I do not own Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings, both stories go to their respective owners!


There was pain.

Everyone was gone, well a lot had died including Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Charlie, Ron, Luna, Neville, Hermione, and... Harry.

With almost everyone she loved dead, all Ginny could feel was pain. She was ready to die.

She was so happy when she saw Voldemort fall, she was ready to reunite with Harry and live a happy life with him, but then he fell too, and to Ginny's horror, had no life in his eyes.

After that, chaos broke loose. All the death eaters wanted revenge, and so did Ginny's friends, so Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, her mum and dad, Charlie, and so many others all died.

But Ginny survived.

It wasn't fair! Why did she have to live with all this pain?

She felt like she was the only one left, she almost was, of all the people she knew only George, Bill and Fleur, Draco, McGonogall, and a few other teachers survived. But George was driven almost mad by losing Fred, and she was never close to Fleur, and Fleur would stay with Bill, no one liked Draco, and she was on a teacher-student relationship with most everyone else.

She was alone.

But after a year of wallowing in her pain, there was nothing. She was hollow and emotionless. So she tried to end it, she stopped eating no matter what anyone else said, no matter the pain.

But she didn't die.

Right before Harry was about to die, he made a wish. He wished for Ginny's safety, that she would live. Harry poured all his love and emotion into the wish, he non verbally and somewhat accidentally put an irreversible spell on her. And Ginny was immortal.

She even tracked down a death eater to round up and was hit with an Avada Kedavra right in the chest, and didn't die.

So with nothing, she left, into the wilderness. Ginny stopped around the middle of the forbidden forest, lied down in a cavity in the roots of a tree, and slept. She slept for what felt like a thousand years with darkness surrounding her.

Little did she know, she slept for more than an eon.

Hi guys, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, I hope for some helpful criticism.

Or just tell me how you liked it, please

I will also make the next chapters longer.

see you next time!