28th February, 2011. 06:56

"Are they gonna be alright? They are gonna be alright, right?" Barry anxiously asks, already speaking slightly faster than normal human speech. Bruce glares at the now vibrating speedster, causing the latter to halt his movements as much as he could while worrying so much.

"They will, now calm down" Bruce says, redirecting his gaze to his sleeping son again. His cowl was currently resting on his neck, and he still wore his Batman suit. He refused to leave Dick's side after they had found him, so he had no time to change into normal clothes just yet, and frankly it wasn't his top priority right now.

Flash on the other side had, but only because it took him less than a second to do so.

"Dick sustained a grade three concussion Bruce, and Wally was near starving! How are you so sure?"

"You know they are going to be fine Barry" Bruce bluntly points out and Barry frowns.

"You're not at least a bit concerned?" Barry retorts, absently snatching the thin and fragile hand of his nephew, and stroking it gently with his thumb. Bruce looks at him, giving him a questionable and yet annoyed look. "Riiight…" The speedster says, of course the big guy would be concerned.

"Not everyone has accelerated healing. Batman and Robin have sustained enough injuries, including grade three concussions, in the last 5 years."

Barry sighs, nodding his head. He looked back at his nephew and Dick again, both seemingly so tiny and vulnerable under the covers. Even if they were 16 and 14 respectively, and weren't even tiny or vulnerable in the first place. But now they kind of were. Dick's head was wrapped with white bandages and he was tightly tugged in.

Seemingly drowning in the big bed and the pillows and cover that was drawn over him.

Wally was tugged in the same. They were both in Dick's bed right now, Bruce and Barry couldn't bear separating them right now. And they had shared beds numerous times over the last years. It wasn't weird for them to do so, not even in a single bed, or on the couch. They were best friends, brothers.

Wally's cheeks seemed to be sucked inwards, however it had gotten less over the last 2 hours or so. His pale face returned to its natural colour ever so slowly, it was a slow process but he seemed to be recovering.

"You should get changed y'know." Barry eventually says after a long silence, causing Bruce to look up again. "Come on big guy, they will be fine for 10 minutes, besides I will be looking after them" Barry continues, a big grin on his face as he says the last part. There was still worry present but the smile was genuine, knowing that the two would be alright.

Or at least, he believed Bruce when he said they would.

"That's what I'm worried about" Bruce replies with a monotone voice and Barry smirks.

"I'm hurt Bats" He snickers and Bruce just stands up after a few seconds of hesitation. He knew nothing would happen, and Barry was fully capable of protecting them, deathly situations or harmless situations like these.

Then without saying anything, Bruce stands up from the chair that he had placed next to Dick's bed, and left the room.

"I know you care big guy" Barry smiled as Bruce has safely left the room. Too much for your own good. Barry adds grimly. He knew what Bruce was thinking right now. Wally looked familiar to the small boy who was only 13 at the time, who had been tortured for Batman's identity.*

He saw Dick, Robin, who had been injured over and over again on patrol. The boy he dragged into crime fighting when he was just 9 years old. Instead of giving him peace, he gave him trauma and a body full of scars. He saw the two, seeking comfort in each other after patrols, injuries or childhood traumas.

And he saw himself as the villain in those little stories.

He cared, too much for his own good.


28th February, 2011. 07:31

"Have they woken up at all?"

"Not yet, but Alfred says they can any moment. Bruce is staying with them right now" Barry answers his wife, his phone tightly pressed against his ear.

"I really hate my job right now" Iris complaints on the other side of the line and Barry smiled sadly. "Tell him I'm glad he's okay, and that I come visit him as soon as I can"

"I will, but you know Wally's aware of that" Barry points out and he hears Iris sigh on the other side.

"That doesn't make it any better." She points out. "Why did they have to put me on this story?!"

"Because you love superheroes, and the readers love your stories" Barry smiled. It was sort of like a constant joke in the family. Iris being the head writer on all the metahumans, superheroes and villains in America, while being married to one of them. Biologically related to Kid Flash, and adopted family to the whole bat family.

"Batman and Flash show up for like 5 minutes. Almost everything is about Dick and Wally"

"The irony of having to write about us like that" Barry grins. Father and father rescuing son and son, and yet nobody could know of that connection. The reason Flash and Batman was quickly explained, by Bruce through Iris of course. They were still in Central City, outskirts but Central nevertheless, and Flash protected his city.

But Richard Grayson was from Gotham, and Batman was responsible for those. And after all, ever since the team formed, the members of the justice league had been hanging out more and more in public. Mostly Batman now being spotted, sometimes along with Robin, in different cities, helping out other heroes with patrolling.

"Barry!" Iris screeches from the other side. "That's not funny at all. Hearing about it is one thing, but actually seeing where they were .. held for almost 14 hours is something else"

"Welcome to my life" Barry grimaces dully and Iris fall silent on the other side. "Just.. I know what you mean. And after you finish it, I will personally pick you up so you can come to Wayne manor. Doubt Wally will leave before tomorrow" Barry jokes, causing a snort of laughter from his wife.

