A/N: y U nO gIvE mE gIlGaMeSh FaTe Go?
Shirou fiddled with his fingers as he sat in a room that was obviously used for interrogations. He had been brought in by Tracer and Mercy after the whole Dead Apostle fiasco. Realistically, he could have easily escaped, removed their memories, and go on his merry way. Unfortunately, the dead operatives would be difficult to explain, especially to the digital records in the main Overwatch headquarters.
That's why, after leaving a hastily scrawled message to his squad behind the Overwatch members' backs, he had went along quietly. He had faith in his men to do what they had to do.
That was over three hours ago. The first hour involved waiting for pickup and travel time to this location. The next two hours was him sitting in this room. Throughout it all, he had attempted to contact Archer once more, to no avail.
Without anything else to do, Shirou sighed and leaned back in his chair and waited.
The least they could do was give him a meal or something.
Case Report #2067-11-17-01
Location: [Classified by order of Vice Director Bartholemoi]
Commanding Enforcer: Senior Enforcer Shirou Emiya
The operation was a standard protocol Sealing Designate investigation. At 1400 hours, Senior Enforcer Emiya disabled the Bounded Fields, but the Reinforcement on the building was too powerful to be disabled safely. Evacuation of any and all civilians were then ordered and carried out for the next three hours.
At approximately 1700 hours, an aircraft carrying the 'Overwatch' insignia landed on the property. Senior Enforcer Emiya made contact. At this time, Enforcer Roderick had returned to inform Senior Enforcer Emiya of the evacuations.
The details of what happened next are scarce. Only the bodies of Enforcer Roderick and ten currently unnamed 'Overwatch' agents were found, while the surrounding area was destroyed. Tests of the area revealed that Senior Enforcer Emiya may have fought against a Dead Apostle of considerable power, though without his input, it is only speculation.
Senior Enforcer Emiya himself looks to have either been captured, or went along willingly with 'Overwatch', as the aircraft was seen exiting the scene.
When Enforcers arrived on the scene and investigated further, a note from Senior Enforcer Emiya was found on the body of Enforcer Roderick. A copy of the note is contained in Addendum 1.
As of the time of writing this report, Enforcers are in the process of rebuilding the surrounding area to minimize the possible leaks to non-Magi.
A loud slam on the table in front of him jolted Shirou wide awake.
"I hope you had a nice nap." Said the woman in front of him. The woman looked to be well in her fifties, while a curious tattoo could be seen under one of her eyes. Shirou shrugged, "I've had worse."
The woman chuckled a bit, "Ana Amari." She said, extending her hand. It took him a moment to realize that she was introducing herself. He quickly took her hand and replied, "Shirou Emiya."
Ana raised an eyebrow, even as they shook hands, "Not even gonna lie?"
"I figure that both Ms. Oxton and Ms. Zeigler had already informed you of what happened. As such, there wouldn't be much of a point in lying."
"Smart man." The woman took a seat in the empty chair in front of the table, "Do you know where you are?"
"Not a single clue."
Ana grinned, "That so? Then let me be the first to welcome you to Watchpoint: Gibraltar."
Case Report #2067-11-17-02
Location: [Classified by order of Vice Director Bartholemoi]
Commanding Enforcer: Senior Enforcer Shirou Emiya
At approximately 1900 hours, Enforcer Bones noticed that the Reinforcement on the building had decayed away. Enforcers immediately entered. Entry to the house was unhindered. Inside, the house looked as if it had been abandoned for at least a decade. Further travel into the building revealed several dozen mutilated corpses of unknown individuals, possibly civilians. The bodies led down into the basement, which was locked by several runes on the door.
Enforcers who specialized in runes determined that the door would only be accessible via fresh human blood. Enforcer Simpson then cut himself and offered his blood to the door. The runes activated, and rather than opening, the runes proceeded to drain Enforcer Simpson of all blood in his body. Attempts to stop the process met in failure, and within forty-five seconds, Enforcer Simpson was dead.
After another second, the door to the basement opened. Enforcer Jenkins carried Enforcer Simpson's body to the others outside, while four Enforcers investigated the basement.
The basement looked to be a Magi Workshop. Several research papers were scattered throughout the room, while a ritual circle was drawn in the center of the floor. At the corner of the room, there was a closet containing several hundred Alchemy ingredients, all of them either rare, illegal, or both.
Upon closer investigation of the research papers, all of them detailed findings into the Fuyuki Holy Grail Wars, and how to seemingly reinstate them in a different location. Several pages also detailed how 'chaos would be bought with blood'. It was inferred that the Magi wanted to summon a Servant with blood as the catalyst.
