Prompt: Person A has the power to see/sense injuries (anything from bruises to broken bones to hypothermia). They meet Person B when they see suspicious or worrying injuries on them as they walk past each other.

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon A Time, I just like the show and characters, slight OOC for our favorite ladies. Yes magic is present, not sure where I'm picking up on the show. Neal is dead, Snow and Charming have baby Neal. Henry is growing up. Eventual SwanQueen, slow burn

Chapter 1

Emma Swan walked down Main Street of Storybrooke towards the Mayor's office. She had seen Regina acting strangely the past few days and it was starting to concern her. There had been what looked like deep bruising throughout her body that didn't make sense. Snow had noticed Emma's preoccupation but just brushed it off.

Walking straight up to the office where the one and only Regina Mills was to be found she slipped past Andrea who was getting a cup of coffee. She'd make sure to send the girl a basket of muffins for the hell that would be sure to reign down on her.

Walking into the office Emma found Regina in a peculiar position. She was standing, her shirt was bunched around her abdomen and there was speckled bruises adorning the woman's caramel colored skin. The sharp gasp was the only thing that alerted Regina to a presence in her office.

"Miss Swan!"

"Regina what happened?" Emma walked over to her with concern etched on her face. Coming around the desk to stand nose to nose to Regina, she reached out to comfort her son's mother.

Swatting the saviors hands away the brunette refused to look into the blonde's eyes. "Nothing. Now it's almost three, shouldn't you be picking up Henry for his riding lesson?"

Emma wasn't sure what to make of the older woman's refusal to acknowledge the marks. But she knew this wasn't about to be the end of the conversation. "I asked David to take him. I wanted to talk to you without little ears around." Emma smiled slightly, Henry was already twelve and he was definitely not little anymore.

"I'm fine Miss Swan. Now if you'll excuse me I have-"

"Work to do?" Emma finished for her. "No, you don't. It's Friday, you're always done at three on Fridays and home by 3:15 to start work on the family dinner you invite me to every Thursday."

Regina glared at Emma but that wasn't what the savior noticed. What she noticed was the somewhat faded marks on Regina's wrists, the hand prints around the woman's throat.

"Regina please, we're friends. Talk to me."

The only thought going through Regina's mind was, "I can't be just friends with you." Apparently the thought didn't stay in her mind though.

The hurt look on Emma's face was enough to make Regina rip out her own heart and crush it. Two years ago, she wouldn't have blinked twice about hurting the woman who broke her curse. Who took Henry away from her. Now though..

Regina summoned her magic and vanished in a puff of purple smoke, leaving the savior alone in her office.