Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

DocSlendy; She surely does huh~?

Skull Flame; It surely he, he really does love them after all~ For now it is yeah, the crystal helps him not be chased by the Dragon, and Zeref is gonna train him to become stronger. If you think so last time, wait until this chapter, she's very much a...riot I'd say. Kazuya might seriously get injured if he goes through them. Mavis is adorable though~ Even when she's jealous~ Okay. Yup, she's bound to show up sooner or later. Well, that shall be revealed, eventually~ That's Virgo for you, she's very, spirited. I know yeah~ And thanks!

hellspam; Thank you very much! Yeah, Erza showed up, and began playing havoc, huh~ I actually do have something planned out for that, it is going to be quite fun to do~ Virgo's joined! More fun times with her! And yeah, it should be good, at least I hope that it is.

T-B-R; She will be teaching him yeah~

Primvere; Don't feel sad for Ultear, she's protecting her friend, even if he doesn't know about it. He can be a little bit of one yeah~ Yup, there will be a fruit to that training in this chapter~ Virgo's awersomeness can't be described. And thanks~!

ShadowUzumaki55; He surely has huh, and more shall be revealed as time goes on~ They surely did team up quite well huh. They showed good skills, and even some good attacks too. Kazuya ended up using a somewhat perfected Fairy Law, though it did exhaust him in the end. He got Virgo, and that's a semi good thing, at least Kazuya likes having Virgo around as well. Ultear is keeping her distance, but she's never far away~

Neonlight01; Thanks, glad that you did~ She'll be shining light as the story goes on, and what she thinks he'd be able to handle. Yup, Zeref surely has sorted that out for him at the moment. He's gonna be a Dragon Slayer, and learning how to slay those Dragon's, since he needs to do that. Hehe, that's classic Kazuya~ Virgo's gonna be an interesting addition to the group, to say the least.

Tohka123; Thank you very much! Glad that you're enjoying it! They surely do have an interesting relationship, he's quite smitten with her, and she's not ever hiding her own feelings. And yeah, she even helped him keep the Dragon away for the most part, giving Kazuya some time to actually breathe. Juvia's just fun to write for, and how she really doesn't want to be separated from Kazuya. Levy gets the backlash for that though. She has to keep a different appearance, just in case someone might recognize her, and to keep Kazuya's friends in the dark, which he seems to be fine with. She's joined, either by choice, or force on her part, she's apart of the group! I thought that it would be a good scene between the two of them to actually bond like that. Because of the fact that Virgo was treated badly, it shows that not all Masters like that, and Kazuya doesn't like the term 'Master and servant' anyway, due to the way he was brought up. And yeah, Aries surely showed whats what huh. And Kazuya seemingly used a good spell in the end, and showed a good attack, even if it did drain him of power. Erza sensed it, and now Mira, whether she knows or not, is in the harem, thanks to the cheek kiss. Hehe, Aries might not be happy but Kazuya's happy with another spirit friend beside him. It was indeed, Ultear's never going to be that far from him. And thank you!

Lightwave; He's going to be finding quite a few things out about himself now, he's going to have to. For the time being, he can at least stay somewhere more than a few hours, and doesn't have to run away anymore. She surely is, Juvia's heart has been captured, and is set on having Kazuya for herself. They are essentially a good team, with their different and unique skills that they bring, it's a good dynamic between them all. Hmmm, that's a good question. How would he take his friend being an evil mage, at least to the world that's how she would seem. We'll find out eventually~

Well, with those lovely reviews out of the way, it's time to start the chapter!

Save her part one!

"It seems that the town right there, would be for the best."

A dark skinned man hummed to himself, running his finger across a holograph looking device.

He was looking at a certain town within Fiore, somewhere that he thought would be for the best.

He could see that there was power there, some kids that had some people.

He looked excited, and looked ready to take them too.

He was extremely happy right now, even if it was a deranged type of happy, it wasn't something that most normal people would want to have.

"Sir, are you gathering some more members?"

A cloaked man spoke, the others around him appearing to be soldiers.

The dark skinned man nodded his head, and held a dirty smile that was on his face, a frightening look on his face at that.

"I'm merely gathering some powerful youths, who I can make my own personal body guards, is all. I have to, since my main boy has already gone. So, I have to make sure that I find suitable replacements, this time it seems like I have to get back my boy…"

"You mean the…"

Before the man could finish, the dark skinned man nodded his head smirking devilishly.

"That's right, I need to gain him back one day, but I still need to locate him first. It is too bad that I can't get my hands on him. Just a single touch, and I would be able to make him fall under my spell. That raw power…I need to have that raw power by my side again…my favourite project after all…hopefully, I'll be able to find him soon. He always was my ace in the hole…but then he had to run away, escape me when the Dragon came…I'm sure he had a connection to that Dragon…but even then, he's going to be my ace, just wait until I find you my sweet little Kazuya…"

The dark skinned man stepped out of the shadows, showing that it was really Brain all along, and he had a dirty smirk on his face…he truly looked evil right now, like he was going to do something else entirely evil too.

His eyes though…they were always on one person…

The one person that Brain had been tracking more than anyone else, it was someone that he was going to take with him…he was going to be capturing a certain boy that didn't want to be with Brain ever again…

He was going to be going for Kazuya himself, the boy that had escaped his clutches for so long, he wasn't ever going to lose him again, he couldn't lose him…he was too important to his plans for the future…all he had to do was find him.

"Water Dragon's Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!"

From Kazuya's mouth, a stream of pure water escaped his mouth in a torrent. It was beautiful, the most pure water. It was amazing, it was magnificent. It was so clear and pure that even Zeref looked amazed by the water.

Zeref, who stood on the other side, placed her hand out, and a black sphere was formed. Without saying anything, she threw it forward, and it clashed against the water blast, breaking it down instantly, and headed for Kazuya's body.

"Iyaaaaaaaaa! Sensei! Don't fire that at me!"

Kazuya jumped out of the way, and avoided the sphere. Kazu looked behind him, to see the sphere crash against a tree, breaking it down, and killing it at the same time. Kazuya was in awe at the power that she used.

"I'm sorry Kazu, I didn't mean to do that. I held back, but that's how it was."

Zeref apologized, but Kazuya shook his head and his hands at the same time.

"Please don't be sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel sad!"

"It's alright Kazu, I'm okay. I don't feel sad at all."

He was relieved about this.

Despite her calm attitude, Kazuya knew that she could be sensitive to certain things. It was partly due to her past, and curse too. He didn't want to cause any unnecessary upset, that was the last thing that he ever wanted to do something like that.

"Phew, I'm glad~ I didn't want to upset Sensei at all~"

"Now, let's get back to training."

"Yes Sensei!"

Kazuya was pumped as he rushed forward towards her, his fist coated in a loving warm water.

Kazuya and Zeref were training with one another.

Because it had to be secluded, the others weren't around. If Zeref lost control of her magic she'd kill the others around, and neither Zeref nor Kazuya wanted something like that. So, they went to this training area every day, to train together.

It had been around eight months since Kazuya began training with Zeref, learning of his powers as a Dragon Slayer. He didn't understand how he had the power, but Zeref showed him the way to the power, and how he could use it.

It was like something he had always wanted, something he always had desired to use, yet never could put his finger on it.

The thought of him being in such a power was the best. Kazuya felt good with this power, with this magic. It felt right, like he should've been using it more and more by the day, and now, he got the chance to use it, and use it he shall do.

Though he was also curious on how he was learning such things. Since Zeref wasn't a Dragon, it was weird how he was learning how to do something like train him in Dragon Slayer magic. But, he wasn't complaining either.

"Try this Sensei! My fist!"

Kazuya threw his fist towards Zeref's face that was full of pure water.

Zeref smiled as he caught the fist with the water, and then looked directly into his eyes.

"Coming at me like that isn't going to water. I'm stronger than you are, you have to use tactics Kazu. Remember, this is how it is to be a good fighter. Some are good with coming right for someone with powers. But you've got a bright mind, and you can use your powers to the most. You can use your head to come up with plans to win. Don't allow that mind to go to waste, okay Kazu?"

Kazuya nodded, Zeref dropping his fist so he had it back.

"Don't worry Sensei, I know that~ I'll do my best to use my mind~ I'm not that stupid or anything like that~"

Zeref lightly smiled, giving the boys head a small pat.

"Good boy, now shall we get back to training?"

"Yes Sensei! Thank you Sensei! I love it when we train together!"

"I as well. Now, shall we?"

Nodding, Kazuya and Zeref got back to training.

Of course, he didn't have a chance in hell against her. But, this time at least, he could harness his potential inside of him, and used it for quick jabs, and other things. He, did use his mind and would use it against Zeref, though she was quite intelligent herself.

