SaurusRock625: Hey-yo, what's up everybody! PhantomDragon99 here and I are back with another incredible story! I asked him if he could post this story for me after I write out the chapters, and he agreed. So Phantom, do you or Shawn have anything you'd like to say to the audience, or should we just dive right in?
Me: Well, Shawn doesn't really have anything to do with this unless you want him in the story.
"This is Halloween" = Normal Speech
'This is Halloween' = Thoughts
This is Halloween = Songs
"This is Halloween" = Yelling
An Entrance Through A Grave!
"Happy Birthday, Ruby!"
In the peaceful village of Patch, a little girl with red streaked hair and silver eyes was celebrating her birthday. This child is Ruby Rose and she has just turned eight years old. Sitting around her are her mother Summer Rose, her father Taiyang Xiao Long and her uncle Qrow Branwen.
"Go ahead, sweetie! Blow out the candles and make a big wish!" Summer encouraged with a smile.
Ruby nodded so fast her head might've flown off if it weren't attached to her neck. Taking a deep breath, Ruby blew the candles out prompting another round of cheers and hugs and kisses from her family.
But there's one member of the family who's not so happy on this day. And not because it's not their own birthday.
Standing outside in the rain and looking in through a window with an indifferent look on her face was a ten year old girl with blonde hair done up in pigtails, a single ahoge hanging limp on her head. Her eyes were a gentle lilac that seemed dull and lifeless, and her T-shirt and shorts were soaked through due to being out in such a heavy downpour.
'It's not fair…! Why can't mom, dad and uncle Qrow ever treat ME the same way they treat HER?!' she asked herself with bitterness in her thoughts.
You see, this child is no ordinary child. This is Yang Xiao Long, the first born child of Taiyang and his ex wife, Raven Branwen, who also happens to be Qrow's sister.
Yang got most of her looks from her real mother, but her blonde hair was from her dad's side of the family. Although right now, she really can't consider them a family to her. Once Taiyang married Summer and Ruby came along, Yang was forgotten almost instantly. They gave her 'sister' all of the love and attention while she was left in the cold to fend for herself.
Yang has considered running away multiple times to try and start a new life, but she knew this would be next to impossible. Both of her parents along with her uncle are experienced hunters, and used to be part of the same team, Team STRQ, so they'd easily be able to track her down and drag her back against her will. So she's been forced to live with the burden and pain of their neglect.
It's not all bad. She knows how to cook, sew, garden and do her own laundry. As if that does her any good now. With Ruby taking the attention, most of the things she's done have gone unnoticed until it was too late.
Yang just sighed and shook her head. She began to walk away from home with no real destination. She decided to go to her only real sanctuary in all of Patch. The graveyard.
All of the dead people buried beneath the earth, all lonely and sad like she was. It was a morbid fact of life, but she felt like this place had become her sanctuary. The one place where she could really be free from her burdens. But as she walked through the cemetery, Yang noticed one grave in particular that looked out of place.
It was a giant stone grave that has a statue of an angel as the marker of the grave. And on the doors to the tomb was a carving of a Jack o' Lantern. Even in the grey dismal rain, the Jack o' Lantern seemed to glow as if it had a flame inside.
"When did this get here?" Yang pondered to herself.
She looked around the grave for any signs of recent construction. Maybe somebody has died and their family wanted them buried in an easily distinguishable grave? But that doesn't seem right. Surely all of Patch would know if anybody had died recently, as there would be a funeral being held.
That's when Yang saw some writing on the back of the grave.
"Hey, what's this?" Yang asked herself.
She looked closer and saw that it was a poem of some kind. Looking closer and dusting off some of the mud that had collected in it from the rain, Yang began to read.
Twas a long time ago. Longer now than it seems,
In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.
For the story that you are about to be told, begins with the holiday worlds of old.
Now, you've probably wondered where holidays come from?
If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun!
For the holidays are the result of much fuss and hard work for the worlds that create them for us.
Well, you see now, quite simply that's all that they do.
Making one unique holiday especially for you.
But once, a calamity ever so great occurred…
When two holidays met by mistake.
"What a strange poem. Just what does it mean?" Yang pondered.
She was startled when she heard stone doors opening up and looked up to see that the doors to the grave had opened up. And they weren't open before!
Cautiously, Yang began to make her way to the open doors, not wanting to get too close in case something was in there.
'If a dead guy suddenly climbs out of that grave, I'm outta here!' Yang thought to herself.
As Yang approached the doors to the grave, she peered in and saw a confusing sight. Rather than a dead and decaying body laid to rest in there, a staircase lit by torches descended from the top of the grave. Now any normal child would avoid such a suspicious staircase. But Yang is far from being a normal child.
So she began the long descent into the grave. And as the grave closed behind her, no one was aware of the chain of events that was about to be set into place.
*To Be Continued…*
SaurusRock625: Yeah, I know. Short chapter. I'm trying to flesh out most of the story's details, so I hope you guys can be patient. Any questions from you or Shawn, Phantom?
Me: Well, why the last part if this is gonna be during the actual movie?
SaurusRock625: Well, that's because the poem was meant to symbolize Yang first going to Halloween Town. A type of foreshadowing, you might say. Anyway, there's going to be a major time skip next chapter, so we hope you look forward to it, and we'll see you next chapter of this collaboration!
Me: Also, I'd like a few more votes for my poll. Well, I gotta pause it. Thanks for reading. If you liked it, PUNCH that Favorite/Follow button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I'll see all you dudes and dudettes IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!