Prompt: Person A has the power to see/sense injuries (anything from bruises to broken bones to hypothermia). They meet Person B when they see suspicious or worrying injuries on them as they walk past each other.

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon A Time, I just like the show and characters. Eventual SwanQueen, slow burn

Chapter 3

When Emma felt her feet hit the hardwood floor of Regina's living room she sighed a breath of relief. She still hadn't gotten used to poofing just yet. Noticing where her left hand was she smiled. Regina had no idea how she felt, and that admission of, "I can't be just friends with you." was enough for Emma to question if maybe Regina felt the same.

But none of that mattered now, right now it was time to save the Queen from her dreams.

The two women seemed to be of one mind as they moved to the couch together. Regina deviated slightly as she went in search of her cider.

She came back with two glass bottles full of liquid and two glasses.

"Talk to me Gina."

Regina sighed, poured them each some cider and began the long, somewhat painful discussion of where her dreams were taking her. Emma was quiet up until she got to the marks on her throat.

"You're saying your mother choked you? Regina that isn't right!"

"Emma! Calm down.. These are memories I'm experiencing, not current events."

But Emma wasn't taking that news any better. "That doesn't matter! Your mother abused you Regina. That's that's.." Emma engulfed Regina in a tight hug and began to shake. "No one will ever hurt you like that again Gina."

Regina was speechless. She didn't think Emma cared. What was more, she was scared of how deeply Emma cared. "What do you propose?"

Emma was fire ready with her response. "I'm staying the night, Henry will stay with my parents. Once you lay down to go to sleep I'll cover you in light magic, the dreams can't get you in light magic."


The blonde's hand covered Regina's thigh and met her gaze. "It'll work." Regina couldn't help but nod and believe the savior.

Dinner was tense that night, though it was a pleasant affair. Emma hit on Regina at every opportunity, and Regina in turn tried seducing Emma. What neither woman realized was it had effected them to their cores.

On their way up to bed Regina phoned Henry, telling him to be good for his grandparents and to say goodnight. When Emma got on the phone he asked why she wasn't coming back to the loft. Instead of lying she told him part of the truth. "Your mom needs my help, don't worry we'll see you tomorrow. I love you Hen."

Once off the phone with their son both women changed into their pajamas. Well, Regina did. Emma simply took off every layer of clothing but her boxers and tank top. Regina's eyes roamed over the blonde's form and she shuddered slightly.

As the two lay in bed for the night Regina found herself unconsciously becoming Emma's little spoon. Curling up against the savior she drifted off into sleep. hoping that no nightmares would become her.

The second Emma realized Regina was out she shot a protective orb of light magic around the Queen. She'd be damned if she'd let Cora hurt her again. All was fine for Regina until about 4am, that's when the shaking started. The protective white light was still covering Regina and Emma didn't know what to do. As she heard the brunette cry out for Daniel, Emma wrapped her arms tightly around Regina.

Taking a deep breath she lowered her mouth to the Queen's and kissed her. A large wave of magic radiated out of both women, and Regina stopped shaking. The power, Emma could see through the blinds of the bedroom, went out for five seconds all over town. They came back on and with a jolt, Regina woke up.

Looking around in shock Regina began gasping for breath. She turned to Emma and her voice went up a few octaves. "You kissed me."

Emma nodded, not bothering to try and deny it. "It was the only way I could get you to stop convulsing."

"Your kiss got me out of the dream." Regina whispered astonished.

"Why are you acting like this is shocking?"

"Rumple told me the only way to stop these dreams is to be kissed by one's true love while in a dream."

Emma's eyes widened and her only thought was, 'Oh.' before she blacked out.

AN: Hey guys! Thank you so much for being patient with me. I said in previous fic updates (This Fragile Heart) that I'd be updating this fic 3 times today. Unfortunately some things have come up that don't allow me to finish that. But this fic starting Friday will be updated regularly. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for understanding! Please leave reviews?