Thank you SO much, Sherry (Banshee69) for all your help, I couldn't have done this without you. I don't own Twilight, SM does.

EPI 4/4




Tanya was charged with breaking and entering, assault and battery, attempted kidnapping, assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, destroying police property; she kicked a side mirror off of a patrol car while fighting the officers, and then Kate came forward to charge her with domestic abuse.

Come to find out, Tanya went batshit crazy after the court hearing, taking her aggression and frustration from it all out on Kate.

Kate was scared to say anything about it to anyone, but was telling her friend Irina. Apparently they've been documenting each incident, taking pictures, and keeping track of dates.

Karma, it really is a bitch.

Tanya has years of prison time to look forward to, and all because she just couldn't let things go, let everyone involved be happy, including herself.

Bella and I are the happiest we've ever been. Knowing that we never have to worry about Tanya coming after Ollie again, and being madly in love makes this the best life ever for us.

There's only one more thing I want to talk to Bella about, see if she'll be agreeable to it.

I'd like to give Ollie a sibling.

"Bella, now that Tanya's sent away, and things are back to normal, what would you say to trying for another baby?" I kiss the side of her neck as we cuddle in bed.

She hums her pleasure. "Oh, Edward, I don't want to try for another baby."

I stop kissing her neck, pulling back to look into her caramel eyes. "What? Why not?"

She places her finger over my lips, silencing my objections. A warm smile lighting up her beautiful face. "Why try, when you're already pregnant?" She giggles.

My shocked expression makes her laugh even harder. "Are you happy?"

I smile so big it feels like my face will split in two. "Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea." I lean in to kiss her. "how happy I am. I place my hand on her flat stomach as I stare into her caramel eyes, looking at my future. "I love you, my Bella, so much." I implore.

She leans into me, placing her lips gently on mine. "I love you, too, so much."

"We're going to be happy, a family, and together, forever."

"Forever." She agrees.




AN: That's all she wrote for this one. Thanks, for following along. If you liked this story, it's up for the top 10 completed fics for the month of May, 2017. Please, consider voting for it. Thanks!