Princess Sofia sat on the castle steps, finished with her ride with her flying horse Minimus. The doors opened and her mother, Queen Miranda, stepped out. "Sofia, time to come in for dinner." she said sweetly. "Coming, Mom." Sofia said as she got up.
Sofia sat at the table beside her father, King Roland ll, as servants served the meal. She ate her meal and went to her room. She changing into her night gown as her rabbit, Clover, hopped onto the bed. "Hey, Sofe, Robin and Mia found an injured raven outside and we were hoping you could help him." Clover said. Sofia gasped and ran out of her room.
Her mother, who was reading in the living room, looked up and walked into the hall. Sofia stopped running and her mother put her hand on her shoulder. "Where are you going? It is pitch black out there." Miranda said. "Mom, a raven is hurt out there and I have to help him." Sofia protested. "Sofia, if you're going, I must watch you." Miranda said. "Okay, Mom, follow me."
She led her mom outside of the castle where she heard squawks of pain calling out from the darkness of the night. Miranda held out a lantern that fought away the ink of the dark. "Here, raven, here raven." Sofia called. Caws of pain broke the silence. "Sofia, I found him." Miranda beckoned her daughter over. Sofia walked over to a bush and peered behind it. There was a raven with the darkest eyes Sofia had ever seen. Miranda set down the lantern and picked up the injured bird. The raven looked at Sofia, his eyes glistening with pain and fright. "Mom, can we keep him?" Sofia asked. "Why of course, I would never want a poor animal to suffer." Miranda murmured. The queen placed the raven gently into her daughter's hands and picked up the lantern.
The bird's silky feathers were covered with blood, his left wing had a nasty wound, so bad that the red dripping onto the ground and her hands. "We need to heal him, fast." Sofia said. Miranda nodded and they rushed into the castle. "Take the raven to your room but don't get blood on your sheets." Mom said. "Yes, Mom." Sofia said as she hurried into her room, careful to not harm the bird any further. She sat the raven in her bed and he fought to remain in his feet. "What happened?" Sofia asked.
When the raven spoke, he spoke with an Irish accent. His voice was very weak from the loss of blood. "I was flying home when I felt this terrible pain in my wing. The next thing I know, I see two birds and a rabbit." said the bird. She then remembered that the raven didn't even know in her name. "I am Princess Sofia and you are?" Sofia greeted. "Diaval." the raven said as he faintly spread his wings and bowed. "You'll be okay, my mother will heal you." Sofia said. "I thank you, Princess, but Mistress will be looking for me." Diaval said. "Who might 'Mistress' be?" asked Sofia. Right at that moment, Miranda walked into the room with a white bandage in her hands and herbs.
Diaval squawked and looked to Sofia, his dark eyes growing wild with fright. "Diaval, she is here to help you." Sofia soothed. "Sofia, did that raven talk to you?" Miranda asked. "Yep, his name is Diaval and he was in the middle of flying home when his wing got hurt." Sofia explained. The queen sat down everything onto Sofia's bed and stroked Diaval's back with a gentle hand. "It will be alright, you will be well enough to fly before you know it." Miranda murmured. Diaval croaked softly and closed his eyes.
Miranda gently pressed the herbs in Diaval's injury before slowly wrapping the bandage around the bloody wound. The red bled into the white right away.