"Like father like son" Iris snickers, coughing awkwardly as she realises her mistake, but Barry decided not to correct her. "Just tell him I love him, and Dick too"

"Will do, now get to work. Love you Ariel" Barry laughs.

"You are a dead man Allen" Iris retorts and Barry merely snickers before hanging up the phone.

"How is Miss West fairing?" Alfred suddenly inquires and Barry abruptly turns around.

"Geesh Alfred, you scared me." Barry exclaims, but Alfred merely raises his eyebrow.

"Any particular reason for calling her Ariel sir?"

"Other than her being a redhead?" Barry smiled. "Not so much, but she's okay with it. She knows I love her red colour"

Alfred smiled slightly. "Perhaps it is wise to call Wallace's school since it is a school day."

"Do we need to lie about his absence?" Barry asks. Or rather; would they lie about Wally West and Richard Grayson hanging out together?

"The reporters already know Wallace and Richard were kidnapped together, there were eyewitnesses. I think lying would not be useful right now."

"You're right Alf." Barry nods before frowning slightly. "Though I worry about Artemis, she's been really suspicious of their relationship, since she knows Wally is KF" Alfred nods knowingly, knowing what Barry was talking about. He has heard his fair share of stories from both Wally and Dick after all.

"She's starting to see the similarities the two friendships" Alfred concludes and Barry nods again.

"Bats won't be happy about it but I think Artemis has proven numerous times that she can be trusted, let's just see how it goes" Barry says before turning to Alfred. "Something changed with Wally already?"

"He's awake" Barry was gone before Alfred could even finish his sentence, running off to see his nephew.


"This sucks" Wally mumbles as he collapses back onto the bed, trembling heavily from trying to get up and Barry snorts.

"No kidding kiddo" Barry replies, patting Wally's hand with a content smile on his face.

"Has Dick woken up yet?" Wally suddenly asks, his eyes darting towards his best friend once more. Ever since he had woken up he had been worried sick about him.

"Alfred said he will soon" Barry says, unable to hide his amused smile as he watches the young hero cling to Wally. His head tucked against Wally's shoulder and turned on his side. "And I thought you were bad"

Wally pouts before coughing, turning his head away from his younger friend and putting a hand in front of his mouth.

"Easy kiddo" Barry mutters, rubbing Wally's back gently.

"I'm okay" Wally assures his mentor with a weak smile. Barry frowns slightly at the still sunken cheeks of his nephew, luckily it wasn't as bad but he still wasn't not-starved anymore, if that made sense. Then suddenly the boy that clung to Wally stirred, blinking his eyes open.

Bright blue eyes revealed themselves and looked warily around the room, spotting Wally and Barry before squinting, a look of pain making itself known on his face.

"Dick?" Barry asks in a concerned voice.

"I'm whelmed, s'just a headache" At this Wally snorts.

"You have a concussion dude"

"Well sue me" Dick groans, untangling himself from Wally and curling up on himself, the blanket used as a pillow right now.

Barry smiled fondly as the two bicker light-heartedly. "Bruce said to give you these once you woke up" Barry intervened, causing both boys to look up at him, Dick eyeing at the painkillers in Barry's hand. Then Dick shrugs slightly, already ready to get up but a sudden head rush made him fall down again.

A quiet groan of pain escaping his lips.

The blond speedster immediately sped to the other side of the bed. "Easy kiddo" He told the Boy Wonder, helping Dick sit up and supporting his back while Dick accepted without question, swallowing the pills with some water Barry handed him.

"How are you by the way?" Dick suddenly asks, turning to his best friend as Barry helped him lay down again. Wally was still propped up by several pillows, too weak to support himself but not suffering a splitting headache like Dick to be forced to lay down.

Wally shrugged. "I'm good, a little weak in the knees"

Dick snorted before a guilty look took place. "Sorry for passing out on you dude" Wally shrugs at the apology.

"Not your fault, just glad you're okay."

"Whelmed" Dick corrected him with a grin, which Wally returned. "But you do make an excellent pillow" Directly after the sentence Dick let out a yawn and this time it was Barry who grinned.

"I'll get Bruce before you fall asleep again, he's been worried sick" He says, standing up and walking over to the door. "Hey kiddos" He says, causing both boys to look up to him, though Dick just glanced over to the speedster, his head pounding too much to move, or not feeling up to moving it.

"I'm glad you're okay" Wally rolls his eyes at the statement.

"Same" Wally mumbled, looking over at his best friend, who was giving his uncle a satisfying smile before closing his eyes and immediately dozing off. "I'm afraid you're already too late" Wally grins up at Barry, who leaves the room with an amused look on his face, simultaneously shaking in disapproval.

But at least he knew they were gonna be okay.


*See Trust of the Innocent :)

My god, Alfred is such a hard character to write. Sarcastic, sassy, polite, caring, stoic. Did I miss anything? I love Alfred to death but…. How do you write Alfred?!

So there's the end of my two-shot, hope you liked it, and if you did, reviews would be highly appreciated :)))