The pendant from Kazuya's neck hung as it shone in the burning sun that was slowly setting in the distance. Kazuya liked the pendant that he wore, partly because it made sure that the Dragon wouldn't chase him.

Zeref could only express joy seeing Kazuya's efforts, he truly was trying his best to become very strong, and that itself was a reward in of itself.

Once the training was over, Zeref smiled as she walked towards him.

As soon as she made it to him, she placed a hand on the top of his head, stroking his hair gently.

"You've done great today sweetheart."

Kazuya's cheeks burn red as her hand slides down his face, and briefly cups his chin. The soothing touch was more enough to make him smile even more than ever before.

"T-Thank you, Sensei…"

"No, you don't need to thank me, I'm just giving you back your power is all. It seems like you've done good today, you've got a good handle of your power, and also, seems like you're becoming stronger, that's good too, isn't it?"

Kazuya smiled, as he hugged her around the waist. She wasn't unwelcoming to this, and hugged his head into her breasts.

"Aah Sensei's body is the best ever~ I'm never going to let you go ever Sensei~ I won't allow anyone to take my Sensei anyway~"

Kazuya looked up towards her, and she looked down towards him.

"You've become rather clingy towards me."

"I'm sorry…I don't know why, but I feel like I've not seen you in ages, even though we've been together for six months now Sensei…I just feel the need to hug you like this…I'm sorry, am I doing this wrong…?"

"Not at all." She affirmed him, showing a kind smile as he bent down, facing him. "It's cute, I really like the fact that you wish to hug me, it makes me smile."

"I'm glad…I haven't felt this…like this before…s-so, I don't know if I'm doing anything right…I'm worried that I might mess up, and you won't like me anymore…I feel like my heart would break if you decided to leave me…"

Since Kazuya was still young, he didn't really understand the concept of love.

In fact, he always pulled away when it came near him, besides from Aries, but this was different. More intense, more powerful, he truly didn't have an idea on how he was going to cope with these feelings, and if rejected, he would be devastated.

Zeref continued to smile, as she sat down on the ground. Patting her lap, Kazuya hopped on, and hugged tightly, Zeref wrapping a single arm around him, and brought him closer, and closer, their eyes meeting tenderly.

"I'd never leave you, don't worry about that. I didn't spend all this time searching for you to leave you alone. Kazu is the only one for me after all, I wouldn't leave you, and I don't intend to leave your side either."

"I'm glad…b-but, Sensei…y-your powers…they seem strong."

Zeref's eyes cast downwards, a melancholic look appearing on her face.

"They are."

"So, can't you teach me-"


Zeref cut him off immediately, looking sternly towards him.

"But, if you have these awesome powers, can't I learn how to-"

"Listen to me sweetheart." Zeref took Kazu's shoulders, staring into his eyes. "You don't want this power, and I don't want you to have this power either. Remember, this curse…this curse has me…it makes me feel things that I don't want to feel, and it makes me do things that I wouldn't want to do…so, I don't want you to ever experience that. I want you to be the same cheery boy that I love very much, okay my Kazu?"

"Okay Sensei…I understand."

"Good boy." Kazuya felt Zeref's hand on the top of his head. "Besides, you've got pretty awesome powers yourself, right?"

It was painful for Zeref to speak like that, but she did enjoy something like that too only to make Kazuya feel as comfortable as possible.

Kazuya's vigour returned, thrusting his hand into the sky proudly.

"Ooh yes! I'm the Water Dragon Slayer!"

"That's right, that's what you are. A pure like water Dragon…Slayer. You're the Water Dragon Slayer. Also, your powers also help me too, because they stop this curse of mine."

"S-So, when I am with you, your naughty curse doesn't work?"

"It's a little more complicated than that, but essentially, yes. Because there's something special inside of you, or rather your body is something unique, you can't be effected by magical poisons, magical barrier particles, or curses. So, when I touch you, my curse doesn't affect you, it works within me, and it also allows me to have a clear head, and control over my magic. However, you can only negate one with touch alone. You could heal, cure, others at the same time if you're strong enough, but doing it by touch, and that I mean, only physical contact can stop the progression of curses and such, only automatically works with one person at a time, so if two people touched you, your body would only stop one persons illness, curse, what have you. Though, you can't dispel my curse completely…"

"Why's that Sensei? I'll do my best!"

Kazuya was genuinely curious, looking at her with shiny eyes.

"Because, you aren't strong enough…it was a God that cursed me, you'd need the power of a God to release me from it…and you just don't have that." Kazuya's eyes turned moist, so Zeref shook her head, and laid a kiss on the top of his head. "Don't feel sad Kazu, you give me my life back. When I'm with you, it's like the curse isn't there at all. I'm back to being me, I can think clearly, and I can also love you, without having you die…I never want anyone to die because of me."

"I won't let anyone ever get hurt because of your bad curse Sensei! And, I also will become a God to release Sensei from her curse! No matter how long it takes, no matter how hard it is, I'll set Sensei free because you don't deserve this bad curse! Even though I don't know how you got it…Sensei still isn't a bad person! I'll free Sensei, and then we'll be together until the end of our natural lives, okay Sensei?"

Giving his best smile, Zeref allowed her lips to curl upwards, and a tear or two to escape her eyes.

"Oh Kazu, you're truly a good boy. If you could do that for me…well, it wouldn't matter because, I would love Kazu until the end anyway, however it ends. But, if you say that, then if Kazu puts his mind to it, I'm sure you'll achieve it one day."

"I will achieve it for Sensei! But Sensei…my power, seems to stop your curse, right?"

Zeref inclined her head.

"That's right."

"But like…if my magic or body or whatever can stop your curse, why can't it just erase it?"

"It's because your body is that of purity Kazu. You see, if you touched someone that had been poisoned, then the poison would halt, because of the natural power within you. But, the instant you let go, the poison would just continue on. But, if you used a spell from your magic to destroy the poison, then you'd free them from it…hmmm, think of it like placing a wall in a road."

"A wall in the road?"

She nodded, and lightly ran her finger across his face.

"Think of it like a continuous road. A road that you can always see. However, if you place a wall in the road, you'd block off the other side. It's the same with your aura. Your aura, blocks the curse of mine from affecting me, but as soon as you like go, like the wall in the road, you continue going, and so does the curse."

"I see…I think I understand Sensei. So I'm the block on the road, stopping the curse from travelling around you. But, as soon as I let go, it starts all over again, and continues going through your road, right Sensei?"

Zeref allowed her head to bob up and down.

"Exactly. That's how your body is now. You, are the cure, but only when in contact, unless you fight against it, and destroy it. You have the power to stop the progression of poisons, or to stop curses when you're in contact with the thing. In this case, myself. You stop the curse, so I can have my mind and control over my powers. But as soon as you let go of me, then the curse will come right back and affect me again. To rid a curse or poison or whatever, there are some spells from a specific type of magic that can work, and you have to have the magic to break the curse or poison itself, depending on how strong it is. It's like that block again. It only stops things moving forward, but it can't fight against it. However, if you put more and more blocks out until there's no area left, then the poison and curse wouldn't have room to exist, so you'd destroy it."

Kazuya understood what she meant now, and why she always liked holding onto him.

As soon as she would let go, she'd have the curse again, and he didn't want her to suffer like that.

He just stopped the curse from affecting her while in contact with her. However, he couldn't rid her of the curse, only making it stop from affecting her. It was only temporary, when they were in contact. But as soon as he let go, she'd be affected once again. His power wasn't enough to break her curse, but he would become the block of the curse, so she could feel and do whatever she wanted.

"Sensei, I'll hold you forever, and ever. So, this naughty curse doesn't have to hurt you anymore. I'll be Sensei's block so the curse can't hurt her. Until I have the power to break through the curse, and destroy it, and give Sensei her release. I wish I could get rid of it Sensei…I feel bad that I'm not strong enough to stop it…"

"You don't have to worry about it my Kazu. My life has improved because of you. If it wasn't for you, my life would always be in contradiction, but you've given me my life back Kazu. It might not be perfect, but this is just as close. Besides, I've got you, and that's all I need right now."

Kazuya's head brushed against Zeref's face, nuzzling against her. Certainly not one to disappoint, Zeref held Kazuya close, Kazuya himself determined to do what was right, and that was break her curse with his powers. But for now, he'd just stop her curse with his body.

"Also Sensei…how did you get affected by your curse? You never told me."

"Well…my curse, is because…there was someone I really loved, who got killed, and I wanted to bring them back to life."

"…An ex boyfriend?"

Zeref chuckled at Kazuya's imagination, shaking her head.

