A/N: Sorry about being gone for so long, my computer broke, then when I managed to get it fixed I had school, but now that In having a sick day, I thought now would be a good time to try writing a bit again

Chapter 5

As Jaune ran for his life, he wondered if the universe decided to have a laugh at him, or if Murphy's Law didn't like him or something, because there was absolutely no reason he should be running from a Nevermore bigger than a bullhead, and a Deathstalker bigger than a truck.

On the bright side though, he had seven others with him who would hopefully be able to help.

Jaune then noticed some ruins up ahead. "To the ruins! The Deathstalker will have a hard time moving in smaller areas." Said Jaune.

Luckily the others heard him and they started running for the ruins.

When they got there Jaune's heart sank when he noticed the old stone bridge, but they were so close didn't have any other options. Unfortunately, Murphy decided to take some anger out on Jaune once again by having the Neveremore crash through the bridge, splitting them up with Pyrrha, a guy in green, and a girl in black with the Deathstalker. While Jaune, Ruby, a girl with a hammer, the curvy blonde- Damn it hormones, again?!, and a girl in white on the other side with the Nevermore circling around them.

Jaune's eyes took in everything before he came up with a plan. "Hey, hammer girl, what's your name?" Asked Jaune.

"I'm Nora." Said the girl with a large smile despite the dangerous situation.

"Okay, Nora, I need your help to get over to the Deathstalker, I don't have a ranged weapon so I'll only be a hinderance when fighting the Nevermore." Said Jaune.

Nora nodded and raised her hammer. Jaune took a deep breath, he was happy Nora understood what he meant, but still, catapulting above a pit so deep you can't see the bottom is still terrifying. Nora then brought her hammer down and sent Jaune flying across the gap in the bridge, she then flipped her hammer and stood upon it before pulling a trigger and launching herself across, accidentally hitting the girl in black off the bridge.

Jaune started to panic before he saw the girl use her weapon to get back up on the other side. He then looked at the Deathstalker.

"I have a plan, Pyrrha, you and I will keep the pincers busy, green guy-" Started Jaune.

"Ren." Said both Nora and the guy in green, one sounding a little angry and the other sounding monotone.

"-Ren," Jaune corrected, "I need you to shoot where the stinger connects to the tail, and Nora, I need you to keep its attention."

Everyone nodded before setting off on their tasks. Nora ran around it and fired grenades into its face and sides. Pyrrha slashed its right pincer while dodging its strikes. Ren shot where the stinger and tail connected.

As for Jaune, well, Jaune sheathed Crocea Mors and charged towards its left pincer and met its strike head on, only moving back a few centimeters. Jaune then held his free hand behind him and a glowing sword appeared, taking the form of a Zweihander before he jumped up and grabbed it with his other hand and stabbed it into where the Deathstalker's pincer met its arm, pinning it to the ground. Jaune then reached back and grabbed another one and stabbed it in at a different angle and did the same with a third, making it so of the Deathstalker even down try and pull its pincer away it would very likely lose it.

Jaune saw a movement in the corner of his eye and turned to see Ren being sent flying by the Deathstalker's tail into a pillar. Jaune then looked at the pincer.

"Pyrrha!" Yelled Jaune as he hopped off the Deathstalker's pincer.

Pyrrha then flipped back and three Akouo causing it to fall and pierce the Deathstalker's back.

"Damn it, not enough, Nora! Nail it!" Yelled Jaune as crouched he raised his shield, angling it upwards

Nora grinned and slammed her hammer into Jaune's shield and pulled the trigger, the explosion sending her into the air before aiming back down and slamming her hammer into the stinger.

"Off the bridge!" Yelled Jaune.

He and Pyrrha ran towards the Deathstalker, jumping past it as Nora pulled the trigger once more, sending the Deathstalker and the remains of their side of the bridge into the abyss and Nora onto safe ground.

Jaune then turned in time to see Ruby decapitate the Nevermore on the cliff.

"Wow." Jaune said in surprise and awe.

*Later, at in the auditorium*

"Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren, you shall make team JNPR, lead by, Jaune Arc." Said Ozpin.

Jaune's eyebrows raised in surprise, but he didn't get much time to think about it since Pyrrha playfully hit his shoulder. They then left the stage as Ruby and her team walled up.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao-Long, and Blake Belladonna, you shall be known as team RWBY, lead by, Ruby Rose." Said Ozpin.

Jaune smiled clapped, along with the rest of his team and the auditorium.

A/N: And that's the end of that chapter, yeah, I left out some parts of the initiation, but it's done so often I kinda didn't want to do it, but at the same time I didn't want to fully leave it out, also, we saw Jaune's Semblance, now before anyone says anything, I'm gonna explain it and it's weaknessesJaune's Semblance: Aura Weapons: Jaune can make weapons out of his own aura, but it takes up his aura to do so, meaning more aura the bigger the weapon. Also Jaune can only make weapons he's seen, for example, his father and one of his older sisters prefer Zweihander swords, although their weapons' other forms differs with his father preferring a rifle while his sister prefers to turn hers into a blade whip. Finally, Jaune has to wield them himself, since he can only make them, he can't make them float around him or have them attack enemies, this also means Jaune sticks to swords since that's all he knows how to use, for example, of he made an aura version of Gambol Shroud, he would be able to use its sword form, but if he made an aura version of Crescent Rose, it would be useless, or maybe even harmful, to him since he doesn't know how to properly use a scythe and doesn't know much about sniper rifles.