, a lump forms in his throat at the sight of the soft smile covering Hinatas face.

"Hinata?" Naruto asks as the step outside, "You want to go back to my place?" Before he fully finishes the sentence, Naruto sees the smile on her face replace with shock as she takes a small step back.

"No, sorry, no not like that, ya know! I was just thinking since it's cold out we could go sit and talk instead of walking around since you aren't really dressed for it, ya know." The words leave his mouth at an alarming rate, as he reached up to rub the back of his neck shooting Hinata a reassuring smile.

"Oh!" Hinata giggles, feeling silly for her reaction.

I should know him better than that! Even if my time spent with him has been short, I know he's not that kind of man. She thinks to herself.

"Yes, talking would probably be good." Hinata meets his smile, as the pair walk the reaming way to his apartment in silences.

The couple make their way up the stairs. Naruto fumbles with his keys and pushes his shoulder into the door opening into his dark apartment. Flipping the light switch, looking down at Hinata while she surveys his apartment.

"I forgot, you've only been here what that one time you brought me ramen when if first got out of the hospital before I got my arm." Naruto looks down at her, the nervousness from before bubbling to the surface.

We're alone, I've been alone with Hinata countless times. He thought to himself. But not alone after I kissed her.

"I'd offer you a tour but well it's not much." Naruto swings his arm around motioning to his surroundings.

Hinatas eyes follow his motion, taking in the small room before her. A rickety looking table and chairs separated the kitchen from his bedroom. The small counter space housing a sink, a hot plate, and a dozen or so instant ramen containers. The space then opened up to a single bed pushed into the corner, the foot giving way to a narrow hallway which she assumed led to the bathroom.

"No, no." She softly shakes her head, "I like it. The Hyuga Compound is so large that sometimes I can't even find my own sister or father without looking for at least ten minutes. I like this, it's homey!" Hinata smiles, "May I?" She motions the chair to her left.

"Yes, please. So, all I have is instant ramen if you want I could…" Naruto trails off, looking at her smiling face.

The last time she was here she brought be ramen, the good ramen. She even loved me then and that was over a year ago.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata asks dragging him from his thoughts. "I'm not too hungry right now but thank you." Feeling the knots form in her stomach.

You've been alone with him, hell you've been alone with him more in the last forty-eight hours than you ever had. But he hadn't kissed me, hadn't told me he loved me.

"Yeah, I get it, I mean how you're feeling…your face, ya know, you look nervous." His words coming out rushed.

"I've never seen you nervous." Hinata smiles slightly, apricating the leveled playing field.

"Oh, trust me I've been nervous plenty of time. But war, fighting, making my points known to ninjas more powerful than me known well that's easy compared to this. That I know how to do, I know how to punch a guy. I'm not too sure how to sit in my apartment and talk to the only girl I've ever kissed and ask her if she is okay with dating, ya know." Naruto rubs the back of his neck, looking into her light eyes.

Wait. Crap. What does she think we're doing? I said I loved her, but she hasn't said that…well years ago…maybe I waited too long…maybe she's just being nice about this…. Narutos thoughts run through his mind at an alarming pace, her sweet voice dragging him back to the surface.

"Dating?" she says in a small voice, refusing to break eye contact.

"If that's what you want, I feel like you deserve to make that decision after all the years I made you wait." Narutos eyebrows knit themselves together in confusion.

"Yes, definitely, dating sounds nice." Her eyes going wide as his hand reaches across the table, running the back of his fingers down the curve of her cheek.

"So, with that, I guess there's one other thing I have to do." Dropping his hand motioning for Hinata to stand.

She turns her gaze questioning.

"Let me walk you home, I need to talk to your father." Naruto swallows hard, once again reaching for her hand, guiding the pair through the streets.

"Hinata! Naruto-senpai!" Hanabi rushes into the court yard.

"Hanabi you should be resting!" Hinata using a stern tone Naruto didn't know she was capable of.

Well I guess there is stuff I don't know about her. Naruto pondering what other secrets the beautiful girl in front of him may be hiding.