"I've never had a boyfriend before, unless you count as one now." Kazu's cheeks turned redder than before as he poked his fingers together. "No, my Otouto." A question mark appeared above Kazuya's head. "Don't be so shocked, I did have an Otouto at some point, and still do…sort of."

"Sort of? D-Did you succeed?"

"I did." She sighed sadly. "But, that was after I was cursed. Pardon my language, but I pissed off a God, and he cursed me with this…well, I don't know if the God is male or female, or even if it has a gender, but either way, I was cursed with this, and it gave me this power…but, it also hurt everyone that I held dear…it truly is quite the contradiction…but, with you, I'm myself. I can be myself, and I don't want to hurt anyone, I just wish to be with you."

"I see…s-so, what happened to your Otouto?"

"He's…well, the year is…hmmm, he could be here soon actually..."


Kazuya tilted his head, Zeref shaking her own.

"It doesn't matter now. All that you need to know is that he's not here right now, but he is alive, and he's a Dragon Slayer too, just like you, but he has a different element, some would say an opposing element actually."

Kazuya had to wonder what the opposing element was. All he could think of was fire, and lightning.

"Oh…I was thinking that if you had an Otouto-san out there…t-then we could raise him together, like a family or something…w-wouldn't that be nice Sensei…? I never had a family before…and I've always wanted to look after someone like a baby…we could do something like that…"

"Hahaha!" Kazuya was confused by Zeref's sudden burst of laughter. "I-I'm sorry for laughing, it's just…you raising him…hahaha, Kazu raising him together with me…what a thing. To think you'd say the same thing now…"

"I've said it before?"

Zeref didn't reveal anything, just patting his head.

"That's enough for story time. Shouldn't we be getting back to your friends now?"

"I-I suppose! But Sensei, can I ask one more question?"

Zeref lightly smiled, giving him a hug.

"Sure, what's that then?"

"Sensei, even though you were cursed, were you happy that you could bring your Otouto back from the dead?"

"I was immensely happy yes."

No hesitation within her eyes, and even her voice too.

Kazuya leaned up, giving her a kiss on the cheek, surprising her.

"What was that for?"

"Ooh, it's just my vow that we'll be together forever~ And I don't know about your Otouto-san, but one day, we'll all meet again, right? Then we could become a family or something~"

"A family…we'd be very dysfunctional, I can tell you that now."

"Mouuuuu, are you saying I'm dysfunctional…whatever that means?"

Zeref chuckled, petting the back of his head.

"How can you be offended if you don't know what it means?"

"I don't know…I'm cute…"

"Indeed, you're very cute. Now come on my cute boy, let's get back to your friends."

Kazuya and Zeref stood up, hand in hand, walking towards the area the others would be.

Meanwhile, as that was going on, Juvia, who was leaning on her stomach, did a personality quiz, something that was the latest craze for the girls around her age, Levy herself was cooking some food, and Mavis…well, she felt sad that she wasn't able to go with the others, something about Kazuya wanting to be alone with Zeref, and vice versa.

Juvia seemed to be deep into it, the magazine that was. She was concentrating her best into doing whatever she needed to do.

"So, Juvia-san. What are you doing?"

Levy curiously asked, putting in some ingredients into the stew.

Since Juvia looked deep in thought, she couldn't help but admire what she was thinking about.

"This is going to make…no, prove to everyone that Juvia, and Kazuya-sama become the most compatible."

She replied with a wide grin on her face, confusing Levy.

"Oh? How's that again?"

Mavis took interest, and watched as Juvia held up a magazine.

"This is Sorcerer Weekly, and it has a relationship personality matching quiz. You see, you take the quiz, and then your partner, in this case, Kazuya-sama, takes the quiz, and the more questions you get matched, the more compatible you are with the boy of your dreams~ In this case, Kazuya-sama and Juvia are gonna get the best matches~ Twenty out of twenty~"

Levy hummed to herself as Mavis snickered to herself.

"So, that's what you've been doing. I didn't think you'd believe in something like that."

"Of course Juvia does!" Juvia raised her hands energetically. "This will also prove Juvia and Kazuya-sama are the best couple ever."

"I-I see…b-but you know, it isn't like you know much about Kazu-chan…"

"Juvia knows more than you love rival!"

Levy sweatdropped at the aggressive tone of Juvia, so did Mavis herself.

"I'm not actually a love rival…"

"Liar! You're Juvia's natural love rival! Juvia knows that you want Kazuya-sama for yourself too! Juvia understands it very well! Juvia won't allow you to beat her love rival! Don't you even know things like that Levy-san!? Juvia isn't going to lose to someone like you!"

Juvia made a face that was quite scary, and even Levy couldn't deny something like that.

She felt her body freezing on the inside, and her body was twitching around frightened of what was going on before her. Even with the hot food before her, she still felt like she was going to drown herself out in the worries that held in her heart.

"Well, what's his last name then?" Juvia was going to answer…but she stopped, not sure. "What is his favourite colour?" Juvia didn't answer again, still unsure. "So, how could you take a quiz for someone that you don't know the last name of?"

Juvia felt like she truly was being challenged this time, but she didn't know how she was going to proceed, even if she truly wished that she did know what she was going to say to Levy…she just didn't know how to say it.

"J-Juvia doesn't know! But she'll still do it anyway! Juvia will still do it too!"

"Okay then…"

Levy just left Juvia alone to do what she wanted, and continued to cook.

Mavis though smirked to herself, and then went over to Juvia.

Mavis couldn't help it, she had something that she wished to do, and it made her feel good inside of herself. She was, truly excited that she would be able to do something like this, she was sure that she was going to become happy if she did this right now.

Juvia looked at the floating pen and paper, it always freaked her out when Mavis did that.

"Levy-san…t-the ghost is writing something…"

Levy looked up, smiling weakly, yet freaked out, then she looked back down to the stew.

Mavis herself felt offended by being called a ghost, but she didn't speak about it, not that anyone was going to help her.

Juvia watched as Mavis wrote the note, and handed it to her.

Juvia was curious, and looked down at the note, and saw that it read "Kazu's into lesbians~" with a heart next to it, Juvia's face heating up, and darting her eyes towards Levy, her face turning even more redder at the thoughts.

"S-So Juvia's way to Kazuya-sama's heart is to come together with Levy-san!? Y-Yes, Juvia sees it now! All Juvia has to do is give Levy-san a hug, and pretend to mate with Levy-san, and then Kazuya-sama's love will be directed towards Juvia, showing how much Juvia is willing to do for Kazuya-sama's love! Juvia understands this now! Juvia can do it!"

Juvia put her hand tightly together in a resolute manner, Mavis looked on and laughed to herself.

A small while later, Kazuya returned with Zeref herself, walking towards the group.

"We're back."

Rather than be all innocent looking, acting sweetly like he did before, because he was still wary about humans, he didn't count Zeref as such since they had something special between them, he had his usual slightly stoic look on his face.

Seeing his arrival, Juvia shot up immediately.

"Kazuya-sama! You're back!"

"Y-Yes, I'm back Juvia-san, did you have a good time?"

She nodded, and then looked lustfully towards the incoming Levy.

"Yes, Kazuya-sama. Now, watch this."

Kazuya looked on as Juvia moved towards Juvia, and put her hands to her waist, tightening her hands.

"Juvia-san, something wrong?"

Levy asked kindly, only to become frightened when Juvia did pelvic thrusts and held lust within her eyes, on her face, and even the way she moved her hips was extremely provocative, Mavis' mouth hanging open in pure terror.

"Ooh God…"

Mavis slapped herself in the head, Juvia's lips smacking together.

"J-Juvia-san!? W-What's going on!?"

Levy was becoming more frightened as she moved backwards, wanting to get away from her. But she wasn't able to get that far as she felt wood hit her back, the trees around them blocking her off from the prison that was their campsite.

"Levy-san, Juvia's decided to mate with you!"


Like a woman on a mission, Juvia jumped Levy, who couldn't move out of the way.


"Stop moving Levy-san! Juvia's going to show you love and then which will appease Kazuya-sama himself!"

"N-Noooooooooo! Kazu-chan! Help me please! D-Don't let her kiss me! I'm scared!"

On top of Levy, was Juvia, trying to touch her sensually. Juvia's wild looking face frightened Levy more than she thought would be possible. Juvia's hand laid on Levy's face, and her tongue wriggled around like a snake, only igniting more fear into the young girls heart.

A fair distance away, Kazu, Mavis, and Zeref stood together, unsure of what to say now.

"Wow…didn't think she'd do it…I was only joking…geez…"

Mavis sweatdropped, seeing Juvia licking Levy's face, the girl letting out a wild cry.

"Sensei, why is Juvia-san trying to kill Levy-san?"

Kazuya didn't understand what was going on, his innocent mind considering different possibilities, but none of them were right ones.