To do so, however, a Holy Grail War must occur, and according to the papers, the only way to do so would have been to [Classified]. It seems that the resulting explosion of the home due to mass-Reinforcement was a part of the steps in starting the Holy Grail War, though what exactly is still largely unknown.
"So, tell me about this 'Dead Apostle'." Said Ana while Shirou looked on. He said nothing.
"Oh? And I thought you were gonna tell me the truth?"
"Not lying and simply not talking are two very different concepts." Shirou replied, staring right into her eyes. A beat.
"Fine then. How did you manage to do what did? Pulling out several swords from nowhere? Having the ability to create large, destructive waves of light that didn't hurt anyone else?"
"Would you believe me if I said magic?" A smirk played on Shirou's lips. People often ignored this answer as something born out of sarcasm. In truth, he technically wasn't lying.
Ana's eyes narrowed, "You think this is a game? People have died because of an unknown element out there. People will continue to die if we remain in the dark! Is that what you want?!"
The white-haired man slammed his fist on the table. Another bout of silence.
"You think that I don't know that?" He whispered, "You think that I would let people die all because of secrets?"
"That's what you're doing isn't it?" Ana shot back. Shirou gave a laugh, one empty of any mirth,
"Ms. Amari, if I may be frank," He leaned forwards, "Not telling you might just save lives."
Due to the circumstances, any and all information regarding Case Report #2067-11-17-02 are to be withheld from Senior Enforcer Emiya. You should know how he would act if he finds out that someone was trying to restart the Heaven's Feel ritual. That said, Lord El-Melloi II has also expressed the desire to destroy all of the information regarding the process as soon as possible, and I happen to agree with him.
Nothing regarding the ritual will leave that property, intact or otherwise. Get to it.
-Vice Director Bartholemoi
"Well that was productive." Said Ana as she approached Winston, Lena and Angela. The three of them were watching the interrogation from behind one-way glass. After his last statement, Shirou had refused to talk, even under threat.
"And he seemed like such a charmer," Ana continued sarcastically, "At any rate, Winston, have you found anything on him?"
The scientist sighed and put down his tablet, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He fixed his glasses, "Well, that would be a lie. I did find a Shirou Emiya, but that one was born in the 1990's, and I'm pretty sure that that guy isn't over seventy."
Ana rubbed her temple. The man was proving to be too much of a headache, "So the only thing we really have on him is Lena's testimony?"
"Damn. Where's Jack when you need him?" The older woman started down next to Angela. Said medic offered her a cup of tea, which Ana gratefully took. Lena sat silently in the corner, holding her necklace in her hands.
"...We can't just keep him here." Said Angela after a few moments, "We don't have the jurisdiction to do so."
"What choice do we have?" Ana took another sip of her tea, "He's a complete unknown, and he's proven himself capable of killing everyone here with little effort."
"He wouldn't do that."
Everyone turned toward the direction of the voice, "Lena," the sniper started, "You don't know that. For all we know, he's just waiting for the right moment to do so." At this, Winston nervously checked the cameras. Shirou was still just sitting there.
Lena glared at Ana, "He wouldn't do that." She repeated, gripping her necklace harder, "He's a good person."
"Whether or not that's true is still very much debated."
"Then let us find out." A new voice called out, one tinged with a robotic voice.
I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it, I can feel it. I can feel it, I can feel it, I can feel it, I can feel it. I can feel it i can feel it i can feel it ican feel iti canfeel it it it it it itititititfeelsme.
Jenkins sighed as she watched what must have amounted to decades of research burn. Her inner Magus screamed at her, telling her to save what she could. She ignored that part of her. Orders were orders.
"Last bit of the papers," said Church, bringing along a small box, "Look at this one. 'I can feel it'. Looks to be like some sort of fetish shit."
Jenkins rolled her eyes, "Will you grow up?" She remarked as she threw the box into the inferno. Church laughed, "Oh come on, you know you like it. Speaking of which," he slicked back his hair, "Would you-"
Church immediately deflated, "Dammit." He brightened up quite quickly though, "Bah, surely some girl will be willing to go out with me."
"Dream on."
An amusing conversation, if one that often happened between the two. It was due to this that they never noticed a lone jar, tucked away in a corner of the basement.
"Okay, everyone clear out. We're burning the property." Jenkins called out to everyone. The house would be nothing but ashes when she was done with it. It was, after all, decided that the house itself was a research material, and was thus needed to be completely destroyed. They chose to burn it because of the convenience of simply pinning the blame on a house fire.
