Thank you SO much, Sherry (Banshee69) for all your help, I couldn't have done this without you. I don't own Twilight, SM does. RATED M for content and language.





AN: This story is completely written in Edward's POV except for a few chapters. I will post those POV when needed, otherwise, it's all Edward. This is a drabble fic.





"T, have you seen my keys!?" I yell, searching through my pants pockets.

Tanya comes from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Where did you last have them?" She questions me.

"If I could remember where I last had them, I wouldn't have to ask you where they were, now would I?" I cock my head to the side and smile as sweetly as I can, but it's a bit difficult when I'm stressed and running late.

She rolls her eyes at me as she walks past me to the hall table, plucking up said keys from the bowl that sits in the middle of the glass top. Dangling her prize in front of my face, she teases me. "Are these what you're looking for?"

I smile sheepishly at her. "Thanks T, you're a lifesaver." I tell her as I walk over and kiss her on the cheek.

"Uh huh." She smiles at me. "You better get going, you're already running late."

I look at my watch. "Ahhh, fuck, she hates it when I'm late."

Tanya laughs. "You act like you're scared of her?"

I scoff at her comment. "I am not scared of her."

Tanya raises her eyebrow and crosses her arms.

I drop my head. "Fine, maybe a little?" I mutter.

She gently rubs across my shoulders. "It'll be fine." I look at her like she's lost her mind. She gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze. "It will, you'll see. She'll want to help us, I just know it?"

I take a deep breath, blowing it out roughly. "I hope you're right?"

"She knows we've been trying, right?"

I cup my wife's cheek in my hand. "Of course she knows, T, Bella is my best friend after all. I tell her almost everything." When Tanya looks at me with a hurt expression. "Not everything."

Her eyes soften. " I know she's your best friend and has been for ten years, I accept that."

I study her face. "Do you?"

She strokes my jaw, the two days worth of stubble I have. "Of course I do, Edward. I love you and Bella is a part of your life." She smiles, but I could see it falters but just slightly. "I'm happy that you have such a good friend."

I lean forward and press my lips to hers. "Thanks, T." I mumble against her lips.

She breaks the kiss. "Now go, meet with her, ask her, and see what she says?"

Nodding as I speak. "Okay, I shouldn't be too long."




AN: This story is completely pre-written. I don't have a posting schedule. I have to say, I am extremely proud of this one. PLEASE, leave me your thoughts!