"S-She's not trying to kill her…she's trying to mate with her…apparently. I've never met someone quite like Juvia before. And that's saying something due to me being over four hundred…wow, she's a very scary person."

"So…what does it mean to mate Sensei?"

At the innocent question, Zeref couldn't handle it, and neither could Mavis who turned away while whistling innocently.

"I'm not touching that subject Kazu. But, you probably should stop Juvia now."

"O-Okay Sensei! I'll make them stop now!"

Kazuya rushed over to the crying Levy and the hungry looking Juvia.

"Give yourself to Juvia Levy-san! This is the only chance Levy-san will get with Juvia, and Kazuya-sama!"


Levy was desperate to get away, but Juvia wouldn't let her.

Juvia was stronger than Levy, holding her down with not so much difficulty at all.

"Alright that's enough."

Kazuya grabbed Juvia's waist from behind, dragging her off Levy, who shed tears of gratitude.

"Ooh thank you Kazu-chan! She scares me!"

Kazuya nodded as Juvia tried to grab forward, but Levy jumped away.

"Juvia-san, please calm down."

Juvia wriggled around, then looked towards Kazuya, blushing when noticing that he was holding her.

"K-Kazuya-sama, did you enjoy Juvia's arousing tackle of Levy-san?"

Levy shed more tears, rushing behind Kazuya so Juvia couldn't get her anymore.

"I don't know what arousing means, but why did you tackle Levy-san? Have you two not been getting along?"

"She tried mating with me! I thought that I was going to have to end my life this day! If she continued, I wouldn't of been able to get married! I wanna marry in the future! I'm really frightened of her! Please don't ever leave me alone with her ever again!"

Levy shed more tears, Kazu bending his head and then patted her head.

Juvia's eyes were stern, and looked evil at the same time.

"Don't worry Levy-san, you'll be able to get married."

Somehow, those words were more powerful than anything else that she had heard up until then.

"Ooh…I'm so glad, I don't ever want to be touched like that by that woman again either…she's insane Kazu-chan, she surely is…s-she's after me, she likes touching me for some weird reason, I didn't do anything to her…she hates me…"

"Juvia-san doesn't hate you."

"No, she loves you~"

Because only Kazuya could hear her, Mavis let out a happy squeal at the same time as Zeref rolled her eyes.

Kazuya then turned back to Juvia.

"So, why did you tackle Levy-san?"

His voice was level. He didn't sound mad, or rude either. It was a normal calm voice, full of wonder, and new excitement.

"Juvia was told by the ghost that Kazuya-sama loved it when two girls were lesbians with one another. So, Levy-san being the only girl Juvia could take in a fight, Juvia can't take Sexy-sensei, Juvia thought that it would be best if she did the act with Levy-san, and then changed to Kazuya-sama, proving Juvia's love is higher than Levy-sans."

Levy's mouth dropped, as did Zeref's.

Mavis' bottom lip trembled, as Zeref just looked down at her.

"Don't give me judgemental looks Zeref, I didn't think she'd try and do something like that."

"Still…this girl isn't normal. Implant an idea in her head, and she'll do it."

Mavis' face turned downwards, and developed tears.

Kazuya's face was confused, and he didn't know what a lesbian was.

"Okay…I don't know what a lesbian is, but I guess it means fighting or something. I, don't know why Mavis-san thought I would like you two fighting, but I wouldn't want something like that. Mavis-san likes causing trouble."

"You make me sound like an evil girl that does things for fun like this!"

Mavis gave accusing eyes, but Kazuya ignored it in favour for looking right at Juvia, and took her by the shoulders. Juvia's bright eyed look couldn't be more happier than it was right now, Juvia truly was having an enjoyment right now.

"S-So, Kazuya-sama doesn't want Juvia to mate with Levy-san?"

"Levy doesn't want it either!"

Levy roared, only to cower behind Kazuya when Juvia looked at her weirdly.

Kazuya nodded his head, giving her head a pat.

"I don't know what it means to mate, but if it makes Levy-san cry, then I don't want that. If you truly want me to be happy, then just be yourself, I don't see any other reason for it to be like that. So yeah, just be yourself."

"Awww! Juvia's excited! Let's cuddle!"



Kazuya ended up on the floor with Juvia hugging around his neck. He sighed out, trying to push her off, but Juvia wouldn't let go…it truly was just another day in his life after all.

After dinner had been finished, Kazuya was in the woods with Levy, in the woods, were she was throwing some punches towards his face, but he batted them away with minimal effort, Juvia watching with eyes of a hawk to make sure Levy didn't do anything that she shouldn't do, Zeref and Mavis peering on with curious eyes.

"When you came to me a few months ago asking to be trained in hand to hand combat, I didn't quite believe it."

Kazuya pushed Levy's hand away from his face as she went to strike, and then pushed his hand gently against her stomach, pushing her back a small distance.

Levy wasn't deterred, and continued going at him.

"Well, even Juvia-san knows how to fight with her hands if she has too, so I thought that I should learn too. We're going to be strong Mage's, and we need to be able to fight close up if something happens…I realize that I won't be your level Kazu-chan, but at least, I'll be able to defend myself if something is to come for me and you huh. Just in case everyone else is down."

Kazuya nodded at her as she tried her best to break his guard, and he had to admit that she wasn't doing half bad.

"It's not bad to have hand to hand, it gives you a skill that doesn't mean you have to rely on magic all the time. Though, are you sure that you wish to continue this? I mean, you've got a good grasp on it, but maybe you're only doing this for something else?"

Levy's eyes fluttered, confused.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I sense something else behind the reason why you want to train with me. is there something else you wish to gain from this?"

Juvia's ears perked, she was very interested in what Levy had to say about this.

"N-No! I don't think something like that! I'm just thinking of something…I wanna do the same thing as Kazu-chan and the others. It seems like I'm the weakest one here…I want to also do something too, and help out…"

Kazuya grabbed Levy's wrist, the fist coming for him, and then made her arm bend upwards, like she was flexing. Using his hand, he gently slapped her from the elbow upwards, something that confused Levy greatly.

"You're quite the petite girl."

Levy's eyes broadened exponentially, dizzy with the feelings of sadness at being called out by her height alone.

"Uuuu…y-you're mocking my height…"

Kazuya shook his head.

"I'm saying, that you wouldn't be able to do certain things that someone taller would do. However, you've got advantages that others don't have. Your height, can be your greatest weapon. We're children, and small. Therefore, we're harder to hit, and because of our smaller bodies, we can move around quite good too. Though even adults could do this, the smaller you are, the more likely you're not gonna be on the same height as the enemy, therefore they'd have to keep their heads low, looking at you, while you don't have to waist such things. You can tell an enemies attack pattern from the chest area, and surrounding area alone."

"Y-You can?"

Levy didn't know that, but Kazuya nodded.

"At least, that's what Sensei and my Aries-chan has taught me. We've been able to determine such things. By fighting Sensei, I've been able to see her movements from her chest alone, and don't call me naughty for staring at her chest either."

Seeing the way Levy looked, he was sure that she was going to say something about that, so she didn't say anything.

"I see…so that's a way of fighting too…"

Levy got into thought about it and could see why he said what he said.

"Of course, you can also use an opponents body against them. I think that fighting style would suit someone like you. Yeah…I think that would be for the best, because you can use your opponents weight, height, and other things against them. Of course, if they're firing off powerful beams of magical energy, then it would probably be safer to use your magic. But, against bandits, and such, these kind of techniques will work."

Levy nodded her head, and continued working together with Kazuya.

"Kazu-chan, you don't mind doing this with me, right?"

Because she was worried about taking up his time, she curiously looked towards him.

Kazuya barely had any emotions on his face, and just stared towards the person that was before him.

"Wanting to better oneself, is something that I can understand. So, wanting to do that, is a good thing in my eyes. Enjoy yourself, and progressing is what is a good thing, I think that you're doing quite well actually."

Levy's face lifted up several times than it was beforehand.

"That's great! Thanks Kazu-chan! I'll do my best! I'll do everything that I can to become better!"

Those words, seemed to be more telling than they should've been to Kazuya's ears.

"…Levy-san, you're not doing this to spend time with me, right?"

"W-Whaaaaaaaat!? N-No! Of course not!" Levy waved a hand in front of her face, giggling nervously with a matching nervous face. "I-I just want to become stronger is all! That's all I am doing right now! You don't have to say such things! I'm doing quite well! I'm just doing this to better myself and make sure that I don't get left behind or anything when it comes to fighting and such~ Don't worry about such things at all~ Hehehehehehehehehe~!"

Kazuya wasn't sure why she was laughing the way that she was, but he didn't really question her further, it seemed like she didn't want to be questioned further.

"Alright then, let's continue working together then, and let's improve."