Soon enough, everyone was outside, patiently waiting for the grand finale. A quick roll call, and the fire raged on. It encompassed the entire property in seconds. In the basement, heat seeped through the entire room.
A jar cracked.
It burned.
"Genji," said Ana in surprise, "I didn't realize you were here."
"I would like to speak to this Shirou Emiya." The cyborg said, already making his way to the cell door. Angela looked down sadly as Genji pointedly ignored her.
"I can't just allow you to talk to him, Shimada."
"I do not care if you allow me or not."
He entered the room and closed the door with a firm 'click'.
"I swear, that boy is more stubborn than Fareeha at times." The Egyptian grumbled out, but didn't make a move to remove the cyborg from the room. She sat herself back down and prepared to watch the conversation, the others following suit.
They watched as Genji slowly, almost methodically, made his way to the only other chair in the room. To their confusion, the Overwatch member held out his left hand.
"Shimada Genji." For a moment, they could see Shirou look in confusion, before realization poured onto his face, "Emiya Shirou." They shook hands, then silence. The four people behind the glass watched on in baited breath.
"I have to say, a fellow countryman all the way out here…who would've known?" Shirou chuckled a bit, "Quite refreshing actually, to speak Japanese again." The white-haired man added, though Genji didn't seem to be in the mood for small talk.
"I can get you out of here." Shirou raised his brow, "Oh? I suppose you want something in return then? Information on what happened earlier, I'm guessing?" The four onlookers collectively frowned. They were obviously speaking Japanese, but none of them ever learned of the Oriental language, having no reason to do so.
"I do not need information on the Dead Apostle Ancestor. In fact, I would like to thank you for taking care of Nrvnqsr Chaos."
Shirou scoffed openly his earlier mirth already gone, "Is this your plan? Pretend you already know everything so that I spill the beans? Better luck next time."
"Wrought Iron Magus." Three words, and Shirou froze, "Adopted son of the Magus Killer, Emiya Kiritsugu. Decorated Senior Enforcer of the Mage's Association. Need I go on?"
People were listening. People who clearly weren't Magi, and this Genji Shimada just blurted out something that's supposed to be under wraps. While it wouldn't be much of a problem to erase their memories, hell they might not even understand what they were saying, the way this Shimada so casually said it was irritating.
Shimada. Something about that name clicked in Shirou's mind.
The older man shook his head, a blank look on his face, "...The Shimada clan, a line of Magi most known for the use of unique Reinforcement techniques in the form of tattoos, that not only augment the physical body, but also their own Magic Circuits."
Shirou stared coldly at the other man, "The Shimada clan, an international weapons dealer that distributes subtle Mystic Codes to the mundane black market."
The four behind the glass watched as Shirou leaned forward, "The Shimada clan, a known human trafficking organization that specializes in kidnapping humans and selling them to Dead Apostles."
"The Shimada clan, a cesspool of degenerates that I personally ended."
All was silent. Though the observers didn't know what was happening, the fact that Genji was silent was concerning. Whatever Shirou said must have had an effect on the Shimada.
"Winston, are you recording this?" Angela found herself asking, to which the scientist only nodded. They all looked back to the unfolding scene. The two men were still silent.
"I have nothing to do with the Shimada, not anymore."
Shirou crossed his arms, "I don't believe you. I've seen what the Shimada are capable of. If one of them were to even think of leaving it, that person would be dead within the hour."
Genji chuckled, but it was one that was seemingly mocking, "What do you think happened to me?"
Case Report #2067-11-17-03
Location: [Classified by order of Vice Director Bartholemoi]
Commanding Enforcer: Senior Enforcer Shirou Emiya
As of 2300 hours, area is now clear for all Non-Magi. Memories have been replaced, while false news has been implanted into the media. They shall recall that there had been a large fire in in the house, and false evidence pointing to arson has also been scattered throughout the area.
As of the time of writing, Senior Enforcer Emiya is still MIA, with no clues as to his current whereabouts.
Startled at Genji's shift to English, Shirou said nothing. The three women and one gorilla all blinked.
"Hanzo Shimada," Genji spat out, his electronic-laced voice making it sound harsher, if that was possible, "My so called 'brother' was the one that did this to me under orders from the elders. As far as they're concerned, I died bleeding out in the middle of the street." For a moment Shirou felt a pang of sympathy. Then, he realized what the Shimada was asking for.
"You want me to help destroy the Shimada."
"You catch on quick." Genji nodded, internally happy that someone as strong as the famed Wrought Iron Magus would be-
"I refuse."