"Oh hush. Lady Tsunade came to visit while you finished the report, I feel much better!" Lightly holding her sisters hand swinging it between them "And Hinata, Naruto-senpai thank you. I know I wasn't the nicest of sister to you in the past, but you saved me nonetheless and for that I will be forever thankful." She drops Hinatas hand and bows to the pair.

"Uzumaki Naruto, what do we owe this pleasure?" Hyuga Hiashi making his way into the yard.

"Father! We've come to check on Hanabi." Hinata stands slightly in front of Naruto, as if to protect him.

"Actually, Lord Hyuga." Naruto starts swallowing hard stepping in front of Hinata. "I came to talk to you. In private, ya know." Mentally kicking himself for the nervous slip up.

"Hm. Well this way please." Walking through the doorway motioning Naruto to follow

"He didn't waste any time." Her younger sister giggles as she makes her way to the opposite side of the compound. Watching the younger man follow her father into the den off the court yard.

"Now Uzumaki what can I do for you, normally I do not take private meetings with this little notice but with it being the man who saved not only this village but my youngest daughter I can make an exception." The Lord turns to face the young shinobi.

"Naruto please, Lord Hyuga" Lord Hyugas nods in approval "this is a matter I would like to talk to you about before the village finds out about our mission." Finding it hard to look him in the eye.

"Is there something my youngest was not able to report back to me?" Showing the annoyance Naruto had heard Hinata mention in the past.

"No, this is something to do with the mission but not to do with the rescue." Finally looking his girlfriend's father in the eye.

"Do tell." It was obvious Naruto had sparked his curiosity.

Please don't hit me, please don't use your weird chakra control on me… Naruto prays to himself before he begins.

"I don't really have information just more of a question…" The nervousness can be heard in his voice.

"Then get on with it, Naruto I am a busy man." Eyeing the young man before him.

"I would like permission to date your daughter." Naruto speaks before he loses his nerve.

"Excuse me?" Lord Hyugas face going dark.

"Ya see Lord Hyuga, Hinata has cared for me for a long time and being on this mission made me realize my feelings for her and I just knew that if I didn't come to you, you would never consider me a man or honor our relationship." Naruto speaks quickly hoping his words are heard.

"And what would your intentions with my daughter be Naruto." Lord Hyugas replies after a long pause.

"Um well…" not prepared for this question Naruto stutters "I intend to treat her the way a lady should be treated and build a lasting relationship with her." Mentally patting himself on the back for coming up with a decent answer.

"Hm. If that is the case, I will agree to this under a few stipulations. First you must prove yourself to myself and the council that you are worthy Hinata and until then she will be home by 10pm ever evening, secondly you will not interfere with her missions she is finally starting to show the promise I expect of her, and lastly if you are dumb enough to make my daughter with child you will marry her and you will assume all responsibilities of a father." The Lord finishes, sternly.

"Yes, Lord Hyugas understood, all of those will happen, oh well except the last one that one will definitely not happen ya know." Naruto rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.;

"You may go now, and Naruto again thank you." The Lord shows what could be a slight smile.

Naruto makes his way back to the court yard, the rays of the evening sun turning everything they touch gold. He sees Hinata sitting on a bench, her eyes are closed her face turned towards the fading sun.

How did I not notice? She's so beautiful. Naruto again questions himself.

The sun glistening off her dark hair, she must feel his gaze on her as she looks up to meet his eyes.

"Naruto-kun?" The answer her father had given him was evident by the wide smile that covered his face.

"He said yes, your father said I could date you!" He says scooping her up in a fierce hug. "Now that that's out of the way lets go get some dinner." Pulling her out of the compound.

"Well actually Kiba and Shino will be here any moment we do dinner this time every other week." She softly speaks as he pulls her in close wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Hinata." Naruto speaks her name softly, moving a hand up covering the back of her neck pulling her face close to his.

"Yes?" She's able to make out the word before his lips cover hers, there in the street for all of the Hidden Leaf Village to see, for all of the girls who wondered if he would ever date them.