"Y-Yes Kazu-chan…eeh, Kazu-sensei!"

Juvia didn't like that, but she quelled her inner rage, and just seethed to herself as Kazuya and Levy continued working together.

At the end of the day, Kazuya ended up sleeping next to Zeref, with Mavis nearby on the bed too. The others scattered around the area, a small house in the middle of the woods, curtsey of Aries herself, who was looking at the boy who sat on the bed, Aries, and Virgo both stood up next to one another.

Since Aries could, she made different rooms…Levy begged to make a separate room for her, and Juvia, which she did. So, they slept apart from one another, and Kazuya ended up staying in Zeref's bed with her, and Mavis.

"And, that's it Kazuya-sama!"

Aries finished off the final touches of the room. He didn't know why Virgo was there, she seemingly summoned herself, and now that she was here, Kazuya didn't have the heart to tell her to leave either.

"Aah, thanks Aries-chan, you're amazing for making this for us."

Aries smiled at the praise, as Virgo stared blankly at her.

"O-Oh, no problem Kazuya-sama! I'm just glad that you've gained so many friends!"

"Well…I wouldn't say friends…just travelling partners, is all."

Kazuya felt still cautious around humans, and didn't really like talking much about them.

"Oh…I see. B-But even then, you are having fun with them, aren't you?"

"I am indeed. I get to have fun with them sometimes, it isn't so bad."

That was more than enough for Aries that he was giving humans a chance, even if it was a small chance at that.

"I see…then, I am glad that Kazuya-sama is getting stronger though…h-have you learned much lately?"

"Ooh yes, I am learning more Dragon Slayer magic by the day."

"Queen." Virgo got his attention. "I, have to suggest something too."

Kazuya cocked his head to the side.

"What's that then Virgo-san?"

"Yes, because I came here of my own accord, I should be punished." Kazuya's face burned red when Virgo bent over and showed her panties covered butt. "Here, please slap my butt as hard as you can Princess."

"W-What are you doing Virgo-san?!"

Not only Kazuya, the others were freaked that the girl was not only doing this, but was doing it with a young boy like Kazuya himself.

"Princess, I've decided that I am a bad girl. So, you can punish me. With your hand, on my butt, I would be eternally grateful."

"Virgo! W-We talked about this! Y-You can't do this! Kazuya-sama is still a young boy!"

"No, I understand. But even if he is a child, I still need to feel my Master's hand. I have been bad after all."

Virgo stuck her butt even further out, Zeref and Mavis choosing to not get involved, turning their heads to the side slowly.

"No you haven't!" Kazuya spewed out, shaking his head. "Y-You haven't done anything bad at all! Don't think something like that! you've been good for me Virgo-san! You're a very good spirit, and I wouldn't punish you!"

Kazuya made it clear to Virgo…but Virgo had a challenging smile on her lips, wriggling her butt towards Kazu.

"Princess, I am prime, and ready. I have been thinking about it, and if I felt it, your hand on my butt, then I would enjoy it. You can do as you like with me, because I love Kazuya-hime more than anyone else in the world."

Kazuya's eyes twitched as Aries sighed deeply.

"Virgo-san…w-why do you call me female titles?"

"Duchess?" Virgo turned her head back. "It is because the Dame is too manly for male titles now. Princess, has to be referred to such because, if I don't, then you'll surely lose your cuteness, and I wish to keep that cuteness for myself, so that's why I have to do this."

"T-That's not really a satisfying answer actually…"

Virgo didn't seem to mind, and stuck her butt right in Kazuya's face.

He pushed her away, but unintentionally, did it too far, which felt like a double slap on her butt…

The effects were quite scary.


Virgo's body started trembling, her cheeks flushed bright red, and her eyes turned hazy, barely any motion within them.


Kazuya didn't know what was going on…and he wished he didn't know.

"Princess' hand on my butt…so powerful." Virgo's eyes turned towards Kazuya and then kissed his cheek, Aries' eyes blazing. "I-I knew it! The punishment of the Dame, would be for the best! I can feel it now! My body is truly for Princess! Only my Princess can make me scream like this!"

Kazuya's, Zeref's, and Mavis' eyes turn to confusion.

"You're…not screaming though."

Virgo ignored Zeref's words, and collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily.

"Virgo-san! A-Are you alright!?"

Being concerned for his Spirit, he bent down and checked on her with moist eyes.

Virgo panted, forcing her legs together, and continued trembling. Her face looked feverish, her panting even scared both Zeref, and Mavis, the pair looking away with some blushes on their cheeks, with how…sensual her breathing sounded, Aries herself wearing a jealous look on her face.

"Princess, do not be concerned…but, may I go back now. I need to…finish off."

Mavis, Zeref, and Aries were gobsmacked as Virgo wriggled her butt.

"What do you need to finish off Virgo-san? Can I help you?"

"Well actually-"


Like machines, Zeref, Mavis, and Aries snatched Kazuya away from Virgo, who was left pouting on the ground.

"Why wouldn't you allow my new Master to help me?"

As if she wasn't speaking about something odd, Virgo tilted her head to the side.

"B-Because Kazuya-sama is still a c-c-child! Y-You can't do something like that! W-Wait until he's gone older too! Y-You can't do anything with Kazuya-sama until he's grown up! P-Please don't turn Kazuya-sama naughty like you!"

Aries told Virgo what was what, Virgo's eyes turning downwards with rejection.

Seeing that, Kazuya broke free from the grasp of Mavis, and Zeref, and strolled over to Virgo, giving her head a pat, Virgo's eyes rolling in the back of her head.

"Oh Virgo-san, please don't be upset…it seems that everyone thinks I'm too young to help you…so, when I grow, I'll definitely help you, okay? With whatever it is that you need help with. You're my adorable Spirit after all, and my friend, so I want to help you."

Kazuya wrapped his arms around Virgo's neck, truly not understanding what he just promised her. Virgo herself hugged Kazuya back, and enjoyed the embrace from her new Master, she truly never thought that she'd be in a situation where her Master would love her unconditionally.

Seeing that Virgo was gaining more attention, Aries adopted a pout, and then hugged onto him too while trembling.

"Aries-chan, you needed a hug too?"

"Y-Yes! I'm sorry!"

Kazuya patted her head, and then hugged her to his chest, Virgo going the same place too, his arms around their necks.

"It's alright, I love you both very much~ You don't have to be jealous, I'll always love my Spirits more than anything else~"

Aries, and Virgo enjoyed the embrace from their shared Master, it truly was the best when he was being as kind as he was towards them.

Mavis leaned closer to Zeref, and hummed deeply.

"Did he just…say that he'd help her mastur-"

"Yes, but Kazu doesn't understand such things and only wishes to please his Spirits…not understanding the…pleasure in this case, so don't mention it to him."

Mavis could see the wisdom in that…neither Zeref nor Mavis wanted to give Kazuya a scare.

Later that night, Mavis fell asleep, or at least looked like it, and the spirit girls had gone. Kazuya himself laid down on Zeref's breast, as she held him with one of her arms, neither were truly asleep, and both just stared at different things, Kazuya at her chest, and Zeref down at the young boy.

"I sense uneasiness inside of you Kazu."

Whispering towards the young boy, he looked up towards her face.

"Sensei…I've been thinking about, something's lately…and about the feelings that…the people that travel with us…Sensei, would you rather them not be with us anymore? I mean…with your curse and all that…"

"Kazu, I do not mind either way. As long as you are with me, I do not mind who else is with us. But, why bring it up now? We've been with them for over six months now, and you've been with them a little longer than that…are you dissatisfied with them?"

"No…it's not that at all…Sensei, I'm…scared…"

Zeref's eyebrows lifted, as did her body, Kazuya's body lifting up too.

"What are you scared of?"

"…I'm beginning to like their company…no, I like Levy-sans kindness, and her cooking, and her weird fascination with books…and Juvia-sans zaniness, and yet she's got a big heart…I'm scared, to open myself up again to humans…"

It was something that Kazuya always had worries about, and how doubtful he would be able to trust in humans again, he wasn't sure if he would be able to do something like that. It, was too difficult, he didn't think he would be able to trust in humans again.

"I'm human you cheeky boy, and so is Mavis."

"Yes…but you're different, both of you. Mavis-san talked to me in my dreams for so long, and helped me through dark days, and Sensei helps me now with loving me, and training me, and made sure Acnologia hasn't come for me…for the first time in my life, I could take my life at my own pace, and the pair of them…Levy-san and Juvia-san have been…I don't know how to say it, it is just…I don't know…if I can bring myself to trust humans again…"

"Kazu…not all humans are evil, you know? Levy, and Juvia. Juvia might be crazy, and Levy might be seriously into books, but they are good people, and good for you. I can see the change within your heart, as you stay with them, play with them…"

Kazuya gripped Zeref's shoulder with his hand, and she felt him trembling, even gaining teary eyes.

