"Bellamy. It's day nine hundred seventy two since I last saw you and the others face to face instead of in my sketches. I wish my last glimpse of yours hadn't been through the helmet of a hazmat suit.

"I thought about not calling this morning. I told Madi about the radio (she found it in the rover). She'd never heard of something that could send messages so far. Yesterday we sat in the shade under a big tree, and I showed her my sketch book. At first I only told her names, personalities, and how people died. But that lead to stories, and I guess I told her everything. I hope you don't mind.

"When we finished talking the sun had started to set. Can you imagine me talking with someone for a whole day?

"I wasn't even half way through our story when I knew. I can't stop calling you. Even if you're dead, or you never come back, I can't stop calling. I need to talk to you, and if you're there I need you to hear me. I need you to know I haven't forgotten, and I need to make sure you don't forget either.

"I tried to tell you in the lab, and I think you probably tried to tell me on the beach. I don't really know how or when it happened, but when I was telling Madi the story of Skaikru yesterday I was surprised I didn't see it sooner. Maybe because it just happened so naturally that I didn't realize anything had changed, but it has changed, so much since our Dropship days.

"The reason I won't stop calling, the reason I even started, and made it this long…I know, I'm stalling. I'm almost afraid to say it out loud, which is stupid because it's not like you'll be able to respond for another two years. By then you'll probably forget. So here it goes:

"I love you, Bellamy Blake. And that explains just about everything. This isn't a goodbye, it's a promise to keep going until I see your face in person, not on paper."

"I love you, Princess. Damn it if I know how that happened, but I love you, and I'll be there as soon as I can, and I won't forget."

And that's a wrap! Thank you all for the very kind reviews. Knowing people were excited for the next chapter, what they liked or disliked about the story, it really made writing it ten times more fun. Not to toot my own horn, but I've done other fanfics, focusing mostly on ones that finish scenes the show never did, filling in the spaces so to speak. And I am always open to more requests, whether in a PM or in a comment.

Thank you!