In an instant, Genji was furious, "What?!"
Shirou stared back, his eyes seemingly echoing pity, "You wish to destroy the Shimada clan not for justice, but for a petty sense of revenge."
The spectators frowned as Shirou continued, "Vengeance will never amount to anything." He said with finality. In a blink of an eye, Genji had punched Shirou with his robotic arm. Angela jumped from her seat and grabbed her Caduceus Staff while Ana rushed to the door, her Sleep Dart in hand. Winston and Lena merely sat in shock. They never thought that Genji, while emotionally distressed, would resort to physical violence.
Shirou bled from his nose, but his face never changed. It remained as stoic as ever, as if the punch didn't even hurt. It only angered the cyborg even more. Genji reached for his Dragonblade, ready to kill the man who dared to say his mission was petty.
He had barely drawn it when he felt a small prick on his organic arm.
Lena didn't know what to think anymore. She knew that Shirou was a good guy, and that he would do the right thing when it came down to it. How would she know, one might ask. In all honesty, even she didn't know why. Maybe it was because she's already net him several times before?
At any rate, it didn't matter. Ana was already back in the room interrogating him after she knocked out Genji. They wouldn't believe her anyway. Not when her only proof is a little necklace.
Speaking of the necklace, where it previously brought a sense of calm to her, it now felt…empty. Well, not so much as empty, but rather it felt muted. Which is why she felt as nervous as she did right now.
"What d'you of him, big guy?" She asked Winston. The scientist adjusted his glasses and hummed.
"I really don't know. He seems like a good guy, but that thing he said about saving people by not telling us sounded ominous." Said Winston as he rubbed his chin. Slowly, he reached for an unopened jar of peanut butter, "And then there's the fact that the only Shirou Emiya I could find was a high school report back in 2004. Pretty weird, if you ask me." With a satisfying pop, Winston opened the jar and tasted the peanut butter. As if it were a second thought, he offered some to Lena.
She waved him off. What the scientist said only added more questions. Who really was the man in the room next to her?
"Welp, I'm gonna try to translate what he and Genji talked about. Wanna watch?"
With a soft smile, Lena accepted. Leave it up to Winston to try to cheer her up with translations. A few clicks on the keyboard later, Winston frowned. She noticed immediately, "What's wrong?"
"The recording seems to be corrupted." He sounded frustrated as he continued to type, "The corruption is similar to the Shimada clan's scrambling devices, something we haven't been able to crack until now."
Winston left his chair and made his way to the nearby shelves. He grabbed a small device and walked towards the unconscious form of Genji. Winston waved the device around the Shimada. A loud beep sounded as it approached Genji's right arm.
Winston set the device down and looked at the cyborg's arm closely, "Yep. Here it is. Standard Shimada scrambler." With a sigh, he made his way back to his chair.
"Looks like we'll have to ask either 'Shirou' or Genji about what they talked about. I don't think they'd be willing to talk though."
Lena stayed silent at this. Again, she didn't know what to do.
A few days later, Shirou left the Overwatch base a free man. With no evidence of any wrongdoing, the peacekeeping organization had no right to hold him for interrogations. The only thing against him was the lack of information on him, which could have been attributed to him living off grid.
A ride off the Rock of Gibraltar later, and he was now standing in the middle of France, with no money or anything else besides the clothes on his back.
That said, while he wasn't completely sure, he suspected that he was still being followed by undercover Overwatch agents. He'd need to contact the Clock Tower discreetly, if that's the case. First things first though, he needed food and a place to sleep.
Well, hopefully, his cooking hasn't gotten rusty over the years.
Day 475
Something cannot exist from nothing. The Holy Grail cannot manifest from simply the ley lines beneath the town. The only way it can do so is if one of either two things happen: the first option is that a new Lesser Grail is created. This option is out, as only the three founding families have access on how to do it.
The second is much easier. A remnant of the previous Grail is exposed to the ley lines. It took me a year, but I've managed to obtain the last shards of the Fuyuki Grail. It's a miracle that it has persisted for this long, but I'm not one for questioning good fortune.
I've placed it in an unused corner in my Workshop for now, under heavy runes that hide its existence from those who don't know of it beforehand.
Soon enough, my one wish will come true.
A/N: Shorter than the last chapter, but it's done. For now at least. Also, sorry for the delay. Was moving to a new apartment, so yeah.
Also, the way I wrote that last bit was slightly intentional. I want to keep this story open, just incase I suddenly get a bout of inspiration. That said, it's still a complete story, even without a continuation.