"I can't…open my heart again…Ultear…she left me…I can't lose anyone else again…I can't open myself up…if I do Sensei, I might mentally lose myself…I couldn't handle it Sensei…I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost new people…I won't ever lose Sensei…or Mavis-san…or my Spirits…but they are normal humans…they could go at any day…and I'm…frightened to open myself up to people again…"

Zeref placed a hand to his face, and petted lovingly.

"My sweet Kazu, you're too adorable. Your heart has been hurt so many times, that you're finding it difficult to recover…I know, my sweet Kazu, I know. But, you don't have to be alone anymore, it's alright to trust in humans."

"R-Really Sensei…?"

As Zeref was about to nod, Kazuya felt arms wrapping around him from behind, shocking him.

It turned out to be Mavis who was hugging him tightly.

"It's true, what she says. You like bookworm Levy-san and crazy Juvia-san, right Kazu?"

She giggled that out, trying to make it seem less important than it actually was, knowing that putting it up high would only make Kazuya feel complicated about the matter, something that he wouldn't be able to do.

"…I do…b-but, I don't want them to disappear…I don't want to disappear…I hate the feeling that one day, they'll betray me…I know it sounds stupid…I mean, I've been with Levy-san for around eight months now, and she hasn't done anything other than kind intentions…but something inside of me tells me that I won't be able to do anything…I don't know if I could…again…I placed my trust in Ultear that time we escaped…I didn't know the outside world…she knew where to go…I followed her, I longed to stay with her, no matter where we went…to her Okaa-san, or anywhere else…it didn't matter to me. I just wanted to stay with her…but then, it happened…and I was left alone in the snow, and almost froze…I just…since that day, it's been really tough to believe in humans again…"

This time, Zeref hugged Kazuya too, the boy being between the pair of them, both of their faces pressing against his.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere, and if your wish is to stay with these humans, then I'll make sure that it happens. Because it makes you happy, then I'll do it too, to make you happy."

"Ooh Sensei…"

"Don't worry my sweet Kazu, no matter what, I'm always here for you now. I lost you once, I'm not going to do it again."

Kazuya snuggled against Zeref, and then Mavis did the same from the other side.

"Me too Kazu, I'll definitely do something with you too. And make sure that your friends stay with you…maybe your heart can open to them again…to humans again. Levy-san and Juvia-san aren't Ultear-san, and they enjoy being with you too. I mean, I'm sure Juvia-sans got a mad love for you, and Levy-san…well, who knows but it seems like she's attached to you too."

"Mavis-san…you think it would be okay to let down my guard?"

Mavis nodded at his doubt, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sure that it is too. It might be difficult, but if it is you Kazu, then I'm sure that you'll be able to bring yourself to allow yourself to trust humans. Ultear-san left a scar on your heart that hasn't healed…allow Juvia-san and Levy-san to help heal that too."

Kazuya took Mavis' words to heart, recalling a time where Aries said the same thing as she did, basically. Back then, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to do it…but now, after eight months together, he could see himself, just relaxing himself, and enjoying himself.

"Thanks…Sensei, Mavis-san…if it wasn't for you two, and my cute Spirits…then I don't think I would be able to trust humans…but now, I can actually do something like, trust again…"

The pair continued hugging Kazuya, glad that his heart was slowly being healed by the pain that Ultear, Brain, and other humans had caused him. Even though it would be a long road before he could truly trust humans, this was a first step for him.

It was the next day, and the group were heading towards a nearby town. Kazuya stuck to the back with Zeref, holding onto her hand so her curse didn't affect her, Mavis riding on his shoulders. Levy and Juvia walked nearby, not wanting to really get the gang worried.

However, Juvia remembered something from last night…

How she didn't know about Kazuya.

Though she knew basic things, she didn't know him as a person, and was worried about him too.

She wished to have fun with him, but she also wished to know about him too.

So, she was going to ask him the best that she could do.

"So…erm, Kazuya-sama, Juvia's got something's to ask about."

Catching his attention, Kazuya cocked his head.

"What's that then?"

"Yes…what is your last name Kazuya-sama?"

Even Levy paid attention to this, curiously looking towards him out of the corner of her eye.

"I don't have a last name."

Levy's eyes went backwards, shocked.

"You don't have a last name Kazu-chan? Surely, you must have something, right?"

"No, I don't have a last name."

Kazuya replied dryly, Juvia's hands clasping together, and hearts escaped the top of her head.

"Kazuya-sama~ You could have Juvia's last name~ You could be called Kazuya Lockser-sama~"

"Wouldn't that mean we're siblings then?"

Juvia's dream shattered, shaking her head as massive tears escaped her eyes.

"Juvia doesn't want you to have her last name! Have Levy-sans last name! Call yourself Kazuya McGarden-sama! Juvia would love for the best thing to happen being that! Juvia didn't want to become siblings with Kazuya-sama! She wouldn't be able to take it!"

"D-Don't take my last name Kazu-chan!"

Juvia's eyes turned dangerous, and then shot towards Levy accusingly.

"Could Juvia's rival be trying to take Kazuya-sama awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!?"

Levy gasped, shaking her head, and hid behind Kazuya again.

"N-No! I wasn't trying to do something like that! Sorry Juvia-san! I-I was just saying that it would be better if we didn't do something like that! Y-Yes, that's how it is after all! I wouldn't want to become Kazu-chan's Imouto or Onee-sama! We're friends, that's all!"

Juvia wasn't really satisfied with that, but she did keep her eyes directly on Levy for a few moments.

That was enough to make her feel fear deep within her, and turned her head to the right to avoid being frightened.

"So, Kazuya-sama, why do you not have a last name?"

Juvia carried on the conversation, clearly not feeling the tension within in the air.

"I wasn't ever given one in the place I grew up as. I, don't even know if Kazuya is my real name. I could be called Fred for all I know, I was just called Kazuya by someone I found to be the most important person to me."

Revealing that dryly, Zeref and Mavis both looked away.

"Wait…how does that work Kazuya-sama? Actually…we don't know much about your past."

"My past is…something I don't like discussing Juvia-san." Kazuya spoke sadly, remembering his past with Ultear, his elder brother, and held a dejected look on his face. "It was…well, let's just say my name was told to me by someone I cared about a lot, and then…I wasn't ever given a last name. I was given a number instead of a name…but Onii-sama said my name was Kazuya, so I went along with that."

"Your real name is Kazuya, Kazu. That's not a lie. You're my cute Kazu after all."

Zeref said via telepathy, making Kazuya's face tilt upwards into a delightful smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kazu-chan…it must've been pretty bad…"

"It was, but that's over with now. Anything else you'd like to know about me?"

"Ooh! Kazuya-sama! When is your birthday!?"

Juvia didn't want Kazuya to be sad, so changed the subject.

Kazuya shrugged his shoulders.

"I haven't a clue. I celebrate my birthday on February 14th, because that's the day I met Ultear…erm, someone I was close too I mean."

"Ultear…a lover?"

Juvia's face turned big, and quite scary at the same time.

Kazuya adopted a sad face, shaking his head.

"She was my family, not lover. She…was the only family I had until she went away. I don't really want to talk about her if it is all the same."

Zeref, and Mavis could literally feel the hurt that was dripping from his voice.

Even Levy and Juvia felt sad about how sad he sounded too.

"Oh…Juvia's sorry Kazuya-sama, it sounds really bad…"

"Oh, don't worry Juvia-san, it's fine. But yeah…that's when I consider my birthday is. I don't know if my birthday is that, but that's what I call it, and that's when I think it was anyway, I haven't a clue if it is or not though…either way, that's how it is."

"Oh…that's really bad Kazuya-sama…but, the 14th of February…how romantic~ Don't you know that day Kazuya-sama~?"

Kazuya tilted his head.

"I don't know what you mean."

"I mean, that day is Valentine's day~ A day for lovers~ Juvia thinks that your birthday is so romantic Kazuya-sama~ Juvia couldn't be more happier than she is right now~ Juvia's so happy that Kazuya-sama's birthday is on that day~"

"What's Valentine's day?"

Kazuya hadn't heard about it, so Juvia took this chance to 'tell him' all about it.

"Ooh Kazuya-sama! It's the day that Juvia, and Kazuya-sama are destined to be wed together~"

"I thought we covered that I'm not marrying you."

Juvia adopted a cute pout as Levy rolled her eyes.

"But that's when Juvia and Kazuya-sama are destined to be married! It's written in the stars!"

"Is it?"

The young boy tilted his head with a curious expression on his face, the girl nodding her head.

"That's right Kazuya-sama~ Juvia and Kazuya-sama can marry during that day~"

"Don't lie like that Juvia-san."

Juvia's eyes glared at Levy who stuck her tongue out right back.

She turned towards Kazuya and smiled.

"Valentine's day is a day to share romance with your significant other. Like, your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, whoever. It's a day to share romantic things between your love. Like, I don't know…"

"Ooh, so I see! So, that's the day I romance Sensei and we can be naughty together!"

Levy nodded her head, not really hearing what he said at first.

"Yes…wait, what?"

Levy wore a confused face, Juvia's eyes turning teary as Kazuya whizzed towards her.

"Sensei, did you hear that~? There's a day where I can romance you~ Maybe we could be ecchi with one another~?"

Zeref's lips curled upwards, Mavis' curling downwards, and finally, Juvia's eyes were blazing.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!" Juvia let out a high pitched cry. "Kazuya-sama! if you wish to be ecchi, then Juvia's all ready for you! Juvia would love to be ecchi with Kazuya-sama! Of course Juvia would also have fun if it is with Kazuya-sama!"

"Why would we be ecchi with one another?"

Juvia's mind broke, falling to the floor in a flood of tears.

"Kazuya-sama doesn't want to take Juvia as a wife! How cruel is this world!? Juvia can't stand it any longer!"

Kazuya tilts his head, and then bends down towards her.

"What's wrong Juvia-san?"

"You d-don't wanna be ecchi with Juvia…"

"Oh, is that all? Well, I guess if we bond, we could be or something. I don't understand relationships between people, so I don't know how it is to be with humans and such, so I don't see why we wouldn't be able to do something like-"


Kazuya was cut off when they heard a collective scream.

"W-What was that!?"

Levy looked around, but she couldn't see anything.

"That sounded like a bunch of people screaming."

Mavis' eyes turned serious, as did the others eyes in the area.

"Yes…it seems like something like that has happened."

"That sounded like it was coming from the north."

Zeref told Kazuya, who nodded thanks to his increased hearing thanks to being a Dragon Slayer now, though he didn't really notice much change but Zeref said he'd have good hearing now, better than normal peoples hearing.

"But, that's where the city is, isn't it Kazuya-sama?"

Juvia's inquiry was met with a nod from Kazuya himself.

"That's right…ooh God, not again…we're going to get ourselves involved again, aren't we?"

Kazuya in the end knew that he was going to do something like this, and he knew that it would happen, but he was going to have to do something.

"Well, that's what we do best, after all Kazu-chan. Like just three weeks ago, remember when we cleared out that weak dark guild? That was a good day…though we had much help from your Sensei and all…even then, we should go, right Kazu-chan?"

Kazuya nodded at Levy, already feeling the stares from Mavis, though Zeref only wanted Kazuya to do whatever he wanted, not wanting to force him into anything that he didn't want to be forced into, that's how Mavis, and Zeref differed.

"Yeah, I suppose we should. Well, let's go and save the day again I suppose. We also have Sensei, and Mavis-san, so we should be safe~"


Replying energetically, Levy and Juvia ran forward, with Kazuya taking Zeref's hand and then ran forward with Mavis still on his shoulders. He knew that he would have to do something like this eventually, he usually was caught up in things like this.

When they arrived, overlooking a town that was below them, they were shocked at what they saw.

"My God…"

Kazuya was baffled when Levy showed such a face, but she was more sensitive than he was.

The town itself, was seemingly okay itself. But, it was clear they were under attack. Men, women, and children were screaming, and running from people wearing occult type clothing, snatching the children, but not all of them.

That was the odd thing about this. Not all of the children were being taken. Some where being left alone, but not all of them seemed to be getting left alone. Both Mavis, and Kazuya who were inquisitive minds, wanted to know what was going on with everything before them, they didn't know what to think about this right now.

"Just what kind of cult is this…? Those marking's, I haven't seen them before."

Mavis tried to speculate on what was going on.

But she didn't know what she was supposed to be looking at. Though she couldn't see them fully from there.

"It seems like this has done…this town is really in danger right now."

Juvia murmured with a worried expression.

"Well, we should get to work, right Sensei?"

Kazuya's question was met with a nodding head from Zeref.

"If that's what you want."

Kazuya nodded, and brought out his keys, the pair of them glowing at the same time.

"Now open! Gate of the Ram! And open! Gate of the Maiden! Aries-chan! And Virgo-chan!"

Kazuya crossed the keys as he summoned the spirit girls, two doorbells surrounding the area, the sound at least that a doorbell would make when being pressed.

Aries, and Virgo popped out to their dimension, bowing their heads towards Kazuya.

"I-I'm here Kazuya-sama!"

"Ah, I've also arrived Princess. Punishment time?"

Kazuya sweatdropped, shaking his head.

"No, not that. A town is in danger, and we'll need your help too, okay?"

Aries and Virgo immediately changed demeanour, and became serious at the same time.

"Yes Kazuya-sama, I understand."

"You have got it, my Queen."

Kazuya could only wonder why she kept calling him that, even in situations like this.

"Then, let's get going everyone!"

""Right! Let's go!""

Getting a nod from the girls, both human and spirit, they all rushed into the city.

Immediately, getting into the city, the five of them confronted the members of whatever cult they were apart of. They could see people attempting to get away, but the men with the weapons were too fast, and kept grabbing them, dragging them away.

"Allow me to start!" Kazuya sucked in a large amount, and then directed his head towards the enemies before them as water danced within his mouth, and the back of his throat at the same time. "Purity Dragons Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!"

A large burst of water sprang forth from his mouth. It was quite beautiful, and even seemed to reflect the sun at the same time.

The men of the occult were caught off guard, and were violently smashed against with the water, flinging them away from the civilians, saving their lives from being taken by the men in the weird garbs.

"W-What the hell!?"

One of the men roared out, confused.

"Did he just say Dragon Roar!?"

Apparently hearing what he said, the man that said it pulled his body away from the young looking boy, and felt a fear like no other.

"Aah, then Juvia's gonna do, Water Slicer!"

Swinging her arm like an arch, Juvia released a blade of pure water, which swam through the air, and then cut through an enemies spear, and some more enemies spears too, the weapons crumbling down to the ground.

"Little bitch!"

One of the men pointed his finger towards Juvia, and shot forth a bullet of water.

Juvia went to react to it, but Kazuya got between them, and opened his mouth, the bullet entering his mouth, swallowing it whole, and then wiped his lips, smirking to himself.

"How nice, though I've had better. Not pure enough though. I'd prefer to eat better tasting water, but it wasn't bad either."

The man took a step back, frightened of what Kazuya was going to do.

But Kazuya didn't stop, and was about to go forward, when the ground suddenly opened up beneath him, and stopped just as the hole was going to devour him, leaving his head only to be popping out of the ground.

Virgo them came out of the ground beside him, and bowed her body.

"Princess, this one has been defeated. Now, may I have my punishment?"


Virgo's lips dug downwards, as Aries put her hands forward.

"Wool Shot!"

Rather than stay silent, Aries hands conjured some wool, and shot them forward.

"W-What is this crap!?"

"N-No way!"

"G-Get off!"

Aries' wool latched onto the men's body, immobilizing them, and then Aries jumped forward, doing a spin kick, hitting each of their faces strongly, and then knocked them towards walls that were nearby, knocking them out.

"Wow, Aries-san is a savage, isn't she Kazuya-sama?"

Kazuya slowly nodded and then smiled.

"She is a very shy girl though. She only becomes like this when I'm in danger, or when she's jealous of Virgo-san, isn't that right Aries-chan?"

Aries' adopted pouty lips, nodding shyly.

"B-Because Kazuya-sama is my Master, and I love him very much! Of course I'd be jealous of the more forward Virgo! I-I'm sorry if you think badly of me-"


Kazuya shot off like a bullet, and impaled a man that was behind Aries with his head, using water at his feet to propel him.


The mans eyes bulged, and his body was blown away with Kazuya's head alone.

The boy landed next to Aries, as Virgo joined their side.

"Kazuya-sama saved me again…I'm sorry Kazuya-sama! I got distracted!"

"It was my fault for making conversation during a fight. It's fine, let's just work together for now, okay?"

The young girl nodded her head, and together, the two spirits, and Kazuya worked together flawlessly, something that Juvia was envious of actually. She couldn't help but see how together they were, how they fought together, taking on a large group like it was nothing at all. It was like a well oiled machine, the three of them working together that was, though her eyes were more on Kazuya than the females.


Levy didn't like what happened next.

Two people were coming towards her, and she felt like she was going to cry.

But, she wasn't going to give up, and used what she knew to fight.

"Well, looks like there's a little girl here…"

"Let's do this quickly."

The men advanced on Levy, who backed away…

But then she looked towards Kazuya, and saw how he was fighting with all of his power to defend the city. If he was going to do it, then she was going to do her best for the people too, and that meant, she wasn't going to give up.

Pointing her finger outwards, she wrote in the air, activating her magic.

"Solid Script: Oil!"

Directing it downwards, the word Oil appeared and went towards the ground, just before the men's charging feet.

Kazuya briefly stopped, and watched Levy, sensing that someone was over there.

He witnessed Levy's spell causing the ground to become slippery, which made the men fall down to the ground.

Levy lunged forward, and did what he taught her, delivering a swift kick to the pair of them, knocking them to the ground. Thanks the training that Kazuya gave her, Levy could at least do enough damage to knock a none Mage out with her strength.

"Seems like…she's going to be okay."

Kazuya's thoughts where cut off when one man came towards him with a ball of fire made from magic.

He went to react but Juvia jumped and made a sphere of water.

"Water Bubble!"

The sphere of water flew forward in a fast pace, and then wrapped around the mans hand, quenching the fire, giving Kazuya the time to smash his fist deeply into the mans stomach, knocking him out.

"Ah, thanks Juvia-san."

Giving praise to her, Juvia's heart soared into the sky, hearts appearing around her body, and face.

"Kazuya-sama's really praising me!?"

"Well…you did help me out, so yeah. Thanks."

Juvia breathing became heavier, and then she became more determined, facing down a group of enemies.

"Juvia's not gonna hold back now! Kazuya-sama's gonna see my potential too!"

Juvia waved her hands forward, releasing blades of water, cutting through the men's weapons, and robes too, Kazuya being mildly impressed with the way that she handled herself, and even seemingly increased her power by the second.

"Damn…she's quite something huh…"

Kazuya didn't let his thoughts distract him, and continued fighting as the enemies from other parts of the city gathered towards them, seeing the commotion.

"Aah, me too! I'll join in too!"

Mavis flew over to one of them, and grabbed them by the back of the uniform.

"W-What in the hell!?"

The man was lifted off the ground, but Mavis had the strength of a young girl herself, so she couldn't lift him for all that long. But, she did lift him up quite high, and then smirked to herself, as he tried to escape.

"Sorry, here's your stop!"

Mavis allowed the man to drop from the high height.


He flailed his arms around, trying to gain any resistance to the fall, but it wasn't enough, crashing down to the ground, and was knocked out, he was unconscious, Mavis wearing a proud looking face on her features.

One of the men then confronted Zeref, who didn't even realize that she was being confronted, being too concerned with watching Kazuya himself.

"Now pretty girl why don't you just back down…"

Zeref, who had been admiring Kazuya's fighting style, was suddenly interrupted.

Zeref stared at him, not sure what she was supposed to do.

"Are you talking to me?"

Zeref didn't even seem to care that she was being targeted by an enemy, and just stood there, with an emotionless face.

"That's right. Your little brats might be-"

"Don't call my Kazu a brat."

A cold order all in itself, a very frightening one at the same time.

The man backed down, fear itself working its way into the mans soul, Zeref was just that frightening for most normal people, and now this person looked like they were going to make sure that they didn't piss off this woman.


He went to apologize, but Zeref didn't give him the chance.

Zeref just walked past him, and punched upwards.

The devastation of the punch caused the mans head to be forced upwards into the sky, and then fell down to the ground, the man being knocked out from Zeref's punch alone, Kazuya's eyes lighting up in high praise.

"Sensei! That's something amazing!"

Because he was admiring Zeref, he didn't see the person coming behind him.

"Kazu, behind you, don't get distracted!"

Kazuya gasped, and then ducked, avoiding a blade.

Putting power into his fist, Kazuya's fist went upwards.

"Water Dragon's Obliteration Fist!"

Kazuya's fist went into the mans stomach, and blew him off his feet, and into the air.

As they were fighting, suddenly, a large scream came from the right hand side, and it seemed to be really loud too, and in stress, panic, and it wasn't going to go away either, Kazuya knew that he would have to get involved too.

"Sensei, that scream was…"

"What do you think we should do, Kazu?"

Zeref wanted Kazuya to take the lead, wanting to build his confidence and also give him skills that he might need later on in life.

Kazuya dipped his head, but then made a decision.

"Okay! Everyone, stay here apart from Juvia-san! Please follow after me! Aries-chan, Virgo-san! Please procure this area, and any area that is around here, make sure that everyone gets helped. Sensei, and Mavis-san, please help too. O-Of course, Levy-san also."

They all nodded as Kazuya took Juvia's hand.

The girls face once again burned red, and then the pair ran off together down the street, cutting through the enemies that had conversed around them.

Running through the stret together, they finally came across someone that was being attacked, and something was being carried away.

"Kazuya-sama, let's go together!"

"Right, let's do this!"

Kazuya and Juvia rushed forward together, and then jumped.

"A bunch of kids! Try my fire magic!"

One of them caught the sight of Juvia, and Kazuya appearing before them, and went to strike them down with a large ball of fire that was as big as the pair of them.

"Don't worry Kazuya-sama, Juvia has this! Water Dome!"

Spreading her arms outwards, Juvia's water surrounded them in a protective dome, encasing them in the water. Protecting them from the flames, they clashed violently together, and made steam erupt from the area.

However, Kazuya pushed through with water at his feet.

"Water Dragon's Jet Steam!"

Using water at his feet, Kazuya was fired off like a bullet towards the mage in question. A veil of water surrounded Kazuya's body, focusing at the tip of his head, where he went towards the enemy strongly.

"S-Stay away from me!"

The fire mage shot off a sphere of fire, but Kazuya's water broke through it, his head colliding with the enemies stomach, causing him to cough up a large chunk of his stomachs contents, sending him flying through the air, smashing against a nearby building.

Landing on the ground, Kazuya looked towards the other enemy's that were gathering.

"So, who wants to fight?"

The men slowly backed away, seeing their leader being beaten back.

Juvia went to Kazuya's side, and glared at the enemy's before them.

They slowly backed away, but Kazuya and Juvia couldn't allow them to get away, and charged for the enemies together.

"Water Cane!"

Juvia's water turned into a large cane, slapping a few of the enemies across the face, knocking them off balance.

Using this chance, Kazuya dashed forward with his water fists at the ready.

"Water Dragon's Obliteration Fists!"

Like a barrage of bullets, Kazuya's fists went crazy, smashing against each of the enemies, and sent them flying away.

Juvia's and Kazuya's teamwork, wasn't bad at all. In fact, it was quite amazing to see the pair work so well together. But, it was to be expected when their power together, was essentially the ultimate form of water.


As the men had been dispatched by Kazuya and his fellow companion, Kazuya suddenly heard the cry of a woman…

But it wasn't an ordinary woman either, it was a voice that Kazuya knew…

But he didn't think that he would ever hear such a voice again.

He didn't think that he would ever see this woman again, it just seemed insane that he would ever come across this person again.

Turning towards the voice, he was astonished by who he saw on the ground, the same blonde he hadn't seen in a year.


Yes, the woman that he had met, and was a Celestial Spirit Mage too, the girl that was also called Layla Heartfilia was on the ground, crying her eyes out, causing Kazuya to go towards her, and bend down to meet her eyes.

As soon as their eyes met, Layla's eyes opened wider than normal.

"You...you're…that boy from long ago…"

"You're Layla-san, aren't you? Where is your child, Laura-san?"

"Lucy…s-she's been taken away…"

Layla collapsed onto Kazuya's chest, crying her eyes out.

This…had just gotten serious.

End chapter!

So, that's how it went down! Brain makes a brief return, still searching for Kazuya. Zeref, and Kazuya fighting together, training and showing some results with his Dragon Slayer magic, and an explanation on why Kazuya can touch Zeref without dying, and how he actually has the magic, and how Zeref is training him to use Dragon Slayer magic, without being a Dragon herself, will be revealed later on. Juvia seems quite determined to get Kazuya, even going as far as to try…things with Levy, though Mavis was at fault there. Levy is learning hand to hand from Kazuya! Obviously she won't be the best, but she'll be more prepared than canon, reasons why will also be revealed later on. Then Virgo got a little punishment, albeit by mistake and…she got excited. Zeref and Mavis consoled Kazuya in his worry about humans and slowly being drawn to them. And finally, the team work together to fight, but also, seems like Layla is back in the story, which will lead to an important event too, and seems like Lucy has been kidnapped. Well, until next time! Thanks for reading!

Harem; Zeref (fem), Mavis, Aries, Mirajane, Ultear, Virgo, Lucy, Levy, Wendy (older), Juvia, Erza, Jellal (fem).